No matching method found with JDBI and Clojure - clojure

I have a simple DAO ns:
(ns alavita.dao
[ :as log ]
[ :as io ]
[org.jdbi.v3.core Jdbi Handle]
(defn create
(^Jdbi [^String url]
(Jdbi/create url))
(^Jdbi [^String url ^String username ^String password]
(Jdbi/create url username password)))
(defn open
^Handle [^Jdbi jdbi]
(.open jdbi))
When trying to use the lib:
alavita.core=> (def c (dao/create "jdbc:sqlite:/tmp/data.db"))
alavita.core=> (def h (dao/open c))
alavita.core=> (.execute h "show tables")
IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: execute for class org.jdbi.v3.core.Handle clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod (
This is kind of weird because h definitely has .execute:
alavita.core=> (cli/all-methods h)
(.attach .begin .close .commit .createBatch .createCall .createQuery .createScript .createUpdate .execute .getConfig .getConnection .getExtensionMethod .getStatementBuilder .getTransactionIsolationLevel .inTransaction .isClosed .isInTransaction .isReadOnly .lambda$attach$3 .lambda$new$0 .lambda$useTransaction$1 .lambda$useTransaction$2 .prepareBatch .release .rollback .rollbackToSavepoint .savepoint .select .setConfig .setConfigThreadLocal .setExtensionMethod .setExtensionMethodThreadLocal .setReadOnly .setStatementBuilder .setTransactionIsolation .useTransaction)
Not sure where it goes sideways.
Types for open and create:
alavita.core=> (type (dao/create "jdbc:sqlite:/tmp/data.db"))
alavita.core=> (type (dao/open c))
Adding reflection:
alavita.core=> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
alavita.core=> (.execute h "show tables")
Reflection warning, /private/var/folders/nr/g50ld9t91c555dzv91n43bg40000gn/T/form-init767780595230125901.clj:1:1 - call to method execute can't be resolved (target class is unknown).
IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: execute for class org.jdbi.v3.core.Handle clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod (

As mentioned in this port, this is an issue with how Java handles var-args. You need to wrap var-args in an array first instead of relying on the var-arg behavior.
I recommend writing a Clojure function to handle this:
(defn execute [^Handle h, ^String sql, & args]
(.execute h sql (into-array Object args)))
And using that instead.


clojure dynamic var conflicts with for in a weird way

I use a dynamic var to make an easy way to use ssh. However, it suddenly stops working in a multi-parameter for!
So, here is my core.clj (which is kind of sketchy now):
(use 'clj-ssh.ssh)
(def the-agent (ssh-agent {}))
(def ^:dynamic *session* nil)
(defmacro on-host [host & body]
`(binding [*session* (clj-ssh.ssh/session the-agent ~host {})]
(defn cmd [& args]
(split (:out (ssh *session* {:cmd (join " " args)})) #"\n"))
(defn attempt-1 []
(cmd "ls -a"))
(defn attempt-2 []
(for [f (cmd "ls -a")]
(defn attempt-3 []
(for [r (range 3)
f (cmd "ls -a")]
[r f]))
For some reason, first two trial functions work, and the third doesn't (the hosts and files are censured):
user=> (on-host "(some host)" (attempt-1))
["." ".." ".ackrc" ...]
user=> (on-host "(some host)" (attempt-2))
("." ".." ".ackrc" ...)
user=> (on-host "(some host)" (attempt-3))
IllegalArgumentException No implementation of method: :connected? of protocol: #'clj-ssh.ssh.protocols/Session found for class: nil clojure.core/-cache-protocol-fn (core_deftype.clj:544)
Just in case you need a stacktrace:
user=> (use 'clojure.stacktrace)
user=> (print-stack-trace *e 7)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :connected? of protocol: #'clj-ssh.ssh.protocols/Session found for class: nil
at clojure.core$_cache_protocol_fn.invoke (core_deftype.clj:544)
clj_ssh.ssh.protocols$eval1554$fn__1566$G__1543__1571.invoke (protocols.clj:4)
clj_ssh.ssh$connected_QMARK_.invoke (ssh.clj:411)
clj_ssh.ssh$ssh.invoke (ssh.clj:712)
census.core$cmd.doInvoke (core.clj:15)
clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke (
census.core$attempt_3$iter__1949__1955$fn__1956.invoke (core.clj:29)
I'm really not sure what it is all about. Can you help me? Thank you!
Use doseq, not for
What you have there is a lazy sequence that will be evaluated after the binding form has returned. doseq forces evaluation.
For further reading:
Difference between doseq and for in Clojure

