Recovering/changing function name automatically in ROOT (C++) by CERN - c++

Following is an example of a code, where I define (line 1) the name of the function to be used later (line 4).
char *funcname = "addition"; //line 1
void addition(){ //line 2
TFile *ofile = new TFile(Form("%s.root",funcname) ,"RECREATE");//line 4 //EDIT
Now my question is: how can I use a similar code like Form("%s",funcname) to state the name of the function directly in line 4 without requiring line 1 by recovering the function name somehow, or change the line 2 function name as in the example shown above?
For example, I was trying to alter my line 2 code:
void Form("%s",funcname)(){
but technically that would mean this:
void "addition"(){
and not this:
void addition(){
I do not want the quotation marks. So what's the solution?
The above lines of code will be in a file named addition.C and it generates a file named addition.root by running the command root addition.C in the terminal.
I am trying to get an output using the code at line 4 but with a different output file name every time I change the name of the function at line 2. This is so that I do not overwrite the output generated before when I ran the file with a different name giving me some output file.
Did I make the question clear enough? I thought this was a legitimate question and didn't expect so many downvotes in such a small time! Any suggestions to make more edits are welcome.
Changing function name dynamically is probably not possible as people suggested in comments. Then the solution should be to get the function name some way (automatically), someway like
TFile *ofile= new TFile(Form("%s.root", __func__), "RECREATE"); //line 4
but unfortunately that doesn't work.

In C there is the standard predefined identifier __func__ that holds the name of the current function.
file=Form("%s.txt", __func__); //line 4
should do the trick.
Since you also have tagged with C++, if I understand correctly since C++11 this will give you the mangled name of your function.
gcc has an extension __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ that gives you the demangled name together with the argument types.


C++ Static Code Analysis - Show header used in statement or line

I'm searching for a tool to get the used header (if there is one/more) for every line/statment in my c++ code.
std::cout << "hallo";
The output i'd like to see:
line 2: std::cout uses "iostream"
I found this question, the tools there do most of the part, they show dependency per file.
Does anyone know such a tool or how to acomplish this with the tools given in the answers in the question above?
Goal: I'm checking code for the conformity to a standard which i have a list of allowed headers for. With the desired output I can create a metric saying something like: 60% of the code is using allowed headers, 15% is using other headers or something like that.
This is not completely what you want but you can use Eclipse CDT to know where std::cout is declared.
If you press F3 when cout is selected in Eclipse, you will jump to this line of code inside iostream header file on the system with gcc 7:
extern ostream cout; /// Linked to standard output
You can try CppDepend to get all the methods called by a specific one with the location of each method called.

LLVM how to get callsite file name and line number

I am very very new to LLVM, and it's my first time to write C++
I need to find several function info related to LLVM CallSite, however, I have checked the source code here: LLVM CallSite Source Code
Still don't know where to get call site file name (eg. CallSite is in example.c file), call site line number (eg. at line 18 in the whole program)
Do you know how can I get call site file name and line number?
You can get this information by retrieving debug information from the called function. The algorithm is the following:
You need to get underlying called value, which is a function.
Then you need to get debug information attached to that function.
The debug information should contain everything you need.
Here is a code that should do the job (I didn't run it though):
CallSite cs = ...;
if (!cs.isCall() && !cs.isInvoke()) {
Function *calledFunction = dyn_cast<Function>(cs.getCalledValue());
if (!calledFunction) {
MDNode *metadata = calledFunction->getMetadata(0);
if (!metadata) {
DILocation *debugLocation = dyn_cast<DILocation>(metadata);
if (debugLocation) {
Please note the breaks. They are here to show that every step may not succeed, so you should be ready to handle all such cases.

