Why do we make n-1 iterations in bubble sort algorithm - c++

Most common way of bubble sort algorithm is to have two for loops. Inner one being done from j=0 until j n-i-1. I assume we substract minus i, because when we reach last element we don't compare it because we don't have an element after him. But why do we use n-1. Why we don't run outer loop from i=0 until i < n and inner from j=0 until n-i? Could someone explain it to me, tutorials on internet does not emphasize this.
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) // Why do we have n-1 here?
swapped = false;
for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++)
if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1])
swap(&arr[j], &arr[j + 1]);
swapped = true;
For example, if I have an array with 6 elements, why do I only need to make 5 iterations?

Because a swap requires at least two elements.
So if you have 6 elements, you only need to consider 5 consecutive pairs.

For comparison purposes in an array, two adjacent cells are needed; in an array of 6 elements, you do 5 comparisons only; in an array of 10 elements, 9 comparisons, and so on:
array and comparisons between adjacent cells
So for 7 elements, just 6 comparisons are done, hence the general rule of n-1 in the outer for loop
About the n-1-i expression, remember that the highest (or lowest, depending on the ordering criterion) value in the bubble sort goes to the last position in the array after the first cycle, so there is no need to compare that value with anything else, therefore the array has to be "shortened" 1 cell at a time, and the value of i in the outer loop is the counter responsible for that in the inner loop:
5 | 3 | 9 | 20 | elements (n) = 4
after first cycle (i = 0), 20 has reached its correct position within the array (using an ascending order), leaving us with an array of 3 elements to do comparisons to; in next cycle, i will be equal to 1, and as n-1 remains the same, we need to substract 1 in that expression to "shorten" the array:
n-1-i = 4-1-1 = 2, which is the index of the last element in that new array as well as the quantity of comparisons needed.
Hope it helps!


[Competitive Programming]:How do I optimise this brute force method? [duplicate]

