Visual Studio 2017 Deployment Error on Windows 10 IoT - visual-studio-2017

I've been developing my Windows Store App for over a month, and all of a sudden I get this error when I try to run it in Visual Studio 2017 on my developer machine:
Visual Studio Errors
(DEP0600 Deployment Failed. Failed to deploy through new deployment pipeline)
(DEP8000 Unexpected deployment failure: AggregateException : One or more errors occurred)
This error only occurs at my current project, not at a standard template for example.
I already cleaned and rebuild my solution but still no success.
At the moment I run
Target Version : Windows 10 Anniversary Edition(10.0; Build 14393)
Min Version : Windows 10(10.0; Build 10586).

For me the problem was that my app was already running. I set it as the startup app and after that I couldn't redeploy the newer version. Stopping the app solved the problem.

DEP8000 just means that an agregated thread encountered an error and is thrown to the parent thread.
The real issue here is DEP0600.
I encountered a solution on MSDN.
Basicaly it can occur if any of your filenames has accented characters (á, ô. õ, é) ect.
Rename all your files to remove these and you're good to go.

You need to change the Universal Window Target Version as Windows 10 Fall Creators Update(10.0;Build 16299).
If you can not find this version option,you need to install the WDK for 16299, this is the download link.Please try it,and feel free to let me know if there is any problem.

I encountered the same problems when working with Deploying UWP app to HoloLens.
Here are few steps that can help:
Clean & Rebuild solution
Deleting .vs folder can help
Else you can just rename the package name under project settings.


DLL not found in redistributable (biddll.dll)

I’m having difficulty getting the sample code for tws api running. I’ve successfully run it on a borrowed laptop but the same version fails on my own windows 10 laptop. When running on Release mode in Win32, I get the popups
The code execution cannot proceed because biddll.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. and The procedure entry point ?cancelOrder#EClient##QAEXJ#Z could not be located in the >dynamic link library C:\Eclipse-workspace\TWS >API\samples\Cpp\TestCppClient\ReleaseTestCppClient.exe.
I’ve read through several questions similar to this. I’ve tried installing the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 for both x86 and x64 from here: I’ve tried loading biddll.dll from another folder but it gives the message “Module was built without symbols.”. I’ve run “sfc /scannow” for broken files. The issue persists. biddll.dll still seems to not be anywhere in the system files or the API files. The only version is the one I copied from another version of the project.
Thanks for your suggestions. I uninstalled TWS API and reinstalled it. I made sure to build for Release. It sounds like there was a mismatch between some debug libraries and it started pulling them instead. There may have been some unexpected behavior from installing several versions while troubleshooting as well.

rzc generate exited with code -2147450730

After I created the blazor application in Visual studio . When i trying to run or build the application am getting this error.
I used dotnet restore and dotnet build .
This was the fix for me
If you check the build ouput window, you might see a more useful error like:
This showed that I needed to install the lastest .NET runtime from
For me, installing 2.1 SDK did the trick. Here is the link to it:
I updated Visual Studio to 2019 v16.9.2 and that fixed it for me.
I also read another post where repairing the VS installation fixed the problem.
My problem started mysteriously after everything had been working for some time, so I don't think it was an issue with the version. I think just running the upgrade repaired the installation.

