Averaging of two images with mask - c++

I have two image like this:
I create two mask, which show me position of each image on scene.
I create mask which show me intersection of two images.
I create intersection mask with
cv::bitwise_and(mask_left, mask_right, mask_intersection);
I want adding two images together. Where pixels of mask_intersection is white, I want use average value of pixels on both images. Here is result, where I just add one image on another. The problem is sharp border, which I want to solve with averaging of both images only on mask_intersection.
I don't know how to solve this problem the easiest way.

For averaging the two images where the mask intersect, you could use copyTo.
Supposing you have maskIntersection, image1, image2 and finalImage, the code would look something like:
((image1 + image2) * 0.5).copyTo(finalImage, maskIntersection)
Even though this answers your question of averaging the two images, I don't think it will provide very good results. Blending two images together is usually a more involved process. Take a look at this class to have a quick overview of what is required.

Te process you are loocking for is called blending, and you can achieve it using cv::addWeighted(), then just multiply the result by the mask to cut off zones of the image that you donĀ“t want to blend.


Python: Reduce rectangles on images to their border

I have many grayscale input images which contain several rectangles. Some of them overlap and some go over the border of the image. An example image could look like this:
Now i have to reduce the rectangles to their border. My idea was to make all non-white pixels which are less than N (e.g. 3) pixels away from the border or a white pixel (using the Manhatten distance) white. The output should look like this (sorry for the different-sized borders):
It is not very hard to implement this. Unfortunately the implementation must be fast, because the input may contain extremly many images (e.g. 100'000) and the user has to wait until this step is finished.
I thought about using fromimage and do then everything with numpy, but i did not find a good solution.
Maybe someone has an idea or a hint how this problem may be solved very efficient?
Calculate the distance transform of the image (opencv distanceTrasform http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/imgproc/doc/miscellaneous_transformations.html)
In the resulted image zero all the pixels that have value bigger than 3

Build-in function for interpolating single pixels and small blobs

Is there a build-in function for interpolating single pixels?
Given a normal image as Mat and a Point, e.g. an anomaly of the sensor or an outlier, is their some function to repair this Point?
Furthermore, if I have more than one Point connected (let's say a blob with area smaller 10x10) is there a possibility to fix them too?
Trys but not really solutions
It seems that interpolation is implemented in the geometric transformations including resizing images and to extrapolate pixels outside of the image with borderInterpolate, but I haven't found a possibility for single pixels or small clusters of pixels.
A solution with medianBlur like suggested here does not seem appropriate as it changes the whole image.
If there isn't a build-in function, my idea would be to look at all 8-connected surrounding pixels which are not part of the blob and calculate the mean or weighted mean. If doing this iteratively, all missing or erroneous pixel should be filled. But this method would be dependent of the applied order to correct each pixel. Are there other suggestions?
Here is an image to illustrate the problem. Left the original image with a contour marking the pixels to fix. Right side shows the fixed pixels. I hope to find some sophisticated algorithms to fix the pixel.
The build-in function inpaint of OpenCV does the desired interpolation of chosen pixels. Simply create a mask with all pixels to be repaired.
See the documentation here: OpenCV 3.2. Description: inpaint and Function: inpaint

How to find that image is more or less homogeneous w.r.t color (hue)?

I have segmented the image into different regions. For each region, I need to know whether it is more or less homogeneous in terms of color.
What could be the possible strategies to do so?
I want to check the color variance (preferably hue variance) of an image to find out the images made up of homogeneous colors (i.e. the images which have only one or two color).
I understand that one strategy could be to create a hue-histogram for that and then I can found the count of each color but I have several images altogether and I cannot create a hue-histogram of 180 bins for each image because then it would be computationally expensive for whole code.
Is there any inbuilt openCV method OR other simpler method to find out whether the image consist of homogeneous color only OR several colors?
Something, which can calculate the variance of hue-image would also be fine. I could not find something like variance(image);
PS: I am writing the code in C++.
The variance can be computed without an histogram, as the average squared values minus the square of the averaged values. It takes a single pass over the image, with two accumulators. Choose a data type that will not overflow.

Pixel level image registration / alignment?

