Most suitable buffer texture format for bool data storage? - opengl

I have seen some examples simply using the R8Uint format for bool data usage. But is there any other solution that's storage-saving?

Well, the smallest format is 1 byte.
Stating the obvious: Depending on your situation you could pack 8 bits (Booleans) into that byte.


Is there a portable Binary-serialisation schema in FlatBuffers/Protobuf that supports arbitrary 24bit signed integer definitions?

We are sending data over UART Serial at a high data rate so data size is important. The most optimal format is Int24 for our data which may be simplified as a C bit-field struct (GCC compiler) under C/C++ to be perfectly optimal:
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct Int24
int32_t value : 24;
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef std::array<Int24,32> ArrayOfInt24;
This data is packaged with other data and shared among devices and cloud infrastructures. Basically we need to have a binary serialization which is sent between devices of different architecture and programming languages. We would like to use a Schema based Binary serialisation such as ProtoBuffers or FlatBuffers to avoid the client codes needing to handle the respective bit-shifting and recovery of the twos-complement sign bit handling themselves. i.e. Reading the 24-bit value in a non-C language requires the following:
bool isSigned = (_b2 & (byte)0x80) != 0; // Sign extend negative quantities
int32_t value = _b0 | (_b1 << 8) | (_b2 << 16) | (isSigned ? 0xFF : 0x00) << 24;
If not already existing which (if any) existing Binary Serialisation library could be modified easily to extend support to this as we would be willing to add to any open-source project in this respect.
Depending on various things, you might like to look at ASN.1 and the unaligned Packed Encoding Rules (uPER). This is a binary serialisation that is widely used in telephony to easily minimise the number of transmitted bits. Tools are available for C, C++, C#, Java, Python (I think they cover uPER). A good starting point is Useful Old Technologies.
One of the reasons you might choose to use it is that uPER likely ends up doing better than anything else out there. Other benefits are contraints (on values and array sizes). You can express these in your schema, and the generated code will check data against them. This is something that can make a real difference to a project - automatic sanitisation of incoming data is a great way of resisting attacks - and is something that GPB doesn't do.
Reasons not to use it are that the very best tools are commercial, and quite pricey. Though there are some open source tools that are quite good but not necessarily implementing the entire ASN.1 standard (which is vast). It's also a learning curve, though (at a basic level) not so very different to Google Protocol Buffers. In fact, at the conference where Google announced GPB, someone asked "why not use ASN.1?". The Google bod hadn't heard of it; somewhat ironic, a search company not searching the web for binary serialisation technologies, went right ahead and invented their own...
Protocol Buffers use a dynamically sized integer encoding called varint, so you can just use uint32 or sint32, and the encoded value will be four bytes or less for all values and three bytes or less for any value < 2^21 (the actual size for an encoded integer is ⌈HB/7⌉ where HB is the highest bit set in the value).
Make sure not to use int32 as that uses a very inefficient fixed size encoding (10 bytes!) for negative values. For repeated values, just mark them as repeated, so multiple values will be sent efficiently packed.
syntax = "proto3";
message Test {
repeated sint32 data = 1;
FlatBuffers doesn't support 24-bit ints. The only way to represent it would be something like:
struct Int24 { a:ubyte; b:ubyte; c:ubyte; }
which obviously doesn't do the bit-shifting for you, but would still allow you to pack multiple Int24 together in a parent vector or struct efficiently. It would also save a byte when stored in a table, though there you'd probably be better off with just a 32-bit int, since the overhead is higher.
One particularly efficient use of protobuf's varint format is to use it as a sort of compression scheme, by writing the deltas between values.
In your case, if there is any correlation between consecutive values, you could have a repeated sint32 values field. Then as the first entry in the array, write the first value. For all further entries, write the difference from the previous value.
This way e.g. [100001, 100050, 100023, 95000] would get encoded as [100001, 49, -27, -5023]. As a packed varint array, the deltas would take 3, 1, 1 and 2 bytes, total of 7 bytes. Compared with a fixed 24-bit encoding taking 12 bytes or non-delta varint taking also 12 bytes.
Of course this also needs a bit of code on the receiving side to process. But adding up the previous value is easy enough to implement in any language.

