How can i map control to it's device? - c++

amixer -c 0 controls:
numid=22,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Switch'
numid=24,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Switch',index=1
numid=21,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Volume'
numid=23,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Volume',index=1
arecord -l:
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC662 rev3 Analog [ALC662 rev3 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 2: ALC662 rev3 Alt Analog [ALC662 rev3 Alt Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
I have two controls with the same names. I know, that one is handle stream Card=0,device=0, second - Card=0,device=2. But how can i get from my program which control response for specific device? Contol with numid = 21 or control with numid = 23 handle device 2?
I can find some useful info about it in /proc/asound/cord0/codec#0. But I need to detect in from my code.

Controls of interface MIXER are not directly associated with any device.
The only way to find out more would be to use some hardware-dependent mechanism. However, in the case of HDA, reading codec#x is not very useful because the exact algorithm the kernel uses to map widgets to controls is not guaranteed.


STM32cubeide with stm32f103c8t6 could not verify ST device

I am new to embedded and stm32cubeide, self teaching so I can use it in a group project related to university studies.
After purchasing a "blue pill" from aliexpress, I realized I might of bought a clone chip. I followed the instructions shown here (stm32 community site), and I'm still getting an error that the ide cannot verify my ST device.
Here is what I have as output:
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0+dev-00443-gcf12591 (2022-02-09-13:33) [ST Internal]
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
Info : STLINK V2J39S7 (API v2) VID:PID 0483:3748
Info : Target voltage: 3.286227
Info : clock speed 4000 kHz
Info : stlink_dap_op_connect(connect)
Info : SWD DPIDR 0x2ba01477
Info : STM32F103C8Tx.cpu: Cortex-M3 r2p1 processor detected
Info : STM32F103C8Tx.cpu: target has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Info : starting gdb server for STM32F103C8Tx.cpu on 3333
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
Info : accepting 'gdb' connection on tcp/3333
Info : device id = 0x20036410
Info : flash size = 128kbytes
Warn : GDB connection 1 on target STM32F103C8Tx.cpu not halted
undefined debug reason 8 - target needs reset
Info : dropped 'gdb' connection
shutdown command invoked
I see in the console "undefined debug reason 8 - target needs reset", is this the problem? If so what can I do to solve this? If not, then what do I do other than purchasing another board?
Below is my test Debug.cfg, in case I need to change something in there:
# This is an genericBoard board with a single STM32F103C8Tx chip
# Generated by STM32CubeIDE
# Take care that such file, as generated, may be overridden without any early notice. Please have a look to debug launch configuration setup(s)
source [find interface/stlink-dap.cfg]
transport select "dapdirect_swd"
set BOARDNAME genericBoard
# Enable debug when in low power modes
# Stop Watchdog counters when halt
# STlink Debug clock frequency
set CLOCK_FREQ 4000
# Reset configuration
# use software system reset if reset done
reset_config none
set AP_NUM 0
set GDB_PORT 3333
# BCTM CPU variables
source [find target/stm32f1x.cfg]
# SWV trace
set USE_SWO 0
set swv_cmd "-protocol uart -output :3344 -traceclk 16000000"
source [find board/swv.tcl]
I found some FT232 that I had in spare, and I was able to program the chip using the stm32 programmer software and a generated hex file from the ide.
I'll use this method if ever I run into cloned chips and the st link v2 if ever I get a genuine board.

Profiling OpenCV using OProfile

I have this basic OpenCV program:
#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
int main(){
std::cout<<"Reading Image..."<<std::endl;
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("all_souls_000000.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
std::cerr<<"Error reading image"<<std::endl;
return 0;
Which creates the executable ReadImage. I want to profile it using OProfile. However, running:
operf ./ReadImage > ReadImage.log
Kernel profiling is not possible with current system config.
Set /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict to 0 to collect kernel samples.
operf: Profiler started
* * * * WARNING: Profiling rate was throttled back by the kernel * * * *
The number of samples actually recorded is less than expected, but is
probably still statistically valid. Decreasing the sampling rate is the
best option if you want to avoid throttling.
Profiling done.
Why this happens? What is the best way to profile OpenCV?
I was able to run operf on an opencv app, with this result, is this what you are looking for?
Profiling started at Tue Jan 31 16:52:48 2017
Profiling stopped at Tue Jan 31 16:52:53 2017
-- OProfile/operf Statistics --
Nr. non-backtrace samples: 337018
Nr. kernel samples: 5603
Nr. user space samples: 331415
Nr. samples lost due to sample address not in expected range for domain: 0
Nr. lost kernel samples: 0
Nr. samples lost due to sample file open failure: 0
Nr. samples lost due to no permanent mapping: 0
Nr. user context kernel samples lost due to no app info available: 0
Nr. user samples lost due to no app info available: 0
Nr. backtraces skipped due to no file mapping: 0
Nr. hypervisor samples dropped due to address out-of-range: 0
Nr. samples lost reported by perf_events kernel: 0

