I have my own implementation of CListCtrl with checkboxes (LVITEM) and their sub-items. I can make sub-items disabled but I don't know how to disable checkboxes.
How do I make disabled greyed items in CListCtrl when the item is LVITEM?
There is no status for a disabled checkbox.
But you can prevent the status change in LVN_ITEMCHANGING. This notification is sent before any changes to the list view are applied.
void CWzProjectStatistic_User::OnItemchangingLcData(NMHDR* pNMHDR,LRESULT* pResult)
// clear result (accept changes)
*pResult = 0;
// Only if the state changes
if (IfThisIsADisabledEntry(pMLV))
*pResult = 1;
There is also a chance to implement your own graphic and checkbox handling. You may assign your own imagelist to the list view and you can use your own handling of the state images with LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK and INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK
I have used TVN_SELCHANGED message to find out what user select in item tree (Menu).
However, if user continually click same item, that message does not occur.
I want treeCtrl to lose its item selection for occurring TVN_SELCHANGED.
(In other words, I want to make event happened even if user click same item consecutively)
How do I do that?
TVN_SELCHANGE will not help. Nothing is changed, so the notification isn't sent. Even it makes no sense for me. What should a UI do, if a user clicks on an already selected item? Nothing... I would guess.
If you want to handle this, you have to do it by yourself.
You can use WM_LBUTTONDOWN or NM_CLICK, to track the click.
Than use TVM_HITTEST to check what was clicked by the user.
Now you can compare the current selection (TVM_GETNEXTITEM and check for TVGN_CARET)
compare old and new selection.
After all, pass the click to the default handler.
The only time the TreeCtrl will get notified when an item is selected is: TVN_SELCHANGE. In case of same selection, this won't help. But there is another way to get notified.
Add PreTranslateMessage command in your dialog class where TreeCtrl is used and add the code written below.
BOOL MyDlgClass::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
UINT msgValue = pMsg->message;
//here I have compared L button down event, you can use any
//mouse/keyboard event that you want to compare.
if (msgValue == WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
CPoint point;
point.x = (int)(short)LOWORD(pMsg->lParam);
point.y = (int)(short)HIWORD(pMsg->lParam);
OnLButtonDown(pMsg->message, point);
void MyDlgClass::OnLButtonDown(UINT nType, CPoint point)
UINT uFlags;
HTREEITEM hItem = m_treeCtrl.HitTest(point, &uFlags);
if ((hItem != NULL) && (TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON & uFlags))
//TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON detects if user has clicked + or - button of tree
//Add code to perform your operations on hItem.
I have been tasked with assigning tooltips to each item in a configuration menu. I have completed "adding" the tooltip to each control on the page, but it seems sometimes the tooltip shows up and sometimes it does not, depending on the position of the control on the screen.
To tooltip-erize the pages I first
In each CPropertyPage's OnInitDialog method.
I then add the notification map
With the function OnToolTipText looking as such
BOOL CCfgPrefPage::OnToolTipText( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult )
UINT nID = pNMHDR->idFrom;
if (pTTT->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND)
nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)nID);
if( nID == GetDlgItem(IDC_PICKDIST_EDIT)->GetDlgCtrlID())
_tcsncpy_s(pTTT->szText, _T("Tool Tip Text"), _TRUNCATE);
else if( nID == GetDlgItem(IDC_ENDPTTOL_EDIT)->GetDlgCtrlID())
_tcsncpy_s(pTTT->szText, _T("Tool Tip Text"), _TRUNCATE);
pTTT->lpszText = pTTT->szText; // Sanity Check
pTTT->hinst = AfxGetResourceHandle(); // Don't think this is needed at all
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
It seems for some of my controls the tool tip will not show up. For most of the check box controls the tool tip displays, but for a few they just do not show. There are no other controls covering them up, they are not disabled.
Another thing, if I use the non-standard cursor windows repeatedly flashes the tool tip, so much so it is unreadable in some cases. How can I fix this? This is not a problem on CEdit controls, so why is it a problem elsewhere?
EDIT: Update, the controls that have been on the pages for years seem to show tool tips. Any control that I try to add now/today will not show tool tips at all. No matter the position, control type, settings, I cannot get a single tool tip to show on a newly inserted control.
If you do not want to use helper class I have proposed then fix the problems in your code.