Why booleans take a whole byte? [duplicate]

In C++,
Why is a boolean 1 byte and not 1 bit of size?
Why aren't there types like a 4-bit or 2-bit integers?
I'm missing out the above things when writing an emulator for a CPU
Because the CPU can't address anything smaller than a byte.
From Wikipedia:
Historically, a byte was the number of
bits used to encode a single character
of text in a computer and it is
for this reason the basic addressable
element in many computer
So byte is the basic addressable unit, below which computer architecture cannot address. And since there doesn't (probably) exist computers which support 4-bit byte, you don't have 4-bit bool etc.
However, if you can design such an architecture which can address 4-bit as basic addressable unit, then you will have bool of size 4-bit then, on that computer only!
Back in the old days when I had to walk to school in a raging blizzard, uphill both ways, and lunch was whatever animal we could track down in the woods behind the school and kill with our bare hands, computers had much less memory available than today. The first computer I ever used had 6K of RAM. Not 6 megabytes, not 6 gigabytes, 6 kilobytes. In that environment, it made a lot of sense to pack as many booleans into an int as you could, and so we would regularly use operations to take them out and put them in.
Today, when people will mock you for having only 1 GB of RAM, and the only place you could find a hard drive with less than 200 GB is at an antique shop, it's just not worth the trouble to pack bits.
The easiest answer is; it's because the CPU addresses memory in bytes and not in bits, and bitwise operations are very slow.
However it's possible to use bit-size allocation in C++. There's std::vector specialization for bit vectors, and also structs taking bit sized entries.
Because a byte is the smallest addressible unit in the language.
But you can make bool take 1 bit for example if you have a bunch of them
eg. in a struct, like this:
struct A
bool a:1, b:1, c:1, d:1, e:1;
You could have 1-bit bools and 4 and 2-bit ints. But that would make for a weird instruction set for no performance gain because it's an unnatural way to look at the architecture. It actually makes sense to "waste" a better part of a byte rather than trying to reclaim that unused data.
The only app that bothers to pack several bools into a single byte, in my experience, is Sql Server.
You can use bit fields to get integers of sub size.
struct X
int val:4; // 4 bit int.
Though it is usually used to map structures to exact hardware expected bit patterns:
// 1 byte value (on a system where 8 bits is a byte)
struct SomThing
int p1:4; // 4 bit field
int p2:3; // 3 bit field
int p3:1; // 1 bit
bool can be one byte -- the smallest addressable size of CPU, or can be bigger. It's not unusual to have bool to be the size of int for performance purposes. If for specific purposes (say hardware simulation) you need a type with N bits, you can find a library for that (e.g. GBL library has BitSet<N> class). If you are concerned with size of bool (you probably have a big container,) then you can pack bits yourself, or use std::vector<bool> that will do it for you (be careful with the latter, as it doesn't satisfy container requirments).
Think about how you would implement this at your emulator level...
bool a[10] = {false};
bool &rbool = a[3];
bool *pbool = a + 3;
assert(pbool == &rbool);
rbool = true;
*pbool = false;
Because in general, CPU allocates memory with 1 byte as the basic unit, although some CPU like MIPS use a 4-byte word.
However vector deals bool in a special fashion, with vector<bool> one bit for each bool is allocated.
The byte is the smaller unit of digital data storage of a computer. In a computer the RAM has millions of bytes and anyone of them has an address. If it would have an address for every bit a computer could manage 8 time less RAM that what it can.
More info: Wikipedia
Even when the minimum size possible is 1 Byte, you can have 8 bits of boolean information on 1 Byte:
Julia language has BitArray for example, and I read about C++ implementations.
Bitwise operations are not 'slow'.
And/Or operations tend to be fast.
The problem is alignment and the simple problem of solving it.
CPUs as the answers partially-answered correctly are generally aligned to read bytes and RAM/memory is designed in the same way.
So data compression to use less memory space would have to be explicitly ordered.
As one answer suggested, you could order a specific number of bits per value in a struct. However what does the CPU/memory do afterward if it's not aligned? That would result in unaligned memory where instead of just +1 or +2, or +4, there's not +1.5 if you wanted to use half the size in bits in one value, etc. so it must anyway fill in or revert the remaining space as blank, then simply read the next aligned space, which are aligned by 1 at minimum and usually by default aligned by 4(32bit) or 8(64bit) overall. The CPU will generally then grab the byte value or the int value that contains your flags and then you check or set the needed ones. So you must still define memory as int, short, byte, or the proper sizes, but then when accessing and setting the value you can explicitly compress the data and store those flags in that value to save space; but many people are unaware of how it works, or skip the step whenever they have on/off values or flag present values, even though saving space in sent/recv memory is quite useful in mobile and other constrained enviornments. In the case of splitting an int into bytes it has little value, as you can just define the bytes individually (e.g. int 4Bytes; vs byte Byte1;byte Byte2; byte Byte3; byte Byte4;) in that case it is redundant to use int; however in virtual environments that are easier like Java, they might define most types as int (numbers, boolean, etc.) so thus in that case, you could take advantage of an int dividing it up and using bytes/bits for an ultra efficient app that has to send less integers of data (aligned by 4). As it could be said redundant to manage bits, however, it is one of many optimizations where bitwise operations are superior but not always needed; many times people take advantage of high memory constraints by just storing booleans as integers and wasting 'many magnitudes' 500%-1000% or so of memory space anyway. It still easily has its uses, if you use this among other optimizations, then on the go and other data streams that only have bytes or few kb of data flowing in, it makes the difference if overall you optimized everything to load on whether or not it will load,or load fast, at all in such cases, so reducing bytes sent could ultimately benefit you alot; even if you could get away with oversending tons of data not required to be sent in an every day internet connection or app. It is definitely something you should do when designing an app for mobile users and even something big time corporation apps fail at nowadays; using too much space and loading constraints that could be half or lower. The difference between not doing anything and piling on unknown packages/plugins that require at minumim many hundred KB or 1MB before it loads, vs one designed for speed that requires say 1KB or only fewKB, is going to make it load and act faster, as you will experience those users and people who have data constraints even if for you loading wasteful MB or thousand KB of unneeded data is fast.

