Variable dimension dynamic array in C++ - c++

I would like to implement a STL-like tensor template in C++, which needs overload operator[] to access its elements, which may looks like this:
Tensor<double,2> tensor2
std::cout<< tensor2[1][2]<<'\n';
For low dimensions, it may be easy to use some thing like
But this would not be easy to use for higher dimensions.
Also I would like to implement product between tensors and contraction between dimensions in one tensor.

I implemented the multi-dimensional array with some very basic operations. Since Boost.MultiArray offers a far better solution, my implementation is just for demonstration.
namespace DataStructures
struct ExtentList //Discribe extents of dimensions for MultiArray
std::vector<size_t> dimensions;
ExtentList() = default;
template<typename Iterator, typename SFINAE = std::enable_if_t<std::_Is_iterator_v<Iterator>>>
ExtentList(Iterator begin, Iterator end) : dimensions(begin, end) {}
//operator[] used to initialize the extents
ExtentList& operator[](size_t n) { dimensions.push_back(n); return *this; }
ExtentList after_front() const { return ExtentList(++dimensions.cbegin(), dimensions.cend()); }
//at() used to access extents
size_t at(size_t n) const { return; }
static ExtentList Extents;
typename ElemType, //Underlying Type
size_t Dimension, //Dimension of MultiArray
typename ElementAllocator = std::allocator<ElemType>, //Allocator for elements
template<typename, typename> typename ContainerType = std::vector, //Underlying container type
template<typename> typename ContainerAllocator = std::allocator> //Allocator for container
class MultiArray
//Necessary for contructor with ExtentList
friend class MultiArray<ElemType, Dimension + 1U, ElementAllocator, ContainerType, ContainerAllocator>;
using value_type = typename
Dimension == 1U,
MultiArray<ElemType, Dimension - 1U, ElementAllocator, ContainerType, ContainerAllocator>>;
using allocator_type = typename
Dimension == 1U,
ContainerType<value_type, allocator_type> data;
MultiArray() = default;
MultiArray(size_t n, const value_type& val) : data(n, val) {}
template<typename SFINAE = std::enable_if_t<(Dimension == 1U)>>
MultiArray(ExtentList extents, const ElemType& elem) : data(, elem) {}
template<typename SFINAE = std::enable_if_t<(Dimension >= 2U)>, typename SFINAE2 = SFINAE>
MultiArray(ExtentList extents, const ElemType& elem) : data(, value_type(extents.after_front(), elem)) {}
MultiArray(std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist) : data(ilist) {}
template<typename ... SizeType>
MultiArray(size_t N, SizeType... args) : data(N, value_type(args...)) {}
value_type& operator[](size_t n) { return data[n]; }
void push_back(const value_type& elem) { data.push_back(elem); }
The idea is to implement the multi-dimensional array with recursive template, so subscription and list initialization operations are allowed.
namespace DS = DataStructures;
DS::MultiArray<int, 2> matrix_2d
{ 1,2,3 },
{ 4,5,6 },
{ 7,8,9 }
for (size_t i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j != 3; ++j)
std::cout << matrix_2d[i][j] << ' ';
DS::MultiArray<int, 3> matrix_3d(DS::Extents[10][10][10], 0);
size_t sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i !=; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j !=; ++j)
for (size_t k = 0; k !=; ++k)
sum += (matrix_3d[i][j][k] = i * 100 + j * 10 + k);
std::cout << sum << '\n' << matrix_3d[9][9][9] << '\n';
The idea of ExtentList comes from Boost. It is better than variable function parameter list or variable template.


