how to get mean of every element of a matrix . - c++

I know how to get mean of a matrix .
it is like this . sum of all values /n elements.
But I wonder that how to get mean of every element of a matrix in c++.
kindly help me in this regards .

So it seems you have a matrix M that is varying with time ( or iterations of some kind). The mean that you want is actually a matrix of same size as M. Will the following steps should do the job?
Initialize mean matrix m of the size of M to zeros
Add the current value of M to m. So m += M
Increment counter N for number of iterations of M
Divide each element of m by N. So m = m / N.

If the matrix is representing a image, take a gray(no color) image for example, it'a easy to understand.
The element of value 0 is indicate this pixel is black, and element of value 127 tell you this position is white. 0 is darkest while 127 is brightest. The larger value, the more bright. Each pixel(matrix element) have a value indicate it's brightness. All the pixel composite a whole pic. The mean of all the element is wanting to know the average brightness of the image.


Sorting a list of tuple according to integer value of on of the tuple members

I have Halide func which is iterating over a gray image and finding highest gray value in 3x3 patch. I am using RDOM to search for largest gray value in 3x3 patch, which returns a Tuple of the X,Y position and they largest gray value in the 3x3 region.
MaxValue(x,y) = (rdom, Value( rdom.x.extent() * x + rdom.x, rdom.y.extent() * y + rdom.y), “maxValue3x3”)
Further, I want to order the MaxValue, according to the ascending order of the maximum value (MaxValue(x,y)[2]. When I try to use merge sort algorithm, similar to how it is implemented in sort.cpp, i cannot find a way to keep the other two outputs of the Tuple(i.e., X, Y) in the same order. Is this approach in correct direction, or I am doing it incorrectly.

Fast matrix multiplication of XDX^T for D diagonal

Consider fast matrix multiplication of XDX^T for X an n by m matrix, and D an m by m diagonal matrix. Here m>>n (suppose n around 1000, m around 100000). In my application, X is a fixed matrix and values of D can change at every iteration.
What would be a fast way to calculate this? At the moment I am just doing simple multiplication in C++.
EDIT: I should clarify my current procedure, it is not "simple multiplication". In particular, I am columnise multiplying the X by the square root of diagonal entries of D to get A:=XD^{1/2}. Then I am directly calculating A*t(A) (which is the multiplication of an n by m matrix with its transpose).
Thank you.
If you know that D is diagonal, the you can just do simple multiplication. Hopefully, you are not multiplying the zeros.

Rotation of Matrices in Z_p

I want to give the values for a matrix parameter mat_ZZ_p A for the mat_ZZ_p type in NTL. The dimension of my vector is big. So, I am looking at a big square matrix as parameter. So, I cannot assign the values manually. One advantage here to me is that the columns of my matrix are only rotations of the first column. It is of the form
p_0 p_(n-1) p_(n-2) .... p_1
p_1 p_0 p_(n-1) .... p_2
p_(n-1) p_(n-2) p_(n-3) .... p_0
and I have a variable p which is a vector with the values p_0, p_1, ...,p_(n-1). I have assigned the 1st column of the matrix using a loop through the vector p. but I am not sure how to do the rotation for the other columns. I tried to use that the values when viewed diagonally are the same but in that case, I am not sure how to bound the loop. I tried to use the fact that there is a diagonal downward shift of elements as we move from one column to another. But again in this case, I am not able to assign the value for the 1st row, 2nd column just by referring to the previous column. Is there a standard way to do such rotation of columns?
Since I am trying to solve the system of equations in Z_p, I think the comments in this post does not help me.
Best way to solve a linear equation in code
If you refer to m[i][j] for the generic element of the matrix n x n then what you need is
m[i][j] = m[(i + n - 1) % n][j-1] for every j > 0
For a square matrix with dimensions n * n, to refer to any element not in the first column or first row, use m[i - 1][j - 1], with i and j being the row and cols.