If n numbers are given, how would I find the total number of possible triangles? Is there any method that does this in less than O(n^3) time?
I am considering a+b>c, b+c>a and a+c>b conditions for being a triangle.
Assume there is no equal numbers in given n and it's allowed to use one number more than once. For example, we given a numbers {1,2,3}, so we can create 7 triangles:
1 1 1
1 2 2
1 3 3
2 2 2
2 2 3
2 3 3
3 3 3
If any of those assumptions isn't true, it's easy to modify algorithm.
Here I present algorithm which takes O(n^2) time in worst case:
Sort numbers (ascending order).
We will take triples ai <= aj <= ak, such that i <= j <= k.
For each i, j you need to find largest k that satisfy ak <= ai + aj. Then all triples (ai,aj,al) j <= l <= k is triangle (because ak >= aj >= ai we can only violate ak < a i+ aj).
Consider two pairs (i, j1) and (i, j2) j1 <= j2. It's easy to see that k2 (found on step 2 for (i, j2)) >= k1 (found one step 2 for (i, j1)). It means that if you iterate for j, and you only need to check numbers starting from previous k. So it gives you O(n) time complexity for each particular i, which implies O(n^2) for whole algorithm.
C++ source code:
int Solve(int* a, int n)
int answer = 0;
std::sort(a, a + n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
int k = i;
for (int j = i; j < n; ++j)
while (n > k && a[i] + a[j] > a[k])
answer += k - j;
return answer;
Update for downvoters:
This definitely is O(n^2)! Please read carefully "An Introduction of Algorithms" by Thomas H. Cormen chapter about Amortized Analysis (17.2 in second edition).
Finding complexity by counting nested loops is completely wrong sometimes.
Here I try to explain it as simple as I could. Let's fix i variable. Then for that i we must iterate j from i to n (it means O(n) operation) and internal while loop iterate k from i to n (it also means O(n) operation). Note: I don't start while loop from the beginning for each j. We also need to do it for each i from 0 to n. So it gives us n * (O(n) + O(n)) = O(n^2).
There is a simple algorithm in O(n^2*logn).
Assume you want all triangles as triples (a, b, c) where a <= b <= c.
There are 3 triangle inequalities but only a + b > c suffices (others then hold trivially).
And now:
Sort the sequence in O(n * logn), e.g. by merge-sort.
For each pair (a, b), a <= b the remaining value c needs to be at least b and less than a + b.
So you need to count the number of items in the interval [b, a+b).
This can be simply done by binary-searching a+b (O(logn)) and counting the number of items in [b,a+b) for every possibility which is b-a.
All together O(n * logn + n^2 * logn) which is O(n^2 * logn). Hope this helps.
If you use a binary sort, that's O(n-log(n)), right? Keep your binary tree handy, and for each pair (a,b) where a b and c < (a+b).
Let a, b and c be three sides. The below condition must hold for a triangle (Sum of two sides is greater than the third side)
i) a + b > c
ii) b + c > a
iii) a + c > b
Following are steps to count triangle.
Sort the array in non-decreasing order.
Initialize two pointers ‘i’ and ‘j’ to first and second elements respectively, and initialize count of triangles as 0.
Fix ‘i’ and ‘j’ and find the rightmost index ‘k’ (or largest ‘arr[k]‘) such that ‘arr[i] + arr[j] > arr[k]‘. The number of triangles that can be formed with ‘arr[i]‘ and ‘arr[j]‘ as two sides is ‘k – j’. Add ‘k – j’ to count of triangles.
Let us consider ‘arr[i]‘ as ‘a’, ‘arr[j]‘ as b and all elements between ‘arr[j+1]‘ and ‘arr[k]‘ as ‘c’. The above mentioned conditions (ii) and (iii) are satisfied because ‘arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k]'. And we check for condition (i) when we pick 'k'
4.Increment ‘j’ to fix the second element again.
Note that in step 3, we can use the previous value of ‘k’. The reason is simple, if we know that the value of ‘arr[i] + arr[j-1]‘ is greater than ‘arr[k]‘, then we can say ‘arr[i] + arr[j]‘ will also be greater than ‘arr[k]‘, because the array is sorted in increasing order.
5.If ‘j’ has reached end, then increment ‘i’. Initialize ‘j’ as ‘i + 1′, ‘k’ as ‘i+2′ and repeat the steps 3 and 4.
Time Complexity: O(n^2).
The time complexity looks more because of 3 nested loops. If we take a closer look at the algorithm, we observe that k is initialized only once in the outermost loop. The innermost loop executes at most O(n) time for every iteration of outer most loop, because k starts from i+2 and goes upto n for all values of j. Therefore, the time complexity is O(n^2).
I have worked out an algorithm that runs in O(n^2 lgn) time. I think its correct...
The code is wtitten in C++...
int Search_Closest(A,p,q,n) /*Returns the index of the element closest to n in array
int r = (p+q)/2;
return r;
return r;
return p;
int no_of_triangles(A,p,q) /*Returns the no of triangles possible in A[p..q]*/
int sum = 0;
Quicksort(A,p,q); //Sorts the array A[p..q] in O(nlgn) expected case time
for(int i=p;i<=q;i++)
for(int j =i+1;j<=q;j++)
int c = A[i]+A[j];
int k = Search_Closest(A,j,q,c);
/* no of triangles formed with A[i] and A[j] as two sides is (k+1)-2 if A[k] is small or equal to c else its (k+1)-3. As index starts from zero we need to add 1 to the value*/
return sum;
Hope it helps........
possible answer
Although we can use binary search to find the value of 'k' hence improve time complexity!
X0,X1,X2,...Xn-1 as X0>=X1>=X2>=...>=Xn-1
choice X0(to Xn-3) and choice form rest two item x1...
choice case of (X0,X1,X2)
OK is find and continue
NG is skip choice rest
It seems there is no algorithm better than O(n^3). In the worst case, the result set itself has O(n^3) elements.
For Example, if n equal numbers are given, the algorithm has to return n*(n-1)*(n-2) results.

How to find un-ordered numbers (lineal search)

A list partially ordered of n numbers is given and I have to find those numbers that does not follow the order (just find them and count them).
There are no repeated numbers.
There are no negative numbers.
MAX = 100000 is the capacity of the list.
n, the number of elements in the list, is given by the user.
Example of two lists:
1 2 5 6 3
1 6 2 9 7 4 8 10 13
For the first list the output is 2 since 5 and 6 should be both after 3, they are unordered; for the second the output is 3 since 6, 9 and 7 are out of order.
The most important condition in this problem: do the searching in a linear way O(n) or being quadratic the worst case.
Here is part of the code I developed (however it is no valid since it is a quadratic search).
"unordered" function compares each element of the array with the one given by "minimal" function; if it finds one bigger than the minimal, that element is unordered.
int unordered (int A[MAX], int n)
int cont = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++){
if (A[i] > minimal(A, n, i+1)){
return count;
"minimal" function takes the minimal of all the elements in the list between the one which is being compared in "unordered" function and the last of the list. i < elements <= n . Then, it is returned to be compared.
int minimal (int A[MAX], int n, int index)
int i, minimal = 99999999;
for (i = index; i < n; i++){
if (A[i] <= minimo)
minimal = A[i];
return minimal;
How can I do it more efficiently?
Start on the left of the list and compare the current number you see with the next one. Whenever the next is smaller than the current remove the current number from the list and count one up. After removing a number at index 'n' set your current number to index 'n-1' and go on.
Because you remove at most 'n' numbers from the list and compare the remaining in order, this Algorithmus in O(n).
I hope this helps. I must admit though that the task of finding numbers that are out of of order isn't all that clear.
If O(n) space is no problem, you can first do a linear run (backwards) over the array and save the minimal value so far in another array. Instead of calling minimal you can then look up the minimum value in O(1) and your approach works in O(n).
Something like this:
int min[MAX]; //or: int *min = new int[n];
min[n-1] = A[n-1];
for(int i = n-2; i >= 0; --i)
min[i] = min(A[i], min[i+1]);
Can be done in O(1) space if you do the first loop backwards because then you only need to remember the current minimum.
Others have suggested some great answers, but I have an extra way you can think of this problem. Using a stack.
Here's how it helps: Push the leftmost element in the array onto the stack. Keep doing this until the element you are currently at (on the array) is less than top of the stack. While it is, pop elements and increment your counter. Stop when it is greater than top of the stack and push it in. In the end, when all array elements are processed you'll get the count of those that are out of order.
Sample run: 1 5 6 3 7 4 10
Step 1: Stack => 1
Step 2: Stack => 1 5
Step 3: Stack => 1 5 6
Step 4: Now we see 3 is in. While 3 is less than top of stack, pop and increment counter. We get: Stack=> 1 3 -- Count = 2
Step 5: Stack => 1 3 7
Step 6: We got 4 now. Repeat same logic. We get: Stack => 1 3 4 -- Count = 3
Step 7: Stack => 1 3 4 10 -- Count = 3. And we're done.
This should be O(N) for time and space. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Varying initializer in a 'for loop' in C++

