I am trying to read a file called "syerasg.txt" in Fortran90. This text file includes panel data on 91 variables (columns) for 8984 individuals for 16 years (143 744 rows). This variables are divided in 7 groups and this groups are divided in 13 subgroups. I am trying to read this file with the following code:
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: p=8984, tf=16, sem=53, emp=7, gap=13
INTEGER :: r, t, j, m, g, x, i, IOstatus
INTEGER, DIMENSION (p,tf,emp) :: yemp
INTEGER, DIMENSION (p,tf,emp,gap) :: gaps
OPEN(UNIT=4, FILE='syearsg.txt',STATUS='old') !start gap years
DO i=1,p
DO t=1,tf
DO j=1,emp
IF (j==1) THEN
When, running the code I get the following message:
Fortran runtime error: End of file
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Your loop nest issues 1,006,208 (that is p*tf*emp) read statements. It's no surprise that the program runs past the end of a file with only 143,744 lines. read reads the values it is asked to read, then skips to the start of the next line ready for the next read.
You might be able to fix your program by fiddling around with non-advancing input, ie telling the read statements not to skip to the start of the next line. But it would be easier not to.
From what you write you should only be issuing p*tf read statements, then reading a single line containing 91 elements, then distributing those elements into gaps as your logic demands.
You might revise your code to something like this (untested and not very carefully checked)
INTEGER, DIMENSION(91) :: workvec
DO i=1,p
DO t=1,tf
READ(4,*) workvec
gaps(i,t,1,1:13) = workvec( 1:13)
gaps(i,t,2,1:13) = workvec(14:26)
I'm using this code below to generate a file with i number (i=200 for instance) of rows, but the first and the second rows are fixed and I just want to create another i rows using a random extraction in a sphere of unitary radius in Fortran. Each row should start with m1 and then 6 random numbers between a range [0,1].
program InputGen
implicit none
integer :: i,n,j
character(len=500) :: firstLine, secondLine
real *8 :: m1
real:: r(10)
firstLine='3 5 1.d-4 1.d5 0.e-3 0.0 1. 0.1 0.e0 1'
secondLine='4.d6 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. '
call random_seed()
call random_number(r)
open(unit=100, file='INPUT.TXT',Action='write', Status='replace')
write(100,'(A)') trim(firstLine)
write(100,'(A)') trim(secondLine)
do i=1,200
write(100,'(A)') '',m1,' ',(r(n),n=1,10),
' ',(r(n),n=1,10),'0.0',&
' ',(r(n),n=1,10),&
' ',(r(n),n=1,10),'0.0'
end do
write(*,*) 'Input file generated.'
write(*,*) 'Press Enter to exit...'
end program InputGen
The first and second lines create perfectly, but the other rows in the loop not.
You did not tell us what is wrong (how the problem exhibits), but I suspect the format is incorrect. You are just specifying (A), but you have a mixed output list with strings and numbers.
You can just use a simple general format like (*(g0)) that will apply the generic g0 format to all items in the input list. You will want to add some manual spaces (although you already have some) in the input list to avoid joining two unrelated output items on the line.
Or you can just follow the input list and add a specific format for each item, like (a,1x,f12.6,a,10(f12.6,1x),a ... and so on. Adjust as needed, especially the spaces (either keep them as ' ' with the a descriptor, or use the 1x descriptor.
You are also currently writing the same r all the time. You should generate more numbers and re-generate them an each loop iteration
real:: r(40)
do i=1,200
call random_number(r)
write(100,'(*(g0))') '',m1,' ',r(1:10),
' ',r(11:20),'0.0',&
' ',r(21:30),&
' ',r(31:40),'0.0'
end do
This does not do anything with points in a sphere or anything similar, this just prints random numbers. I hope that is clear.
I would like to read the same line of a file many time in Fortran. The concerned data are real values. I tried to build this code as test but I am always getting it wrong.
program advance
implicit none
integer , parameter :: ut = 20
character(len=7) :: fname = 'dat.dat'
integer :: n, idx
character(len=100) :: lnumber
open(unit = ut, file =fname, status='old', action='read')
n = 10
do idx = 1, n
read(ut, '(a)', advance = 'no') lnumber
print *, lnumber
end do
end program advance
The dat.dat file contains one line with 25.325654515464564564
The code return the following error.
At line 13 of file advance.f90 (unit = 20, file = 'dat.dat')
Fortran runtime error: End of record
How do I fix this bug?
Such non-advancing input (using advance='no') doesn't mean that the file position is not advanced at all. It means that the file position isn't advanced beyond what is needed to satisfy the requirements of the input list.
So, in this case, the file position is advanced by reading the single "real number" into the character variable lnumber. The next read will continue from this later point. This later point happens to be the end of the file.
With advancing input more generally, the file position is advanced to the start of the next record even if the record is not required in entirety.
As High Performance Mark comments, reading the same line over and over again likely isn't what you should be doing. You could read the line into a character variable (such as is done here) and repeatedly use that variable as an internal file. However, if you really want to read a line again, consider backspace.
