I want to create a Dockerfile for the database. In this Dockerfile I want to add a dump and restore. Then I build an image, and everytime I run a container I will have the database restored
This is my Dockerfile
FROM postgres:9.5.8
WORKDIR /home/
COPY my_dump.sql my_dump.sql
EXPOSE 5432 5432
RUN psql -f my_dump.sql postgres
Then I execute
$ docker build -t my_postgres_db .
I get
Step 5/5 : RUN psql -f my_dump.sql postgres
---> Running in 70f7b511cc7c
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Here is a nice little script for doing this taken and altered from https://docs.docker.com/compose/startup-order/
All you need to do is create the script
# wait-for-postgres.sh
set -e
until psql -h "$host" -U "postgres" -c '\q'; do
>&2 echo "Postgres is unavailable - sleeping"
sleep 1
>&2 echo "Postgres is up - you can execute commands now"
and then add this to the docker file
RUN /wait-for-postgres.sh host
Then run your commands after that
I am running Django application dockerized and trying to connect to PostgreSQL database that is located at external host with a public IP.
When running a container, makemigrations command falls with the following error:
django.db.utils.OperationalError: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "myhost" (89.xx.xx.102) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
However, it successfully connects when not dockerized.
Here the docker-compose.yml:
build: .
- 65534:65534
and corresponding Dockerfile:
FROM python:3.10 AS builder
COPY requirements.txt /app/
RUN pip install -r /app/requirements.txt
RUN pip install gunicorn
FROM builder
COPY ./ /app/
ENTRYPOINT [ "/app/entrypoint.sh" ]
and entrypoint.sh:
python /app/manage.py collectstatic --no-input --clear
python /app/manage.py makemigrations
python /app/manage.py migrate --no-input
gunicorn --pythonpath /app/ -b app.wsgi:application
How to make it possible for the Django application to connect to externally hosted PostgresSQL database?
In your terminal run below command:
vim /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf #14 is the version of postgres.
Uncomment and edit the listen_addresses attribute to start listening to start listening to all available IP addresses.
listen_addresses = '*'
Append a new connection policy (a pattern stands for [CONNECTION_TYPE][DATABASE][USER] [ADDRESS][METHOD]) in the bottom of the file.
host all all md5
We are allowing TCP/IP connections (host) to all databases (all) for all users (all) with any IPv4 address ( using an MD5 encrypted password for authentication (md5).
It is now time to restart your PostgreSQL service to load your configuration changes.
systemctl restart postgresql
And make sure your system is listening to the 5432 port that is reserved for PostgreSQL.
ss -nlt | grep 5432
Connect to PostgreSQL database through a remote host:
Your PostgreSQL server is now running and listening for external requests. It is now time to connect to your database through a remote host.
Connect via Command Line Tool:
You may now connect to a remote database by using the following command pattern:
psql -h [ip address] -p [port] -d [database] -U [username]
Let’s now connect to a remote PostgreSQL database that we have hosted.
psql -h -p 5432 -d test_erp -U postgres
To double check your connection details use the \conninfo command.
I am trying to test locally my build without needing to upload my code all over the time. Therefore, I downloaded the codebuild.sh into my ubuntu machine and places into ~/.local/bin/codebuild_build.
Then I made it executable via:
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/codebuild_build
And with the following buildspec.yml:
version: 0.2
docker: 18
- docker login -u $USER -p $TOKEN
- docker build -f ./dockerfiles/7.0.8/Dockerfile -t myapp/php7.0.8:$(cat VERSION_PHP_708) -t myapp/php7.0.8:latest .
- docker build -f ./dockerfiles/7.0.8/Dockerfile_develop -t myapp/php7.0.8-dev:$(cat VERSION_PHP_708) -t myapp/php7.0.8-dev:latest .
- docker build -f ./dockerfiles/7.2/Dockerfile -t myapp/php7.0.8:$(cat VERSION_PHP_72) -t myapp/php7.0.8:latest .
- docker build -f ./dockerfiles/7.2/Dockerfile_develop -t myapp/php7.0.8-dev:$(cat VERSION_PHP_708) -t myapp/php7.0.8-dev:latest .
