How to call a variable function with parameter in django template? - django

I want to achieve something like this within a Django template.
{{ variable.function(parameter) }}
Where variable is a variable passed through a context to a template, in this case, an instance of a model.
I have tried different methods, but no one seems to work.

This is not possible in Django templates: they are crippled on purpose in order to prevent template designers from shooting themselves in the foot. The reasoning is that the only logic in templates should be presentation logic and all business logic should be kept in the view. Some people thinks it is fair enough and some think it is a bit condescending (those dumb template designers are not smart enough to use functions and methods safely).
I can think of 3 choices:
use jinja2 instead.
write a custom template filter.
keep all the logic in the view where Django designers think you are supposed to keep it.
I will not explain how to use Jinja2 because it is already explained in the docs and because the example in the question works verbatim if you switch to it instead of native Django templates. This simply works in Jinja2:
{{ variable.function(parameter) }}
Now the template filter solution: first you must follow a code layout convention. The filter itself would be something like this:
# at
def apply_callable(callable, arg):
return callable(arg)
Then in the template you can do:
{% load your_tag_library %}
{{ variable.function|call_with:parameter }}
Of course the last option is the one from Daniel's answer - precompute the value in the view and just display the result in the template:
context['result'] = variable.function(parameter)
And in your template you just need {{ result }}.

There is no way to do this.
You can create another variable and pass it through the context so you could use it.
context['result'] = variable.function(parameter)
In your view.
And in your template:
{{ result }}


templates variables in django

I'm trying to use template variable to access templates dictionaries
when I do {{ pair_name.8 }} it works
but {% with xx=8 %}{{ pair_name.xx }}{% endwith %} doestnt work, please help
I'm trying to use template variable to access templates dictionaries.
The Django template language is deliberately restricted to prevent subscripting, function calls (with parameters), etc. This is to discourage people from writing business logic in the template.
You can implement a custom template filter to perform a subscript lookup, or work with the Jinja template engine. But probably a more elegant way to do this is to alter the view, and prepare the logic in a more accessible way.
For example if you need the xx-th item, in the view, you perform a mapping with:
def some_view(request):
pair_names = [] # some data
xx = 8
data = [pair_name[xx] for pair_name in pair_names]
context = {'pair_names': data}
return render(request, 'some_template.html', context)
Processing this in the view is not only more elegant, but often more efficient as well, since the template engine often is less efficient in walking through data structures.
#Peace Bytheway - Just my 2 cents- Templates should be as dumb as possible which means try and avoid heavy logic from your template into the view. Ideally, you should also keep the view lightweight. Not much processing. The concept behind the view is to simply delegate. So, separating responsibilities into the right layer is very crucial.

String manipulation in Django templates

Imagine the context variable {{ url }} outputs<uuid-string> where <uuid-string> is different every time, whereas the former part of the URL stays the same.
Can one change the output of {{ url }} to instead<uuid-string>, via solely manipulating the string in the template and without involving (which I know is the better way to do it, but that's not the question).
An illustrative example would be great.
read about filters and templatetags - they are a methods that allows you to perform some actions on variables in templates.
You can also create your own tags and filters that allow you to perform action non-built into Django template language
Simple example of such filter:
def duplicate(value):
return value*2
#in your template
<p> {{ url|duplicate }} </p>
You can find more examples here. Also there you will find tutorial how to use and create them

how do i use isinstance() in django template language [duplicate]

Is there a way to do isinstance/issubclass in a Django template? I realise I can write my own templatetag, but I'm surprised this isn't possibly which makes me think I'm either doing something wrong or missing something obvious.
I wish to display two different segments of markup, depending on which type of item I'm displaying whilst iterative over my collection. Thanks!
I think a simple template filter here fits the best. It is really quick to implement and easy to call. Something like this:
in templatetags/
from django import template
from django.utils.importlib import import_module
register = template.Library()
def isinst(value, class_str):
split = class_str.split('.')
return isinstance(value, getattr(import_module('.'.join(split[:-1])), split[-1]))
in your template:
{% load my_filters %}
{% if myvar|isinst:"mymodule.MyClass" %} your stuff
{% endif %}
Although the above is a sample code (not tested), I believe it should work.
For more information on custom template filters please see the django documentation
EDIT: Edited the answer to show that the filter argument is actually a string and not a python Class
If all of these inherit from a common base type, but you need to know which type it is, you may want to just implement a method on the base that returns the type - then you can call if foo.get_type == 'type1' (or whatever) in your template.
You are missing something here: the only logic in the template is supposed to handle template rendering. isinstance / issubclass clearly smell like view logic, and should be in the view. If the template rendering depends on those functions (which I guess it does), you should implement the logic in the view, and just pass the template what it needs to know:
# in the view:
if isinstance(some_obj, SomeClass):
do_fancy_template_stuff = True
do_fancy_template_stuff = False
# in the template:
{% if do_fancy_template_stuff %}
<fancy_template_stuff />
{% endif %}
Remember: the django templating engine was created having non-programmers, like designers, in mind.

