c++ unordered_map iterator on single object - c++

I have a string and an unordered_map of (string, Object). I already have some code in which I am iterating over the map:
for(auto& item : map) {
I want to modify it to do the part inside the for loop when the string is non-empty and found inside the map else if string is empty do it for all items in the map.
item = map.find(string);
else {
for(auto& item : map) {
Can I do this without rewriting the do_something or creating a separate function?

To follow the line of thought you presented in the comments. You can replace the range for loop by a regular for loop over a specific range (defined by iterators). To define it, you'd need something like this:
auto begin = map.begin(), end = map.end(); // The whole map
std::tie(begin, end) = map.equal_range(string);
// constrain range to the single element
for(; begin != end; ++begin) { // loop over it
auto& item = *begin;
// Do something
The star of the above is std::unordered_map::equal_range.


How can I code a loop that compares every element of an unordered_set with all the others, using iterators in C++?

I have an unordered_set and I need to pick each element and compare it with all the others.
If A and B are compared, I don't need to compare B and A.
My unordered_set is the value of an unordered_map, for which the key is a pair.
I tried the following:
unordered_map <pair<int, int>, unordered_set <int>, boost::hash<std::pair<int,int>>> gridMap;
unordered_map <int, rigidBody*> objectsMap;
auto gridMapIt = gridMap.begin();
while (gridMapIt != gridMap.end()) // loop the whole gridMap
auto setItOut = gridMapIt->second.begin();
while (setItOut != gridMapIt->second.end()) // loop each element of the set
auto setItIn = gridMapIt->second.begin();
while (setItIn != gridMapIt->second.end()) // versus each other element
//compare and do stuff
checked.insert({ objectsMap[*setItOut]->getID(), objectsMap[*setItIn]->getID() });
checked.insert({ objectsMap[*setItIn]->getID(), objectsMap[*setItOut]->getID() });
The error I am getting is "Expression: cannot dereference end list iterator". If I remove or comment the innermost while loop, it works fine.
Thanks in advance.
The use of *setItIn after the loop is invalid. At that point you have an iterator that points past the last element. That's what the error is telling you.
If you change from while to for you can use the scoping rules to stop yourself from dereferencing invalid iterators.
Rather than populate checked, you can start the inner loop from the next element, rather than the first.
for (auto & gridElem : gridMap) {
for (auto setItOut = gridElem.second.begin(), setEnd = gridElem.second.end(); setItOut != setEnd; ++setItOut) {
for (auto setItIn = std::next(setItOut); setItIn != setEnd; ++setItIn) {
//compare and do stuff
// setItIn not visible here

Loop over all (unordered) pairs of elements in a vector

I have a std::vector of some data (Points in my case) and I want to loop over all distinct pairs of elements. The order of the pair is not important (as I am only interested in the distance of the points). With a classic for loop what I would want to do would be something like:
std::vector<double> vec{-1., 3., 5., -8., 123., ...};
for (std::vector<double>::size_type first = 0; first < vec.size(); ++first) {
for (std::vector<double>::size_type second = first+1; second < vec.size();
++second) {
// Compute something using std::fabs(vec.at(first)-vec.at(second))
My question is now if one can achieve this more elegantly using range based loops.
I wouldn't attempt to coerce it into a range based loop (since contriving the start of the inner loop will be tricky), but I would work directly with the iterators to clarify the loop body and to make the code less dependent on the specific container you're using:
for (auto first = vec.begin(); first != vec.end(); ++first){
for (auto second = first + 1; second != vec.end(); ++second){
// Your vec.at(first) is now simply *first.
Note that first + 1 is always valid since first is never vec.end() when first + 1 is evaluated.
std::vector::at is also required by the C++ standard to check that the supplied index is in the bounds of the vector (and throw a std::out_of_range exception if it isn't within the bounds), which is an unnecessary overhead in your case.
I provide this answer only because OP want a way of doing that with
range based for loops. It isn't more elegant than ordinary loops.
If your vector doesn't have duplicate numbers you can use reverse iteration instead of beginning from a specific point in the second loop, so that you can use range based for in your iterations.
for reverse iteration by range based for loops you want an adapter class.
template <typename It>
class reverse_adapter
reverse_adapter(It rbegin, It rend)
: _rbegin(rbegin), _rend(rend)
It begin() const { return _rbegin; }
It end() const { return _rend; }
It _rbegin;
It _rend;
template<typename Container>
reverse_adapter<typename Container::reverse_iterator> make_reverse(Container& container)
reverse_adapter<typename Container::reverse_iterator> adapter(std::rbegin(container), std::rend(container));
return adapter;
And use this adapter for reverse iteration in second loop.
for(auto val : vec)
for (auto second_val : make_reverse(vec)) // Start from last to current item in first loop
if (val == second_val) break; // Instead of first + 1 in second loop
auto dif = val - second_val;

Erase nested map elements

I have a map which looks like
typedef std::map<int, std::set<float>> innerMap;
typedef std::map<long, innerMap> outerMap;
I want to do following:
1. I want to erase inner map elements for a key of outer map.
2. Then I want to erase outer map key if it contains 0 inner map elements.
For first scenario, I have written code as:
outerMap mapA;
//assuming this map contain an element
//longx is key in outer element, intx is key of inner element
std::map<int, std::set<float>>::const_iterator innerIter = mapA[longx].begin();
while (innerIter != mapA[longx].end())
if (innerIter->first == intx)
if (innerIter->second.size() == 0)
I have written this code in C++ but I wanna use C++11. Can we write this in a better way in C++11?
For second scenario, do I need to iterate again outer map and check its value elements or I can do it in existing code itself?
This code looks way too complicated to me. The following should do the same, no need to use fancy C++11 features:
outerMap mapA;
// Lookup iterator for element of outerMap.
outerMap::iterator const outerIter = mapA.find(longx);
// Lookup iterator for element of innerMap that should be checked.
innerMap::const_iterator const innerIter = outerIter->second.find(intx);
// Check if element of innerMap should be erased and erase it if yes.
if(innerIter != outerIter->second.end() && innerIter->second.size() == 0) {
// Erase element of outer map is inner map is now empty:
// This should do scenario 2
if(outerIter->second.size() == 0) {
what you do currently (in C++11):
auto& inner = mapA[longx];
const auto it = inner.find(intx);
if (it != inner.end() && it->second.size() == 0) {