Your project is not referencing the "UAP,Version=v10.0.10240" framework

I am using Visual Studio Community Edition 2017 and trying to create a UWP application.
I get the following error
Your project is not referencing the "UAP,Version=v10.0.10240" framework. Add a reference to "UAP,Version=v10.0.10240" in the "frameworks" section of your project.json, and then re-run NuGet restore.
I had the same issue on my build machine. What's weird is everything runs fine on my local machine.
I managed to fix this by going into the project properties for my UWP app, and changing the Target version to match the Min version.
The reason I believe this issue is happening is because when targeting a higher framework, on a Windows Server machine (the build agent) it doesn't restore all of the packages between your min and target version. It seems to build fine against the version you target.
By the way Ken, following the instructions given by the error don't fix the issue. Try not to be so rude. I came to this page looking for the same issue, and you are no help at all.
I have the same issue, after I remove my bin and obj folder, I can build mine and see the errors gone.
I recently ran across this same issue when updating the target framework. The issue turned out to be the Nuget Restore task in my VSTS Build definition needed to be updated to the latest version (2.*). Once I did that, the builds worked as expected.
I agree with Jeff. Ken Not sure if you should be giving any answers with this kind of attitude.
The error message is misleading there is not project.json at least you cannot see it in the Visual Studio explorer.
I had the same issue and have min and target version set to the same number but it would not build.
The fix was to make sure in Nuget package manager setting to tick checkbox 'Allow Nuget to download missing packages' and the one below it as well and rebuild the project.
This is a pretty weird mistake, but what worked for me :
1st Solution:
1 - Change your project target to "10.0.10586" (or up)
2 - Make a clean / nuget restore / rebuild
3 - Return the project target to the "10.0.10240"
4 - Make a clean / nuget restore / rebuild
Do not ask me why, but it worked :)
2nd Solution:
If you use a repository with Tortoise, try making a CLEANUP
I had an old Backup folder in my project that contained a project.json. Looks like it might have been from an earlier upgrade. I deleted Backup and got a good build.
This happens in exactly this manner, if projects were generated in the year 2017 in the phase where MS changed to project.json and then decided against it. I tried several solutions (and yeah, Ken White is so wrong!) and the cleanest way was to really build up a new clean project in the lastest and up to date version of Visual Studio (VS2015 did not work sustainable) and just copy over the old project content which is just a few minutes work. This will save you a lot of headaches especially working in a larger team!
I tried the above solutions but nothing worked. I had to backup and remove the UWP project and recreate it from scratch.
I tried a couple of solutions.
Solution 1
Open the solution from Windows explorer and search for project.json files. Open all of them (If you have multiple) and make sure the required framework versions are there. I frequently switch between build 10240 and 17763 and I get this error frequently. (I switch between git branches that target different frameworks of UWP) So instead of adding the exact version I just added only the 10.0 part like this.
"frameworks": {
"uap10.0": {}
Now if your project.json files are ok, search for project.lock.json files. If you have one or more of those, delete them.
Now clean your solution
Close VS
Delete all the bin and obj folders.
Reopen the VS and try to run the app.
Solution 2:
Go to project properties
Change the minimum and target version to something else and do a clean build. Then put the actual versions and build again.

Can't get past Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi.msi in VS2017 RC Update