Django tags and filters in Lift?

This is a generalization of my previous question about pluralize filter:
Does lift have an equivalent of Django's tags and filters?
Tags are small piece of predefined code that can be used directly in html template, for example:
{% now "jS F Y H:i" %}
renders the time right now in the given format.
Filters operate (in html template) on the context variables in the template, for example:
{{ value|capfirst }}
if called on a value "john" will result in "John". Or:
{{ value|length }}
will render the length of the string into the template.
As you can see the filters operate on the context variables that are passed to the template.
Considering tags, you could define those yourself with snippets.
As snippet is basically a callback much as a Django tag is. You don’t get any easier syntax, though, because Lift’s templates are pure XML/Html.
< format="jS F Y H:i" />
And the logic would be defined in
class Tag {
def now: NodeSeq = // ...
Filtering is something you generally can’t do in a Lift template because Lift doesn’t allow any variables in a template. The whole concept is thus inapplicable. (You could do XML transforms or or bind magic but that would be a bit too much for a simple value.length.)
No, if you need the length of some value in your Html, you will have to define that inside the snippet and expose it.
If you really can’t live without filters in your template (though I can assure you, it is a good thing to separate all HTML template and code and it works once you are used to it), have a look at Scalate which may be used together with Lift as well.
This kind of logic should be in the render method of a snippet. Display code in pure Scala (rather than in a template language hybrid) is a first-class citizen with respect to testing, IDE's and refactoring tools.
These kinds of transforms don't come built-in, but you can add them with implicits:
class HappyString(s: String) {
def capfirst = ....
implicit def toHappyString(s: String) = new HappyString(s)
Then call these in your render method before binding whatever value it is you're generating.

django extends different base templates

I understand we can use "extends variable" in the template to switch between two different extended templates.
if something:
base = 'base1.html'
base = 'base2.html'
return render_to_response ('template.html', {'base':base})
{% extends base %}
Normally that works fine. However, my problem is that I am using django-registration of which I don't have to write my own view to handle the registration and login process. That also means that I am not able to pass the variable to the template. Though I do have the registration templates under my project directory. (like login.html)
Unfortunately, Django can't do this in the template:
{% if something %}
{% extends 'base1.html' %}
{% else %}
{% extends 'base2.html' %}
{% endif %}
The only way I know that the 'variable base' can be passed down to the auth-login is to write my own views like login, logout,etc. This seems like not fitting the DRY model and fairly error prone going forward.
Is there another way that I can accomplish this? Or any pointers to workaround the problem?
If it's just 2 (or 3) options where that 'something' can be made to a Boolean, then you could use the yesno filter:
{% extends something|yesno:"base1.html,base2.html" %}
If you want something a bit more free-form, then you could make use of the extra context / custom context processor option mentioned above, and try something like:
{% extends selected_template|default:"base2.html" %}
where selected template is just the path to whatever base template you like.
To be honest this looks to me like a code smell - I've used django-registration a few times, I work on quite large sites and I never needed to extend a template from another template which is only known at run time.
Anyway, if you really want to pass a custom variable to a template rendered by 3rd party module, and you don't want to hack that module, then you have to use e.g. custom template context processor. Also, django-registration allows extra_context to be passed to its views, maybe that would be enough. You can also try monkey-patching. Or maybe you can try manipulating template folders or template loaders to get what you need.
But all these things are IMHO hacks and you shouldn't use different templates for one view, unless it's a generic view.
I think you should not place differences between the templates into the selection of different base templates. Having different base templates is what violates the DRY principle. Place the common things into a template, ie. registration.html, the differences into other templates that you call via 'include':
{%extends base.html%}
{%if something%}
{%include "type1.html"%}
{%include "type2.hmtl"%}
where the template names are the same as you would use in the view definition.
This probably isn't what you are looking for, but could you just include your conditionals in your base.html?