Errors when trying to pass args in clojure using clj-http

hopefully this is something simple for the more experienced out there. I am using clj-http and trying to pass the command line arg int it (to take a URL). I am an absolute Clojure beginer but I have managed to pass the args through to a ptintln which works.
(ns foo.core
(:require [clj-http.client :as client]))
(defn -main
[& args]
(def url (str args))
(println url)
(def resp (client/get url))
(def headers (:headers resp))
(def server (headers "server"))
(println server))
Error message
Ants-MacBook-Pro:target ant$ lein run ""
Exception in thread "main" no protocol: ("")
This works
(def resp (client/get ""))
thanks in advance.
args is a list, which means that calling str on it returns the representation of the list, complete with parentheses and inner quotes, as you can see in your error trace:
(println (str '("")))
;; prints ("")
Of course, URLs don't start with parentheses and quotes, which is why the JVM tells you your URL is malformed.
What you really want to pass to get is not the string representation of your argument list, but your first argument:
(let [url (first args)]
(client/get url)) ;; Should work!
In addition, you should never use def calls within functions -- they create or rebind vars at the toplevel of your namespace, which don't want.
What you should be using instead is let forms, which create local variables (like url in my example). For more information on let, look at
I'd probably structure your code like so:
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [url (first args)
resp (client/get url)
server (get-in resp [:headers "server"])]
(println url)
(println server)))

Clojure function to get docstrings from functions in a namespace

I want to write a function that returns the names and docstrings of the public functions in my namespace, like so:
(ns familiar.core
(:require [clojure.repl :refer [doc]]
;; various functions with docstrings here
(defn help
(let [fns (keys (ns-publics 'familiar.core))]
(for [f fns]
[f (with-out-str (doc f))])))
When I call (help) in the REPL, the docstrings don't come with the functions:
familiar.core=> (help)
([save-experiment ""] [load-experiment ""] [add-data ""] [help ""] ... )
But calling (with-out-str (doc add-data)) in the REPL works as I'd expect:
familiar.core=> (with-out-str (doc add-data))
"-------------------------\nfamiliar.core/add-data\n([& coll])\n
Adds instances of variables with values at active date.\n Examp
le:\n (add-data \"mice\" 6 \"cats\" 2 \"dogs\" 0)\n"
What's going on here?
doc is a macro, so it cannot evaluate the local f in the calling context. Instead, you are simply calling (doc f) ovr and over.
The easiest approach to solve this is to go around the doc macro, and look directly at the data that it uses to produce documentation: metadata on vars.
(defn help
(for [[name var] (ns-publics 'familiar.core)]
[name (:doc (meta var))]))

In CLojure how to call xml-> with arbitrary preds

I want to create a function that allows me to pull contents from some feed, here's what I have... zf is from here
[ :as z]
[ :only (attr text xml->)]
[clojure.xml :as xml ]
[ :as zf]
(def data-url "")
(defn zipp [data] (z/xml-zip data))
(defn contents[cont & tags]
(assert (= (zf/xml-> (zipp(parsing cont)) (seq tags) text))))
but when I call it
(contents data-url :events :event :title)
I get an error
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.ArraySeq cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
(Updated in response to the comments: see end of answer for ready-made function parameterized by the tags to match.)
The following extracts the titles from the XML pointed at by the URL from the question text (tested at a Clojure 1.5.1 REPL with 0.0.7 and 0.1.1):
(require '[ :as zip]
'[ :as xml]
'[ :as xz]
'[ :as io])
(def data-url "")
(def data (-> data-url io/reader xml/parse))
(def z (zip/xml-zip data))
(mapcat (comp :content zip/node)
(xz/xml-> z
(xz/tag= :events)
(xz/tag= :event)
(xz/tag= :title)))
;; value of the above right now:
("Belgrade Early Music Festival, Gosta / Purcell: Dido & Aeneas"
"Belgrade Early Music Festival, Gosta / Purcell: Dido & Aeneas"
"Belgrade Early Music Festival, Gosta / Purcell: Dido & Aeneas"
"VIII Early Music Festival, Belgrade 2013"
"Kevlar Bikini"
"U-Recken - Tree of Life Pre event"
"Green Day"
"Smallman - Vrane Kamene (Crows Of Stone)"
"One Direction"
"One Direction in Serbia")
Some comments:
The clojure.contrib.* namespaces are all deprecated. xml-> now lives in
xml-> accepts a zip loc and a bunch of "predicates"; in this context, however, the word "predicate" has an unusual meaning of a filtering function working on zip locs. See source for several functions which return such predicates; for an example of use, see above.
If you want to define a list of predicates separately, you can do that too, then use xml-> with apply:
(def loc-preds [(xz/tag= :events) (xz/tag= :event) (xz/tag= :title)])
(mapcat (comp :content zip/node) (apply xz/xml-> z loc-preds))
;; value returned as above
Update: Here's a function which takes the url and keywords naming tags as arguments and returns the content found at the tags:
(defn get-content-from-tags [url & tags]
(mapcat (comp :content zip/node)
(apply xz/xml->
(-> url io/reader xml/parse zip/xml-zip)
(for [t tags]
(xz/tag= t)))))
Calling it like so:
(get-content-from-tags data-url :events :event :title)
gives the same result as the mapcat form above.