I previously successfully installed Visual Studio 2017 RC Enterprise on Windows 10 Home. I saw in the Notifications area an update to a later version of the RC, and so I clicked on that notification to install it.
The installation got as far as the attempting to install the Android Emulators, but failed and the log said it needed Win10 Pro.
So I removed the emulator from the install options, but the install didn't complete and this time the log said:
[27ac:0038][2017-01-31T10:08:47] Download requested:
[27ac:003a][2017-01-31T10:08:47] Attempting download '' using engine 'WebClient'
[27ac:0026][2017-01-31T10:08:48] Completed: Installing Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi
[27ac:0026][2017-01-31T10:08:48] Error: Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi,version=15.0.26109.1' failed to install. MSI: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi,version=15.0.26109.1\Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi.msi, Properties: REBOOT=ReallySuppress ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 MSIFASTINSTALL="7" VSEXTUI="1" VS7.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise" , Return code: 1316, Details: The specified account already exists.
I tried to follow the instructions from Visual Studio 2017 RC Install Error "The specified account already exists." however its says the action is only valid for installed products
Yesterday I did notice MinShell in the Programmes Uninstall list and tried removing it from there.
However it makes no difference and every time I try and run the installer I get the same error. I have tried making sure that no VS2017 related items are installed in Programs and Features, and deleting directories manually from Program files etc
Starting to get really annoyed as I had a completely working compiler and IDE and I've already been totally unable to upgrade Win10 to the Anniversary Update due to the 0x8007002C – 0x400D error during Migrate-Data operation. I tried the fix of resetting the Storage app to make all defaults C:, and then the Documents link, but that didn't fix it, although I see I've missed Downloads, Pictures and Video, so will try again tonight but I still don't see it working, although I think the failure moved from 79% to 83%
#Peter Nimmo I had the same issue. Solve it by:
Go to C:\Program Data\Microsoft, go to Properties then click the Security tab and add System, then give full permission. The reason why it couldn't install is because it can't access the folder required.
Hope it works for you. If it doesn't, you could try the following additional steps:
Go to C:\ then at the search box type %temp% then delete everything in it.
Run this script in Powershell Admin mode:
This problem might be caused by setting a separate cache folder when installing. The steps below should fix it.
delete the visualstudio folder in your Registry editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE(under Microsoft?)
run InstallCleanup.exe---> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout
delete contents in your temp folder C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Temp(skip items that cannot be deleted)
run InstallCleanup.exe
inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout
then restart your computer
Go to %ProgramData%\Microsoft and rename VisualStudio folder (e.g. to VisualStudio_old)
Try again with fresh install.
Please temporarily disable 3rd party anti-virus software and try the following steps to check if it works for you:
Type “Administrative Tools” in search box
Open “Local Security Policy”
Navigate to “Software Restriction Policies” (If it displays “No Software Restrictions Defined”, please right-click on the “Software Restriction Policies” node and select “New Software Restriction Policies”)
Double-click on “Enforcement”
Select “All users except Local Administrators” and click on OK
Restart your computer and run the Visual Studio Installer as administrator to repair the installation
Please Refer :
similar error for me sort of, it starts installing then gets stuck on shell(minimum) and shell interops and the shell(minimum) resources and interop resources..then i get a fatal error, tells me that Visual Studio Devenv resource fails.. no matter what i try i cannot install on my windows 10 1607 anniversary update 3 64-bit with all updates to this minute. I read microsoft is aware and its become a huge problem, programming error. Anyone figures out how to install let me know please.
EDIT: so its a huge pain to get visual studio 2015 to install, i kept reinstalling it and everytime the error window came up i read the log, then i manually searched and installed components listed, and also had to manually create folders almost each time following the path listed in the log file. after 12 hours and alot of searching and installing i now have a fully functional visual studio 2015 pro edition back on my computer..i wanted 2017 but thats even worse to

Windows 7 and the case of the missing regtlib

I've just discovered that regtlib.exe appears to be missing from Windows 7 (and apparently from Vista as well).
I've just installed Windows 7 RC in a VM and I'm attempting to build our existing projects on the new OS. The projects are c/c++ based and I'm using visual studio 2008. In order to build these projects I need to register several tlb files that are referenced within the code base.
Has anyone also encountered this problem? And, has anyone managed to solve this?
Yeah regtlib was removed from vista and up. As far as I know, all it does is call LoadTypeLibEx with the REGKIND_REGISTER flag ( Maybe you could write a simple replacement.
Just came across this issue (couldn't add any components to a VB6 project on Win7). This post (Error accessing the system registry in VB 6 IDE) pointed to regtlib (which is missing from Win7). I just
set the VB6 start menu icon to 'Run As Administrator' and it worked fine for adding components and should fix any problems relating to updating the registry as well.
Finally got back to trying to build our code base on windows 7. Anyway, I went back to the installer for one of the dependencies that was causing me grief. The error message from the installer wasn't to helpful but it did point to a regasm that was being run from inside the installer.
I ran the regasm command from a cmd prompt and got more information. It appears that you need administrative credentials to perform this task and our current installers don't do the privilege escalation properly.
So, long story short, I got dlls registered and the build appears to be working.