Doxygen: Is it possible to strip namespace names in CHM index? - c++

I am working on a C++ project which makes extensive use of namespaces and doxygen. I prefer using the CHM file as compiled by MS HHC over the HTML directory for various reasons. One of them is the very convenient index search in the CHM viewer.
But the calls names in the index are always prefixed with their namespaces which forces the user of the CHM file to enter Namespace::Sub-Namespace::[...]::ClassName in the search.
Regarding this, I have changed the following settings in the doxygen configuration file (referring to the default that comes with the tool):
This removes the namespace names everywhere except for the CHM index. (How) is it possible to get rid of the namespace prefixes in the CHM index as well?

As far as I know and tried with a small C# project the answer is - no.
One solution I see at this stage is to edit the resulting index.hhk and compile again by HTMLHelp Workshop. Please have a look into your index.hhk you'll find in your Doxygen HTML output subfolder.
The index.hhk file is a text file and can be openend by any text editor e.g. Notepad++. Having some namespaces only you make a RegEx for your needs and replace e.g. C_Sharp_CHM:: like shown in the screenshot below with NOTHING. But be careful using this and try before going to a production use case.
As you can see index.hhk is an old file format and not HTML as used today. Normally each index keyword has a link and a value (see screenshot, text format is edited here for better reading).
To compile the index.hhp you need to open the command prompt, navigate to your output folder and type "%programfiles(x86)%\HTML Help Workshop\hhc" index.hhp on a Windows 10 machine.


Search for text in IntelliJ only in files with specific prefix

Pretty sure this can be done with Search Everywhere using a rejex, I want to find all instances of a word, for example "productCode", but only in files beginning with "Market..."
This is important because "productCode" is a field that is found in many files, and I am looking for specific uses only.
I am using IntelliJ IDEA
You may use this option from the drop-down menu:
Edit -> Find in Path...
Then search as follows:
This will search for content \bproductCode\b appearing in any file starting with Market, anywhere in your project.

Doxygen, nothing shows up in Graphical Class Hierarchy

I'm trying to use DOxygen to generate documentation for a rather large code base.
I got Doxygen 1.8.10 for Windows with Doxywizard.
I installed Graphviz 2.38
I was able to generate the Textual Class Hierarchy without a problem using Recursive option in the Expert tab.
I selected the "Use dot tool from GraphViz package" option in the Wizard.
I also checked "HAVE_DOT" and "CLASS_DIAGRAMS" options in the Expert tab for Dot.
When I generate the documentation and click on Show HTML Output, I cannot see anything under the Graphical Class Hierarchy. I can still see all the classes and their dependencies in the Textual Class Hierarchy.
in Mozilla Firefox, the Graphical Class Hierarchy page shows up as empty
in Internet Explorer, the Graphical Class Hierarchy page shows a lot of broken image icons aligned in 1 column
What am I doing wrong here?
Thank you,
When you select HAVE_DOT in the Expert Tab, doxygen will assume you have DOT available from the PATH. You need to make sure of this.
However, you also have the DOT_PATH option. Here you can put the path where DOT can be found.
I was able to solve this issue by executing a simple line on CMD which iteratively generates the missing .png files from .dot files.
for %f in (*dot) do dot %~nxf -Tpng -o %~nf.png
Make sure to execute this in /html folder where all .dot files reside and have dot.exe in your PATH environment variable. Also, If you receive any syntax errors, such as:
syntax error in line 1 near 'ëPNG'
try changing the default program of .dot format to Notepad (mine was set to Word).

Find and Replace/Update links like Dreamweaver in other editors

I've been slowly weening myself off of Dreamweaver and using other editors like SublimeText and Espresso. But there are two features that are lacking in those editors that I still find the need to use Dreamweaver for:
1.) Find and Replace within entire current local site.
2.) Update links when a page is saved within another directory. For example, if you rename, or re-save a file that is open within another directory, Dreamweaver will ask you to update the links. This will then make sure that if the file is moved or saved to another directory it will update any links within the HTML for stylesheets, images, navigation, etc.
Does any know of any other apps or tools that might be able to accomplish those actions without having to crack open Dreamweaver?
Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The Sublime Text plugin 'Side Bar Enhancements' has Search/Replace entire project functionality. Doesn't handle update links across files (that i've found)
PHPStorm may handle the second question.

generate C/C++ command line argument parsing code from XML (or similar)