How to find all equals paths in degenerate tree from specific start vertex? [duplicate]

I have some degenerate tree (it looks like as array or doubly linked list). For example, it is this tree:
Each edge has some weight. I want to find all equal paths, which starts in each vertex.
In other words, I want to get all tuples (v1, v, v2) where v1 and v2 are an arbitrary ancestor and descendant such that c(v1, v) = c(v, v2).
Let edges have the following weights (it is just example):
a-b = 3
b-c = 1
c-d = 1
d-e = 1
The vertex A does not have any equal path (there is no vertex from left side).
The vertex B has one equal pair. The path B-A equals to the path B-E (3 == 3).
The vertex C has one equal pair. The path B-C equals to the path C-D (1 == 1).
The vertex D has one equal pair. The path C-D equals to the path D-E (1 == 1).
The vertex E does not have any equal path (there is no vertex from right side).
I implement simple algorithm, which works in O(n^2). But it is too slow for me.
You write, in comments, that your current approach is
It seems, I looking for a way to decrease constant in O(n^2). I choose
some vertex. Then I create two set. Then I fill these sets with
partial sums, while iterating from this vertex to start of tree and to
finish of tree. Then I find set intersection and get number of paths
from this vertex. Then I repeat algorithm for all other vertices.
There is a simpler and, I think, faster O(n^2) approach, based on the so called two pointers method.
For each vertix v go at the same time into two possible directions. Have one "pointer" to a vertex (vl) moving in one direction and another (vr) into another direction, and try to keep the distance from v to vl as close to the distance from v to vr as possible. Each time these distances become equal, you have equal paths.
for v in vertices
vl = prev(v)
vr = next(v)
while (vl is still inside the tree)
and (vr is still inside the tree)
if dist(v,vl) < dist(v,vr)
vl = prev(vl)
else if dist(v,vr) < dist(v,vl)
vr = next(vr)
else // dist(v,vr) == dist(v,vl)
ans = ans + 1
vl = prev(vl)
vr = next(vr)
(By precalculating the prefix sums, you can find dist in O(1).)
It's easy to see that no equal pair will be missed provided that you do not have zero-length edges.
Regarding a faster solution, if you want to list all pairs, then you can't do it faster, because the number of pairs will be O(n^2) in the worst case. But if you need only the amount of these pairs, there might exist faster algorithms.
UPD: I came up with another algorithm for calculating the amount, which might be faster in case your edges are rather short. If you denote the total length of your chain (sum of all edges weight) as L, then the algorithm runs in O(L log L). However, it is much more advanced conceptually and more advanced in coding too.
Firstly some theoretical reasoning. Consider some vertex v. Let us have two arrays, a and b, not the C-style zero-indexed arrays, but arrays with indexation from -L to L.
Let us define
for i>0, a[i]=1 iff to the right of v on the distance exactly i there
is a vertex, otherwise a[i]=0
for i=0, a[i]≡a[0]=1
for i<0, a[i]=1 iff to the left of v on the distance exactly -i there is a vertex, otherwise a[i]=0
A simple understanding of this array is as follows. Stretch your graph and lay it along the coordinate axis so that each edge has the length equal to its weight, and that vertex v lies in the origin. Then a[i]=1 iff there is a vertex at coordinate i.
For your example and for vertex "b" chosen as v:
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
a: ... 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 ...
For another array, array b, we define the values in a symmetrical way with respect to origin, as if we have inverted the direction of the axis:
for i>0, b[i]=1 iff to the left of v on the distance exactly i there
is a vertex, otherwise b[i]=0
for i=0, b[i]≡b[0]=1
for i<0, b[i]=1 iff to the right of v on the distance exactly -i there is a vertex, otherwise b[i]=0
Now consider a third array c such that c[i]=a[i]*b[i], asterisk here stays for ordinary multiplication. Obviously c[i]=1 iff the path of length abs(i) to the left ends in a vertex, and the path of length abs(i) to the right ends in a vertex. So for i>0 each position in c that has c[i]=1 corresponds to the path you need. There are also negative positions (c[i]=1 with i<0), which just reflect the positive positions, and one more position where c[i]=1, namely position i=0.
Calculate the sum of all elements in c. This sum will be sum(c)=2P+1, where P is the total number of paths which you need with v being its center. So if you know sum(c), you can easily determine P.
Let us now consider more closely arrays a and b and how do they change when we change the vertex v. Let us denote v0 the leftmost vertex (the root of your tree) and a0 and b0 the corresponding a and b arrays for that vertex.
For arbitrary vertex v denote d=dist(v0,v). Then it is easy to see that for vertex v the arrays a and b are just arrays a0 and b0 shifted by d:
It is obvious if you remember the picture with the tree stretched along a coordinate axis.
Now let us consider one more array, S (one array for all vertices), and for each vertex v let us put the value of sum(c) into the S[d] element (d and c depend on v).
More precisely, let us define array S so that for each d
S[d] = sum_over_i(a0[i+d]*b0[i-d])
Once we know the S array, we can iterate over vertices and for each vertex v obtain its sum(c) simply as S[d] with d=dist(v,v0), because for each vertex v we have sum(c)=sum(a0[i+d]*b0[i-d]).
But the formula for S is very simple: S is just the convolution of the a0 and b0 sequences. (The formula does not exactly follow the definition, but is easy to modify to the exact definition form.)
So what we now need is given a0 and b0 (which we can calculate in O(L) time and space), calculate the S array. After this, we can iterate over S array and simply extract the numbers of paths from S[d]=2P+1.
Direct application of the formula above is O(L^2). However, the convolution of two sequences can be calculated in O(L log L) by applying the Fast Fourier transform algorithm. Moreover, you can apply a similar Number theoretic transform (don't know whether there is a better link) to work with integers only and avoid precision problems.
So the general outline of the algorithm becomes
calculate a0 and b0 // O(L)
calculate S = corrected_convolution(a0, b0) // O(L log L)
v0 = leftmost vertex (root)
for v in vertices:
d = dist(v0, v)
ans = ans + (S[d]-1)/2
(I call it corrected_convolution because S is not exactly a convolution, but a very similar object for which a similar algorithm can be applied. Moreover, you can even define S'[2*d]=S[d]=sum(a0[i+d]*b0[i-d])=sum(a0[i]*b0[i-2*d]), and then S' is the convolution proper.)

