c++ Remove substring after last match of substring - c++

What is a compact way of removing the last part of a string after the last occurrence of a given substring, including it?
In terms of bash parameter substitution it would be the equivalent of:
Is there a library (e.g. boost) supporting replacement with wildcards or something similar?

Without wildcards, the solution I've found is as follows
Provided substring is found in string


Recursive regular expression match with boost

I got a problem with C++ standard regex library not compiling recursive regex.
Looking up on the internet I found out it's a well known problem and people suggest using boost library. This is the incriminated one :
What I'm trying to do is basically using this regex to split statements according to spaces and brackets (including the case of balanced brackets inside brackets) but every piece of code showing how to do it using boost doesn't work properly and I don't know why. Thanks in advance.
You may declare the regex using a raw string literal, using R"(...)" syntax. This way, you won't have to escape backslashes twice.
Cf., these are equal declarations:
std::string my_pattern("\\w+");
std::string my_pattern(R"(\w+)");
The parentheses are not part of the regex pattern, they are raw string literal delimiter parts.
However, your regex is not quite correct: you need to recurse only the first alternative and not the whole regex.
Here is the fix:
std::string my_pattern(R"((\((?:[^()]++|(?1))*\))|\w+)");
Here, (\((?:[^()]++|(?1))*\)) matches and 1+ chars other than ( and ) or recurses the whole Group 1 pattern with (?1) regex subroutine.
See the regex demo.

Java Regex to find if a given String contains a set of characters in the same order of their occurrence.

We need Java Regex to find if a given String contains a set of characters in the same order of their occurrence.
E.g. if the given String is "TYPEWRITER",
the following strings should return a match:
"YERT", "TWRR" & "PEWRR" (character by character match in the order of occurrence),
but not
"YERW" or "YERX" (this contains characters either not present in the given string or doesn't match the order of occurrence).
This can be done by character by character matching in a for loop, but it will be more time consuming. A regex for this or any pointers will be highly appreciated.
First of all REGEX has nothing to do with it. Regex is powerful but not that much powerful to accomplish this.
The thing you are asking is a part of Longest Common Subsequence(LCS) Algorithm implementation. For your case you need to change the algorithm a bit. I mean instead of matching part of string from both, you'll require to match your one string as a whole subsequence from the Larger one.
The LCS is a dynamic algorithm and so far this is the fastest way to achieve this. If you take a look at the LCS Example here you'll find that what I am talking about.

Regular Expression extract first three characters from a string

Using a regular expression how can I extract the first 3 characters from a string (Regardless of characters)? Also using a separate expression I want to extract the last 3 characters from a string, how would I do this? I can't find any examples on the web that work so thanks if you do know.
Any programming language should have a better solution than using a regular expression (namely some kind of substring function or a slice function for strings). However, this can of course be done with regular expressions (in case you want to use it with a tool like a text editor). You can use anchors to indicate the beginning or end of the string.
This matches up to 3 characters of a string (as many as possible). I added the "0 to 3" semantics instead of "exactly 3", so that this would work on shorter strings, too.
Note that . generally matches any character except linebreaks. There is usually an s or singleline option that changes this behavior, but an alternative without option-setting is this, (which really matches any 3 characters):
But as I said, I strongly recommend against this approach if you want to use this in some code that provides other string manipulation functions. Plus, you should really dig into a tutorial.

