Trying to create a cloud formation template to configure WAF with geo location condition. Couldnt find the right template yet. Any pointers would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, the actual answer (as of this writing, July 2018) is that you cannot create geo match sets directly in CloudFormation. You can create them via the CLI or SDK, then reference them in the DataId field of a WAFRule's Predicates property.
Creating a GeoMatchSet with one constraint via CLI:
aws waf-regional get-change-token
aws waf-regional create-geo-match-set --name my-geo-set --change-token <token>
aws waf-regional get-change-token
aws waf-regional update-geo-match-set --change-token <new_token> --geo-match-set-id <id> --updates '[ { "Action": "INSERT", "GeoMatchConstraint": { "Type": "Country", "Value": "US" } } ]'
Now reference that GeoMatchSet id in the CloudFormation:
"WebAclGeoRule": {
"Type": "AWS::WAFRegional::Rule",
"Properties": {
"Predicates": [
"DataId": "00000000-1111-2222-3333-123412341234" // id from create-geo-match-set
"Negated": false,
"Type": "GeoMatch"
There is no documentation for it, but it is possible to create the Geo Match in serverless/cloudformation.
Used the following in serverless:
Type: "AWS::WAFRegional::GeoMatchSet"
Name: geo
- Type: "Country"
Value: "IE"
Which translated to the following in cloudformation:
"Geos": {
"Type": "AWS::WAFRegional::GeoMatchSet",
"Properties": {
"Name": "geo",
"GeoMatchConstraints": [
"Type": "Country",
"Value": "IE"
That can then be referenced when creating a rule:
(serverless) :
Type: "AWS::WAFRegional::Rule"
Name: waf
- DataId:
Ref: "Geos"
Negated: false
Type: "GeoMatch"
(cloudformation) :
"MyRule": {
"Type": "AWS::WAFRegional::Rule",
"Properties": {
"Name": "waf",
"Predicates": [
"DataId": {
"Ref": "Geos"
"Negated": false,
"Type": "GeoMatch"
I'm afraid that your question is too vague to solicit a helpful response. The CloudFormation User Guide (pdf) defines many different WAF / CloudFront / R53 resources that will perform various forms of geo match / geo blocking capabilities. The link you provide seems a subset of Web Access Control Lists (Web ACL) - see AWS::WAF::WebACL on page 2540.
I suggest you have a look and if you are still stuck, actually describe what it is you are trying to achieve.
Note that the term you used: "geo location condition" doesn't directly relate to an AWS capability that I'm aware of.
Finally, if you are referring to, then the latest Cloudformation User Guide doesn't seem to have been updated yet to reflect this.
I was able to setup AutoScaling events as rules in EventBridge to trigger SSM Commands, but I've noticed that with my chosen Target Value the event is passed to all my active EC2 Instances. My Target key is a tag shared by those instances, so my mistake makes sense now.
I'm pretty new to EventBridge, so I was wondering if there's a way to actually target the instance that triggered the AutoScaling event (as in extracting the "InstanceId" that's present in the event data and use that as my new Target Value). I saw the Input Transformer, but I think that just transforms the event data to pass to the target.
EDIT - help with js code for Lambda + SSM RunCommand
I realize I can achieve this by setting EventBridge to invoke a Lambda function instead of the SSM RunCommand directly. Can anyone help with the javaScript code to call a shell command on the ec2 instance specified in the event data (event.detail.EC2InstanceId)? I can't seem to find a relevant and up-to-date base template online, and I'm not familiar enough with js or Lambda. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks
Sample of Event data, as per aws docs
"version": "0",
"id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
"detail-type": "EC2 Instance Launch Successful",
"source": "aws.autoscaling",
"account": "123456789012",
"time": "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ",
"region": "us-west-2",
"resources": [
"detail": {
"StatusCode": "InProgress",
"Description": "Launching a new EC2 instance: i-12345678",
"AutoScalingGroupName": "my-auto-scaling-group",
"ActivityId": "87654321-4321-4321-4321-210987654321",
"Details": {
"Availability Zone": "us-west-2b",
"Subnet ID": "subnet-12345678"
"RequestId": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
"StatusMessage": "",
"EndTime": "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ",
"EC2InstanceId": "i-1234567890abcdef0",
"StartTime": "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ",
"Cause": "description-text"
Edit 2 - my Lambda code so far
'use strict'
const ssm = new (require('aws-sdk/clients/ssm'))()
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const instanceId = event.detail.EC2InstanceId
var params = {
DocumentName: "AWS-RunShellScript",
InstanceIds: [ instanceId ],
TimeoutSeconds: 30,
Parameters: {
commands: ["/path/to/my/ec2/"],
workingDirectory: [],
executionTimeout: ["15"]
const data = await ssm.sendCommand(params).promise()
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: "Run Command success",
return response;
Yes, but through Lambda
EventBridge -> Lambda (using SSM api) -> EC2
Thank you #Sándor Bakos for helping me out!! My JavaScript ended up not working for some reason, so I ended up just using part of the python code linked in the comments.