I have some issues about opening and reading multiple files. I have to write a code which reads two columns in n files formatted in the same way (they are different only for the values...). Before this, I open another input file and an output file in which I will write my results. I read other questions in this forum (such as this one) and tried to do the same thing, but I receive these errors:
read(fileinp,'(I5)') i-49
fileLoop : do i = 50,52
Error: Variable 'i' at (1) cannot be redefined inside loop beginning at (2)
read(fileinp,'(I5)') i-49
Error: Invalid character in name at (1)
My files are numbered from 1 to n and are named 'lin*27-n.dat' (where n is the index starts from 1) and the code is:
program deviation
implicit none
character(len=15) :: filein,fileout,fileinp
integer :: row,i,h
real :: usv,usf,tsv,tsf,diff
write(*,'(2x,''Input file .......''/)')
read(*,'(a12)') filein
write(*,'(2x,''Output file........''/)')
read(*,'(a12)') fileout
open(unit = 30,File=filein)
open(unit = 20,File=fileout)
fileLoop : do i = 50,52
fileinp = 'lin*27-'
read(fileinp,'(I5)') i-49
open(unit = i,File=fileinp)
do row = 1,24
read(30,*) h,usv,tsv
read(i,*) h,usf,tsf
diff = usf - usv
write(20,*) diff
enddo fileLoop
end program deviation
How can I solve it? I am not pro in Fortran, so please don't use difficult language, thanks.
The troublesome line is
read(fileinp,'(I5)') i-49
You surely mean to do a write (as in the example linked): this read statement attempts to read from the variable fileinp rather than writing to it.
That said, simply replacing with write is probably not what you need either. This will ignore the previous line
fileinp = 'lin*27-'
merely setting to, in turn, "1", "2", "3" (with leading blanks). Something like (assuming you intend that * to be there)
write(fileinp, '("lin*27-",I1)') i-49
Note also the use of I1 in the format, rather than I5: one may want to avoid blanks in the filename. [This is suitable when there is exactly one digit; look up Iw.m and I0 when generalizing.]
I have opened a file to write a number. I have to write the number at the end of the file so
how to go to the last line to write on it?
You should open the file with
open(..., position="append",...)
Alternatively, you can inquire for the size of the file
then if the file is a direct access file, you can use this size to calculate the record number of the final record. Alternatively, if the access mode is "stream", you can use
write(..., pos=some_integer_variable)
to write starting at the end of the file.
I've been using the same trick for years, and would be interested in a more elegant way but I can propose you the following method. Note that it is less and less efficient as the file increases in number of lines. Note also that this part of code could endup in an elegant module dedicated to playing with input/output.
Open your file
open(11, file='monfichier')
Compute how many lines there are in your file
nbline = 0 ! should have been declared as an integer
do while(.true.)
read(11,*,iostat=ios) ! ios should have been declared as an integer
if( ios > 0 ) then
stop 'problem somewhere'
else if( ios < 0 ) then ! end of file is reached
nbline = nbline + 1
end if
end do
at this step, you have the total number of lines stored in variable nbline.
If you want to print something at the Nth line before the last line, then
open(11, file='monfichier')
do i = 1, nbline - N ! see my nota bene at the end of my answer; i and N are integers
end do
write(11,*)'hello world'
Et voilĂ !
N.B. : Please be carefull in the way you count for nbline-N or nbline-(N-1), depending on exactly what you want.
subroutine to_last_rec (luout)
! purpose: position to last record of file
implicit none
integer :: luout
logical :: ende
! first executable statement
ende = .FALSE.
do while ( .NOT. ende)
read (luout,*,end=100)
100 return
end subroutine to_last_rec
PROGRAM example
INTEGER :: ierr
CALL FSEEK(13, 0, 2, ierr)
the call to fseek goes to the end of the file ( used like that, check the usage http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/805-4942/6j4m3r8ti/index.html)
I am using FORTRAN to read in data from an ASCII text file. The file contains multiple data values per line but the number of values per line is not constant.
101.5 201.6 21.4 2145.5
45.6 21.2
Normally after a read statement, Fortran would go to the next line. What I want to be able to do is read one data value at a time. If it hits the end of the line, it should just continue reading on the next line. Is this possible?
As pointed out by IRO-bot in their comment to your question, the answer has already been given by M.S.B. Below I have merely provided some code illustrating that answer (as M.S.B.'s post contained none):
program test
character(len=40) :: line
integer :: success, i, indx, prev, beginning
real :: value
read(1,'(A)',iostat=success) line
if (success.ne.0) exit
prev = 1
beginning = 1
do i=1,len(line)
! is the current character one out of the desired set? (if you
! have got negative numbers as well, don't forget to add a '-')
indx = index('0123456789.', line(i:i))
! store value when you have reached a blank (or any other
! non-real number character)
if (indx.eq.0 .and. prev.gt.0) then
read(line(beginning:i-1), *) value
print *, value
else if (indx.gt.0 .and. prev.eq.0) then
beginning = i
end if
prev = indx
end do
end do
end program test
When running this program using the sample lines you provided the output is
I hope you will find this helpful.