- docker push etable/php7.2
- docker push etable/php7.2-dev
- docker push etable/php7.0.8
- docker push etable/php7.0.8-dev
I tried to execute my command like that:
codebuild_build -i amazon/aws-codebuild-local -a /tmp/artifacts/docker-php -e .codebuild -c ~/.aws
But I get the following output:
Build Command:
docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e "IMAGE_NAME=amazon/aws-codebuild-local" -e "ARTIFACTS=/tmp/artifacts/docker-php" -e "SOURCE=/home/pcmagas/Kwdikas/docker-php" -v "/home/pcmagas/Kwdikas/docker-php:/LocalBuild/envFile/" -e "ENV_VAR_FILE=.codebuild" -e "AWS_CONFIGURATION=/home/pcmagas/.aws" -e "INITIATOR=pcmagas" amazon/aws-codebuild-local:latest
Removing agent-resources_build_1 ... done
Removing agent-resources_agent_1 ... done
Removing network agent-resources_default
Removing volume agent-resources_source_volume
Removing volume agent-resources_user_volume
Creating network "agent-resources_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "agent-resources_source_volume" with local driver
Creating volume "agent-resources_user_volume" with local driver
Creating agent-resources_agent_1 ... done
Creating agent-resources_build_1 ... done
Attaching to agent-resources_agent_1, agent-resources_build_1
build_1 | 2020/01/16 14:43:58 Unable to initialize (*errors.errorString: AgentAuth was not specified)
agent-resources_build_1 exited with code 10
Stopping agent-resources_agent_1 ... done
Aborting on container exit...
My ~/.aws has the following files:
$ ls -l /home/pcmagas/.aws
σύνολο 8
-rw------- 1 pcmagas pcmagas 32 Αυγ 8 17:29 config
-rw------- 1 pcmagas pcmagas 116 Αυγ 8 17:34 credentials
Whilst the config has the following:
region = eu-central-1
And ~/.aws/credentials is in the following format:
aws_access_key_id = ^KEY_ID_CENSORED^
aws_secret_access_key = ^ACCESS_KEY_CENSORED^
Also in the .codebuild I contain the required docker-login params:
Hence, I can get the params required for docker-login.
Do you have any idea why I the build fails to run locally?
Your pre-build step has a command that logs you in to docker
docker login -u $USER -p $TOKEN
Make sure that you have included the docker login credentials in your local file environment file.
Change the environment variable name in '.codebuild' file, e.g.:
It seems the CodeBuild agent is interpreting the 'TOKEN' environment variable itself.
I am trying to use ECS for deployment with travis.
At one point everything was working but now it stopped.
I am following this tutorial https://testdriven.io/part-five-ec2-container-service/
There are 2 tasks that keep stopping and starting.
These are the messages I see in tasks:
STOPPED (CannotStartContainerError: API error (500): oci ru)
STOPPED (Essential container in task exited)
These are the messages I see in the logs:
FATAL: could not write to file "pg_wal/xlogtemp.28": No space left on device
container_linux.go:262: starting container process caused "exec: \"./entrypoint.sh\": permission denied"
Why is ECS stopping and starting so many new tasks? This was not happening before.
This is my docker_deploy.sh from my main microservice which I am calling via travis.
if [ -z "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" ] || [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ];
if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "staging" ];
JQ="jq --raw-output --exit-status"
configure_aws_cli() {
aws --version
aws configure set default.region us-east-1
aws configure set default.output json
echo "AWS Configured!"
make_task_def() {
task_template=$(cat ecs_taskdefinition.json)
task_def=$(printf "$task_template" $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID)
echo "$task_def"
register_definition() {
if revision=$(aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json "$task_def" --family $family | $JQ '.taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn');
echo "Revision: $revision"
echo "Failed to register task definition"
return 1
deploy_cluster() {
if [[ $(aws ecs update-service --cluster $cluster --service $service --task-definition $revision | $JQ '.service.taskDefinition') != $revision ]];
echo "Error updating service."
return 1
This is my Dockerfile from my users microservice:
FROM python:3.6.2
# install environment dependencies
RUN apt-get update -yqq \
&& apt-get install -yqq --no-install-recommends \
netcat \
&& apt-get -q clean
# set working directory
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# add requirements (to leverage Docker cache)
ADD ./requirements.txt /usr/src/app/requirements.txt
# install requirements
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# add entrypoint.sh
ADD ./entrypoint.sh /usr/src/app/entrypoint.sh
RUN chmod +x /usr/src/app/entrypoint.sh
# add app
ADD . /usr/src/app
# run server
CMD ["./entrypoint.sh"]
echo "Waiting for postgres..."
while ! nc -z users-db 5432;
sleep 0.1
echo "PostgreSQL started"
python manage.py recreate_db
python manage.py seed_db
gunicorn -b manage:app
I tried deleting my cluster and deregistering my tasks and restarting but ECS still continuously stops and starts new tasks now.