Finding a string *and* its substrings in a haystack

Suppose you have a string (e.g. needle). Its 19 continuous substrings are:
needl eedle
need eedl edle
nee eed edl dle
ne ee ed dl le
n e d l
If I were to build a regex to match, in a haystack, any of the substrings I could simply do:
but it doesn't look really elegant. Is there a better way to create a regex that will greedly match any one of the substrings of a given string?
Additionally, what if I posed another constraint, wanted to match only substrings longer than a threshold, e.g. for substrings of at least 3 characters:
note: I deliberately did not mention any particular regex dialect. Please state which one you're using in your answer.
As Qtax suggested, the expression
would be the way to go if you wanted to write an explicit regular expression (egrep syntax, optionally replace (...) by (?:...)). The reason why this is better than the initial solution is that the condensed version requires only O(n^2) space compared to O(n^3) space in the original version, where n is the length of the input. Try this with extraordinarily as input to see the difference. I guess the condensed version is also faster with many regexp engines out there.
The expression
will look for substrings of length 3 or longer.
As pointed out by vhallac, the generated regular expressions are a bit redundant and can be optimized. Apart from the proposed Emacs tool, there is a Perl package Regexp::Optimizer that I hoped would help here, but a quick check failed for the first regular expression.
Note that many regexp engines perform non-overlapping search by default. Check this with the requirements of your problem.
I have found elegant almostsolution, depending how badly you need only one regexp. For example here is the regexp, which finds common substring (perl) of length 7:
"$needle\0$heystack" =~ /(.{7}).*?\0.*\1/s
Matching string is in \1. Strings should not contain null character which is used as separator.
You should make a cycle which starters with length of the needle and goes downto treshold and tries to match the regexp.
Is there a better way to create a regex that will match any one of the
substrings of a given string?
No. But you can generate such expression easily.
Perhaps you're just looking for

Regex for matching a character, but not when it's enclosed in quotes

I need to match a colon (':') in a string, but not when it's enclosed by quotes - either a " or ' character.
So the following should have 2 matches
but this should only have 1 match
If the regular expression implementation supports look-around assertions, try this:
This will match any colon that is either preceeded or followed by a double or single quote. So that does only consider construct like you mentioned. something:firstValue would not be matched.
It would be better if you build a little parser that reads the input byte-by-byte and remembers when quotation is open.
Regular expressions are stateless. Tracking whether you are inside of quotes or not is state information. It is, therefore, impossible to handle this correctly using only a single regular expression. (Note that some "regular expression" implementations add extensions which may make this possible; I'm talking solely about "true" regular expressions here.)
Doing it with two regular expressions is possible, though, provided that you're willing to modify the original string or to work with a copy of it. In Perl:
$string =~ s/['"][^'"]*['"]//g;
my $match_count = $string =~ /:/g;
The first will find every sequence consisting of a quote, followed by any number of non-quote characters, and terminated by a second quote, and remove all such sequences from the string. This will eliminate any colons which are within quotes. (something:"firstValue":'secondValue' becomes something:: and something:'no:match' becomes something:)
The second does a simple count of the remaining colons, which will be those that weren't within quotes to start with.
Just counting the non-quoted colons doesn't seem like a particularly useful thing to do in most cases, though, so I suspect that your real goal is to split the string up into fields with colons as the field delimiter, in which case this regex-based solution is unsuitable, as it will destroy any data in quoted fields. In that case, you need to use a real parser (most CSV parsers allow you to specify the delimiter and would be ideal for this) or, in the worst case, walk through the string character-by-character and split it manually.
If you tell us the language you're using, I'm sure somebody could suggest a good parser library for that language.
Uppps ... missed the point. Forget the rest. It's quite hard to do this because regex is not good at counting balanced characters (but the .NET implementation for example has an extension that can do it, but it's a bit complicated).
You can use negated character groups to do this.
You can further wrap the quotes in non-capturing groups.
Or you can use assertion.
I've come up with the following slightly worrying construction:
It uses a lookbehind assertion to make sure you match an even number of quotes from the beginning of the line to the current colon. It allows for embedding a single quote inside double quotes and vice versa. As in:
'a":b':c::"':" (matches at positions 6, 8 and 9)
Gumbo is right, using * within a look behind assertion is not allowed.
You can try to catch the strings withing the quotes
/(?<q>'|")([\w ]+)(\k<q>)/m
First pattern defines the allowed quote types, second pattern takes all Word-Digits and spaces.
Very good on this solution is, it takes ONLY Strings where opening and closing quotes match.
Try it at regex101.com