Types bit length and architecture specific implementations

I'm doing stuff in C++ but lately I've found that there are slight differences regarding how much data a type can accomodate and also the byte order is an issue.
Suppose I got a binary file, where I've encoded shorts that are 2 bytes in size. The file is in binary format like:
FA C8 - data segment 1
BA 32 - data segment 2
53 56 - data segment 3
Now all is well up to this point. Now I want to read this data. There are 2 problems:
1 what data type to choose to store this values?
2 how to deal with endianness of the target architecture?
The first problem is actually related to the second because here I will have to do bit shifts in order to swap the order of bytes.
I know that I could read the file byte by byte and add every two bytes. But is there an approach that could ease that pain?
I'm sorry If I'm being ambiguous. The problem is hard to explain. Hope you get a glimpse of what I'm talking about. I just want to store this data internally.
So I would appreciate some advices or if you can share some of your experience in this topic.
If you use big endian on the file that stores the data then you could just rely on htons(), htonl(), ntohs(), ntohl() to convert the integers to the right endianess before saving or after reading.
There is no easy way to do this.
Rather than doing that yourself, you might want to look into serialization libraries (for example Protobuf or boost serialization), they'll take care of a lot of that for you.
If you want to do it yourself, use fixed-width types (uint32_t and the like from <cstdint>), and endian conversion functions as appropriate. Either have a "prefix" in your file that determines what endianness it contains (a BOM/Byte Order Mark), or always store in either big or little endian, and systematically convert.
Be extra careful if you need to serialize strings, they have encoding problems of their own too.