convert c multidimensional array to multidimensional c++ vector

i am trying to convert c multidimensional array to multidimensional c++ vector, i mean, to convert something like this int arr[2][3] = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}}; into the correspondent vector.
The array isn't necessarily 2D shaped, it could also be something like this:
int arr[2][2][3] = {
initially i thought that something like this would have worked, but it didn't really turned out to be the case because it seems like if std::vector doesn't allows conversions from C arrays.
std::vector<std::any> V(arr);
Then i thought at something like function recursion, this is my attempt, that (i don't know why!) throws error: no matching function for call to 'length' .
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <any>
// Get the lenght of a classic C array.
template <class T, unsigned S>
inline unsigned length(const T (&v)[S]) {
return S;
// Check wether the input is a classic C array or not.
template <class T>
bool is(const T& t) {
return std::is_array_v<T>;
// Turn the classic C input array to vector.
template <class T>
std::vector<std::any> toVector(const T& t) {
std::vector<std::any> V;
for (int k = 0; k < length(t); k++) {
if (is(t[k])) {
} else {
return V;
int main() {
int16 a[] = {1,2,3};
auto b = toVector(a);
What did i wrong in the second attempt? Alternatively, is there a simpler way to manage to do this?
Also, i think it would be better to convert all the numbers in the vector to a unique given data type, is this possible?
I am using c++11 and g++ as compiler –
Note that i do not know how many dimensions my array has.
The equivalent of a C multidimensional array is a flat C++ vector plus a mumtidimensional array view.
The naive equivalent is a vector of vectors (maybe of vectors), which actually corresponds to a C "jagged" array. The memory layout and performance characteristics will be very different.
There are many multi dimensional array-view implementstions on the web.
template<class A>
struct raw_ptr { using type=A*; };
template<class A, std::size_t N>
struct raw_ptr<A[N]>:raw_ptr<A>{};
template<class A>
using raw_ptr_t = typename raw_ptr<A>::type;
template<class T>
struct array_view;
template<class T, std::size_t D0, std::size_t D1>
struct array_view<T[D0][D1]> {
constexpr array_view( T(&arr)[D0][D1] ):data(arr) {}
explicit array_view( raw_ptr_t<T> buff ):data(reinterpret_cast<T(*)[D1]>(buff)) {}
constexpr array_view<T[D1]> operator[](std::size_t i)const{
return data[i];
template<class T, std::size_t D0>
struct array_view<T[D0]> {
constexpr array_view( T(&arr)[D0] ):data(arr) {}
explicit constexpr array_view( T* buff ):data(buff) {}
T* data=0;
constexpr T& operator[](std::size_t i)const{
return data[i];
to convert a int[4][5][6] you'd do:
int array[4][5][6]={/*whatever*/};
std::vector<int> buff(&array[0][0][0], &array[3][4][5]);
array_view<int[4][5][6]> view{};
now, view[a][b][c] is the same as array[a][b][c].
Live example.
template<class Array>
struct wrap_array_in_vector {
using raw_ptr = raw_ptr_t<Array>;
using value_type = std::remove_pointer_t<raw_ptr>;
std::vector<value_type> data;
array_view<Array> view;
wrap_array_in_vector(wrap_array_in_vector const& other):
wrap_array_in_vector(wrap_array_in_vector && other):
{ = nullptr; // no longer valid
decltype(auto) operator[](std::size_t i)const {
return view[i];
wrap_array_in_vector( Array const& arr ):
data( reinterpret_cast<value_type const*>(&arr[0]), reinterpret_cast<value_type const*>(&arr[1]) ),
template<class Array>
template<class Array>
wrap_array_in_vector(Array const&)->wrap_array_in_vector<Array>;
this lets you do
wrap_array_in_vector wrapped = array;
and wrapped deduces all of its type information it needs.
This should be close to optimal for conversion to a vector. The part of the description that was misleading was that the sizes are not regular, as they are list-initialized and in this case with int, will be zeros.
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
template<typename T, std::size_t N>
auto to_vectors( T const (&c_array)[N] ) {
using element_base_type = std::decay_t<T>;
if constexpr( std::is_array_v<T> ) {
using child_t = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<decltype( to_vectors( c_array[0] ) )>>;
auto result = std::vector<child_t>( );
result.reserve( N );
for( auto const & element: c_array ) {
result.push_back( to_vectors( element ) );
return result;
} else {
return std::vector<T>( c_array, c_array + N );
int arr[2][2][3] = {
auto v0 = to_vectors( arr );
template<typename Vec>
void display( Vec const & vec ) {
if constexpr( std::is_same_v<int, typename Vec::value_type> ) {
std::cout << "elements: {";
for( int e: vec ) {
std::cout << e << ',';
std::cout << "}\n";
} else {
std::cout << "element count: " << vec.size( ) << '\n';
for( auto const & child: vec ) {
display( child );
int main( ) {
display( v0 );
this will output
element count: 2
element count: 2
elements: {1,2,3,}
elements: {4,5,6,}
element count: 2
elements: {7,8,9,}
elements: {0,0,0,}