Get CAN bitrate

I want to read the currently configured CAN bitrate of my socketcan socket in C++.
I can see the bitrate with ip -det link show can0:
9: can0: <NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP,ECHO> mtu 16 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 10
link/can promiscuity 0
can state ERROR-ACTIVE restart-ms 100
bitrate 1000000 sample-point 0.750
tq 125 prop-seg 2 phase-seg1 3 phase-seg2 2 sjw 1
pcan_usb: tseg1 1..16 tseg2 1..8 sjw 1..4 brp 1..64 brp-inc 1
clock 8000000
The bitrate was set via /etc/network/interfaces, but the user could manually change it.
libsocketcan seems to only support setting the bitrate, but not reading it.
The code of iproute2 that produces the output above uses rtnetlink.
How could I use libnetlink to read the corresponding attribute? Or is there another way of reading the current bitrate?
For now, I went with intepreting the output of a system call to ip -det link show can0 | grep bitrate | awk '{print $2}', which is ugly but works.
Surely there is a more elegant solution?
You can use can_get_bittiming() to get the set bitrate.

Why do I get an error when read or write more than 3 bytes using libusb to communicate with a PIC 18F2550?

I'm using libusb in Qt to communicate with a PIC microcontroller, 18F2550. The thing is that it's working OK until I try to send or read more than three bytes. Why does it happen?
I've tried using bulk_read transfer and interrupt_read. When I put the size of the buffer equal or less than three, then the transmission works perfectly, using bulk or interrupt. When this size is greater than three, then I'm getting buffer1 and buffer[2] OK, but the rest are wrong.
The error that I'm getting is from timeout. As input I'm using endpoint 0x81.
More information:
The return value from the bulk or interrupt read is -116. The numbers that I'm sending from the PIC to the PC in the two first bytes ([0] and 1) in hex is 0x02D6. With this number, buffer[0] = -42 (when it should be 0xD6 = 214) and buffer[1] = 2 that is correct.
In the [2] and [3] bytes the number is 0x033D, and I get [2] = 61 = 0x3D. That is correct and [3] = -42??? (like [0]).
And the fifth byte is 1, and the SW shows 2???. Might it be a problem in the microcontroller, because I'm programming it as an HID USB?
I don't think that being a HID is the problem. I had a similar issue before; the PIC would randomly timeout when large data was being transmitted. It turned out to be some voltage fluctuation on the MCU. How are you connecting the crystal? Do you have a capacitor on VUSB to regulate it?
Building a PIC18F USB device is a great tutorial on building a PIC HID, and even though it's not based on 18F2550 but on 18F4550, it should be quite similar, and I'm sure you can get a lot out of the schematics and hardware setup. It was the starting point for my PIC-USB projects.

