Lock oracle apex application - oracle-apex

It is possible to lock pages of an application in oracle apex(5.0). But I want to lock the entire application or entire pages in an application. How can I do this without visiting each page?
Edit: I want to restrict other developers from accessing this application, so that nobody else can make any changes without permission.

You can lock the application in application properties: Edit application properties -> Availability -> Build status, set value Run Application Only. After that developers can't change the application. On attempt to edit, you will see the following:
To unlock application: go to Application Builder -> Workspace Utilities, in a side menu choose Build and App Status. A list of application appears. Choose an application and change its build status.

I think that you mean that you want to apply an "authorization scheme" to the entire application, which you can do by creating your own authorization scheme, then from the application's home page click the "Edit Application Properties" button, "Security" tab, then "Authorization".


Clicking a node in the Sitecore tree makes all other nodes disappear

I'm encountered a weird issue with new Sitecore user accounts. I set their permissions correctly, giving them access to read, write, create, etc the content items/folders they need and the Media Library. When they user logs in and clicks any of the 5 nodes in the tree (or their children) the Sitecore tree/navigation will hide all other nodes.
So if they click an image in the Media Library, the Sitecore tree will focus on the Media Library and not show the Content, System, Templates, etc nodes.
I've tried adding every single role in my company's Sitecore system to a test user and that didn't change a thing, it still happens. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
In the Content Editor, click the Content Editor menu, and then click Application Options. Click View tab and check "Show Entire Content Tree"
Can you please check your URL if it contains ro=/sitecore/media when you click an image media item? Also let please let us know which version you using of Sitecore? Have you made any changes to link manager ?
This sounds to me like a session issue. The Sitecore shell does not like running in a stateless load balanced environment, and the tree in particular manages it's context in session state. If you have more than one server for authoring behind an NLB make sure you have sticky sessions enabled. Otherwise check to make sure your session state setup is properly configured.

Oracle Apex workspace settings for multiple sessions for the same user account

Making Faster Navigation Between APEX Site-Designer Pages
I am having a few difficulties here as this may be a setting that I took for granted in other previous versions of Oracle APEX as before it may have been a default setting, but now the default has changed. Can anyone help me figure it out? I also explain why it was useful for me before...
How do you enable the Oracle APEX instance to permit logging in to the site-designer pages for a single workspace (Application Builder, SQL Workshop, Team Development modules, etc.) using the same user id through more than one browser window?
Note, I do this to save time from navigating between each section of the site-designer (even quick load times can slow down developing an application page or region because of constant shuttling back and forth to make small changes originally missing).
Example Use Case:
Oracle APEX Release: Application Express
Database Platform: Oracle 11g R2
Client-Agent(Browser): Firefox Release 33
Note, this was a fresh install from a lower version that was upgraded
several times up to the current APEX release.
LOG IN to Site-Designer with an account that has DEVELOPER or ADMIN level user privileges.
USE your own values for WORKSPACE, USER, PASSWORD.
CREATE a new PAGE level OBJECT (REGION, FORM, REPORT, etc.) and stop in the middle of the set-up wizard.
RIGHT-CLICK on a TOP LEVEL Menu item such as SQL WORKSHOP. Open it in a NEW WINDOW;
CREATE an object like a TABLE which can be used by the DESIGN WIZARD open in step 3.
The reason for trying to keep different browser sessions open for the same USER account allows users to go back to another section of the design tool to build other objects or app/page elements that were overlooked before initiating a design wizard process.
Observed Behavior:
The new session will allow the user to make a new database object, but when clicking back on the previous window with the session that is running the original wizard, the server prompts for a new log in because that session has been closed.
The solution I found when facing a similar situation was opening Apex in a couple of different web browsers in parallel, so i have Safari for the SQL workshop, and Chrome for the page designer..
so instead of ctrl-tab i use cmd-tab (or alt-tab for PC)
Our IT said it has something to do with session state..

Any way to hide the "New App for Office" warning for on-premise apps?

I finally created my first App for Office, and talked IT into deploying it into our on-premise SharePoint App Catalog. Is there any way, in SharePoint 2013, to hide/bypass the security dialog for people who are visiting the page for the first time?
Here's the dialog box I'm talking about,
There is no way to disable this dialog; the end user must click "Start" in order to trust the app. This dialog will not reappear once the user has trusted the app for the first time.

Properties button disabled when accessing network properties through IContextMenu

So, I have a c++ plugin dll for an app that supports plugins. The dll enumerates the Shell Folder for networks and displays your networks. It then allows you to invoke action on default Context Menu actions for those networks.
Now, if you invoke the action for say "Local Area Connection", it is the same as right-clicking on it and going to properties. However, the difference when I do it manually vs launching it through the app, is that the properties button for IPv4 and IPv6 properties is disabled. Which makes me wonder if it has something to do with permissions, but I have UAC set to lowest and I start the app with Admin privileges. I also added a manifest to the dll with admin permissions. Neither of these changes made any difference.
The action on the context menu is being called using InvokeCommand() of IContextMenu.
Any ideas?

Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.. failed

I am getting this error when calling a web service method which writes to a file on the local drive on Windows 2003.
"System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed."
I have done these steps:
website runs in an appPool using the localSystem identity
website impersonates a user in the admin group.
the web service assembly has full trust
the url of the web service has full trust in the machine's web.config.
the folder's written to security has the impersonated user
So why is this web service still complaining about FileIOPermission? Fulltrust includes FileIOPermission.
After a lot of troubleshooting, it boiled down to a mistake I made in web.config where the location tag had a path of www.example.com but in IIS it was example.com!
Right click on Project-> Properties -> Security Tab -> Enable Click Once Settings
Click on 'Calculate Permissions'.
Click 'Yes' on 'Full Trust Required' message.
Then the issue was solved.
Finally we have found the issue. After building the files in Windows we put them in a zip file. When the files are added to the zip windows adds a blocking property to all files which remains after unzipping the folder. These caused the files to not be able to run properly. The "block" property can be removed by right-clicking on the files (one at the time), select "Properties" and then clicking the "Unblock" button at the bottom. Here is an example picture:
To prevent windows from adding this blocking property, one can look at the following thread:
Can I stop windows from “Blocking” zip files
Maybe it's no longer relevant, but I solved like this:
Project > Properties > Security > Enable ClickOnce security settings - Uncheck