Ember Data Snapshot and how to detect changes? - ember.js

I'm writing my own adapter/serializer. In order to send data to backend, I have to detect changes in DS.Snapshot and original Ember object. For ordinary attributes, it is possible to changedAttributes() but I did not found a way how to detect changes in hasMany relations.
I can detect new relation using snapshot.hasMany('foo') and changedAttributes(). But this approach is not able to find deleted relations.

Ember (2.x) does not track relations (e.g. hasMany) but it is possible to use ember-addon ember-data-change-tracker that can almost do it. It allows you to (auto-)save the current state of relations and afterwards you can compare this 'saved' (=old state) with the current state. You have to find a difference by yourself. A simple example from adapter:
snapshot.hasMany('users').length <-- current count of relations
snapshot.record.savedTrackerValue('users').length <-- old count of relations
Thanks to Christoper for pointing me to the right direction.


Django Model Field - is there anyway to define a field that stores an object

I'm trying to add Django to my react project. Currently, I'm stuck on defining correlating model fields in Django to what I had in React state.
This is what my old state looks like (when I stored all the info directly in the state
This is what my new state looks like (when I fetched the data from api and stored it into the state
This is the JSON file I'm using to load the data to django database
The reason I want to have "teamBackground", "textColor", "votedUpColor", "votedDownColor" properties is that I want to be able to style each team.
My question is how can I convert the values of these properties from string to object?
I tried defining these properties as CharField and JSONField, but they don't seem to be working. Is there any way to solve this problem?
Objects cannot be stored in a relational database AFAIK. You also dont need to store them. There are a few possible solutions to your problem.
You can create separate relations for teamBackground, textColor, votedDownColor, votedUpColor. All of these relations would have one column, 'color'. This may be the better solution if you plan to add more attributes to any of these classes. You would then have a one to one relationship between these relations and your original relation.
You can add them as columns in your current relation. While this is probably the most simple way to do it, its not scalable. If you need a different object for teamBackground, textColor, votedDownColor, votedUpColor, then you probably need a separate relation for them as well. However if you are looking for a hack, then you can just add their colors to your original relation instead of adding the object.
Again, kind of a hack but you can convert the objects to a JSON string, and then save that string as a column in your relation. Check here for more information about decoding and encoding JSON in python.

How to not lose hasMany changes on Ember query?

In my application, I search for documents with query.
Then I edit one attribute in a single document, and then I call search query again.
Result is OK, I see document still in a dirty state with changed attribute.
Then I again pick one of documents and edit its hasMany relation (from 2 items to 4 items). And then I call search query again.
Result is NOT OK, hasMany relation change is lost/disposed/rollbacked.
Is there a way so Ember query (i guess it's some Ember internal reload) does not rollback not saved relation changes ?
I am using Ember 2.9.1
For now i have no other way than prohibit any filter query actions or route actions anything that could call query again, since that would cause lost data that user set.
Ember's store.query method always refetches the models from the backend (unlike the find* methods). With a query, it's the only way to make sure you have the most up-to-date data (and that the models loaded into the store are still valid). Even in your instance, you may run into unexpected results if you change the data such that it no longer meets your query criteria.
If you would like to keep edits around between queries, I would recommend making a copy of all models which are dirty (check the hasDirtyAttributes attribute). You can gather them with peekAll. Once copied, you can then make the query and patch the records by ID. Perhaps by using Ember.assign.
Even using that method, I would still think that you will get into trouble tracking the changes and making sure the records stay consistent with your query. Like what do you if that record wasn't returned (deleted on the server or no longer meets your criteria)? Do you drop your edits? What if you have a conflict between the data from the server and your local version (e.g. another user patched the hasMany relationship that the other user is now querying and modifying)?
ember-changeset seems like it could be useful here. However, it's not obvious how to get a ChangeSet to apply to a new instance of the same model. Though it may be possible to keep a snapshot and match them up manually. However, you still run into data consistency issues.

Where to store transient UI state in Ember 2.0

Ember 2.0 has gone great lengths towards making everything a component. With routable components coming soon, controllers will probably phased out as well.
However, there is a recurring problem I face when building User interface, which I don't have a satisfying pattern for so far: user interface state.
What am I taking about?
Selection state
Current focus
Folded/unfolded state in some tree display
Basically, any state that is not part of the actual data, yet has to be tracked on an object-by-object basis. In the past, this used to be done with Controllers, acting as proxies to models. This approach is now obsolete. The new approach is Components everywhere, for the better. Component does the bookkeeping, tracks transient state and you get actions back.
A typical pattern I have, though, is with shared state, such as a list with selectable items.
The issue
Building a list component, with the following requirements:
Each item can be selected.
Selection state changes the DOM (some class bindings).
User can draw a rectangle in the list component to select several items at once.
Ideally, the whole behavior can be abstracted out as a mixin.
Question: where does the selection flag live?
1) Everything is a component.
I make each item a sub-component, say {{my-list-item}}. The component tracks the selection state. Problem: how can the list component update the selection state?
2) Move state out of sub-components.
Put it on the list component. Within a separate state array alongside the item list. Pros: the list has all the state it needs. Cons: it's a nightmare to keep it synced when items are added or removed from the list. And it means the sub-component have no access to the state. Or maybe I could pass it to them as a bound value?
3) Reintroducing proxies.
Coming to think of it, there is a way to share some state: put it on the models. Well, not on the actual models so as not to pollute them with local state, but by setting up an ArrayProxy that will return some ObjectProxy for every item, to hold the state.
Pros: this is the only solution I managed to implement completely. Cons: encapsulation and decapsulation of items is a hassle. Also, after a few layers of being passed around, get and set have to go through 4 ou 5 proxies, which I fear will be a problem with performance.
Also, it does not work well for mixins. Should I want to abstract out some HasSelection mixin, and a HasFoldableItems mixin, and a Sortable mixin, they all need some state.
Back to the drawing board
Is there some better pattern I have not found?
I found the following relevant questions, but that led me nowhere:
Ember.js - where should interface state be stored? (2012, suggests something close to my #3 above)
Road to Ember 2.0 - High level Ember app structure feedback? (some of the key questions in the list are relevant to this one)
Great question - I actually went to one of the core ember team members to find out and the answer currently is services. Because the component is best left stateless (for the most part) you can leverage a service to persist this state that doesn't fit into a server persisted model.
Here is a great example that Stef Penner put together showing how you might save a "email draft" in your ember app (that isn't persisted backend)
Example component for reference (from the github project above)
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'form',
editEmailService: Ember.inject.service('email-edit'),
state: Ember.computed('email', function() {
return this.editEmailService.stateFor(this.get('email'));
actions: {
save() {
this.sendAction('on-save', this.get('email'));
cancel() {
this.sendAction('on-cancel', this.get('email'));

Ember-Model: How to establish a hasMany or belongsTo relationship by using a "foreign key"?

I have a bit of a problem using Ember-Model, trying to establish a unique relationship between two models.
Based on current responses that I have received here on S.O., Ember Forums, and #emberjs. I am beginning to believe that there is no built-in solution for this problem, and I am reformatting my question to specify what is needed.
I am populating a template currently with a full set of debtor information. All the information comes from multiple calls to the server.
The first bit is the basic Debtor info. This part is easy because I can use the model hook and a dynamic segment to retrieve it.
My server returns a JSON for a Debtor... Here's the short version:
"debtor" = {
"debtor_id": 1003,
"debtor_name": Steve,
//... more JSON
"debtor_contact_id": 1345
The dynamic segment for Debtor is filled with the value of the debtor_id, but also notice this debtor has a debtor_contact_id. Every Debtor record retrieved from the server has a unique debtor_contact_id. On the database, this value is a "foreign key" that will tell which contact table belongs to which debtor table.
There is no way to predict which contact info relates to which debtor without this key/value pair.
I currently have "Contacts" belongsTo "Debtor", but that is not enough to do the job.
When it is time to fill the "Contacts" model. Ember-Model needs to know to build the value from debtor_contact_id into the ajax URL as a query parameter in order to GET the correct API.
I am still learning all of this stuff and so far I have not been able to fully follow any tutorials because my use case has an extra step needed somewhere.
This is the expected behavior I am hoping to see:
Model hook will work as expected to pull the specific debtor and put it into a "debtor" model (this part is currently working just fine)
Somehow "debtor_contact_id" is read from the payload
that value is added as part of a server query to find a separate API
the resulting contact info will be pulled into a "contact" model
hopefully a hasMany/belongsTo relationship can be established after both corresponding models are returned.
all this needs to be done in one promise before entering my template
You will also find the question at: discuss.emberjs.com if that is more appropriate place to discuss.
I can elaborate more if this does not make sense... thanks!
Assuming you are using ember-data, alongside the attributes of your model you need to add:
debtor_contact: DS.belongsTo('name_of_the_other_model')
This then provides you a promise which will resolve to the other model on demand. It won't resolve straight away, but bound variables in templates will update as it is resolved. The other API call will be made for you if things are set up properly.
The answer I gave here might also be helpful if you need to force resolving the relationship for some reason: Ember Unbound & Belongsto

How to show all the data changes since the last commit in Ember data?

I know that Ember data's model has the isDirty attribute, but how can I use it to show a list of all the changes/deltas of the data since the last commit?
Tom Dale's talk (listen until 36:44) mentioned that it is possible to tweak the adapter(github, api) or serializer (github, api) hooks to do that. Can anyone give me an example?
current research: I'm using the local storage adapter which adds stuff to the dirty set, which I think might be what I want. It is found in the ember data store, ember data adapter, ember data relationship changes. I am trying to figure out how everything fits together to show the data changes.
If it's any help, Ember Data stores the new (unsaved) values of attributes in the model's _attributes hash. It's quite internal though so you might want to be careful with it - I would n't recommend manipulating it directly.