int i = 0;
for(; i<size-1; i++) {
int temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[i+1];
arr[i+1] = temp;
Here I started with the fist position of array. What if after the loop I need to execute the for loop again where the for loop starts with the next position of array.
Like for first for loop starts from: Array[0]
Second iteration: Array[1]
Third iteration: Array[2]
For array: 1 2 3 4 5
for i=0: 2 1 3 4 5, 2 3 1 4 5, 2 3 4 1 5, 2 3 4 5 1
for i=1: 1 3 2 4 5, 1 3 4 2 5, 1 3 4 5 2 so on.
You can nest loops inside each other, including the ability for the inner loop to access the iterator value of the outer loop. Thus:
for(int start = 0; start < size-1; start++) {
for(int i = start; i < size-1; i++) {
// Inner code on 'i'
Would repeat your loop with an increasing start value, thus repeating with a higher initial value for i until you're gone through your list.
Suppose you have a routine to generate all possible permutations of the array elements for a given length n. Suppose the routine, after processing all n! permutations, leaves the n items of the array in their initial order.
Question: how can we build a routine to make all possible permutations of an array with (n+1) elements?
Generate all permutations of the initial n elements, each time process the whole array; this way we have processed all n! permutations with the same last item.
Now, swap the (n+1)-st item with one of those n and repeat permuting n elements – we get another n! permutations with a new last item.
The n elements are left in their previous order, so put that last item back into its initial place and choose another one to put at the end of an array. Reiterate permuting n items.
And so on.
Remember, after each call the routine leaves the n-items array in its initial order. To retain this property at n+1 we need to make sure the same element gets finally placed at the end of an array after the (n+1)-st iteration of n! permutations.
This is how you can do that:
void ProcessAllPermutations(int arr[], int arrLen, int permLen)
if(permLen == 1)
ProcessThePermutation(arr, arrLen); // print the permutation
int lastpos = permLen - 1; // last item position for swaps
for(int pos = lastpos; pos >= 0; pos--) // pos of item to swap with the last
swap(arr[pos], arr[lastpos]); // put the chosen item at the end
ProcessAllPermutations(arr, arrLen, permLen - 1);
swap(arr[pos], arr[lastpos]); // put the chosen item back at pos
and here is an example of the routine running: https://ideone.com/sXp35O
Note, however, that this approach is highly ineffective:
It may work in a reasonable time for very small input size only. The number of permutations is a factorial function of the array length, and it grows faster than exponentially, which makes really BIG number of tests.
The routine has no short return. Even if the first or second permutation is the correct result, the routine will perform all the rest of n! unnecessary tests, too. Of course one can add a return path to break iteration, but that would make the code somewhat ugly. And it would bring no significant gain, because the routine will have to make n!/2 test on average.
Each generated permutation appears deep in the last level of the recursion. Testing for a correct result requires making a call to ProcessThePermutation from within ProcessAllPermutations, so it is difficult to replace the callee with some other function. The caller function must be modified each time you need another method of testing / procesing / whatever. Or one would have to provide a pointer to a processing function (a 'callback') and push it down through all the recursion, down to the place where the call will happen. This might be done indirectly by a virtual function in some context object, so it would look quite nice – but the overhead of passing additional data down the recursive calls can not be avoided.
The routine has yet another interesting property: it does not rely on the data values. Elements of the array are never compared. This may sometimes be an advantage: the routine can permute any kind of objects, even if they are not comparable. On the other hand it can not detect duplicates, so in case of equal items it will make repeated results. In a degenerate case of all n equal items the result will be n! equal sequences.
So if you ask how to generate all permutations to detect a sorted one, I must answer: DON'T.
Do learn effective sorting algorithms instead.