C++ Remove Objects in List at Loop

How can i delete all objects which are works finished
I using the following code but get list iterator not incrementable
How can I remove it without deleting it
list<A*> myList;
for(list<A*>::iterator it = myList.begin(); it !=myList.end(); ++it ){
(*it )->DoSomething();
if((*it )->WorksFnished()){
//myList.erase(it ); <- It's works but I get exception after the loop
//myList.remove(*it ); <- It's works but I get exception after the loop
erase returns an iterator
list<A*> myList;
list<A*>::iterator it = myList.begin();
while( it != myList.end() ) {
if( (*it)->WorksFnished() ) {
it = myList.erase(it);
} else {
You can make use of the fact that erase returns a new iterator, as described in other answers here. For performance-critical code, that might be the best solution. But personally, I would favor splitting the loop into separate processing and removal steps for readability and clarity:
// Assumes C++ 11 compatible compiler
list<A*> myList;
// Processing
for(const auto* each : myList){
// Deletion
myList.remove_if([](A* each) {
return each->WorksFnished();
If you don't want to use remove_if, some alternatives are:
Copy all objects you want to keep into a new list, then std::swap it with your current list
Use a temporary list toBeRemoved, and add all objects that should be removed to that. When you're finished iterating over the actual list, iterate toBeRemoved and call myList.erase for each element
Some workaround..
increment the number of objects from the list that has WorkFnished.
then after the loop. if the accumulator match the list size, clear it.
size_t nFinished = 0;
list<A*> myList;
for(list<A*>::iterator it = myList.begin(); it !=myList.end(); ++it ){
(*it )->DoSomething();
if((*it )->WorksFnished()){
if (nFinished == myList.size())
If you use erase you have to assign it back to the iterator. In this case, we have to take care of the incrementing ourselves depending if the current element was erased or not.
list<A*> myList;
for (auto it = myList.begin(); it != myList.end(); )
if( (*it)->WorksFnished() ) {
it = myList.erase(it); // Sets it to the next element
} else {
++it; // Increments it since no erasing
Return: An iterator pointing to the new location of the element that followed the last element erased by the function call. This is the container end if the operation erased the last element in the sequence.

What is proper way to delete objects that resides in a list that you find while looping that list?

I have a list of Star structs. These structs are in a std::list
I am double looping this list and compairing there locations to detect a collision. When A collision is found I will delete Star with the lowest mass. But how can I delete the Star when I am in the double Loop, and keep the loop going to check for more collisions?
It's worth mentioning that the second loop is a reverse loop.
Here is some code
void UniverseManager::CheckCollisions()
std::list<Star>::iterator iStar1;
std::list<Star>::reverse_iterator iStar2;
bool totalbreak = false;
for (iStar1 = mStars.begin(); iStar1 != mStars.end(); iStar1++)
for (iStar2 = mStars.rbegin(); iStar2 != mStars.rend(); iStar2++)
if (*iStar1 == *iStar2)
Star &star1 = *iStar1;
Star &star2 = *iStar2;
if (CalculateDistance(star1.mLocation, star2.mLocation) < 10)
// collision
// get heaviest star
if (star1.mMass > star2.mMass)
star1.mMass += star2.mMass;
// I need to delete the star2 and keep looping;
star2.mMass += star1.mMass;
// I need to delete the star1 and keep looping;
You need to utilize the return value of the erase method like so.
iStar1 = mStars.erase(iStar1);
erase = true;
if (iStar1 == mStars.end())
break; //or handle the end condition
//continue to bottom of loop
if (!erase)
iStar1++; //you will need to move the incrementation of the iterator out of the loop declaration, because you need to make it not increment when an element is erased.
if you don't increment the iterator if an item is erased and check if you deleted the last element then you should be fine.
Since modifying the list invalidates the iterators (so that you cannot increment them), you have to keep safe the iterators before the list is changed.
In the most of the implementation std::list is a dual-linked list, hence a iteration like
for(auto i=list.begin(), ii; i!=list.end(); i=ii)
ii = i; ++ii; //ii now is next-of-i
// do stuff with i
// call list.erasee(i).
// i is now invalid, but ii is already the "next of i"
The safest way, is to create a list containing all the "collided", then iterate on the "collided" calling list.remove(*iterator_on_collided)
(but inefficient, since has O2 complexity)
You want to use the result of erase() to get the next iterator and advance the loop differently:
If you erase using the outer iterator you clearly can abondon checking this Star against others and break out of the inner loop. Only if the inner loop was complete you'd want to advance the outer iterator because otherwise it would be advanced by the erase().
If you erase using the inner loop you already advanced the iteration, otherwise, i.e. if no star was erased, you need to advance.
Sample code would look somethimg like this:
for (auto oit(s.begin()), end(s.end()); oit != end; )
auto iit(s.begin());
while (iit != end)
if (need_to_delete_outer)
oit = s.erase(oit);
else if (need_to_delete_inner)
iit = s.erase(iit);
if (iit == end)