How do you explicitly specify a namespace when using "apply" on a function in Clojure?

Here "graph" is higher-order function that returns a function with config set in its scope:
(ns bulbs.neo4jserver.graph)
(defn out1
"Test func that simply returns out1."
(defn graph
(fn [func & args]
(apply func config args)))
You create an instance of graph, which can then be used to call other functions and automatically pass in the config arg:
(def g (graph {:root-uri "http://localhost"}))
(g out1)
;; => "out1"
This works; however, if you require/import graph into another namespace, then you have to prefix each function call with the graph namespace:
(ns bulbs.neo4jserver.junk
(:require [bulbs.neo4jserver.graph :as graph]))
(def g (graph/graph {:root-uri "http://localhost"}))
;; would rather do (g out1)
(g graph/out1)
Instead, I want to explicitly specify the namespace in the apply function so that users don't have to:
(defn graph
(fn [func & args]
;; somehow specify the graph namespace here
(apply func config args)))
What's the best way to do this?
Not a direct answer to your question, but the general pattern you're using is more common: having a single stateful data structure that holds connection parameters (to a database or another server). Most frameworks turn this around: instead of calling your functions from within the function holding your connection parameters as you do, they have functions that accept the connection data structure as a parameter.
For example, given a database connetion conn, a typical, fictional database library could look like this (note: examples are simplified for clarity):
(let [conn (make-db-connection :host .... :user ....)]
(read-from-db conn :user))
While using a library for a messaging framework (say, RabbitMQ) could look like this:
(let [conn (make-amqp-connection :host .... :port ...)]
(send-message conn :my-queue "hello world"))
In both situations, there is a single conn data structure that is used for all subsequent calls to the libraries' functions. In OO languages, you would have a global, stateful object holding the connection (a singleton perhaps in Java land). In Clojure, libraries typically handle this using a with-... macro, that binds a particular connection to a dynamic var which is used internally:
(with-db-connection (make-db-connection ....)
(read-from-db :user ....))
(with-rabbit-connection (make-rabbitmq-connection ....)
(send-message :my-queue "hello world"))
Here's a (fictional) example that implements this pattern. Assume that a connection is a Java object:
;; a var to hold the connection
(def ^:dynamic *current-connection* nil)
(defmacro with-connection [conn & body]
`(binding [*current-connection* ~conn]
;; send-msg is using the connection object bound to
;; the *current-connetion* var
(defn send-msg [msg]
(.sendMessage *current-connection* msg))
;; usage:
(with-connection conn
(send-msg "hello world!"))
If you want to be fancy, you could support both patterns (accepting a connection as a parameter or using the bound connection) by defining the send-msg function like this:
(defn send-msg [msg & {:keys [connection]
:or {connection *current-connection*}}]
(.sendMessage connection msg))
;; usage with bound connetion:
(with-connection conn
(send-msg "Hello World!"))
;; usage with explicit connection:
(send-msg "Hello World!"
:connection conn)
This version of send-msg uses the supplied connection, or the bound connection if a connection wasn't specified.
You can pass symbol instead of function and resolve it in graph function:
(defn graph
(fn [func & args]
(apply (ns-resolve 'bulbs.neo4jserver.graph func) config args)))
And call it:
(ns bulbs.neo4jserver.junk
(:require [bulbs.neo4jserver.graph :as graph]))
(def g (graph/graph {:root-uri "http://localhost"}))
(g 'out1)
But g is not an high-order function any more. It takes symbol, not function. Personally I don't like this approach. Why don't you like specifying namespace? May be you can do what you need with macro too, but I don't know macros well.
Don't do it. Use regular functions as explained by #Ankur and #Gert in comments.