Disambiguate source files in Chapel build - chapel

Following up on this question about including source files. I am including a Chapel modules that contains one file called classes.chpl, but my current project also has a classes.chpl. What is the correct disambiguation pattern? When I do
chpl -M/path/src
it notes the conflict, then chooses the classes.chpl in the current directory. Should I compile the module for export as in this page or is there another pattern.
== UPDATE ==
The directory structure looks like
Where each project depends on the classes in the respective classes.chpl file. Trying to compile projA I am currently using
chpl alpha.chpl -M../projB/
But this causes a conflict, as it tries to use projA/classes.cphl for the classes in both beta.chpl and alpha.chpl.

As described in the module search paths tech note, the Chapel compiler searches for user modules by, in this order:
Looking at .chpl files specified on the command line
Looking at other .chpl files in the directories containing the files specified on the command line
Looking at .chpl files in the paths specified via the -M option or the CHPL_MODULE_PATH environment variable
Since the compiler finds the classes.chpl from the project directory using rule 2, and only finds the /path/src/classes.chpl with rule 3, it chooses the one in the project directory. To get it to choose /path/src/classes.chpl instead, you can specify it on the command line so it is found with rule 1.
chpl mainModule.chpl /path/src/classes.chpl


Loading OCaml modules not in the current directory

I'm writing a large OCaml project. I wrote a file foo.ml, which works perfectly. In a subdirectory of foo.ml's directory, there is a file bar.ml.
bar.ml references code in foo.ml, so its opening line is:
open Foo
This gives me an error at compile time:
Unbound module Foo.
What can I do to fix this without changing the location of foo.ml?
The easy path is to use one of OCaml build system like ocamlbuild or oasis. Another option would be jbuilder but jbuilder is quite opiniated about file organization and does not allow for the kind of subdirectory structure that you are asking for.
The more explicit path comes with a warning: OCaml build process is complicated with many moving parts that can be hard to deal with.
After this customary warning, when looking for modules, OCaml compiler first looks for module in the current compilation environment, then looks for compiled interface ".cmi" files in the directories specified by the "-I" option flags (plus the current directory and the standard library directory).
Thus in order to compile your bar.ml file, you will need to add the parent directory in the list of included directories with the -I .. option.
After all this, you will discover that during the linking phase, all object files (i.e. .cmo or .cmx) need to be listed in a topological order compatible with the dependency graph of your project.
Consequently, let me repeat my advice: use a proper build system.

NMake Optional Dependencies

We’re currently upgrading our archaic build system from a bunch of batch scripts to a makefile system using NMake. It’s challenging as we use a custom intermediate language that ends up getting translated to C++ where some of our translators can generate 10’s of files what have a common parts in the file names. The other challenging thing is we use a bunch of CSV files to configure our interfaces and these files get passed through to our configuration tools which generate more source code files. Right now I am focusing on creating the simple rules for our configuration files but can’t seem to figure out a way associate a dependency with a rule if the dependency exists. I tried to use $(wildcard xxx.csv) but found out that this command doesn’t exist for NMake like it does for GNU Make.
So how can I create my rule so that it executes and runs my commands if I have two dependency csv files that will always exists and a third csv file that will exist only when my project calls for it?
[..] will exist only when my project calls for it?
This is a bit unclear. Assuming that there is a command that - depending on some external circumstances - might generate that third csv file, you could use a "stamp file" (I think they call it "pseudo target" in NMAKE):
touch stamp # updates timestamp of "stamp" (or creates it)
target: csv1 csv2 stamp
command_using_all_of csv1 csv2 csv3

How to add Stata programs in subdirectories?

I'd like to add a directory containing .ado files to the ado-path. This directory contains several subdirectories, corresponding to different projects. The .ado files are in these subdirectories.
However, when I type adopath + directory, commands in the .ado files are not recognized by Stata. I need to enter adopath + directory/subdirectory for each subdirectory. Is there a way around it?
Stata has a rule that in addition to the directories (etc.) explicitly named in the adopath, it will also look off those in subdirectories named by an individual letter for programs whose names begin with that letter.
Thus suppose you are invoking a command whatever and your named directories include c:\ado\plus. Stata's searches will include c:\ado\plus\w if that exists and a program file has not yet been found.
However, Stata doesn't promise to search in all subdirectories and it will pay attention to the initial letter of the program name.
Having .ado files specific to a project would best be accommodated by changing to the directory involved while working on that project. If you prefer not to do that, then you need to name specific directories fully if they don't match your adopath as extended by this single letter rule.
This is a matter of personal style, but I have never thought of any ados I wrote as specific to a particular project. Do-files yes, but not ados. But your project do-file might start with additions to the adopath and finish with reversing those.