Is there a tool that generates C/C++ source code from XML (or something similar) to create command line argument parsing functionality?
Now a longer explanation of the question:
I have up til now used gengetopt for command line argument parsing. It is a nice tool that generates C source code from its own configuration format (a text file). For instance the gengetopt configuration line
option "max-threads" m "max number of threads" int default="1" optional
among other things generates a variable
int max_threads_arg;
that I later can use.
But gengetopt doesn't provide me with this functionality:
A way to generate Unix man pages from the gengetopt configuration format
A way to generate DocBook or HTML documentation from the gengetopt configuration format
A way to reuse C/C++ source code and to reuse gengetopt configuration lines when I have multiple programs that share some common command line options
Of course gengetopt can provide me with a documentation text by running
command --help
but I am searching for marked up documentation (e.g. HTML, DocBook, Unix man pages).
Do you know if there is any C/C++ command line argument tool/library with a liberal open source license that would suite my needs?
I guess that such a tool would use XML to specify the command line arguments. That would make it easy to generate documentation in different formats (e.g. man pages). The XML file should only be needed at build time to generate the C/C++ source code.
I know it is possible to use some other command line argument parsing library to read a configuration file in XML at runtime but I am looking for a tool that generate C/C++ source code from XML (or something similar) at build time.
Update 1
I would like to do as much as possible of the computations at compile time and as less as possible at run time. So I would like to avoid libraries that give you a map of the command line options, like for instance boost::program_options::variables_map ( tutorial ).
I other words, I prefer args_info.iterations_arg to vm["iterations"].as<int>()
User tsug303 suggested the library TCLAP. It looks quite nice. It would fit my needs to divide the options into groups so that I could reuse code when multiple programs share some common options. Although it doesn't generate out the source code from a configuration file format in XML, I almost marked that answer as the accepted answer.
But none of the suggested libraries fullfilled all of my requirements so I started thinking about writing my own library. A sketch: A new tool that would take as input a custom XML format and that would generate both C++ code and an XML schema. Some other C++ code is generated from the XML schema with the tool CodeSynthesis XSD. The two chunks of C++ code are combined into a library. One extra benefit is that we get an XML Schema for the command line options and that we get a way to serialize all of them into a binary format (in CDR format generated from CodeSynthesis XSD). I will see if I get the time to write such a library. Better of course is to find a libraray that has already been implemented.
Today I read about user Nore's suggested alternative. It looks promising and I will be eager to try it out when the planned C++ code generation has been implemented. The suggestion from Nore looks to be the closest thing to what I have been looking for.
Maybe this TCLAP library would fit your needs ?
May I suggest you look at this project. It is something I am currently working on: A XSD Schema to describe command line arguments in XML. I made XSLT transformations to create bash and Python code, XUL frontend interface and HTML documentation.
Unfortunately, I do not generate C/C++ code yet (it is planed).
Edit: a first working version of the C parser is now available. Hope it helps
I will add yet another project called protoargs. It generates C++ argument parser code out of protobuf proto file, using cxxopts.
Unfortunately it does not satisfy all author needs. No documentation generated. no compile time computation. However someone may find it useful.
UPD: As mentioned in comments, I must specify that this is my own project

Convert .odt .doc .ods files to .txt files

I want to convert all the .odt .doc .xls .pdf files to .txt files.
I want to convert these files to text files using a shell script or a perl script
There's a program for odt files and alikes:
odt2txt - avaliable in repos.
$ unoconv --format=txt document1.odt
Should produce document1.txt.
OpenOffice has a built-in document converter capable of handling a bunch of formats- take a look at unoconv:
That being said, I have had some troubles getting that to work in the past- If you're having trouble, take a look at similar programs for AbiWord (another open source word processor).
For word documents, you can try antiword, at least on linux. It's a command line utility that takes a word document as an argument, and spits out the text from that document (as best as it can figure) to Standard Output. Maybe you can specify an ouput file too. I can't remember the details of how it works. I haven't used it in a while. Not sure if it can handle OO documents.
It's certainly possible to do this, though there is something strange and impenetrable about the OO project and its documentation that makes things like this hard to research and follow. However, OO has the capability to convert all of those types, not just the OO native ones, and it can do it via two different forms of automatic control.
These are the two general approaches.
You can start OO and tell it to execute a macro which does this job for you for a given file. You then just have to write the macro and a script to loop over your files. The syntax is something like
$ oowriter -headless filename macro://dir/Standard.Module1.sMySub
The other thing OO has is a network API. This is based on something called UNO.
$ oowriter -accept=accept-string
Notifies the software that upon the creation of
"UNO Acceptor Threads", a "UNO Accept String" will be used.
You will need some sort of client library. I think they have one for Python at least. Using this technology a Python program or some other scripting language with an OO client library could drive the program and convert all the files. Since OO reads MSO, it should be able to do all of them.
Open the file in LibreOffice. Click on "File", "Save-as" scroll down to find the text option. Click that and it will be saved as a text file.
FYI, I had an *.ODT file that was 339.2 KB in size. When I save-as text the size of the file shrunk to ONLY 5.0 KB. Another reason for saving your files as text files.
For the Microsoft formats, look into the wvWare tools.
Open .ods file normally in libre office
Highlight text to be converted
Open a terminal
Run vi
Press "i" to get insert mode
Press ctrl-shift-v
Need some formatting?
Save the file as
Get out of vi
$cat | column >filename2
This worked in opensuse running KDE
Substitute "kwrite" for "vi", if you want