unique_ptr's of zero size

I often work with multi-dimensional arrays, and I am not a big fan of std::vector, since it is not possible to instantiate a std::vector or a std::vector of std::vector's using a reference without copying the underlying data.
For one-dimensional arrays, I use the following
template<typename T>
using deleted_aligned_array = std::unique_ptr<T[], std::function<void(T*)> >;
template<typename T>
deleted_aligned_array<T> deleted_aligned_array_create(size_t n) {
return deleted_aligned_array<T>((T*)_mm_malloc(n*sizeof(T),16), [](T* f)->void { _mm_free(f);});
This is very convenient and allows me to instantiate a dynamically sized array, which also works for a size of zero. Further, I can use std::forward to pass on the data without copying.
For a two-dimensional array, I would like to do something like
template<typename T>
using deleted_aligned_array2 = std::unique_ptr<T*,std::function<void(T**)>>;
template<typename T>
deleted_aligned_array2<T> deleted_aligned_array_create(size_t m, size_t n) {
auto arr = deleted_aligned_array2(new T*[m](), [&](T** x) {
if (malloc_usable_size(x) > 0) {
delete[] x;});
if (m*n > 0) {
arr.get()[0] = (T*) _mm_malloc(m*n*sizeof(T),16);
// Row pointers
for (size_t iRow = 1; iRow < m; iRow++) {
(m_data.get())[iRow] = &(m_data.get()[0][iRow*n]);
return arr;
It works for zero-size arrays, but I get an error from valgrind for obvious reasons, invalid read of size 8.
Is it possible to solve this in an elegant way, without creating an entire class keeping a std::unique_ptr member, where I implement move-constructor, move-assignment etc. Ultimately, I would like to generalize this to be used for any dimension
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
deleted_aligned_array<T,D> deleted_aligned_array_create(...);
The returned array should be a unique pointer with row pointer recursively initialized and it should support zero-size arrays, e.g.
auto arr = deleted_aligned_array_create<float,3>(4,5,10);
should return a 3-dimensional array with row and column pointers.
1) Avoid reading invalid data in a simple way.
2) Use a template parameter D for generating the types: T*, T** and simply passing on D to code recursively generating row pointers (this I already have).
3) Preferably in a portable way. malloc_usable_size is a GNU extension and calling it on x results in an invalid read, when the size is 0.
Thanks in advance
I sort of found a solution but it is not very elegant. If you have a more elegant solution, please post your answer. The solution here is pretty ugly, once we get to higher dimensions.
template <class T, size_t D>
class deleted_aligned_multi_array {
template <class T>
class deleted_aligned_multi_array<T,1> : public std::unique_ptr<T[], std::function<void(T*)> > {
deleted_aligned_multi_array(size_t n) :
std::unique_ptr<T[], std::function<void(T*)> >((T*)_mm_malloc(n*sizeof(T),16),
[](T* f)->void { _mm_free(f);}) {}
template <class T>
class deleted_aligned_multi_array<T,2> {
typedef T** pointer;
typedef std::unique_ptr<T*, std::function<void(T**)>> deleted_unique_array;
deleted_aligned_multi_array() : m(0), n(0), data() {}
deleted_aligned_multi_array(size_t m, size_t n) : m(m), n(n) {
if (m*n > 0) {
data = deleted_unique_array(new T*[m](),
[&](T** x) {
if (sps::msize(x) > 0) {
delete[] x;});
data.get()[0] = (T*) _mm_malloc(m*n*sizeof(T),16);
for (size_t iRow = 1; iRow < m; iRow++) {
(data.get())[iRow] = &(data.get()[0][iRow*n]);
else {
deleted_aligned_multi_array(deleted_aligned_multi_array&& other) : m(other.m), n(other.n),
data(std::move( {}
deleted_aligned_multi_array& operator=( deleted_aligned_multi_array&& other ) {
if (this != &other) {
data = std::move( );
m = other.m;
m = other.n;
return *this;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) {
return this->data.get()[0][i*n + j];
T* operator[](size_t m) {
return &(data.get()[m][0]);
const T* operator[](size_t m) const {
return data.get()[m];
pointer get() const {
return data.get();
void reset(pointer __p = pointer()) {
template<typename _Up>
void reset(_Up) = delete;
deleted_aligned_multi_array(const deleted_aligned_multi_array& other) = delete;
deleted_aligned_multi_array& operator=( const deleted_aligned_multi_array& a ) = delete;
size_t m; ///<Number of rows
size_t n; ///<Number of columns
deleted_unique_array data; ///<Data
A utility function for accessing a sub array, can now easily be made
template <class T>
std::unique_ptr<T*, std::function<void(T*)> sub_array(size_t m, size_t n, size_t i, size_t j) {
// Establish row pointers with reference i and j and dimension mxn.

