Random variable created with scipy.stats and multiprocessing : Pickle error - python-2.7

I'm no king in python, and recently got in trouble with a modification I made in my code. My algorithm is basically multiple uses of stochastic gradient algorithm and thus needs random variables.
I wanted my code to handle custom random variables and probability distribution. To do so, I modified my code and now I use scipy.stats to draw samples of custom random variables. Basically, I create a random variable with an imposed probability density or a cumulative density, and then draw samples thanks to the inverse function of the cumulative distribution function and some uniform random variable between [0,1].
To make it simple the algorithm runs multiple optimization from different starting point using stochastic gradient algorithm, and thus can be parallelized since the starting points are independent.
Problem is that the random variable created this way can't be pickled
PicklingError: Can't pickle : attribute lookup builtin.instancemethod failed
I don't get the subtility of pickling problems for now, so if you guys can help me solve this following simple illustration of the problem :
RV = scipy.stats.norm();
def Draw(rv,N):
return rv.ppf(np.random.random(N))
pDraw = partial(Draw,RV);
PM = multiprocessing.pool(Processes = 2);
L = PM.map(pDraw,range(1,5));
I've heard of pathos library that do not use the same serialization algorithm (dill), but I would like to avoid this solution (if it is a solution) as it is not included in my python distribution at work... making it install will take a lot of time.


userWarning pymc3 : What does reparameterize mean?

I built a pymc3 model using the DensityDist distribution. I have four parameters out of which 3 use Metropolis and one uses NUTS (this is automatically chosen by the pymc3). However, I get two different UserWarnings
1.Chain 0 contains number of diverging samples after tuning. If increasing target_accept does not help try to reparameterize.
MAy I know what does reparameterize here mean?
2. The acceptance probability in chain 0 does not match the target. It is , but should be close to 0.8. Try to increase the number of tuning steps.
Digging through a few examples I used 'random_seed', 'discard_tuned_samples', 'step = pm.NUTS(target_accept=0.95)' and so on and got rid of these user warnings. But I couldn't find details of how these parameter values are being decided. I am sure this might have been discussed in various context but I am unable to find solid documentation for this. I was doing a trial and error method as below.
with patten_study:
#SEED = 61290425 #51290425
step = pm.NUTS(target_accept=0.95)
trace = sample(step = step)#4000,tune = 10000,step =step,discard_tuned_samples=False)#,random_seed=SEED)
I need to run these on different datasets. Hence I am struggling to fix these parameter values for each dataset I am using. Is there any way where I give these values or find the outcome (if there are any user warnings and then try other values) and run it in a loop?
Pardon me if I am asking something stupid!
In this context, re-parametrization basically is finding a different but equivalent model that it is easier to compute. There are many things you can do depending on the details of your model:
Instead of using a Uniform distribution you can use a Normal distribution with a large variance.
Changing from a centered-hierarchical model to a
Replacing a Gaussian with a Student-T
Model a discrete variable as a continuous
Marginalize variables like in this example
whether these changes make sense or not is something that you should decide, based on your knowledge of the model and problem.

When training a single batch, is iteration of examples necessary (optimal) in python code?

Say I have one batch that I want to train my model on. Do I simply run tf.Session()'s sess.run(batch) once, or do I have to iterate through all of the batch's examples with a loop in the session? I'm looking for the optimal way to iterate/update the training ops, such as loss. I thought tensorflow would handle it itself, especially in the cases where tf.nn.dynamic_rnn() takes in a batch dimension for listing the examples. I thought, perhaps naively, that a for loop in the python code would be the inefficient method of updating the loss. I am using tf.losses.mean_squared_error(batch) for a regression problem.
My regression problem is given two lists of word vectors (300d each), and determines the similarity between the two lists on a continuous scale from [0, 5]. My supervised model is Deepmind's Differential Neural Computer (DNC). The problem is I do not believe it is learning anything. this is due to the fact that the all of the output from the model is centered around 0 and even negative. I do not know how it could possibly be negative given no negative labels provided. I only call sess.run(loss) for the single batch, I do not create a python loop to iterate through it.
So, what is the most efficient way to iterate the training of a model and how do people go about it? Do they really use python loops to do multiple calls to sess.run(loss) (this was done in the training file example for DNC, and I have seen it in other examples as well). I am certain I get the final loss from the below process, but I am uncertain if the model has actually been trained entirely just because the loss was processed in one go. I also do not understand the point of update_ops returned by some functions, and am uncertain if they are necessary to ensure the model has been trained.
Example of what I mean by processing a batch's loss once:
# assume the model has been defined prior through batch_output_logits
train_loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(labels=target,
with tf.Session() as sess:
sess.run(init_op) # pseudo code, unnecessary for question
coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord)
# is this the entire batch's loss && model has been trained for that batch?
loss_np = sess.run(train_step, train_loss)
Any input on why I am receiving negative values when the labels are in the range [0, 5] is welcomed as well(general abstract answers for this are fine, because its not the main focus). I am thinking of attempting to create a piece-wise function, if possible, for my loss, so that for any values out of bounds face a rapidly growing exponential loss function. Uncertain how to implement, or if it would even work.
Code is currently private. Once allowed, I will make the repo public.
To run DNC model, go to the project/ directory and run python -m src.main. If there are errors you encounter feel free to let me know.
This model depends upon Tensorflow r1.2, most recent Sonnet, and NLTK's punkt for Tokenizing sentences in sts_handler.py and tests/*.
In a regression model, the network calculates the model output based on the randomly initialized values for your model parameters. That's why you're seeing negative values here; you haven't trained your model enough for it to learn that your values are only between 0 and 5.
Unless I'm missing something, you are only calculating the loss, but you aren't actually training the model. You should probably be calling sess.run(optimizer) on an optimizer, not on your loss function.
You probably need to train your model for multiple epochs (training your model for one epoch = training your model once on the entire dataset).
Batches are used because it is more computationally efficient to train your model on a batch than it is to train it on a single example. However, your data seems to be small enough that you won't have that problem. As such, I would recommend reducing your batch size to as low as possible. As a general rule, you get better training from a smaller batch size, at the cost of added computation.
If you post all of your code, I can take a look.

