Aws Athena - Rename column name - amazon-web-services

I am trying to change a column name in an AWS Athena table.
From old_name to new_name.
Normal DDL commands does not affect the table (They cannot be executed).
Is It possible to change a column name without deleting and re-creating the table from scratch ?

I was mistaken, Athena uses HIVE DDL syntax so the correct command is :
ALTER TABLE %%table-name%% CHANGE %%old-column-name%% %%new-column-name%%<string>;
I based my answer on a hive related question.

You can find more about supported and unsupported DDLs here


How to add columns to an existing Athena table using Avro storage

I have an existing Athena table (w/ hive-style partitions) that's using the Avro SerDe. When I first created the table, I declared the Athena schema as well as the Athena avro.schema.literal schema per AWS instructions. Everything has been working great.
I now wish to add new columns that will apply going forward but not be present on the old partitions. I tried a basic ADD COLUMNS command that claims to succeed but has no impact on SHOW CREATE TABLE. I then wondered if I needed to change the Avro schema declaration as well, which I attempted to do but discovered that ALTER TABLE SET SERDEPROPERTIES DDL is not supported in Athena.
AWS claims I should be able to add columns when using Avro, but at this point I'm unsure how to do it. Even if I'm willing to drop the table metadata and redeclare all of the partitions, I'm not sure how to do it right since the schema is different on the historical partitions.
Looking for high-level guidance on the steps to be taken. Documentation is scant and Athena seems to be lacking support for commands that are referenced in this same scenario in vanilla Hive world. Thanks for any insights.

How to fetch the latest schema change in BigQuery and restore deleted column within 7 days

Right now I fetch columns and data type of BQ tables via the below command:
WHERE table_name="User"
But if I drop a column using command : Alter TABLE User drop column blabla:
the column blabla is not actually deleted within 7 days(TTL) based on official documentation.
If I use the above command, the column is still there in the schema as well as the table Dataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS
It is just that I cannot insert data into such column and view such column in the GCP console. This inconsistency really causes an issue.
If I want to write bash script to monitor schema changes and do some operation based on it.
I need more visibility on the table schema of BigQuery. The least thing I need is:
Dataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS can store a flag column that indicates deleted or TTL:7days
My questions are:
How can I fetch the correct schema in spanner which reflects the recently deleted the column?
If the column is not actually deleted, is there any way to easily restore it?
If you want to fetch the recently deleted column you can try searching through Cloud Logging. I'm not sure what tools Spanner supports but if you want to use Bash you can use gcloud to fetch logs. Though it will be difficult to parse the output and get the information you want.
Command used below fetched the logs for since an ALTER TABLE is considered as an InsertJob and filter it based from the actual query where it says drop. The regex I used is not strict (for the sake of example), I suggest updating the regex to be stricter.
gcloud logging read 'protoPayload.methodName="" AND protoPayload.metadata.jobChange.job.jobConfig.queryConfig.query=~"Alter table .*drop.*"'
Sample snippet from the command above (Column PADDING is deleted based from the query):
If you have options other than Bash, I suggest that you create a BQ sink for your logging and you can perform queries there and get these information. You can also use client libraries like Python, NodeJS, etc to either query in the sink or directly query in the GCP Logging.
As per this SO answer, you can use the time travel feature of BQ to query the deleted column. The answer also explains behavior of BQ to retain the deleted column within 7 days and a workaround to delete the column instantly. See the actual query used to retrieve the deleted column and the workaround on deleting a column on the previously provided link.

How does Amazon Athena manage rename of columns?

I'm working on a solution that intends to use Amazon Athena to run SQL queries from Parquet files on S3.
Those filed will be generated from a PostgreSQL database (RDS). I'll run a query and export data to S3 using Python's Pyarrow.
My question is: since Athena is schema-on-read, add or delete of columns on database will not be a problem...but what will happen when I get a column renamed on database?
Day 1: COLUMNS['col_a', 'col_b', 'col_c']
Day 2: COLUMNS['col_a', 'col_beta', 'col_c']
On Athena,
SELECT col_beta FROM table;
will return only data from Day 2, right?
Is there a way that Athena knows about these schema evolution or I would have to run a script to iterate through all my files on S3, rename columns and update table schema on Athena from 'col_a' to 'col_beta'?
Would AWS Glue Data Catalog help in any way to solve this?
I'll love to discuss more about this!
I recommend reading more about handling schema updates with Athena here. Generally Athena supports multiple ways of reading Parquet files (as well as other columnar data formats such as ORC). By default, using Parquet, columns will be read by name, but you can change that to reading by index as well. Each way has its own advantages / disadvantages dealing with schema changes. Based on your example, you might want to consider reading by index if you are sure new columns are only appended to the end.
A Glue crawler can help you to keep your schema updated (and versioned), but it doesn't necessarily help you to resolve schema changes (logically). And it comes at an additional cost, of course.
Another approach could be to use a schema that is a superset of all schemas over time (using columns by name) and define a view on top of it to resolve changes "manually".
You can set a granularity based on 'On Demand' or 'Time Based' for the AWS Glue crawler, so every time your data on the S3 updates a new schema will be generated (you can edit the schema on the data types for the attributes). This way your columns will stay updated and you can query on the new field.
Since AWS Athena reads data in CSV and TSV in the "order of the columns" in the schema and returns them in the same order. It does not use column names for mapping data to a column, which is why you can rename columns in CSV or TSV without breaking Athena queries.

