When a user closes the last tab/window I do get an event indicating that, however it seems all other APIs are non-functioning so I can't send a nativeEvent for example to a companion UWP app to notify the rest of the system of Edge closing via user action. Is there some recommended approach to this sort of thing where I want to notify other aspects of our system that edge is closing?
I need to write a C++ application that should read firewall status of Windows, and then need to keep an eye continuously if admin/someuser
changes the firewall status (lets say when my program was started firewall was disabled and after sometime Admin enabled it).
To implement this, I have created a thread that periodically(10 seconds) poll the code that checks Windows firewall status, but this doesn't look an efficient solution to me as continuous polling is required.
Is there a way to get event automatically in my program if firewall status changes (for example, FindFirstChangeNotification, using this I can get notification if any change in directory)? This will avoid continuous polling and will make program more efficient I think.
Any help is appreciated.
I know there is Windows ETW which anti-viruses use and which has all the info you need. It is a big system log where you subscribe to log/event providers. Pretty much everything that happens in system gets reported there via event which you can listen/wait for. I don't know the links to more useful pages with a list of loggers connected to ETW so here is the more general page: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/event-tracing-for-windows--etw-. You need to find out how to use C++ ETW API and the name/ID of the firewall events provider with a list of event types, then using API subscribe to this provider and setup a callback for when an event that interests you (here change of firewall status) occurs and that is it.
Good day! I write a windows service, which detects USB Flash drive connection and do something with connected drive. And now after tests i need to reprocess devices after wake up from sleep mode. I solve this problem when service work as windows program. To solve i additionally process DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED, but service don't receive this message, it receives only DBT_DEVICE_ARRIVAL and DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE. I also tried to check all messages handled by service except SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT and SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP when system is going to sleep and i don't get any message.
How can I determine when the system is waking up?
A normal application receives a WM_POWERBROADCAST:PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC window message, but a service will not get this message if it does not have a window. However, a service can receive SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT in its HandlerEx callback function, with the same parameters as WM_POWERBROADCAST
Notifies a service of system power events. The dwEventType parameter contains additional information. If dwEventType is PBT_POWERSETTINGCHANGE, the lpEventData parameter also contains additional information.
On Windows 8 and later, you can also use the PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification() function:
Registers to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed.
Notifies a service of device events. (The service must have registered to receive these notifications using the RegisterDeviceNotification function.) The dwEventType and lpEventData parameters contain additional information.
The best way to detect that system is waking up is process power messages.
Windows must process WM_POWERBROADCAST
Services must add SERVICE_ACCEPT_POWEREVENT to last call to SetServiceStatus and process SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT
My error was very stupid. I forget to add SERVICE_ACCEPT_POWEREVENT.
In a command line application which is single threaded, I want to know when user closes (by clicking on red cross on top right) shutdowns PC or Logoff without logging out of my application first, so that I can clear the cookies that I am storing in window's registry.
Is there any way I can know when user has done the events mentioned above and call a function within my application or call a separate EXE or a Batch file following the event ?
I need this functionality because I want to prevent a possible scenario where in Registry is full of unwanted thrash created by not logging out of application properly.
Since my application runs over command prompt likeC:\Users\admin\Desktop>Application.exe -task "ConnectServer" --ip I am looking out for some way to either manage cookies in efficient way or to delete the cookies after catching the events mentioned above.
You could use SetConsoleCtrlHandler()
How Can I execute a function when Windows shutdown. Here is my scenario, I am mounting a drive using WNetAddConnection2 function in my application. Now I want user to set the option if the drive will be mounted on next system startup or not.
If he selects , not to mount on next startup , then I need to remove the drive using WNetCancelConnection2 , but this should only happen when user shutdown the system.
I can only think of only solution. Create a service which will check the user option and then decide whether to mount the drive or not.
Are there any other ways to go ahead with it?
If you have a main window (even an invisible one) that can process messages, you can handle the WM_ENDSESSION message.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376889(v=VS.85).aspx
If you can make your app into a Windows service (or have your app communicate state with one that you provide) you can perform required actions on receipt of SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN in your service control handler function. This would decouple your app that handles user interaction from the shutdown handling, which requires something to be running all the time (what if the user logs off?).
explorer.exe is the GUI process of windows which usually only gets shut down if Windows shuts down (exceptions have to be made for certain error conditions). You could listen on the WM_DESTROY window message for the process ID of explorer.exe and dismount then.
The way I can think of is to:
Register your program to auto Start up (when PC starts). Here's a tutorial on howto.
Store the user option (as mentioned above) in a repository or registry (if you know how). When your app would have started, you can read your registry and act accordingly.
For shutdown, your application will have to hook itself on a SystemEvent to detect shutdown (then you can act accordingly). Here's an example on howto (C#). For C++, you can listen to WM_ENDSESSION message.
I hope that my 2 cents can help you.
I have a C++ Win32 application that was written as a Windows GUI project, and now I'm trying to figure out to make it into a Service / GUI hybrid. I understand that a Windows Service cannot / should not have a user interface. But allow me to explain what I have so far and what I'm shooting for.
WHAT I HAVE NOW is a windows application. When it is run it places an icon in the system tray that you can double-click on to open up the GUI. The purpose of this application is to process files located in a specified directory on a nightly schedule. The GUI consists of the following:
A button to start an unscheduled scan/process manually.
A button to open a dialog for modifying settings.
A List Box for displaying status messages sent from the processing thread.
A custom drawn window for displaying image data (the file processing includes the creation and saving of images).
A status bar - while a process is not running, it shows a countdown to the next scheduled scan. During a scan it also provides some status feedback, including a progress bar.
WHAT I'M SHOOTING FOR is a service that will run on boot-up and not require a user to login. This would consist of the scheduled file processing. However, when a user logs in I would still like the tray icon to be loaded and allow them to open up a GUI as I described above to monitor the current state of the service, change settings, start a scan manually, and monitor the progress of a scan.
I'm sure that I have seen applications like this - that function as a service even when I'm not logged in, but still give me a user interface to work with once I do log in.
I'm thinking that instead of having a single multi-threaded application that sends messages to the GUI thread from the processing thread, I need two applications - a Service to perform the processing and a GUI application to provide visual feedback from the Service and also send messages to the Service (for example, to start a scan manually). But I am new to Windows Services and have no idea how this is done.
It is also possible that I'm completely off base and a Service is not what I'm looking for at all.
Any help / ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
You can't do this as a service.
You'll need to make your Windows Service as a normal service application. This will startup on system startup, and run the entire time the system is up.
You'd then make a completely separate GUI application, which "talks" to the service. This can be set to run when a user logs in, in the user's account.
In order to make them "talk" to each other, you'll need to use some form of IPC. Since these run on the same system (but in different accounts, typically), named pipes or sockets both work quite well.
There is a simple way of doing it.
You can’t have the service access any user’s session (session 1,2,3..) since services are isolated and can access session 0 only. This is a change from 2011.
You should write a win32 program to be launched by your service per each user who logs in using https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682429(v=vs.85).aspx
The service can continue performing any task that isn’t user specific.