Zbar in CPP Project libiconv.lib not found - c++

Hello I try to integrate Zbar 64bit version into my visual studio cpp project. I downloaded the build from https://github.com/NaturalHistoryMuseum/ZBarWin64 and I set up my IncludePath to both include and \zbar\include also included both libs lib + zbar\lib-64. The linker was also set to 64 version but now I'm getting an error.
The code execution cannot proceed because libiconv.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
I already set the linker and lib path to the folder where the dll is. But still getting the error.
Any suggestions?
Kind regards

Added ZBarWin64-master\zbar\libiconv to system variables PATH.
Added ZBarWin64-master\zbar\libiconv\dll_x64 to system variables PATH.
Don't know what fixed it, but now it is running like a charm :)


code execution cannot proceed because cpprest_2_10.dll was not found

My aim is to use the Rest API in Visual Studio.
I downloaded the C++ tool vcpkg from https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg and followed the instructions on https://github.com/Microsoft/cpprestsdk to install cpprestsdk. That worked fine.
Then, in Visual Studio in the properties of the solution explorer, I included the following paths from the vcpkg folder into "VCC++ Directories->Include directories":
Then I run my code and the following errors occur:
LNK2001 unresolved external symbols (32 errors like this)
I googled it and was told to include the respective ".lib"-files into "Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies" and to include the paths of the corresponding ".dll"-files into "Properties->Linker->General->Additional Library Directories", what I did.
Now, running the code again, just the following error occurs:
code execution cannot proceed because cpprest_2_10.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix the problem,
although the "cpprest_2_10.dll" is in the path, which I included previously.
I have no idea what the problem is. Thank you in advance for your time.
Try to put the missing dll file right to the directory of your compiled exe.
Or check this answer to set a path so your binary can find the dll file:
How do I set the path to a DLL file in Visual Studio?

OpenCV: Code Execution Cannot Proceed, DLLs Missing

I'm making a program using OpenCV and I need feature matching. I was previously using OpenCV3 but apparently getting SURF to work is a bit of a hassle so I switched to OpenCV2.4
I downloaded the pre-built libraries and I want to use them on Visual studio but I have a problem, when I run the program I get messages like this:
When I click ok I get more follow up messages complaining about other missing dlls. I tries re-installing but still get this error.
Here are my settings:
Under C/C++>General: Additional Include Directores:
Under Linker>General: Additional Library Directories:
Under Linker>Incput: Additional Dependencies:
I've also tried editing the Environment Variables under Path I've added the include\ bin\ and lib\ directories. I have absolutely no idea how to fix this problem. I know the dlls are there.
I copied and pasted the dlls from the bin\ directory into my solution directory and everything works fine now.
I'm not sure why adding the bin\ to the path didn't work but anyway here's the solution to that problem.
The execution program did not find the DLL.
Under "Linker>General: Additional Library Directories" it expect the path for .lib files, but the DLL are searched by the program during the executio, so in the current folder and in the PATH folders.
Put the Dll's into the execution folder or modify the PATH to add the DLL's folder (in this last case remember to restart Visual Studio).

Linking libpqxx from Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10

I've recently decided to try out PostgreSQL as the database platform for some C++ development I'm working on. I decided to use libpqxx as the connection library for my project, and quickly found out this would be an uphill battle to do from VS 2015 on a Windows 10 machine.
After much teeth-gnashing and nail-biting, I have gotten libpqxx to compile on Windows 10.
This leaves me with the following directory structure
Per libpqxx's documentation, I also placed a copy of libpq.dll in my project's executable directory. Please note: I have done this for both debug and release builds, tried to build both, and ended up with the same result.
All the tutorials I've seen seem to indicate that the library can be used after linking it and simply #including pqxx/pqxx, so I set up a small project to do just that. I receive the error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'pqxx/pqxx': No such file or directory
When attempting to build the project. I have also tried this will both debug and release builds, to no avail.
Here is a screenshot of my linker settings.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might be able to link and use this library from Visual Studio 2015?
As Sami Kuhmonen pointed out, this was not actually a linker error, but a compiler error. I needed to include an actual header, which Visual Studio needed to be able to find. After adding the correct folder (C:\libpqxx\include in my case) to Visual Studio's "additional include directories" setting under C\C++ -> General per drescherjm's suggestion, the program compiles just fine.
For future reference:
I did also run into unresolved external linker errors after solving the initial issue. This is because you need to make sure to also link to ws2_32.lib and libpq.lib. You also need to copy some other DLL files that libpq also relies on into your libpqxx lib folder. On my system, I believe these were ssleay32.dll, libeay32.dll, and libintl-8.dll. These files reside under the root of the PostgreSQL install. The DLL step is mentioned under libpqxx's INSTALL.txt file, however I believe it stated that the DLLs resided one folder under where I actually found them.
I have also faced same issue. Then I realized that I was building ,my application as a 32bit. I changed the target to x64 and it compiled successfully

Setting up OpenGL projects in VS2010 with freeglut/glew

I am following the following tutorial my instructor used in class for a graphics class that started last week.
I am trying to set this up under Win8 using VS2010 pro.
I copied freeglut.dll and glew32.dll to C:\windows\sysWOW64
I get to step 5 to include the include directories - http://i.imgur.com/XI1E63q.png
I get to step 7 to include the dependencies - http://i.imgur.com/aOChW8p.png
And finally to step 8 for the library directories - http://i.imgur.com/AzDvD9R.png
I try to compile and I get what seem to be linkage errors according to a quick google search - http://i.imgur.com/5GxhE9u.png
Google says its a linkage error but everything seems to be linked properly on my end. Is there something I am missing since this is under Windows 8?
Thanks for looking.
Edit: Playing around with the linker directories. I am linking them to:
takes the error count down to 23 errors. :)
Edit2: freeglut.h is located at \freeglut-2.8.1\include\GL and glew.h is located at \glew-1.10.0\include\GL and both of those are pointing right include directories under C/C++/General's tab.
AFAIK, the full path of glew's libs is \glew-1.10.0\lib\Release\Win32(I suppose you use 32bit windows), make sure you path include the lib files correctly. if you didn't modify the directory structure, /glew-1.10.0/lib won't find the libs you want.
Do the same thing for glut libs, I see you got glut link errors as well.
VC++ Directory settings in Visual Studio.

OpenCV highgui220.dll missing

After installing Opencv2.2 using this tutorial I tried to run a simple sample script. It gave me the following error, however: The program can't start because opencv_highgui220.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. But I did, in fact, add the .dll to the Library Directories. I actually did everything the tutorial did too. I also tried to copy the .dll file to the general visual studio lib folder and then tried this #pragma comment (lib, opencv_highgui220) but I got the same error. Does anyone know how it is possible visual C++ still thinks the .dll does not exist? Thanks!
The option use library dependence inputs is set to yes.
The DLL is missing from your system's environment and has nothing to do with compiling and linking your executable (i.e. adding the DLL folder to your Library directories folder is meaningless).
Add the DLL folder to your system path (System Variable PATH in Environment variables).