Anonymous struct with enable/disable

I have the following vector class (vector as in spatial, not array):
template<typename T0, size_t S, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T0>::value && (S > 1 && S < 5)>::type>
struct Vec
using value_type = T0;
using vector_type = Vec<T0, S>;
using array_type = std::array<T0, S>;
using index_type = size_t;
using size_type = size_t;
enum { num_components = S };
array_type v;
, such that I can make a vector type with 2, 3 or 4 elements:
template<typename T0>
using Vec2 = Vec<T0, 2>;
template<typename T0>
using Vec3 = Vec<T0, 3>;
template<typename T0>
using Vec4 = Vec<T0, 4>;
Access is of the form v[0], v[1], etc. (for brevity I don't include the [] operator overloads). Sometimes I prefer x, y and so on but don't want the extra "." from naming the structs in the union. So using a non-standard "feature" of Visual Studio 2013, tried to use an anonymous union, only enabling the value if S (dimension) is 2, 3 or 4, as follows:
template<typename T0, size_t S, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T0>::value && (S > 1 && S < 5)>::type>
struct Vec
using value_type = T0;
using vector_type = Vec<T0, S>;
using array_type = std::array<T0, S>;
using index_type = size_t;
using size_type = size_t;
enum { num_components = S };
array_type v;
template<typename = typename std::enable_if<S == 2>::type>
value_type x, y;
template<typename = typename std::enable_if<S == 3>::type>
value_type x, y, z;
template<typename = typename std::enable_if<S == 4>::type>
value_type x, y, z, w;
Unfortunately this gives me the following error:
**error C2332: 'struct' : missing tag name**
And in a way I suppose it is. Is there any way to achieve what I'm trying here? I'm sure enable/disable of an anoymous struct almost certainly gives the compiler a migrane. I can use anonymous union like this if I give the struct a name of course.
Why do you decide that memory layout of std::array and struct{ T x, T y, ... T} will be identical? It can be reached only if you reset alignment setting to 1 for your class with #pragma pack. For others the alignment is unpredictable.
You want to have such class that
provides access via data member selectors such as .x, .y and so on
provides direct access to data member via operator[]
does not break default data member alignment (std::array is linear, it breaks compiler optimization alignment for your class data member)
The following code meets the above requirements without any non-standard features:
template<typename T, size_t S>
struct Vec;
template<typename T>
struct Vec<T, 1> {
enum {count = 1};
T x;
T& operator[](size_t i) {
assert(i == 0);
return x;
const T& operator[](size_t i) const {
assert(i == 0);
return x;
template<typename T>
struct Vec<T, 2> {
enum { count = 2 };
T x;
T y;
T& operator[](size_t i) {
assert(0 <= i && i < count);
return this->*(pointer(i));
const T& operator[](size_t i) const {
assert(0 <= i && i < count);
return this->*(pointer(i));
static T Vec::* pointer(size_t i) {
static T Vec::* a[count] = { &Vec::x, &Vec::y };
return a[i];
template<typename T>
struct Vec<T, 3> {
enum { count = 3 };
T x;
T y;
T z;
T& operator[](size_t i) {
assert(0 <= i && i < count);
return this->*(pointer(i));
const T& operator[](size_t i) const {
assert(0 <= i && i < count);
return this->*(pointer(i));
static T Vec::* pointer(size_t i) {
static T Vec::* a[count] = { &Vec::x, &Vec::y, &Vec::z };
return a[i];
int main() {
Vec<int, 2> v1{ 1, 2 };
assert(v1[0] == v1.x);
assert(v1[1] == v1.y);
Vec<unsigned char, 3> v2{ 4, 5, 6 };
assert(v2[0] == v2.x);
assert(v2[1] == v2.y);
assert(v2[2] == v2.z);
return 0;

