Load big file from Google Cloud Storage into Google Cloud Functions? - google-cloud-platform

Is there a way to load big files (>100MB) from Google Cloud Storage into Google Cloud Functions? I read in their quotas that the "Max event size for background functions" is limited to 10MB. Can I read it chunk-wise or something like that?
Many thanks.

Cloud Functions for Storage are triggered with the metadata for the file, which is relatively small and won't hit the max-event-side limit.
To access the actual contents of the file, you'll use the node.js package for Cloud Storage, which is not affected by the 10MB limit.

Unfortunately to my knowledge this isn't possible.
It is however possible to upload larger files from Google Cloud Functions to Cloud Storage by setting resumable=true. The way this works is that it uploads 10MB of the file to your bucket, the request eventually times out and retries, which will then re-download, re-process and re-upload the the file, resuming from where it left of with the next 10MB of the file, and so on.
Obviously this requires all processing to be done repeatedly and the request to time out making the entire process extremely inefficient and not recommended.


Efficient way to upload huge number of small files in S3

I'm encoding dash streams locally that I intend to stream through Cloudfront after, but when it comes to uploading the whole folder it get counted as +4000 PUT requests. So, I thought instead to compress it and upload the zip folder that would count as only 1 PUT request, and then Unzip it using lambda.
My question is, is lambda still going to use the PUT requests for unzipping the file ? And if so, what would be a better/cost effective way to achieve this ?
No, there is no way around having to pay for the individual PUT/POST requests per-file.
S3 is expensive. So is anything related to video streaming. The bandwidth and storage costs will eclipse your HTTP request costs. You might consider a more affordable provider. AWS is the highest price out of all that do S3-compatible hosting.

Optimal way to use AWS S3 for a backend application

In order to learn how to connect backend to AWS, I am writing a simple notepad application. On the frontend it uses Editor.js as an alternative to traditional WYSIWYG. I am wondering how best to synchronise the images uploaded by a user.
To upload images from disk, I use the following plugin: https://github.com/editor-js/image
In the configuration of the tool, I give the api endpoint of the server to upload the image. The server in response have to send the url to the saved file. My server saves the data to s3 and returns the link.
But what if someone for example adds and removes the same file over and over again? Each time, there will be a new request to aws.
And here is the main part of the question, should I optimize it somehow in practice? I'm thinking of saving the files temporarily on my server first, and only doing a synchronization with aws from time to time. How this is done in practice? I would be very grateful if you could share with me any tips or resources that I may have missed.
I am sorry for possible mistakes in my English, i do my best.
Thank you for help!
I think you should upload them to S3 as soon as they are available. This way you are ensuring their availability and resistance to failure of you instance. S3 store files across multiple availability zones (AZs) ensuring reliable long-term storage. On the other hand, an instance operates only within one AZ and if something happens to it, all your data on the instance is lost. So potentially you can lost entire batch of images if you wait with the uploads.
In addition to that, S3 has virtually unlimited capacity, so you are not risking any storage shortage. When you keep them in batches on an instance, depending on the image sizes, there may be a scenario where you simply run out of space.
Finally, the good practice of developing apps on AWS is to make them stateless. This means that your instances should be considered disposable and interchangeable at any time. This is achieved by not storing any user data on the instances. This enables you to auto-scale your application and makes it fault tolerant.

How to design scalable video streaming architecture using GCP?

I have a video streaming application which does streaming the video from google storage bucket. All the files which reside on the storage bucket are not public. Every time when users click on a video from the front-end I am generating a signed URL using API and load into the HTML5 video player.
I see if the file size is more than 100 MB it takes around 30-40 sec to load the video on front-end.
When I googled to resolved this problem, some of the articles are saying use cloud CDN and storage bucket then cache the file. As far as I know, to cache the file, the file has to publicly available. I can't make files publicly available.
So my concern is, are there any ways where we can make it scalable/ reduce the initial time?
Cloud CDN will help your latency for sure. Also, with that amount of latency it might be good to look into the actual requests that are being sent to Cloud Storage to make sure chunks are being requested and that the whole video file isn't being loaded before starting to play.
Caching the file does not require that the file is public. You can make the file private and add the Cloud CDN service into your Cloud Storage ACLs (https://cloud.google.com/cdn/docs/using-signed-urls#configuring_permissions). Also, as Kolban noted above, signed cookies might be better for your application to streamline the requests.
Not an exact answer but this site is useful to design solution using GCP.
As mentioned earlier, CDN is right way to go for video streaming with low latency.

How do I transfer images from public database to Google Cloud Bucket without downloading locally

I have a a csv file that has over 10,000 urls pointing to images on the internet. I want to perform some machine learning task on them. I am using Google Cloud Platform infrastructure for this task. My first task is to transfer all this images from the urls to a GCP bucket, so that I can access them later via docker containers.
I do not want to download them locally first and then upload them as that is just too much work, instead just transfer them directly to bucket. I have looked at Storage Transfer Service and for my specific case I think, I will be using a URL list. Can anyone help me figure out how do I proceed next. Is this even a possible option?
If yes, how do I generate an MD5 has that is mentioned here for each url in my list and also get the number of bytes for image for each url ?
As you noted, Storage Transfer Service requires that you provide it with the MD5 of each file. Fortunately, many HTTP servers may provide you with the MD5 of an object without requiring that you download it. Issuing an HTTP HEAD request may result in the server providing you with a Content-MD5 header in its response, which may not be in the form that Storage Transfer service requires, but it can be converted into that form.
The downside here is that web servers are not necessarily going to provide you with that information. There's no way of knowing without checking.
Another option worth considering is to set up one or more GCE instances and run a script from there to download the objects to your GCE instance and from there upload them into GCS. This still involves downloading them "locally," but locally no longer means a place off of Google Cloud, which should speed things up substantially. You can also divide up the work by splitting your CSV file into, say, 10 files with 1000 objects each in them, and setting up 10 GCE instances to do the work.

Amazon S3 multipart upload

I am trying to upload a .bak file(24gb) to amazon s3 using multipart upload low-level API approach in Java. I was able to write the file successfully but the time it took was around 7-8 hours. I want to know what is the average/ideal time to upload a file of such a big size, is the time it took is expected or it can be improved? If there is a scope for improvement than what could be the approach?
If you are using default settings of Transfer Manager, then for multipart uploads, the DEFAULT_MINIMUM_UPLOAD_PART_SIZE is 5MB which is too low for a 24GB file. This essentially means that you'll end up having thousands of small part uploaded to s3. Since each part is uploaded by a different worker thread, your application will spend too much time in Network communication. This will not give you optimal uploading speed.
You must increase the minimum upload part size to be between 100MB to 500 MB. Use this setting : setMinimumUploadPartSize
Official Documentation for setting MinimumUploadPartSize :
Decreasing the minimum part size will cause multipart uploads to be split into a larger number of smaller parts. Setting this value too low can have a negative effect on transfer speeds since it will cause extra latency and network communication for each part.
I am certain you'll see improvement in upload throughput by tuning this setting if you are currently using default settings. Let me know if this improves the throughput.
Happy Uploading !!!