The path in protobuf

I don't quite understand the path in protobuf. My file layout like this:
c.proto // import "A/a.proto";
I have written an RPC system based on protobuf and I need generate two kinds of files(client and server code) from c.proto. Client code should be placed in B and Server code still in C.
I can't write a correct command.
Top> protoc -I=. --client_out=./B/ C/c.proto will generate client code in B/C and the #include in code will have a wrong path.
Top/C> protoc -I=../ -I=./ --client_out=./ ./c.proto lead a protobuf_AddDesc_* error.
For every .proto file, protoc tries to determine the file's "canonical name" -- a name which distinguishes it from any other .proto file that may ever find its way into your system. In fact, ideally, the canonical name is different from every other .proto file in the world. The canonical name is the name you use when you import the .proto file from another .proto file. It is also used to decide where to output the generated files and what #includes to generate.
For .proto files specified on the command line, protoc determines the canonical name by trying to figure out what name you would use to import that file. So, it goes through the import paths (specified with -I) and looks for one that is a prefix of the file name. It then removes that prefix to determine the canonical name.
In your case, if you specify -I=. C/c.proto, then the canonical name is C/c.proto. If you specified -I=C C/c.proto, the canonical name would then simply be c.proto.
It is important that any file which attempts to import your .proto file imports it using exactly the canonical name determined when the file itself was compiled. Otherwise, you get the linker error regarding AddDesc.
In general, everything works well if you designate some directory to be the "root" of your source tree, and all of your code lives in a subdirectory of that with a unique name designating your project. Your "root" directory should be the directory you pass to both -I and --client_out. Alternatively, you can have separate directories for source files vs. generated files, but the generated files directory should have an internal structure that mirrors your source directory. You can then specify the generated files directory to --client_out, and when you run the C++ compiler, specify both the source and generated files directories in the include path.
If you have some other setup -- e.g. one where the .proto files live at a different canonical path from the .pb.h files -- then unfortunately you will have some trouble making protoc do what you want. Though, given that you are writing a custom code generator, you could invent whatever rules you want for the way its output files are organized, but straying from the rules the standard code generator follows might lead to lots of little pitfalls.

Compiling C++Builder project on command line

Is there a way to compile a C++Builder project (a specific build configuration) from the command line?
Something like:
CommandToBuild ProjectNameToBuild BuildConfiguration ...
There are different ways for automating your builds in C++Builder (as of my experience, I'm speaking about old C++Builder versions like 5 and 6).
You can manually call compilers - bcc32.exe (also dcc32.exe, brcc32.exe and tasm32.exe if you have to compile Delphi units, resource files or assembly language lines of code in your sources) and linker - ilink32.exe.
In this case, you will need to manually provide the necessary input files, paths, and keys as arguments for each stage of compilation and linking.
All data necessary for compilation and linking is stored in project files and, hopefully there are special utilities, included in the C++Builder installation, which can automate this dirty work, provide necessary parameters to compilers and linker and run them. Their names are bpr2mak.exe and make.exe.
First you have to run bpr2mak.exe, passing your project *.bpr or *.bpk file as a parameter and then you will get a special *.mak file as output, which you can use to feed on make.exe, which finally will build your project.
Look at this simple cmd script:
#bpr2mak.exe YourProject.bpr
#ren YourProject.mak makefile
You can provide the real name of "YourProject.mak" as a parameter to make.exe, but the most straightforward way is to rename the *.mak file to "makefile", and then make.exe will find it.
To have different build options, you can do the following:
The first way: you can open your project in the IDE, edit options and save it with a different project name in the same folder (usually there are two project files for debug and release compile options). Then you can provide your building script with different *.bpr files. This way, it looks simple, because it doesn't involves scripting, but the user will have to manually maintain coherency of all project files if something changes (forms or units added and so on).
The second way is to make a script which edits the project file or make file. You will have to parse files, find compiler and linker related lines and put in the necessary keys. You can do it even in a cmd script, but surely a specialised scripting language like Python is preferable.
msbuild project.cbproj /p:config=[build configuration]
More specifics can be found in Building a Project Using an MSBuild Command.
A little detail not mentioned.
Suppose you have external dependencies and that the .dll file does not initially exist in your folder
You will need to include the external dependencies in the ILINK32.CFG file.
This file is usually in the folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\Bin\ilink32.cfg
(consider your installation location)
In this file, place the note for your dependencies.
Example: A dependency for TeeChart, would look like this (consider the last parameter):
-L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\lib";"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\lib\obj";"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\lib\release";"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart 805 for Builder 6\Builder6\Include\";"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart 805 for Builder 6\Builder6\Lib\"
You will also need to include the -f command to compile.
In cmd, do:
//first generate the file.mak
1 - bpr2mak.exe MyProject.bpr
//then compile the .mak
2 - make.exe -f MyProject.mak
You can also generate a temporary mak file with another name, as the answer above says, directly with bpr2mak
bpr2mak.exe MyProject.bpr -oMyTempMak.mak