Differentiate between 1D and 2D container in template class constructor (SFINAE)

So, I have a class, which has an array of arrays as a private member. I wish to have two constructors for each case (1D or 2D). But of course their declaration happens to be the same, so template deduction can't do its job without me doing something about it. Here's the code:
Edit: I also need it to work with STL containers like vector or C++ array. That is why I am overcomplicating and not going with the "arrays" fix.
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
template<class T, std::size_t rows_t, std::size_t cols_t>
class test
std::array<std::array<T, cols_t>, rows_t> _data;
auto begin() { return this->_data.begin(); }
auto end() { return this->_data.end(); }
template<class type_t>
test(const type_t &arr)
std::size_t j = 0;
for (const auto &num : arr)
this->_data[0][j++] = num;
template<class type_t>
test(const type_t &arr)
std::size_t i = 0;
for (const auto &el : arr)
std::size_t j = 0;
for (const auto &num : el)
this->_data[i][j++] = num;
int main()
double arr[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
double arr2[2][2] = { {1, 2}, {3, 4} };
test<double, 1, 3> obj = arr;
test<double, 2, 2> obj2 = arr2;
for (const auto &i : obj2)
for (const auto &j : i)
std::cout << j << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
Note: I've been reading about enable_if, but I don't quite understand how it works. Can it be done with that?
The constructors should not be the same, but you have only provided the most generic matching possible.
SFINAE is not necessary here. Just provide a constructor for a 1D array, and a separate constructor for a 2D array:
template <typename T2, std::size_t N>
test( const T2 (&a)[N] )
template <typename T2, std::size_t M, std::size_t N>
test( const T2 (&a)[M][N] )
Another note: POSIX reserves typenames ending with "_t", so it is typically a good idea to avoid them in your own code. (Obnoxious, I know.) Standard C++ will use Camel Case of the form: RowsType, etc, and then typedef a rows_type for users of the class.
Notice, however, that rows_t is not actually a type -- it is a value. A better name would be something like NRows.
Hope this helps.
First, you have to "teach" the compiler what's 2D and what's not. Hence, you have to define something like the following type trait:
template<typename T>
struct is2D : public std::false_type {};
template<typename T, std::size_t N, std::size_t M>
struct is2D<std::array<std::array<T, M>, N>> : std::true_type {};
template<typename T>
struct is2D<std::vector<std::vector<T>>> : std::true_type {};
template<typename T, std::size_t N, std::size_t M>
struct is2D<T[N][M]> : std::true_type {};
Then you could set up your class definition in the following way:
template<class T, std::size_t rows_t, std::size_t cols_t>
class test{
std::array<std::array<T, cols_t>, rows_t> _data;
template<class type_t>
std::enable_if_t<!is2D<type_t>::value, void>
test_init(type_t const &arr) {
std::size_t j = 0;
for (const auto &num : arr) _data[0][j++] = num;
template<class type_t>
std::enable_if_t<is2D<type_t>::value, void>
test_init(type_t const &arr) {
std::size_t i = 0;
for(const auto &el : arr) {
std::size_t j = 0;
for (const auto &num : el) _data[i][j++] = num;
auto &operator[](const std::size_t &i) { return this->_data[i]; }
auto begin() { return this->_data.begin(); }
auto end() { return this->_data.end(); }
template<class type_t> test(type_t const &arr) { test_init(arr); }