First, use ON_NOTIFY_EX_RANGE macro when mapping the even handler, like this (this will cover all IDs):
Next, you need to fix your function. I see a few problems here. First, when testing for TTF_IDISHWND flag you only need to re-initalise the nID. You do not need to apply this to the whole function. Second, after all manipulations, your nID will be the actual dialog ID. There is no need to GetDlgItem() function
BOOL CCfgPrefPage::OnToolTipText( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult )
UINT nID = pNMHDR->idFrom;
if (pTTT->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND)
nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)nID);
_tcsncpy_s(pTTT->szText, _T("Tool Tip Text"), _TRUNCATE);
else if( nID == IDC_ENDPTTOL_EDIT)
_tcsncpy_s(pTTT->szText, _T("Tool Tip Text"), _TRUNCATE);
//pTTT->lpszText = pTTT->szText; // Sanity Check
*pResult = 0;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Working with a toolbar which repeats some menu items from menus of an older MFC application, I have worked on this issue of tool tips as well as (1) modifying the toolbar bit map to include additional icons and (2) providing user feedback on current application state. My problem is that I have to do most of this by hand rather than using the various wizards and tools.
What I have done is to (1) add new members to the CView derived class to handle additional messages, (2) modified the toolbar bit map to add in the additional icons using both MS Paint and the Resource Editor, and (3) added new event ids and event handlers to the message map for the CView derived class.
One problem I ran into with the toolbar bitmap change was that since I was inserting an icon, I had to shift an existing icon in the bitmap to the right. My first attempt at this resulted in the shifted icon showing as a blank on the application toolbar. Then I realized that I needed to add a bit more to the length of the toolbar bitmap. After adding a couple more columns to the last icon in the toolbar bitmap to make it a standard width in pixels, the icon displayed properly.
For tooltips I added the following to the message map:
I then added the following method to my class to handle the notifications for my menu items. As a side note, it appears that OnToolTipText() is the standard method used in CFrameWnd class and CMDIChildWnd class however CView derives from CWnd as does CFrameWnd so I doubt it makes a difference as to what the method is named.
inline BOOL CPCSampleView::OnToolTipText( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult )
static wchar_t toolTextToggleExportSylk [64] = L"Toggle SYLK export.";
static wchar_t toolTextClearWindow [64] = L"Clear the log displayed.";
static wchar_t toolTextConnectLan [64] = L"Log on the POS terminal through the LAN.";
switch (pNMHDR->idFrom) {
pTTT->lpszText = toolTextToggleExportSylk;
return TRUE;
pTTT->lpszText = toolTextClearWindow;
return TRUE;
pTTT->lpszText = toolTextConnectLan;
return TRUE;
// if we do not handle the message then return FALSE to let someone else do it.
return FALSE;
For the user feedback on a menu item which toggles a file export when doing reports I provided the following changes to the message map and then implemented the necessary methods. There are two types of messages involved so I had to add two methods and two new message map entries:
// New message map entries to handle the menu item selection event
// and to update the menu item and the toolbar icon with state changes
// New methods added to the CView derived class
// handle the menu selection event generated by either selecting the menu item
// from the menu or by clicking on the icon in the toolbar.
void CPCSampleView::OnToggleExportSylk()
// Exclusive Or to toggle the indicator bit from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.
GetDocument()->ulReportOptionsMap ^= CPCSampleDoc::ulReportOptionsExportSylk;
// handle the request from the MFC framework to update the displayed state this
// not only does a check mark against the menu item it also causes the toolbar
// icon to appear depressed if click is set or non-depressed if click is not set
inline void CPCSampleView::OnUpdateToggleExportSylk (CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
if (GetDocument()->ulReportOptionsMap & CPCSampleDoc::ulReportOptionsExportSylk)
// SYLK export is turned on so indicate status to the user. This will
// put a check mark beside the menu item and show the toolbar button depressed
pCmdUI->SetCheck (1);
// SYLK export is turned off so indicate status to the user. This will
// remove the check mark beside the menu item and show the toolbar button as raised.
pCmdUI->SetCheck (0);
The resource file changes were needed to provide a new button for the toggle action as well as to add a new menu item for the toggle action. I am using the same resource id for several different things since these are all separate. So the id for the resource string is the same as for the menu item and is same for the toolbar button so as to simplify my life and make it easy to find all the particular bits and pieces.
The toolbar resource file definition looks like:
And the specific part of the menu, which uses the same resource id for the toggle event id looks like:
Then to provide the status bar text which shows up with a mouse over there is a string table addition:
ID_TOGGLE_SYLK_EXPORT "Toggle export of SYLK format report files for spreadsheets."