Problems counting number of exchanges and comparisons in bubble sort

I know that a reverse ordered list should yield theta(n^2) number of comparisons and theta(n^2) number of exchanges for bubble sort. In my sample code I am using a list of size n = 10. I implemented counters for the numComparisons and numExchanges, and although this doesn't seem very complicated, I can't figure out why my results don't yield 100 comparisons and 100 exchanges. Am I really far off target?
void testList::bubbleSort()
int k = 10;
bool flag = true;
k = k - 1;
flag = false;
for(int j = 0; j < k; j++)
if( vecPtr[j] > vecPtr[j+1])
int temp = vecPtr[j];
vecPtr[j] = vecPtr[j+1];
vecPtr[j+1] = temp;
numExchanges += 1;
flag = true;
The resulting output:
Original List: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Sorted List: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Comparisons: 45
Exchanges: 45
I also tried this implementation, but my results were the same:
void testList::bubbleSort()
int temp;
for(long i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for(long j = 0; j < 10-i-1; j++)
if (vecPtr[j] > vecPtr[j+1])
temp = vecPtr[j];
vecPtr[j] = vecPtr[j+1];
vecPtr[j+1] = temp;
Approximately N2/2 comparisons and exchanges are expected.
In particular, the inner loop starts the current value of the outer loop. So, on the first iteration, it traverses the entire array. On each subsequent iteration, it traverses one fewer item in the array.
So, the number of iterations of the inner loop is N + N-1 + N-2 ... 1. On average, that's approximately N/2.
If you want to get more precise, there's one more detail to consider: the inner loop iterates from i+1...N, so its largest value is N-1 iterations, not N iterations.
Therefore, instead of being precisely N2/2, it's really N * (N-1)/2. In your case, that 10*9/2 = 45.
That's the count for the number of comparisons. For swaps, you get some percentage of that, depending on the number of items that are out of order. In your specific case, all items are always out of order (because you're starting with reverse order) so you do a swap for every comparison. With any other ordering, you'd expect the number of swaps to be reduced.
45 = 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1, so for the exchanges this is correct, but for the comparisons I think there must be a mistake somewhere. Edit: You implemented a slightly more intelligent version than the standard bubble sort, that's why you have only 45 comparisons instead of 90 (it's not 100, one iteration takes 9 comparisons).

Loop Explanation in Counting Sort

Could somebody please explain to me the purpose of the second loop in this implementation of counting sort?:
short c[RADIX_MAX] = {0};
int i;
for (i = 0; i < LEN_MAX; i++) {
if (i == len)
int ind = a.getElem(i);
for (i = 1; i < RADIX_MAX; i++) {
if (i == radix)
c[i] += c[i - 1];
for (i = LEN_MAX - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int j = i - LEN_MAX + len;
if (j < 0)
int ind = a.getElem(j);
short t = ind;
ind = --c[ind];
b.setElem(ind, t);
Counting sort works by calculating the target index of each element to be sorted from the value of the element itself. There are three passes involved:
In the first loop, each element is counted: for example our array has six "A"s and two "B"s, five "C"s and so on.
In the second loop, the index where each element goes is calculated. If there are six "A"s, then the first "B" needs to go at index 6 (in 0-based indexing). What the counting sort does is a bit more complicated in order to make the code simpler and the sort stable. In the third loop it will traverse the original array in reverse order, so in the second loop it calculates the index not of the first instance of a given value, but of the last. In our example above, the last "A" needs to appear at index 5, but the last "B" needs to go at index 6 ("A"s) + 2 ("B"s) - 1 (zero based) = index 7. So for each value it calculates the ending index of that value. It walks the count array forward, adding the previosely calculated count to the current count. So in our count array, the value for "A" remains at 6 (no previous element), the value for "B" is 6+2=8 (six "A" + two "B"s), the value for C is now 6+2+5=13 (six "A"s + two "B"s + five "C"s), and so on
In the last loop, the values are inserted in their position, decrementing the indexes as we go along. So the last of the "B"s is inserted at index 7, the one before that at index 6, and so on. This preserves the original order of equal elements, making the sort stable which is essential for Radix sort.
For each digit we count index where it starts from in sorted array.
array: 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 3 9 9
index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Then c[0] = 0, c[1] = 4, c[2] = 4, c [3] = 6, c[4] = 9, ... c[9] = 9.
Index in sorted array where digit appears depends on index of previous digit and number of previous digit. Second loop counts this.