Update AWS Athena data & table to rename columns

Today, I saw myself with a simple problem, renaming column of an Athena glue table from old to new name.
First thing, I search here and tried some solutions like this, this, and many others. Unfortunately, none works, so I decided to use my knowledge and imagination.
I'm posting this question with the intention of share, but also, with the intention to get how others did and maybe find out I reinvented the wheel. So please also share your way if you know how to do it.
My setup is, a Athena JSON table partitioned by day with valuable and enormous amount of data, the infrastructure is defined and updated through Cloudformation.
How to rename an Athena column and still keep the data?
Explaining without all the cloudformation infrastructure.
Imagine a table containing:
Partitioned by dt_utc and stored using JSON format. Wee need to change the column score to deltaScore.
Keep in mind, although I haven't tested with others format/configurations, this should apply to any configuration supported by athena as we are going to use athena algorithm to do the job for us.
How to do
if you run the cloudformation migration first, you gonna "lose" access to the dropped column.
but you can simply rename the column back and the data appears.
Those are the steps required for rename a AWS Athena table:
Create a temporary table mapping the old column name to the new one:
This can be done by use of CREATE TABLE AS, read more in the aws docs
With this command, we use Athena engine to apply the transformation on the files of the original table for us and save at s3://bucket_name/A_folder/temp_table_rename/.
CREATE TABLE "temp_table_rename"
format = 'JSON',
external_location = 's3://bucket_name/A_folder/temp_table_rename/',
partitioned_by = ARRAY['dt_utc']
score as deltascore,
FROM "my_database"."original_table"
Apply the database rename by running the cloudformation with the changes or on the way you have.
At this point, you can even drop the original_table, and create again using the right column name.
After rename, you will notice that the renamed column have no data.
Remove the data of the original table by deleting it's s3 source.
Copy the data from the temp table source to the original table source
I prefer to use a aws command as, there can be thousands of files to copy
aws s3 cp s3://bucket_name/A_folder/temp_table_rename/ s3://bucket_name/A_folder/original_table/ --recursive
Restore the index of the original table
MSCK REPAIR TABLE "my_database"."original_table"
Final notes:
Using CREATE TABLE AS to do the transformation job, allow you to do much more than only renaming the column, for example split the data of a column into 2 new columns, or merge it to a single one.

Backup DynamoDB Table with dynamic columns to S3

I have read several other posts about this and in particular this question with an answer by greg about how to do it in Hive. I would like to know how to account for DynamoDB tables with variable amounts of columns though?
That is, the original DynamoDB table has rows that were added dynamically with different columns. I have tried to view the exportDynamoDBToS3 script that Amazon uses in their DataPipeLine service but it has code like the following which does not seem to map the columns:
-- Map DynamoDB Table
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dynamodb_table (item map<string,string>)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler'
TBLPROPERTIES ("" = "MyTable");
(As an aside, I have also tried using the Datapipe system but found it rather frustrating as I could not figure out from the documentation how to perform simple tasks like run a shell script without everything failing.)
It turns out that the Hive script that I posted in the original question works just fine but only if you are using the correct version of Hive. It seems that even with the install-hive command set to install the latest version, the version used is actually dependent on the AMI Version.
After doing a fair bit of searching I managed to find the following in Amazon's docs (emphasis mine):
Create a Hive table that references data stored in Amazon DynamoDB. This is similar to
the preceding example, except that you are not specifying a column mapping. The table
must have exactly one column of type map. If you then create an EXTERNAL
table in Amazon S3 you can call the INSERT OVERWRITE command to write the data from
Amazon DynamoDB to Amazon S3. You can use this to create an archive of your Amazon
DynamoDB data in Amazon S3. Because there is no column mapping, you cannot query tables
that are exported this way. Exporting data without specifying a column mapping is
available in Hive or later, which is supported on Amazon EMR AMI 2.2.3 and later.