Enabling TCP/IP using visual studio - visual-studio-2017

I created a SQL Server 2016 database using MS Visual Studio 2017. I need to enable TCP/IP so I can connect to my database but I can't figure out how to do it.
I tried using SQL Server Configuration Manager but it can't find the database to begin with, let alone change one of its settings.
I can see the database in Visual Studio, but I can't find an option to enable TCP/IP.


Connect Visual Studio on Windows to the Process on Linux system

I would like to connect VS 2019 to a process on the linux system for debugging purposes. (If there is a more convenient way for that, I would like to get to know.)
Firstly, based on the information on this page, https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/cpp/linux/connect-to-your-remote-linux-computer?view=msvc-160
I created an ssh server on my Linux machine and I connected VS 2019 to my Linux system via ssh
Here is the image for VS 2019 ssh connection
on my Linux machine, I am using a robot in a simulation program (ROS) and C++ code controls it.
Debugging is working on my Linux machine using Visual studio code.
Here I attached the process using Visual Studio Code
Here is the debugging using Visual Studio Code on Linux
However, I would like to connect my VS 2019 to this process for debugging purposes.
For that I open VS 2019 and click the "Attach to Process"
Here is the picture for clicking to attach process
After that , I connected to my Linux machine via SSH in VS 2019 and attached the process as I shown in the following picture.
Attaching Process to the specific Process ID on Linux machine
Selecting debug code type
Then I see a empty screen in VS 2019 shown in following picture.
After attaching process ID
Do you have any idea how can I do this? or do you know different and more convenient way?

Unable to connect to the Remote Debugging - Web App Azure

I am trying to remote debug an Asp.Net Core Web Application (with Web API) project deployed as an Azure App Service with Visual Studio 2017 Professional.
Followed the instructions as documented here. Essentially, using the Server Explorer-->App Service-->Attach Debugger
Also, enabled the necessary firewall ports as mentioned. The ones I opened are TCP (4022, 4023) and UDP (3702). Also, ensure remote debugger application is in allowed list of apps in Windows Firewall. Documentation for the firewall steps.
Despite all the settings, I am getting following error
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x89710023): Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugger named 'essamplepoc2.azurewebsites.net'. The Visual Studio 2017 Remote Debugger (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer. This may be because a firewall is preventing communication to the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance on configuring remote debugging.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.Internal.IDebuggerInternal120.ConnectToServer(String szServerName, VsDebugRemoteConnectOptions[] pConnectOptions, CONNECT_REASON ConnectReason, Int32 fIncrementUsageCount, IDebugCoreServer3& ppServer)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Azure.MicrosoftWeb.Operations.RemoteDiagnosticsSessionBase.ConnectToServer(String site, String user, String password)
Any suggestion would be helpful.
The issue is resolved. We had to open outbound ports 4024 for VS 2019, 4022 for VS 2017 and 4020 for VS 2015 on corporate firewall.
For more info check these out:
I also had this problem. I solved it by changing the Platform from 32-bit to 64-bit in Application Settings as I am trying to debug from 64-bit machine.
It seems remote debugging is not turned on for your App Service.
Open your App Service in the Azure portal and go to Application Settings. Then turn Remote Debugging to On and select Visual Studio Version to 2017.
It should look like this:
Screenshot source
I hope this helps.
First, what did NOT work. Opening the port in my Firewall did not work for me. Restarting my local machine did not work, neither did restarting the app in Azure, nor updating VS2019 with the installer. I kept getting:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x89710023): Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugger named 'empirepipedriveapi-newversion.azurewebsites.net'. The connection with the remote endpoint was terminated.
Finally, what DID work, I deleted the deployment slot and then added it again, I deleted the publish profile in Visual Studio 2019 and recreated it again, a published the app (without even recompiling it) and then WAS able to connect (I did refresh the available slots in the Cloud Explorer first just to be overly careful). I believe, and this is the 2nd time in about a year, that, on rare occasion, the deployment slot can become corrupted. I noticed this time when I published the app, it took longer and it seemed much more activity took place, leading me to believe that there was code in the old slot that was is not refreshed on each and every publish and it must have become corrupted.

Visual Studio 2017 Community Network (loopback) isolation

I developp a server/client in C++ (UWP) on visual studio.
My server work fine. If i try to connect from my debian, it works fine. But if I try on the same machine (on loopback address) the connexion doesn't work.
After many research, i've read that Visual Studio has a Network Isolation which block the connexion from the same machine. But it's possible to disable this isolation ?

TFS Pending Changes: An item with the same key has already been added

I have TFS 2017 Express on my server machine and Visual studio Community 2017 RC as well. I keep getting this error message when I browse to "Pending Changes" option in Team Explorer in Visual Studio
An item with the same key has already been added.
I dont have any pending changes on my PC and none of the PCs that are connected to the same server.
What is the issue?
From the time of your post I assume you have been able to overcome this issue. But for the others like me who run into the same problem here is the solution.
Delete the Team Foundation Service cache folder and restart Visual Studio i.e.
C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation[Version]\Cache

Remote Debugging from VS2013 getting Unable to Connect to Remote Debugging Monitor

I'm trying to remote debug from Visual Studio 2013 to a remote server running Windows Server 2012.
I have run Msvsmon from my remote server and the Server Name in Options is FEP\build#DSS1Build1. I have set Windows Authentication and also given EVERYONE permission to Debug.
On Visual Studio on my own machine I do Attach to process and in the Qualifier field put the same Server name ie. FEP\build#DSS1Build1.
However when I press Refresh I get the message:
"Unable to connect to Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging monitor... does not appear to be running on remote computer"
Is there something I need to unblock in the Firewall?
A couple of things need to be done.
On the remote server, you need to start Visual Studio Remote Debugging monitor and make sure you run it as a admin user (as otherwise you can't connect).
Make sure it is the right version (depends on if your server is 64bit or 32 bit).
Also you need to make sure that the remote debugging service is running. You can run the configuration wizard to see the status.
Then you need to put the full qualifier in as you mentioned.