How to mix point-estimate with Bayesian estimate in pymc3? - pymc3

Suppose I have a simple model, y=a*x+b
I want to model a =pymc3.Normal('a',mu=0,sd=1.,shape=(1)), a normal distribution, and I want to make b as an unknown constant.
Then how to assign a pymc3 object to b?
Thank you.


Weka can I train a model to minimize or maximize an input value?

Is it possible in Weka to train a model minimizing a cost factor?
I have a data set containing a cost factor in each sample. It defines what using this sample would cost. Now, I would like to select as much of the samples as possible while minimizing this cost factor.
E.g. with Multilayer perceptron, I want to train the neurons in a way, that it chooses as many samples as possible while minimizing the sum of the cost factor.
I've checked all the model options and also searched the package manager for something like that, but I was unable to find anything. Could someone tell me whether this can be done using Weka?
What you are describing sounds more like an optimization problem rather than a classification or regression problem (for which you would use a Weka classifier).
Weka does have some limited support for optimization through its abstract weka.core.Optimization class (e.g., used internally by weka.classifiers.functions.Logistic). But that requires implementing some methods.
To cast your net wider, you might want to take a look at the following article that describes various optimization techniques:

About autograd in pyorch, Adding new user-defined layers, how should I make its parameters update?

everyone !
My demand is a optical-flow-generating problem. I have two raw images and a optical flow data as ground truth, now my algorithm is to generate optical flow using raw images, and the euclidean distance between generating optical flow and ground truth could be defined as a loss value, so it can implement a backpropagation to update parameters.
I take it as a regression problem, and I have to ideas now:
I can set every parameters as (required_grad = true), and compute a loss, then I can loss.backward() to acquire the gradient, but I don’t know how to add these parameters in optimizer to update those.
I write my algorithm as a model. If I design a “custom” model, I can initilize several layers such as nn.Con2d(), nn.Linear() in def init() and I can update parameters in methods like (torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())), but if I define new layers by myself, how should I add this layer’s parameters in updating parameter collection???
This problem has confused me several days. Are there any good methods to update user-defined parameters? I would be very grateful if you could give me some advice!
Tensor values have their gradients calculated if they
Have requires_grad == True
Are used to compute some value (usually loss) on which you call .backward().
The gradients will then be accumulated in their .grad parameter. You can manually use them in order to perform arbitrary computation (including optimization). The predefined optimizers accept an iterable of parameters and model.parameters() does just that - it returns an iterable of parameters. If you have some custom "free-floating" parameters you can pass them as
my_params = [my_param_1, my_param_2]
optim = torch.optim.Adam(my_params)
and you can also merge them with the other parameter iterables like below:
model_params = list(model.parameters())
my_params = [my_param_1, my_param_2]
optim = torch.optim.Adam(model_params + my_params)
In practice however, you can usually structure your code to avoid that. There's the nn.Parameter class which wraps tensors. All subclasses of nn.Module have their __setattr__ overridden so that whenever you assign an instance of nn.Parameter as its property, it will become a part of Module's .parameters() iterable. In other words
class MyModule(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(MyModule, self).__init__()
self.my_param_1 = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(...))
self.my_param_2 = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(...))
will allow you to write
module = MyModule()
optim = torch.optim.Adam(module.parameters())
and have the optim update module.my_param_1 and module.my_param_2. This is the preferred way to go, since it helps keep your code more structured
You won't have to manually include all your parameters when creating the optimizer
You can call module.zero_grad() and zero out the gradient on all its children nn.Parameters.
You can call methods such as module.cuda() or module.double() which, again, work on all children nn.Parameters instead of requiring to manually iterate through them.

Simple prediction model for multiple features

I am new in prediction models. I am currently using python2.7 and sklearn. I would like to know a simple model to combine many features to predict one target.
To make it more clear. Lets say I have 4 arrays of size 10: A,B,C,Y. I would like to use the values of A,B,C to predict the values of Y.
Thank you

10-fold cross-validation in Weka

I am a bit confused as to the difference between 10-fold cross-validation available in Weka and traditional 10-fold cross-validation.I understand the concept of K-fold cross-validation, but from what I have read 10-fold cross-validation in Weka is a little different.
In Weka FIRST, a model is built on ALL data. Only then is 10-fold cross-validation carried out. In traditional 10-fold cross-validation no model is built beforehand, 10 models are built: one with each iteration (Please correct me if I'm wrong!). But if this is the case, what on earth does Weka do during 10-fold cross-validation? Does it again make a model for each of the ten iterations or does it use the previously assembled model. Thanks!
As far as I know, the cross-validation in Weka (and the other evaluation methods) are only used to estimate the generalisation error. That is, the (implicit) assumption is that you want to use the learned model with data that you didn't give to Weka (also called "validation set"). Hence the model that you get is trained on the entire data.
During the cross-validation, it trains and evaluates a number of different models (10 in your case) to estimate how well the learned model generalises. You don't actually see these models -- they are only used internally. The model that is shown isn't evaluated.

Regression Tree Forest in Weka

I'm using Weka and would like to perform regression with random forests. Specifically, I have a dataset:
Rather than learning to predict the most likely class, I want to learn the probability distribution over the classes for a given feature vector. My intuition is that using just the RandomForest model in Weka would not be appropriate, since it would be attempting to minimize its absolute error (maximum likelihood) rather than its squared error (conditional probability distribution). Is that intuition right? Is there a better model to be using if I want to perform regression rather than classification?
Edit: I'm actually thinking now that in fact it may not be a problem. Presumably, classifiers are learning the conditional probability P(Class | Feature1,...,FeatureN) and the resulting classification is just finding the c in Class that maximizes that probability distribution. Therefore, a RandomForest classifier should be able to give me the conditional probability distribution. I just had to think about it some more. If that's wrong, please correct me.
If you want to predict the probabilities for each class explicitly, you need different input data. That is, you would need to replace the value to predict. Instead of one data set with the class label, you would need n data sets (for n different labels) with aggregated data for each unique feature vector. Your data would look something like
and so on. You would need to learn one model for each class and run them separately on any data to be classified. That is, for each label you learn a model to predict a number that is the probability of being in that class, given a feature vector.
If you don't need the probabilities to be predicted explicitly, have a look at the Bayesian classifiers in Weka, which make use of probabilities in the models that they learn.