How I can monitor the output files and move/rename in desired directory

A program generates a text file after every 15 iterations. It overwrites the output.txt (formed at 15th step) with a new output.txt (formed at 30th step), due to using the same name. I can't modify the file name within the program. Can I run some script concurrently with the program on my Ubuntu system that monitors my directory and moves the output.txt file to a desired directory when it is formed or changes the output file name?
I can't modify the file name within the program.
(I take this to mean you are required to not change the file name, not that you don't know how.)
You've marked this posting as C++.
While it is possible to run some script to monitor a directory, coordinating the name change and running a thread or another process (from C++) can be much more challenging than other choices.
How about a simpler approach:
I suggest using std::stringstream to generate a unique pfn (path-file-name) for each time you want to write a file. For instance, an incrementing number can be appended to the unmodifiable-file-name.
Something like:
std::string uniqueFileName(void)
std::stringstream ss;
// vvvvvvvvvv -- unmodifiable-file-name is not changed
ss << "output.txt" << ++fileCount;
uniqueFileName = ss.str();
Good luck.
If you feel you must write the file first in the correct file name, and then change the file name to something unique ... yes, you can rename the file from within this program (i.e. trivial synchronization)
I would use popen() as I feel it provides more feedback, and I've used it before.
Others prefer something like system() (there are about 6 of these).
In either case, use the command to rename the existing file (to each you provide a bash command, like mv fromPfn toPfn, or maybe you'll need cp.
For each, your code must not proceed until the command has completed.

C++: Rename instead of Delete & Copy when using Sync

Currently I have the following part code in my Sync:
int index = file.find(remoteDir);
if(index >= 0){
file.erase(index, remoteDir.size());
file.insert(index, localDir);
// Uses PUT command on the file
Now I want to do the following instead:
If a file is the same as before, except for a rename, don't use the PUT command, but use the Rename command instead
TL;DR: Is there a way to check whether a file is the same as before except for a rename that occurred? So a way to compare both files (with different names) to see if they are the same?
check the md5sum, if it is different then the file is modified.
md5 check sum of a renamed file will remain same. Any change in content of file will give a different value.
I first tried to use Renjith method with md5, but I couldn't get it working (maybe it's because my C++ is for windows instead of Linux, I dunno.)
So instead I wrote my own function that does the following:
First check if the file is the exact same size (if this isn't the case we can just return false for the function instead of continuing).
If the sizes do match, continue checking the file-buffer per BUFFER_SIZE (in my case this is 1024). If the entire buffer of the file matches, return true.
PS: Make sure to close any open streams before returning.. My mistake here was that I had the code to close one stream after the return-statement (so it was never called), and therefore I had errno 13 when trying to rename the file.

Compile a program with local file embedded as a string variable?

Question should say it all.
Let's say there's a local file "mydefaultvalues.txt", separated from the main project. In the main project I want to have something like this:
char * defaultvalues = " ... "; // here should be the contents of mydefaultvalues.txt
And let the compiler swap " ... " with the actual contents of mydefaultvalues.txt. Can this be done? Is there like a compiler directive or something?
Not exactly, but you could do something like this:
#define DEFAULT_VALUES "something something something"
#include "defaults.h"
char *defaultvalues = DEFAULT_VALUES;
Where defaults.h could be generated, or otherwise created however you were planning to do it. The pre-processor can only do so much. Making your files in a form that it will understand will make things much easier.
The trick I did, on Linux, was to have in the Makefile this line:
defaultvalues.h: defaultvalues.txt
xxd -i defaultvalues.txt > defaultvalues.h
Then you could include:
#include "defaultvalues.h"
There is defined both unsigned char defaultvalues_txt[]; with the contents of the file, and unsigned int defaultvalues_txt_len; with the size of the file.
Note that defaultvalues_txt is not null-terminated, thus, not considered a C string. But since you also have the size, this should not be a problem.
A small variation would allow me to have a null-terminated string:
echo "char defaultvalues[] = { " `xxd -i < defaultvalues.txt` ", 0x00 };" > defaultvalues.h
Obviously will not work very well if the null character is present inside the file defaultvalues.txt, but that won't happen if it is plain text.
One way to achieve compile-time trickery like this is to write a simple script in some interpreted programming language(e.g. Python, Ruby or Perl will do great) which does a simple search and replace. Then just run the script before compiling.
Define your own #pramga XYZ directive which the script looks for and replaces it with the code that declares the variable with file contents in a string.
char * defaultvalues = ...
where ... contains the text string read from the given text file. Be sure to compensate for line length, new lines, string formatting characters and other special characters.
Edit: lvella beat me to it with far superior approach - embrace the tools your environment supplies you. In this case a tool which does string search and replace and feed a file to it.
Late answer I know but I don't think any of the current answers address what the OP is trying to accomplish although zxcdw came really close.
All any 7 year old has to do is load your program into a hex editor and hit CTRL-S. If the text is in your executable code (or vicinity) or application resource they can find it and edit it.
If you want to prevent the general public from changing a resource or static data just encrypt it, stuff it in a resource then decrypt it at runtime. Try DES for something small to start with.