I'm trying to remove foreground from two images, here's a sample pair of images:
As you can see, the Budweiser bottle is removed from the scene before the second shot is taken.
These photos were captured from a pinhole camera (iPhone), and, the tricky part is I'm hand-holding the camera, so it cannot be guaranteed that the images are perfectly aligned pixel by pixel, so a simple minus-threshold method will not work.
Then, I've decided to perform image registration using findHomography and warpPerspective from OpenCV, here's the result image:
This image is warped with the matrix I've got from findHomography, it kind of improved the alignment quality, but still not that aligned so I can use a simple way to remove the foreground.
So, finally, I decided to implement a "fuzzy-minus" algorithm: for every pixel in image1, I'll look through a 7x7 neighbour in image2 (a 7 by 7 kernel?), using the minimal difference in grayscale as the result of minus, and threshold the result into binary image, here's what I've got:
And the result is still not good. Notice the white wholes in the bottle, this is produced due to similar grayscale value of foreground and background. So I'm not sure what to do now.
I can think of two ways to solve the problem, the first is to get a better aligned pair of images, and simply minus the pairs; the second is to use a more robust way to extract the foreground.
Can anyone give me some advice on how to deal with this kind of problem? I believe there should be some state-of-art algorithms or processing pipelines, but after googling around, I get nothing.
I'm using OpenCV with C++, it would be fantastic if you can tell me how to do it with these tools in hand.
Big big thanks in advance!
The problem is not in your algorithm. You are having problem because the two scenes were not taken from exactly the same angle, as shown in the animation below. This slight difference highlight the edges in the subtraction.
You need a static camera in order to apply this approach.
I suggest using mathematical morphology on the mask that you got to get rid of the artifacts.
Try applying both opening and closing to get rid of the black and the white small regions.
Mathematical Morphology
Mathematical Morphology in opencv
The difference between the two picture is pretty huge, so you will need to use a large structure element, but I don't think you will be able to get rid of the shadow.
For the two large strips in the background, you may try to use a horizontally shaped structure element as well.
Is it possible to produce a grayscale image instead of a binary image? if yes, you may try to experiment with the hat method for the shadow, but I am not sure about this point.
This is what I got using two different structure elements for closing THEN opening
Mat mask = imread("mask.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
I would suggest optical flow for alignment and OpenCV's background subtraction algorithm:
I suggest that instead of using findHomography try using some of openCV's stereo correspondence functions: http://docs.opencv.org/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html
there is a sample code here: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/blob/master/samples/cpp/stereo_calib.cpp

Extending a contour in OpenCv

i have several contours that consist of several black regions in my image. Directly adjacent to these black regions are some brighter regions that do not belong to my contours. I want to add these brighter regions to my black region and therefor extend my contour in OpenCv.
Is there a convenient way to extend a contour? I thought about looking at intensity change from my gradient-image created with cv::Sobel and extend until the gradient changes again, meaning the intensity of pixel is going back to the neither black nor bright regions of the image.
Here are example images. The first picture shows the raw Image, the second the extracted Contour using Canny & findContours, the last one the Sobel-Gradient intensity Image of the same area.
I want to include the bright boundaries in the first image to the Contour.
Update: Now i've used some morphological operations on the Sobelgradients and added a contour around them (see Image below). Next step could be to find the adjacent pair of purple & red contours, but it seems very much like a waste of procession time to actually have to search for directly adjacent contours. Any better ideas?
Update 2: My solution for now is to search for morphed gradient (red) contours in a bounding box around my (purple) contours and pick the one with correct orientation & size. This works for gradient contours where the morphological operation closes the "rise" and "fall" gradient areas like in Figure 3. But it is still a bad solution for cases in which the lighted area is wider then in the image above. Any idea is still very much appreciated, thanks!
What you're trying to do is find two different features and merge them. It's not terribly difficult but you have to use multiple copies of the image to make it happen.
Make one copy, and threshold it for the dark portion
Make another copy and threshold it for the light portion
Merge both thresholded images into a new image
Apply a morphological operation like opening or closing (depending on how you threshold) This will connect nearby components
Find contours in the resultant image
Use those contours on your original image. This will work since all the images are the same size and all based off of the original.