The lpszText member of the struct is describe in the MSDN documentation for the TOOLINFO struct as:
Pointer to the buffer that contains the text for the tool, or
identifier of the string resource that contains the text. This member
is sometimes used to return values. If you need to examine the
returned value, must point to a valid buffer of sufficient size.
Otherwise, it can be set to NULL. If lpszText is set to
LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK, the control sends the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification
code to the owner window to retrieve the text.
Reviewing the existing answer to this question, I wondered about the if statement check for the TTF_IDISHWND flag. The MSDN documentation for the TOOLINFO struct has this to say:
Indicates that the uId member is the window handle to the tool. If
this flag is not set, uId is the tool's identifier.
I am writing an app with an appbar and item list. I want to add some buttons to the appbar which should appear only when the list item is selected.
So, how to show an additional button on an appbar when the item of the list is selected?
This is Windows 8 Metro style C#/XAML application.
<AppBar x:Name="bottomAppBar" IsOpen="True" IsSticky="True">
private void itemGridView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (itemGridView.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
nextButton.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
nextButton.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed;
Create the additional app bar button and set its Visibility property to Collapsed.
In the SelectionChanged event handler of the list, set the buttons Visibility property to either Visible or Collapsed depending on whether the list item is being selected or deselected.
Set AppBar.IsOpen property instead of Visibility.
I create a MFC MDI application, and want to split a window into two parts at a time dynamically by right click and choosing a "AddSplitWnd" pop menu item. I try to use CSplitterWnd::CreateStatic to implement it, once the window is split, it need to create a new view, but I want to use the previous view instead, so does anyone know how to implement it. Thank you.
Here is a code snippet to exchange views in a splitter in a SDI environment. This should be adaptable to work in MDI as well.
CView* CDoc::SwitchToView(CView* pNewView)
CFrameWndEx* pMainWnd = (CFrameWndEx*)AfxGetMainWnd();
CView* pOldActiveView;
pOldActiveView = pMainWnd->GetActiveView();
CSplitterWnd* pSplitter = (CSplitterWnd *)pOldActiveView->GetParent();
// in this case Pane 0,0 is exchanged
pOldActiveView = (CView*) pSplitter->GetPane(0,0);
// set flag so that document will not be deleted when view is destroyed
m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;
// Dettach existing view
// set flag back to default
m_bAutoDelete = TRUE;
// Set the child window ID of the active view to the ID of the corresponding
// pane. Set the child ID of the previously active view to some other ID.
::SetWindowLong(pOldActiveView->m_hWnd, GWL_ID, 0);
::SetWindowLong(pNewView->m_hWnd, GWL_ID, pSplitter->IdFromRowCol(0,0));
// Show the newly active view and hide the inactive view.
// Attach new view
// Set active
return pOldActiveView;
I want to use two ribbon category buttons to switch between two different views, but I found it can't add event handler to the button.
Is there any hint to solve this problem? Better if there is some sample, actually I'm new to MFC.
You could try hooking into this event?
An option I have found successful was to subclass CMFCRibbonBar and override PreTranslateMessage and check for mouse clicks. Below are the steps I took which have thus far worked well.
Subclass CMFCRibbon - in my example I created CCustomRibbonBar
Override PreTranslateMessage, and add an int value to keep track of the tab
Create a custom windows message that your applications MainForm handles -WM_ACTIVE_RIBBON_TAB_CHANGED in my example
Inside of PreTranslateMessage check for Left Mouse Up event
In the event of a left mouse button up, let the Ribbon finish handling the message and then query the Active Category.
Post the active category to MainForm (or other form)
In your MainForm, handle the category and take into account that with most events the category will not have changed.
Then in my override I check for the mouse up event and retrieve the Active category
Inside Class Declaration
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
int m_LastActiveCategory;
Inside Class Definition
BOOL CCustomRibbonBar::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
//If command was finishing a click
if(pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONUP && pMsg->wParam == 0)
//Allow ribbon to handle itself first
BOOL result = CMFCRibbonBar::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
//Get new active tab
int activeTab = GetCategoryIndex(GetActiveCategory());
//If tab has changed, forward message
if(activeTab != m_LastActiveCategory)
//forward message to parent
m_LastActiveCategory = activeTab;
return result;
//Otherwise handle like normal
return CMFCRibbonBar::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);