execute command and get working directory - c++

I want to execute a shell command in C++ and at the end I would like to fetch the current working directory of the executed process.
e.g. I executing the command cd C:\
then at the end of the command I want to get the directory C:\
and store it in a variable.
What I tried was pipe = _popen(cmd, "r") to execute the command, but at the end of the command, even when _pclose(pipe) wasn't called yet, when I called _getcwd(NULL, 0), I got the cwd of the running C++ program and not the changed cwd from _popen.
Does anyone know, how I could achieve this?

I found a solution for this:
I am creating a new Process of "cmd.exe" using CreateProcess() and injecting a piece of assembly code in the created process.
I combined this with the sample from msdn for redirecting the stdin and stdout of the child process.


C++ executable, sh 1:not found

I created a c++ programm that works with ros. The first step would be to open a roscore in a terminal and move on from there. I do so with system("roscore &");
I compiled my file and can run it just fine with ./file.
However, I want to be able to run it as an application (double click). I created a .desktop file and the program shows up in my application list. When i start it though, all I get is a terminal that opens with the message
sh: 1: roscore: not found
The same applies for the roslaunch commands. I also fork and exec a roslaunch command, which does not work as well.
I tried system("ls"); which worked. All cout messages work as well.
Any idea what is wrong here?
roscore executable is not located in std paths (/bin:/usr/bin:). Use the absolute path - system("/path/to/roscore &")

CWD C++ Windows

I am trying to have my program change directory (to where the user wishes to) but I am unable to navigate there and create a file? It appears that I am able to navigate there but when I get to the next system call it returns back to the current directory
Is there a way to set where my program cwd is pointing to?
std::string s1 = "cd " + userDirectory;
system("dir > test.txt");
SetCurrentDirectory Win32 on Windows.
chdir() / _chdir for POSIX (a common C API available on many OS:es).
boost/std::filesystem current_path() for C++ (std in C++17).
The system function starts a new command interpreter as a new process. And then runs the commands in that command interpreter. And as the cd command is a built-in command it will only apply to that command interpreter process, not your process.
You have a couple of solutions you can try:
Put the commands (cd and dir and everything else) in to a script file that you run.
Change the working directory of your process.
On Windows you can change working directory using SetCurrentDirectoryW function.

Stop error output in C++ when making new folder

I am using C++ on Ubuntu. I have been using the command:
system("mkdir new_folder");
to make a new folder called new_folder. However, if that folder already exists, C++ outputs an error message (and continues to run afterwards).
Is there a way to stop the error message from printing out?
For this particular command use mkdir -p new_folder.
Generally, you want to fork your process and on one of the branches redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null or similar then do exec to replace the process with the new one.

Try to execute command line codes from c++ linux

I tried the following code, to communicate with the command line from c++ code.
int main()
The gnome-terminal command is executing fine. After I close the terminal, when am expecting the cd to execute, however, is not happening. Could you please help me and point out the reason? Thanks. I was expecting the function to make the cmd go down to the home directory
, but it did not. am working in linux
I tried it even by removing gnome. simple cd is not working. am I doing something rong>?
If I try ls, it seems to be working fine!
My main aim is to open a new terminal, and execute commands on that new terminal through the present program that opened the new terminal. Could you please tell me how I can achieve this??
If you want to run a program and wait for it to finish before executing next line, take a look at this page and example code here: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/03/c-process-control-functions/
But if you want to run gnome-terminal and execute a command in newly created window, do this:
system("gnome-terminal -x sh -c 'cd /tmp ; ls -la'");
The system function creates a shell child process to execute the specified command.
cd is a shell command which changes the current working directory of that shell process only.
So the child's cd probably works fine, but it has no effect on your C++ program, which is a different process.
Instead, you probably want to look at the Linux system call chdir.
Thanks for your help!! This command worked perfectly fine from this link
gnome-terminal -x sh -c 'command1; command2; exec bash'
and I entered the respective commands in the new window. But to change the working directory in the shell am working o, I haven't still figured that out.

Execute shell command in c++

I have a question regarding executing shell commands in c++. I'm building an application in winforms, vs 2008. My application has a button, when clicked should decode a binary file to a .csv file. I can decode files by first going to the right directory (cd Test_Copy2) and then execute a command in the command prompt (java -jar tool.jar -b x.fit x.csv). I tried a lot of different stuff but unfortunately got none to work!
I tried using:
system, _popen, ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", L"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe ", L"java -jar Tool.jar -b x.fit x.csv", L"C:\\Test_Copy2", SW_SHOWNORMAL)
Can anyone please provide me with an example on how to do that? I dont know where I'm going wrong, most of the time the command prompt opens but no command is executed!
If you really want to run the jar in a cmd.exe instance, you need to add one of the correct command line switches to cmd.exe for it to work the way you want it to:
/C Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
/K Carries out the command specified by string but remains
For instance, your command string should be:
C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe /c java -jar Tool.jar -b x.fit x.csv
You can use the system() function to execute shell commands.
For example:
system("DIR") executes the DIR command in the CMD shell. The default directory at the start is the directory you're .exe file is located.
'system("PAUSE")` executes the PAUSE command.
The command/s you wannt to execute should be passed as a constant string to the function.
For you paritcular program the syntax (IMO) would be:
system("java -jar Tool.jar -b x.fit x.csv")