How to read short (16bits) integers from an unsigned char (8bits) buffer

As in the title I need to read short integers from a char buffer
The buffer
uint8_t *data[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]
which is a field of the AVFrame frame structure, is filled by a call to the ffmpeg function
But, I need to read this buffer as a buffer of signed 16 bits integers because this is the sample format indicated by the codec context
I tried to do this using a memcpy but I have not succeeded to get reasonable values so then I tried to use a union struct as suggested on some related questions here in StackOverflow. My code is as follows:
union CharToStruct{
uint8_t myCharArray[2];
short value;
} presentSound;
int b=0;
for(int i=0;i<audioRet;i++){
dbuf[((i-b)/2)*8+info->mLeft+b]=info->presentSound.value;//the reason of the offset by 8 here is because I will be writing the result to a multichannel device
With this, the values are reasonable, but when I write this to a device using portaudio, I get just clicking noise. Am I doing the conversion in a wrong way? Can you help me maybe with some better way to do this reading?
Thank you very much for your help
Just think of a uint8_t array as a raw byte array. In C/C++ unsigned char (uint8_t) is as close to a "typeless" array as you can get. Any type of data can be written to any type array as raw bytes, but it is easiest to interact with an unsigned char array because each element is a value from 0x00 to 0xFF (one byte) and the user can interpret those bytes however they choose.
You may not need to do any interpretation of the data on your own, if you are simply passing the data from ffmpeg to PortAudio. PortAudio's callback (or write method if using the blocking API) requires that the user set a void pointer to the beginning of the data buffer being played. It does not matter what type that buffer is, as long as the bytes, when read in order, can be interpreted as the expected sample format. In fact you may not even need to copy the data as long as you are able to pass the buffer pointer to the callback and the buffer doesn't get deallocated before being processed by the callback. Watch out for other issues like reading a mono stream and writing a stereo stream. If you're output stream is expecting interleaved stereo audio, you'll have to write each sample to the output buffer twice (or once for each channel it is expecting).
On the other hand if you wish to manipulate the samples in the buffer, you may wish to reinterpret_cast the uint8_t* to a short*. Since the data in the buffer is already signed 16-bit samples, once you cast, each element in the array will be one sample of data. Just remember that the size of the array will only be half that of the original buffer since the elements are twice as big.
This should be entirely safe and you should not have any endianness issues moving samples between ffmpeg and PortAudio as long as you are working on a single system. If the system is big endian the samples will be big endian (high order byte in the lowest address, Motorolla), if the system is little endian (low order byte in lowest address, Intel) the samples will be little endian.
To me, this looks wrong:
I would expect to see:
It may be worth writing the data out to a file, and append a WAV header (take the first 40 bytes from an existing file of the right format [bits per sample, samples per second], then the number of samples in the output, and the samples after that).

In C++ what is the proper term for splitting an int into bits

I see in some C++ code things like:
// Header
struct SomeStruct {
uint32_t nibble1:4, bitField1:1, bitField2:1, bitField3:1, bitField4:1,
padding:11, field5Bits:5, byteField:8;
What is this called? I typically like to google before asking here, but I have no idea what to even type in. I'm hoping to understand this when it comes to endianness - is bit order something to consider or just byte order? Also, what is the type of each field - bitFieldX should be a bool, while field5Bits should be a uint8_t. At least that's what I would think.
They are called bitfields (MSVC) (GCC)
Endianess usually refers to the order of bytes. However bit order can be important, see the above links.
They behave as an unsigned int (uint32_t) in your case.
In general, the term for selecting several bits out of a larger binary integer representation is masking.
What you posted is a packed structure. The elements within the structure are know as bitfields as others have posted. These are often used to represent communication protocol structures, where the protocol specifies fields that are less than one byte, or not aligned to a byte, half-word or word alignment that would normally take place.
Since there is only one type listed, each member of the structure is the same type, uint_32.
Endianess does matter for anthing that is part of a data type that is larger than 1 byte.