Image reconstruction using SVD Decomposition

I have performed block SVD decomposition over image and I stored results.
Now, I need to make reconstruction from this results. I found few examples all written in Matlab, which is a mystery for me.
I only need formula from which I can reconstruct my picture, or example written in C language.
Matrix A is equal U*S*V'. How will look formula, e.g. for calculating first five singular values (product of which rows and columns)? Please provide formula with indexes in C like style. U and V' are matrices and S is vector (not matrix).
Not sure if I get your question right, but if you just need to know singular values, they are the diagonal values of the middle matrix S. S in general is a diagonal matrix, which is stored here as a vector. I mean, only the diagonal is stored, you should imagine it as a matrix if you're thinking in matrix calculations.
Those diagonal values are your singular values, if you need the first biggest singular values, just take the 5 biggest values of the vector S.
Quoting from Wikipedia:
The diagonal entries Σi,i of Σ are known as the singular values of M.
The m columns of U and the n columns of V are called the left-singular
vectors and right-singular vectors of M, respectively.
In the above quote, sigma is your S, and M is the original matrix.
You have asked for C code, yet my hope is that pseudocode will suffice (it's late, I'm tired). The target matrix A has m rows, c columns and rank rho. The variable p = min(m,n).
One strategy is to first form the the intermediate matrix product B = US. This is trivial due to the diagonal-like nature of the matrix of singular values. Assume you have rho ( = 5 ) singular values. You must enforce rho <= p.
Replace column vector u1 with s1u1.
Replace column vector u2 with s2u2.
Replace column vector urho with srhourho.
Replace column vector urho+1 with a zero vector of length m.
Replace column vector urho+2 with a zero vector of length m.
Replace column vector up with a zero vector of length m.
Next form the new image matrix A = BVT. The matrix element in row r and column c is the dot product of the rth row vector (length rho) of B with the cth column vector (length rho) of VT.
Another strategy is to jump to the form where the matrix elements of A in row r and column c are
ar,c = sum ( skur,kvc,k, { k, 1, rho } )
The row counter r runs from 1 to m; the column counter c runs from 1 to n.