PyMC3 creating partial Normal distribution

I am using PyMC3 to solve some problems in:
Essentially trying to solve the problem given in Crystal Ball Tutorial.pdf page 3-11. http://faculty.insead.edu/delquie/msp/Other%20downloads/Crystal%20Ball%20Tutorial.pdf
I am trying to create a Normal distribution with mean=8, sd=2 and has a lower limit of 5.
In other words it is a normal distribution (8,2) but instead of -infinity to infinity, it cuts off at 8.
Are there any examples top do this?
What you want to do is to sample from a bounded (normal) distribution. Using PyMC3 you can set arbitrary bounds on distributions like this.
with pm.Model() as model:
boundedN = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=5.0)
a = boundedN('a', mu=8, sd=2)

SegNet results of train set (test via test_segmentation.py)

I run SegNet on my own dataset (by Segnet tutorial). I see great results via test_segmentation.py.
my problem is that I want to see the real net results and not test_segmentation own colorisation (via classes).
for example, if I have trained net with 2 classes, so after the train I will see not only 2 colors (as we see with the classes), but we will see the real net color segmentation ([0.22,0.19,0.3....) lighter and darker as the net see it]
I hope that I explained myself well. thanks for helping.
You could use a python script to achieve what you want. Take a look at this script.
The command out = out['argmax'], extracts the raw output, so you can get a segmentation map with 'lighter and darker' values as you wanted.
When you say the 'real' net color segmentation I will assume that you mean the probability maps. Effectively the last layer will have one map for every class; and if you check the function predict in inference.py, they take the argmax; that is the channel (which represents the class) with the highest probability. If you want to get these maps, you just have to get the data without computing the argmax; something like:
predicted = net.blobs['prob'].data
I solve it. the solution is to range cmin and cmax from 0 to 1 in the scipy saving method. for example: scipy.misc.toimage(output, cmin=0.0, amax=1).save(/path/.../image.png)

Same do-file, same computer, sometimes different results

I've got a large do-file that calls several sub-do-files, all in the lead-up to the estimation of a custom maximum likelihood model. That is, I have a main.do, which looks like this
version 12
set seed 42
do prepare_data
* some other stuff
do estimate_ml
and estimate_ml.do looks like this
* lots of other stuff
global cdf "normal"
program define customML
args lnf r noise
tempvar prob1l prob2l prob1r prob2r y1l y2l y1r y2r euL euR euDiff scale
quietly {
generate double `prob1l' = $ML_y2
generate double `prob2l' = $ML_y3
generate double `prob1r' = $ML_y4
generate double `prob2r' = $ML_y5
generate double `scale' = 1/100
generate double `y1l' = `scale'*((($ML_y10+$ML_y6)^(1-`r'))/(1-`r'))
generate double `y2l' = `scale'*((($ML_y10+$ML_y7)^(1-`r'))/(1-`r'))
generate double `y1r' = `scale'*((($ML_y10+$ML_y8)^(1-`r'))/(1-`r'))
generate double `y2r' = `scale'*((($ML_y10+$ML_y9)^(1-`r'))/(1-`r'))
generate double `euL' = (`prob1l'*`y1l')+(`prob2l'*`y2l')
generate double `euR' = (`prob1r'*`y1r')+(`prob2r'*`y2r')
generate double `euDiff' = (`euR'-`euL')/`noise'
replace `lnf' = ln($cdf( `euDiff')) if $ML_y1==1
replace `lnf' = ln($cdf(-`euDiff')) if $ML_y1==0
ml model lf customML ... , maximize technique(nr) difficult cluster(id)
ml display
To my great surprise, when I run the whole thing from top to bottom in Stata 12/SE I get different results for one of the coefficients reported by ml display each time I run it.
At first I thought this was a problem of running the same code on different computers but the issue occurs even if I run the same code on the same machine multiple times. Then I thought this was a random number generator issue but, as you can see, I can reproduce the issue even if I fix the seed at the beginning of the main do-file. The same holds when I move the set seed command immediately above the ml model.... The only way to get the same results though multiple runs is if I run everything above ml model and then only run ml model and ml display repeatedly.
I know that the likelihood function is very flat in the direction of the parameter whose value changes over runs so it's no surprise it can change. But I don't understand why it would, given that there seems to be little that isn't deterministic in my do files to begin with and nothing that couldn't be made deterministic by fixing the seed.
I suspect a problem with sorting. The default behaviour is that if two observations have the same value, they will be sorted randomly. Moreover, the random process that guides this sorting is governed by a different seed. This is intentional, as it prevents users to by accident see consistency where none exist. The logic being that it is better to be puzzled than to be overly confident.
As someone mentioned in the comments to this answer, adding the option stable to my sort command made the difference in my situation.