1. add ssm:SendCommand permission:
After I let Lambda create a basic role during function creation, I added an inline policy to allow Systems Manager's SendCommand. This needs access to your documents/*, instances/* and managed-instances/*
2. code - python 3.9
import boto3
import botocore
import time
def lambda_handler(event=None, context=None):
client = boto3.client('ssm')
instance_id = event['detail']['EC2InstanceId']
command = '/path/to/my/'
InstanceIds = [ instance_id ],
DocumentName = 'AWS-RunShellScript',
Parameters = {
'commands': [ command ],
'executionTimeout': [ '60' ]
You can do this without using lambda, as I just did, by using eventbridge's input transformers.
I specified a new automation document that called the document I was trying to use (AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks).
My document called out the InstanceId as a parameter and is passed this by the input transformer from EventBridge. I had to pass the event into lambda just to see how to parse the JSON event object to get the desired instance ID - this ended up being
(it was coming from an autoscaling group).
I then passed it into a template that was used for the runbook
This template was read in my runbook as a parameter.
This was the SSM playbook inputs I used to run the AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybook Document, I just mapped each parameter to the specified parameters in the nested playbook:
"inputs": {
"InstanceIds": ["{{ InstanceId }}"],
"DocumentName": "AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks",
"Parameters": {
"SourceType": "S3",
"SourceInfo": {"path": ""},
"InstallDependencies": "True",
"PlaybookFile": "ansible-test.yml",
"ExtraVariables": "SSM=True",
"Check": "False",
"Verbose": "-v",
"TimeoutSeconds": "3600"
See the document below for reference. They used a document that was already set up to receive the variable
This is the full automation playbook I used, most of the parameters are defaults from the nested playbook:
"description": "Runs Ansible Playbook on Launch Success Instances",
"schemaVersion": "0.3",
"assumeRole": "<Place your automation role ARN here>",
"parameters": {
"InstanceId": {
"type": "String",
"description": "(Required) The ID of the Amazon EC2 instance."
"mainSteps": [
"name": "RunAnsiblePlaybook",
"action": "aws:runCommand",
"inputs": {
"InstanceIds": ["{{ InstanceId }}"],
"DocumentName": "AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks",
"Parameters": {
"SourceType": "S3",
"SourceInfo": {"path": ""},
"InstallDependencies": "True",
"PlaybookFile": "ansible-test.yml",
"ExtraVariables": "SSM=True",
"Check": "False",
"Verbose": "-v",
"TimeoutSeconds": "3600"
According the AWS docs at here and here I should be able to automate a certificate creation and validation using cloudformation. Apparently when you specify a HostedZoneId in the DomainValidationOptions, it is supposed to create the required DNS record to complete the validation (at least that is what it seems from the very vague documentation). My CF template for the cert looks like this:
Type: AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate
- DomainName:
HostedZoneId: /hostedzone/Z03XXXXXXXXXXXX
ValidationMethod: DNS
'' (changed of course) was registered using AWS as registrar as the documents say must be the case for automated validation to work.
This template above is included in a serverless.yml as a resource. However, when I deploy, the stack creation is just stuck waiting for the DNS record - i.e. it does not add the required CNAME entry as I understand it is supposed to do and as such the stack is stuck.
Has anyone gotten this feature to work?
And, yes, I know about the 3rd party custom resources that try to do the same thing, I don't want to use them if CF is supposed to do this natively now.
I hit the same issue. You need to specify the full domain name including the host in the DomainValidationOptions DomainName parameter, and just specify the hosted zone id:
Type: AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate
- DomainName:
ValidationMethod: DNS
In my testing, the Route53 validation record was added about a minute after running the stack, and the domain successfully validated itslef after about 15 minutes.