When it was working fine: the difference was that instead of the CMD ["./entrypoint.sh"] in my Dockerfile, I had
RUN python manage.py recreate_db
RUN python manage.py seed_db
CMD gunicorn -b manage:app
travis is passing.
The errors are right there.
You don't have enough space on your host; and the entrypoint.sh file is being denied.
Ensure your host has enough disk space (Shell in and df -h to check and expand the volume or just bring up a new instance with more space) and for the entrypoint.sh ensure that when building your image it is executable chmod +x and also is readable by the user the container is running as.
Test your containers locally first; the second error should have been caught in development instantly.
I realize this answer isn't 100% relevant to the question asked, but some googling brought me here due to the title and I figure my solution might help someone later down the line.
I also had this issue, but the reason why my containers kept restarting wasn't a lack of space or other resources, it was because I had enabled dynamic host port mapping and forgotten to update my security group as needed. What happened then is that the health checks my load balancer sent to my containers inevitably failed and ECS restarted the containers (whoops).
Dynamic Port Mapping in AWS Documentation:
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_PortMapping.html Contents --> hostPort
tl;dr - Make sure your load balancer can health check ports 32768 - 65535.
If it's too many tasks running and they have consumed the space then you will need to shell in to the host and do the following. Don't use -f on the docker rm as that will remove the running ECS agent container
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
Do docker ps -a
Which results in all the stopped containers which are excited, these also consumes disk space.use below command to remove those zoombie
docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep Exited | awk '{print $1}')
And also remove older images or unused images these takes more DiskStation size than containers
docker rmi -f image_name
Those are the following steps I am following to run my application within a docker container .
docker run -i -t -d -p 8000:8000 c4ba9ec8e613 /bin/bash
docker attach c4ba9ec8e613
my start up script :
#activate virtual env
echo Activate vitualenv.
source /home/my_env/bin/activate
#restart nginx
echo Restarting Nginx
service nginx restart
# Start Gunicorn processes
echo Starting Gunicorn.
gunicorn OPC.wsgi:application --bind= --daemon
This setup is working fine in the local machine but not working within the docker .
Need to change the port no application to be accessible as my nginx server is responding at port 80
docker run -i -t -d -p 80:80 c4ba9ec8e613 /bin/bash
docker attach c4ba9ec8e613
I've imported to PyCharm 5.1 Beta 2 a tutorial project, which works fine when I run it from the commandline with docker-compose up
: https:// docs.docker.com/compose/django/
Trying to set a remote python interpreter is causing problems.
I've been trying to work out what the service name field is expecting:
remote interpreter - docker compose window - http:// i.stack.imgur.com/Vah7P.png.
My docker-compose.yml file is:
version: '2'
image: postgres
build: .
command: python manage.py runserver
- .:/code
- "8000:8000"
- db
When I try to enter web or db or anything at all that comes to mind, I get an error message: Service definition is expected to be a map
So what am I supposed to enter there?
EDIT1 (new version: Pycharm 2016.1 release)
I have now updated to the latest version and am having still issues: .IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory
Sorry for not tagging all links - have a new user link limit
The only viable way we found to workaround this (Pycharm 2016.1) is setting up an SSH remote interpreter.
Add this to the main service Dockerfile:
RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
RUN echo 'root:screencast' | chpasswd
RUN sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin without-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# SSH login fix. Otherwise user is kicked off after login
RUN sed 's#session\s*required\s*pam_loginuid.so#session optional pam_loginuid.so#g' -i /etc/pam.d/sshd
ENV NOTVISIBLE "in users profile"
RUN echo "export VISIBLE=now" >> /etc/profile
CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]
Then log into docker container like this (in the code sample pass 'screencast'):
$ ssh root# -p 2000
Note: We aware the IP and port might change depending on your docker and compose configs
For PyCharm just set up a remote SSH Interpreter and you are done!