download wso2 identity server by using wget in unix - wso2

I am setting up WSO2 Identity server in my AWS EC2 instance.
What is the URL to WGET so that i can download the installation.I cant find the URL in the website anywhere
The version of identity server is 5.3.0 and I am using the prepackaged version so that i can use it as the key manager. I tried some urls from the download links.But whats the official page which tells which urls to use?Is there a product page which tells how to download in Unix box
How can i download in Unix box?which URL to use ?

Use below for downloading latest Identity Server release.
wget --user-agent="testuser" --referer=""
For latest API Manager, use below
wget --user-agent="testuser" --referer=""


WSO2 APIM 3.0.0 install/config problem with Publisher and Store: "invalid_callback - Registered callback does not match with the provided url"

After installing version 3.0.0 of the WSO2 API Manager I am getting errors trying to access the Publisher and the Store.
This is the error at the Store (
Error 405 - Method Not Allowed
As for the Publisher, the url redirect to this url...
...and displays this error message:
invalid_callback - Registered callback does not match with the provided url
I can access the admin page just fine (
I replaced every occurance of 'localhost' with '' in every file in .../wso2/wso2am/3.0.0/repository/conf, including 'carbon.xml'
Logs reveal the following: (.../wso2/wso2am/3.0.0/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log)
WARN {org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.OAuth2Service} Provided Callback URL does not match with the provided one.
Ubuntu 18.04
OpenJDK 11.0.4
WSO2 API Manager 3.0
Installation steps followed:
Installation commands:
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
java -version
openjdk version "11.0.4" 2019-07-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.4+11-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.3)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.4+11-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.3, mixed mode, sharing)
sudo wget
sudo apt install ./wso2am-linux-installer-x64-3.0.0.deb
sudo service wso2am-3.0.0 start
The installation notes refer to localhost/ But I am installing on
Files manually modified in .../wso2/wso2am/3.0.0/repository/conf (replaced 'localhost' with '' and '' with ''):
Any ideas? Thanks!
You have to update the callback URL in the Service Provider.
1) Go to /carbon and edit the relevant SP.
2) Edit the OAuth app in it.
You will see the callback URL like this.
Update all occurrences of localhost with your hostname.
Save both OAuth app and SP.
his is the error at the Store (
Maybe you can find what you need at
If you encounter the same error with callback URL on devportal, log into Management Console, under list of Service Providers, edit admin_admin_store instead.

AWS cognito user authentication with laravel

We are trying to implement Amazon Cognito services for user authentication with our built in laravel 5.1 application. We are looking for a composer package for laravel 5.1 that allow to Amazon Cognito User Pools, registering user's into User Pools, password resets etc.
You can use AWS SDK for PHP using Composer. See the following quoted steps of this guide.
Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where your project is stored. Composer is installed on a per-project basis.
Download and install Composer in your project directory. If you have curl installed, you can use the following command:
curl -sS | php
When the installation script finishes, a composer.phar file will be created in the directory where you ran the installer.
Create a file at the root level of your project called composer.json and add the following dependency for the AWS PHP SDK:
"require": {
"aws/aws-sdk-php": "2.*"
Install the dependencies by running Composer's install command:
php composer.phar install
This will create a vendor directory in your project with the required libraries and an autoloader script used to load them for your
Require Composer's autoloader by adding the following line to your code's bootstrap process (typically in index.php):
require '/path/to/sdk/vendor/autoload.php';
Your code is now ready to use the AWS SDK for PHP!
AWS has added Cognito User Pools management in Version 3.32.7. You may have a look at AWS Service Provider for Laravel as well for more information.
This question is quite old, but for someone looking for such package check this out, I think this is what you need

Public URL for download WSO2 API manager and WSO2 APIM Analytics

I'm currently working on creating docker images for WSO2 APIM and APIM analytics distribution. For that I need to download the products through a wget command. Where can we download these products apart from the github release page.
wget --user-agent="testuser" --referer=""
For analytics
wget --user-agent="testuser" --referer=""
Try above.
WSO2 do not allow to download products via wget. (There are hacky ways you can, but it's not recommended.) If you need to download via wget, you should download the product from product page manually and host it somewhere.
Version 3.1.0
1.APIM 3.1.0
wget --user-agent="testuser" --referer=""
wget --user-agent="testuser" --referer=""

How to install wso2 products on pure wso2 carbon

My requirement is need to install (ESB,Application Server,Data Service Server,Api Manager,BAM) on pure wso2 carbon 4.2.0.
Is it possible to install all these products on Carbon?
I want to install multiple products on same carbon instance . I downloaded the P2_REPO from this site and tried feature installation using UI,but it is not allowing me.
Can anyone tell me the best possible way to do this. I want multiple products on same carbon
Your soon reply will be highly appreciated
This can be easily install features through UI following this documentation,
It will be easy for you to go by product by product rather than selecting all feature group at once.
Download wso2 manually in direct wso website either deb or rpm package
a)check command: whereis wso2
b) move wso2 folder to /opt directory
a)check and add the domain in gatewayendpoint
disable comment line below
a) Add below line hostname
start with below command
JAVA_HOME=/path/jdk1.8.0_192 /path/wso2am-2.6.0/bin/ &
Reference mutual ssl:

How to install wso2 BAM

I downloaded zip file in wso2 and i extracted the file as /home/Downloads/jacksphere/LatestVersion/wso2bam-2.3.0/bin and run at server side,but it is not showing some errors,is there any pre requisites to install the product any one help us and explain the procedure how to run the bam server..
The only pre-requisite required for running WSO2 BAM is JDK1.6 or higher. For further information please checkout the documentation WSO2 BAM Documentation
If you have downloaded the zip file then you can simply extract it and start the server by moving to bin directory and executing the command ./ (in Linux) or wso2server.bat (in Windows).
You also need to install JDK 1.6 or 1.7. Apache Ant and Curl will also be required to run samples.
If you are working with Windows you need to install Cygwin.
You can further refer to the BAM documents in [1] about installing the product.