If this is stuck as in progress for a long time, it could be that you are using a Private Hosted Zone when you need to use the Public one. Probably you don't use a private CA.
That process should take 2-3 minutes, not more than that.
I just deployed the below template to CloudFormation and it successfully created the validation DNS records and authorised the certificate.
If you were to pass the parameters and SiteDnsZoneId=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU it would create a SAN cert that covers both and *
"Description": "Deploy wildcard SAN cert inc bare domain. (Must deploy cert to us-east-1 for CloudFront)",
"Parameters": {
"SiteDnsZoneName": {
"Type": "String",
"MinLength": 4,
"Description": "DNS Zone",
"Default": ""
"SiteDnsZoneId": {
"Type": "String",
"MinLength": 8,
"Description": "DNS Zone Id",
"Resources": {
"SiteCertificate": {
"Type": "AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate",
"Properties": {
"DomainName": {
"Fn::Join": [
"Ref": "SiteDnsZoneName"
"SubjectAlternativeNames": [
"Ref": "SiteDnsZoneName"
"DomainValidationOptions": [
"DomainName": {
"Ref": "SiteDnsZoneName"
"HostedZoneId": {
"Ref": "SiteDnsZoneId"
"ValidationMethod": "DNS"
Note: If you want to use a cert in CloudFront you have to deploy the cert in us-east-1.
Note 2: Route53 needs to be hosting your DNS Zone, but theres no requirement on AWS being the registrar. Your domain can be registered with any provider, so long as you use the AWS name servers provided by Route53 when you add the zone.
I'm trying to confgure a dashboard with a basic widget to expose CpUUtilization metric.
I cannot reference the previous created EC2 instance, since it seems that in the json that describe the dashboard the !Ref function is not interpreted.
metrics": [
"!Ref Ec2Instance"
Any idea how to reference it by logical name?
You can use Fn::Join to combine the output of Intrinsic functions (like Ref) with strings. For example:
Type: "AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard"
DependsOn: Ec2InstanceHOSTNAME
DashboardName: HOSTNAME
DashboardBody: { "Fn::Join": [ "", ['{"widgets":[
"', { Ref: Ec2InstanceHOSTNAME }, '"]
"title":"CPU Utilization",
}]}' ] ] }
Fn::Join - AWS CloudFormation
Ref - AWS CloudFormation
AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard - AWS CloudFormation
Dashboard Body Structure and Syntax - Amazon CloudWatch
When trying to create an AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping through CloudFormation, I am given the following error:
Invalid domain name identifier specified
Below is the portion(s) of my CloudFormation template that should create the AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping:
"Parameters": {
"ApiDomainName": {
"Description": "The domain name for the API",
"Type": "String"
"Resources": {
"ApiBasePathMapping": {
"Type": "AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping",
"Properties": {
"DomainName": {
"Ref": "ApiDomainName"
"RestApiId": {
"Ref": "RepositoryApi"
"Stage": {
"Ref": "ApiProductionStage"
"DependsOn": [
The documentation makes no mention that it needs to be anything special for the DomainName, but the documentation for this resource seems to be lacking some information (It doesn't list outputs for example even though there is a Distribution Domain Name created as an example).
The remainder of the stack works as expected. I am trying to add this resource in as a Change Set. I do own the domain I am trying to use, and I have created a certificate in ACM for this domain.
Quoting from AWS forums:
You can only create or modify base path mappings after the domain name
has been added to API Gateway. This "Invalid domain name identifier
specified" error message is returned when the domain name given in the
base path mapping is not found, indicating that it has not been added
Also, as of March 2017, the only way to add domain name to the API Gateway via CloudFormation is via custom resources that CloudFormation offers.
It is now possible to just do that. You just have to explicit state on your CFN template that there is a dependency (DependsOn):
Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping'
BasePath: v1.0
Stage: dev
RestApiId: !Ref MobileApiDev
- MobileApiDevDomain
Does CloudFormation support or have the ability to create DB event subscriptions(RDS)?
I failed to find any reference in AWS document...
The latest version of CloudFormation, at the time of this writing, actually supports performing this by creating a "AWS::RDS::EventSubscription" resource in your stack.
"myEventSubscription": {
"Type": "AWS::RDS::EventSubscription",
"Properties": {
"EventCategories": ["configuration change", "failure", "deletion"],
"SnsTopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:example-topic",
"SourceIds": ["db-instance-1", { "Ref" : "myDBInstance" }],
"Enabled" : false