Overloading operator [] for N-dimensional structure

I made an N-dimensional structure with vectors and templates:
//----------------N-dimensional vector--------------------------------
template<int dim,typename T> class n_dim_vector {
typedef std::vector<typename n_dim_vector<dim - 1, T>::vector> vector;
template<typename T> class n_dim_vector <0, T> {
typedef T vector;
It can be instatiaated with different dimnsion-counts and is prt of a class that represent a search space.
template<int dim, typename T> class n_dim_ssc {
typename n_dim_vector<dim, T>::vector searchspace;
My problem: I cannot get operator[] right to access searchspace properly, specifically the return type.
I tried:
template<typename V> std::vector<V>& operator[](unsigned i) {
return searchspace[i];
T& operator[](unsigned i) {
return searchspace[i];
at first, thinking the compiler would derive typename V as whatever type searchspace contained at all but the last level. Thats what T& operator[](unsigned i) was for.
But alas, doen't work this way. And I cannot work out how it would
EDIT Don't fear, I do not access empty memory, the structure is initialized and filled, I just didn't include the code for clarity's sake.
Also, I don't intend to access it with a single integer, I wanted to use searchspace[i][j]..[k]
The way to let compiler deduces the return type is auto:
In C++14:
auto operator[](unsigned i) { return searchspace[i]; }
In C++11:
auto operator[](unsigned i) -> decltype(searchspace[i]) { return searchspace[i]; }
I'm answering to your comment
Feel free to recommend something better, I'd appreciate it.
The following code shows one way to handle the multidimensional vector at once, i.e. non-recursively. It could be improved in several ways which I didn't consider for now (for instance, I wouldn't want to use and pass that many arrays but rather use variadic parameter lists. This however requires much more and more diffcult code, so I'll let it be.)
#include <numeric>
template<size_t Dim, typename T>
struct MultiDimVector
std::array<size_t, Dim> Ndim;
std::array<size_t, Dim> stride;
std::vector<T> container;
MultiDimVector(std::array<size_t, Dim> const& _Ndim) : Ndim(_Ndim), container(size())
stride[0] = 1;
for (size_t i = 1; i<Dim; ++i)
stride[i] = stride[i - 1] * Ndim[i - 1];
size_t size() const
return std::accumulate(Ndim.begin(), Ndim.end(), 1, std::multiplies<size_t>());
size_t get_index(std::array<size_t, Dim> const& indices) const
//here one could also use some STL algorithm ...
size_t ret = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i<Dim; ++i)
ret += stride[i] * indices[i];
return ret;
T const& operator()(std::array<size_t, Dim> const& indices) const
return container[get_index(indices)];
You can use it like
MultiDimVector<3, double> v({ 3, 2, 5 }); //initialize vector of dimension 3x2x5
auto a = v({0,1,0}); //get element 0,1,0
But as I wrote, the curly brackets suck, so I'd rewrite the whole thing using variadic templates.
The problem with your approach is that you're not initializing any memory inside the vector and just trying to return non-existent memory spots. Something on the line of the following (WARNING: uncleaned and unrefactored code ahead):
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
template<int dim,typename T> class n_dim_vector {
typedef std::vector<typename n_dim_vector<dim - 1, T>::vector> vector;
template<typename T> class n_dim_vector <0, T> {
typedef T vector;
template<int dim, typename T> class n_dim_ssc {
typename n_dim_vector<dim, T>::vector searchspace;
n_dim_ssc() {}
n_dim_ssc(typename n_dim_vector<dim, T>::vector space) : searchspace(space) {}
n_dim_ssc<dim-1, T> operator[](std::size_t i) {
if(searchspace.size() < ++i)
return n_dim_ssc<dim-1, T>(searchspace[--i]);
typename n_dim_vector<dim, T>::vector get() {
return searchspace;
template<typename T> class n_dim_ssc<0,T> {
typename n_dim_vector<0, T>::vector searchspace;
n_dim_ssc() {}
n_dim_ssc(typename n_dim_vector<0, T>::vector space) : searchspace(space) {}
typename n_dim_vector<0, T>::vector get() {
return searchspace;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
n_dim_ssc<0, int> ea;
int a = ea.get();
n_dim_ssc<1, int> ea2;
auto dd2 = ea2[0].get();
n_dim_ssc<2, int> ea3;
auto dd3 = ea3[0][0].get();
Try it out
will work with an accessor method (you can modify this as you want).
Anyway I strongly have to agree with Kerrek: a contiguous memory space accessed in a multi-dimensional array fashion will both prove to be faster and definitely more maintainable/easier to use and read.