Use newer version of botocore in AWS lambda - amazon-web-services

I'd like to use the Boto3 put_bucket_encryption inside a lambda function, but the current Lambda execution enviornment is at botocore version 1.7.37, and the put_bucket_encryption was introduced in botocore 1.7.41.
So I'd like to package up my local version of boto3/botocore.
I've included pip packages in lambda functions using serverless framework, along with serverless-python-requirements, but it doesn't seem to work for boto3/botocore.
The function responds to a CreateBucket event and tries to put_bucket_encryption, but fails with
'S3' object has no attribute 'put_bucket_encryption': AttributeError
How can I force my lambda function to use a more up to date botocore?

Was able to resolve with kichik's help
What I missed was the section about omitting packages in the serverless-python-requirements docs. Specifically:
By default, this will not install the AWS SDKs that are already installed on Lambda.
So in my serverless.yml I added
- pytest
Once I deployed, it was using my packaged versions of boto3/botocore


EMR Serverless Airflow Operator not allowing EMR custom images

I want to launch a Spark job on EMR Serverless from Airflow. I want to use Spark 3.3.0 and Scala 2.13 but the 6.9.0 EMR Release ships with Scala 2.12. I created a FAT jar including all Spark dependencies and it won't work either. As an alternative, I am trying to use an EMR custom image by creating an application using --image-configuration with the Airflow operator but it won't just pass through all the arguments from the boto API.
create_app = EmrServerlessCreateApplicationOperator(
config={"name": "data-ingestion",
"imageConfiguration": {
"imageUri": ""}})
Airflow gives the following error message:
Unknown parameter in input: "imageConfiguration", must be one of:
name, releaseLabel, type, clientToken, initialCapacity, maximumCapacity, tags, autoStartConfiguration, autoStopConfiguration, networkConfiguration
This other config won't work either:
config={"name": "data-ingestion",
"imageUri": ""})
Does anybody have any ideas other than downgrading my Scala version?
Airflow operator passes the argument to the boto3 client, and this client create the application.
The configuration imageConfiguration is added to boto3 client in 1.26.44 (PR), and the other configuration are added in different version (please check the changelog).
So you can try to upgrade the version of boto3 in you Airflow server, provided that it is compatible with the others dependencies, and if not, you may need to upgrade your Airflow version.

Accessing Airflow REST API in AWS Managed Workflows?

I have Airflow running in AWS MWAA, I would like to access REST API and there are 2 ways to do this but doesn't seem to work for me.
Overriding api.auth_backend. This used to work and now AWS MWAA won't allow you to add this, it is consider as 'blocklist' and not allow.
api.auth_backend = airflow.api.auth.backend.default
Using MWAA Cli(Python). This doesn't work if any of the DAGs uses packages that are in requirments.txt file.
a. as an example, I have "paramiko" in requirements.txt because I have a task that uses SSHOperator. The MWAA Cli fails with "no module paramiko"
b. Also noted here,
"Any command that parses a DAG (such as list_dags, backfill) will fail if the DAG uses plugins that depend on packages that are installed through requirements.txt."
We are using MWAA 2.0.2 and managed to use Airflow's Rest-API through MWAA CLI, basically following the instructions and sample codes of the Apache Airflow CLI command reference. You'll notice that not all Rest-API calls are supported, but many of them are (even when you have a requirements.txt in place).
Also have a look at AWS sample codes on GitHub.

sam local invoke does not work with symlink

I am building a typescript project with AWS CDK and SAM.
I am trying to setup a backend where I have several lambda functions which share a common lib (which will ultimately talk to dynamo-db).
I created a very simple demo with one hello-world lambda importing from one common my-lib package (using yarn workspaces).
I am using yarn workspaces to share my common my-lib library with my hello-world lambda
If I deploy this stack to AWS and run my hello-world lambda (by testing from the AWS console) it works! (It successfully imports my-lib does not error).
However I can't invoke my lambda function locally.
I have tried to use this method (which I found here) to mock locally (this method works fine when I don't import my common my-lib).
cdk synth --no-staging > template.yml (to find the logical lambda function id = HelloWorldLambda5A02458E)
sam local invoke HelloWorldLambda5A02458E
But I get an error
{"errorType":"Runtime.ImportModuleError","errorMessage":"Error: Cannot find module 'my-lib/MyLib'\nRequire stack:\n- /var/task/index.js\n- /var/runtime/UserFunction.js\n- /var/runtime/index.js"}
It seems sam local invoke does not like my local dependency which is created as a symlink by yarn workspaces. If I replace the synlink my-lib with a hard copy of the my-lib package then the code runs fine locally. (But I don't want to so this every-time I want to run locally)
My question is
How can I invoke my hello-world lambda function locally?
Thanks a lot

AWS Python 3.7 Lambda using boto3: workmailmessageflow - UnknownServiceError

Following the sample code provided in the boto3 documentation for using the workmailmessageflow service
import boto3
client = boto3.client('workmailmessageflow')
triggers and UnknownServiceError: "Unknown service: 'workmailmessageflow'. Valid service names are..."
The boto3 version reported by AWS Lambda Python 3.7 is 1.9.221. Any thoughts on why workmailmessageflow is not recognized?
Because workmailmessageflow first appeared in Boto3 1.9.228.
You have to use a custom version of Boto3, either use a layer or package the latest version together with your code.

AWS Lambda Console - Upgrade boto3 version

I am creating a DeepLens project to recognise people, when one of select group of people are scanned by the camera.
The project uses a lambda, which processes the images and triggers the 'rekognition' aws api.
When I trigger the API from my local machine - I get a good response
When I trigger the API from AWS console - I get failed response
After much digging, I found that the 'boto3' (AWS python library) is of version:
1.9.62 - on my local machine
1.8.9 - on AWS console
Can I upgrade the 'boto3' library version on the AWS lambda console ?? If so, how ?
If you don't want to package a more recent boto3 version with you function, you can download boto3 with each invocation of the Lambda. Remember that /tmp/ is the directory that Lambda will allow you to download to, so you can use this to temporarily download boto3:
import sys
from pip._internal import main
main(['install', '-I', '-q', 'boto3', '--target', '/tmp/', '--no-cache-dir', '--disable-pip-version-check'])
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
def handler(event, context):
You can achieve the same with either Python function with dependencies or with a Virtual Environment.
These are the available options other than that you also try to contact Amazon team if they can help you with up-gradation.
I know, you're asking for a solution through Console, but this is not possible (as of my knowledge).
To solve this you need to provide the boto3 version you require to your lambda (either with the solution from user1998671 or with what Shivang Agarwal is proposing). A third solution is to provide the required boto3 version as a layer for the lambda. The big advantage of the layer is that you can re-use it for all your lambdas.
This can be achieved by following the guide from AWS (the following is mainly copied from the linked guide from AWS):
IMPORTANT: Make sure to adjust boto3-mylayer with a for you suitable name.
Create a lib folder by running the following command:
mkdir -p $LIB_DIR
Install the library to LIB_DIR by running the following command:
pip3 install boto3 -t $LIB_DIR
Zip all the dependencies to /tmp/ by running the following command:
cd boto3-mylayer
zip -r /tmp/ .
Publish the layer by running the following command:
aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name boto3-mylayer --zip-file fileb:///tmp/
The command returns the new layer's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), similar to the following one:
To attach this layer to your lambda execute the following:
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name <name-of-your-lambda> --layers <layer ARN>
To verify the boto version in your lambda you can simply add the following two print commands in your lambda: