Difference between 'Windows Console Application' and 'Empty Project' in VS C++ - c++

If I'm making a simple C++ program, such as connecting to a database, which option should I choose in Visual Studio 2017 as a Visual C++ template?
Windows Console Application
Empty Project?
Will a Windows Console Application based program run only on windows where as an empty project one will run on many OS'?

A "Window's Console Application" program has stuff added to your project to make it run smoother with the Window's command prompt. However, even if you create an "Empty Project", the compiled version will not run on another OS, by default. You will have to recompile for each OS you want to work with.

Use a console application, it will already have the main function and such in there. It is what you would use for a "hello world" program.
If you start from an empty project you're just going to have to create a similar .cpp file anyway.


How to redirect stdin/stdout/stderr in Visual Studio to a Visual Studio window when debugging a console application?

I am writing a cross-platform application in C++ using Visual Studio.
My project type is the most basic one "Win32 console application".
I admit it, I haven't mastered all bits of windows software development, but there seems to be a clear pattern:
When you run an application from a CMD session, by default, Windows connects the app's default stdin/stdout/stderr with this CMD session.
(I.e. when you type 'dir' in a cmd session, it doesn't fire up a new cmd window.)
This is, however, not the case when running an application from VS. That is, when I press F5, it fires up a new console window, runs my console app inside this window and connects stdin/stdout/stderr with this console window.
What I want is instead to connect stdin/stdout/stderr with a sub-window inside the Visual Studio itself. (Akin to an "Immediate" window.)
Then I won't have to switch back and forth between VS and CMD.
Clearly, there should be some mechanisms to achieve that, since from an ordinary command prompt I could do something like:
a.exe 1>stdout.txt 2>stderr.txt <stdin.txt
I'd like Visual Studio to do something like that when running my application, but instead of files, connect the streams to a sub-window in VS.
The principal thing here is that this should be done without any modifications to the application code itself, because it must be completely independent of the development environment and/or platform.
(That's why I didn't use one of the many solutions found on stackoverflow -- they all are based on some adaptation of the application code.)

How can I develop pure GUI wxwigets program by XCode

I have create a wxwidgets program(Pure C++) , the build is success and running is OK
But when I click the program in finder, a terminal windows is popup.
How to avoid the terminal window being popup?
PS: Similiar problem is also seen in Visual Studio, and can be fixed by changing subsystem from Console to Windows
Is there a similiar configuration in Xcode?
You must make a bundle for your application under OS X. If you use Xcode, this should already be the case. If you use makefiles/command line, look at how the minimal sample included in wxWidgets distribution does it.

How to compile and run correctly a windows forms application

I added the C++ Windows Forms Application project to Visual Studio 2012, but I can't compile programs made with it correctly. When I press the "Local Compiler Windows" button, it doesn't compile it as it is. All the buttons, text boxes and etc. are not seen, just a white window. How can I compile it correctly?
Follow the below steps
1.Build your program first
File Menu---Build---Build ProjectName
2. Run it(shortcut F5 or the triangle shaped icon).
File Menu ---Debug--Start Debugging
Single step for building and running it:
Running the project directly, will automatically prompt for a build(if it hasn't been built yet) and then run the program.

How to migrate Borland C++ 5.02 application to Windows 7?

Currently we are migrating our applications developed in Borland C++ 5.02 on Windows XP to Windows 7. While executing the application on Windows 7, I am getting the error message
VBX library init Failure.
While trying to find the cause on the Internet, I was able to identify the error was because of BIVBX31N.EXE and BIVBX31N.dll.
How can I port a Borland C++ 5.02 application to Windows 7, solving the BIVBX31N.EXE and BIVBX31N.dll related issues?
If you're stuck using this product, here is what I recommend.
Simple answer: Don't use the IDE, but continue to use the command line tools:
bcc32.exe (the compiler) still works fine in Windows 8.
ilink32.exe (the linker) still works fine as well.
Both can be found in the bin sub-folder.
You can get some of the command line information by opening the IDE (project) file in Notepad or a hex editor (it isn't a text file, but you can read most stuff in Notepad). Or if you do have access to Windows XP you can open it there just to copy the settings for usage in the command-line tools.
Just use some other IDE or editor like Notepad++ to edit your source files. You can use an older version of Visual C++ to edit the RC files, or Notepad or other tools.
If you want really want to make it slick, set up your IDE to run an "external tool" when you click a toolbar button, to have it run your command-line tools to compile + link (and optionally run the EXE file). You can probably find a debugger tool as well, but I haven't needed that yet, so haven't checked.
My best recommendation is to start the process of porting your code to Visual Studio.
You can use a library like OWLNext if you've used the OWL library in Borland.
The other alternative is is to use Windows Virtual PC (or other such virtual machine) to run Borland in an integrated Windows XP mode. See an example here.
This can be probable answer ???
You have to download configured Borland Compiler from http://www.4shared.com/get/Gs41_5yA/borland_for_graphics.html or http://dwij.co.in/graphics-c-programming-for-windows-7-borland-compiler/.
Put your Borland’s ‘bin’ folder into Environmental Variables.
Now go inside folder ‘bin’ & edit file bcc32.cfg as per your folder structure. This file contains settings of headers & libraries.
Now create any C/C++ Program say myprogram.cpp
Use following command to compile this bunch of code:
F:\>bcc32 myprogram.cpp
Congratulations !!!.

C++ disallow command prompt from displaying

Is there any thing I can do to make sure that the shell/command prompt does not show up when I run my C++ program, it is meant to be a background program? While it isn't a huge deal if it displays because it quickly closes, I would prefer it doesn't display at all. Program will run on windows xp/vista/7 OS
Configure your compiler or linker to mark your program as a GUI application.
Windows recognizes two main types of programs: GUI and console. If the EXE header is marked as a console program, then the OS creates a console window prior to executing it. Otherwise, it doesn't. This isn't something you can control at run time; you need to set it at link time. (You can call ShowWindow(GetConsoelWindow(), SW_HIDE) to try to control it at run time, but that doesn't prevent the window from flickering on and then off again. Plus, if your program is sharing the console with another program, like cmd.exe, then you'll have just hidden the user's command-prompt window!) Even if your program doesn't have any actual GUI, that's still the mode you need to avoid having a console window created for you.
If you're starting a new project in Visual Studio, select the "Win32 Console Application" option. If you already have a project, then in your project's configuration properties, find the "Subsystem" setting of the "Linker/System" section and set it to "Console." That makes the linker use the /subsystem:console option. If you're using Mingw, use the -Wl,--subsystem,windows option.
Sounds to me like you want to create a Windows service, not a command line utility. This is why services exist. Long running background tasks that require no user interaction. A simple example here.