Realtime receiving of UDP packets with QNX RTOS

I have a source which sends UDP packets at a rate of 819.2 Hz (~1.2ms) to my QNX Neutrino machine. I want to receive and process those messages with as little delay and jitter as possible.
My first code was basically:
while (true) {
recv(socket, buffer, BufferSize, MSG_WAITALL); // blocks until whole packet is received
The problem is that recv() only checks at each timer tick of the system if there is a new packet available. The timer tick is usually 1ms. So, if I use this I will get a huge jitter, because I process a packet every 1ms or every 2ms. I could reset the size of the timer ticks, but that would affect the whole system (and other timers of other processes, etc). And I still would have a jitter, because I certainly would never exactly match the 819.2 Hz.
So, I tried to use the interrupt line of the network card (5). But it seems as there are also other things which causes the interrupt to rise. I used to following code:
ThreadCtl(_NTO_TCTL_IO, 0);
iID = InterruptAttachEvent(IRQ5, &event, _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_TRK_MSK);
while(true) {
if (InterruptWait(0, NULL) == -1) {
std::cerr << "errno: " << errno << std::endl;
length = recv(socket, buffer, bufferSize, 0); // non-blocking this time
InterruptUnmask(IRQ5, iID;
This results in a single succesful read in the beginning, followed by reads with 0 byte length after 0 time passing. It seems, that after do the InterruptUnmask(), the InterruptWait() does not wait at all, so there must already be a new interrupt (or the same?!).
Is it possible to do something like that with the interrupt line of the network card? Are there any other possibilties to receive the packets at a rate of 819.2 Hz?
Some information about the network card:
'pci -vvv' outputs:
Class = Network (Ethernet)
Vendor ID = 8086h, Intel Corporation
Device ID = 107ch, 82541PI Gigabit Ethernet Controller
PCI index = 0h
Class Codes = 020000h
Revision ID = 5h
Bus number = 4
Device number = 15
Function num = 0
Status Reg = 230h
Command Reg = 17h
I/O space access enabled
Memory space access enabled
Bus Master enabled
Special Cycle operations ignored
Memory Write and Invalidate enabled
Palette Snooping disabled
Parity Error Response disabled
Data/Address stepping disabled
SERR# driver disabled
Fast back-to-back transactions to different agents disabled
Header type = 0h Single-function
BIST = 0h Build-in-self-test not supported
Latency Timer = 40h
Cache Line Size= 8h un-cacheable
PCI Mem Address = febc0000h 32bit length 131072 enabled
PCI Mem Address = feba0000h 32bit length 131072 enabled
PCI IO Address = ec00h length 64 enabled
Subsystem Vendor ID = 8086h
Subsystem ID = 1376h
PCI Expansion ROM = feb80000h length 131072 disabled
Max Lat = 0ns
Min Gnt = 255ns
PCI Int Pin = INT A
Interrupt line = 5
CPU Interrupt = 5h
Capabilities Pointer = dch
Capability ID = 1h - Power Management
Capabilities = c822h - 28002000h
Capability ID = 7h - PCI-X
Capabilities = 2h - 400000h
Device Dependent Registers:
0x040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0x0d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 01e4 22c8
0x0e0: 0020 0028 0700 0200 0000 4000 0000 0000
0x0f0: 0500 8000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
and 'nicinfo' outputs:
INTEL 82544 Gigabit (Copper) Ethernet Controller
Physical Node ID ........................... 000E0C C5F6DD
Current Physical Node ID ................... 000E0C C5F6DD
Current Operation Rate ..................... 100.00 Mb/s full-duplex
Active Interface Type ...................... MII
Active PHY address ....................... 0
Maximum Transmittable data Unit ............ 1500
Maximum Receivable data Unit ............... 0
Hardware Interrupt ......................... 0x5
Memory Aperture ............................ 0xfebc0000 - 0xfebdffff
Promiscuous Mode ........................... Off
Multicast Support .......................... Enabled
Thanks for reading!
I am quite not sure why the statement "The problem is that recv() only checks at each timer tick of the system if there is a new packet available. The timer tick is usually 1ms." would be true for preemptive OS. There must be something in the system configuration or the network protocol stack implementation has some issues.
Years ago when I was working on some IPTV STB project for Yahoo BB Japan, i got an issue in RTP receiving. The issues is not delay or jitter, but the overall system performance in the STB after we add some NDS algorithm. We are using vxWorks, and vxWorks support ethernet hook interface, which will be called each time a ethernet packet is received by the driver.
I hook an API into it and just parse the UDP with specified port from the ethernet packets directly. Of course we have some assumption that there is no fragmentation, which is guaranteed by the network setup for performance issues. Maybe you can also check to see if you can get the same hook in the QNX ethernet driver. At lease you found out if the jitter comes from driver or not.
How big are your UDP packets ? If the packet size is small you will gain greater efficiency by packing more data into single packet and decreasing transmission rate.
I suspect the interrupt service routing (ISR) is not masking the interrupt. Perhaps it is designed for edge-sensitivity and the interrupt is level-sensitive.
sorry I'm a bit late to the party, but I came across your question and saw that it was similar to a situation I encountered. Instead of hardware interrupts, you could try a software interrupt using signals. QNX has some documentation here: . I was using CentOS at the time but the theory is the same. According to you can use ioctl() to set up a receive group for the SIGIO signal for a given file your case a UDP socket. When the socket has data that is ready for reading, a SIGIO signal is sent to the process indicated by ioctl(). Use sigaction() to tell the OS what signal handling function to use. In your case, the signal handler can read the data off the socket and store it in a buffer for processing. Use pause() to suspend the process until it handles the SIGIO signal. When the signal handler returns, the process will wake up and you can process the data in the buffer.
That should allow you to process your data as it comes in without having to deal with timers or hardware interrupts. One thing to be aware of is that your system can process those signals as fast as the UDP traffic is coming in.