multiple MAP function in pyspark - mapreduce

I'm new in pyspark and i'm going to implement DBSCAN using MAP_REDUCE technique which is explained in, but i don't understand something ,
obviously if we have multiple computers then we assign each cell to a MAP and as explained in the link, after calling REDUCE we find out Contents of each epsilon neighbor of cell, but in single computer how we can run and assign MAP's to cell's .
how do we define multiple maps in single computer(pyspark) and assign them too cell's ?
I wrote fishnet(cell,eps) that return point location according to cell's epsilon neighbor .
I want to pass it to each MAP but i don't know how to do it in pyspark.
Something like(if we have 4 cell's) :
map1(fishnet) map2(fishnet) map3(fishnet) map4(fishnet)
I would appriciate for any solution

It's the job of Spark / MapReduce to distribute the mappers to different workers. Don't mess with that part, let Spark decide where to invoke the actual mappers.
Beware that Spark is not very well suited for clustering. It's clustering capabilities are very limited, and the performance is pretty bad. See e.g.:
Neukirchen, Helmut. "Performance of Big Data versus High-Performance Computing: Some Observations."
It needed 900 cores with Spark to outperform a good single-core application like ELKI! And other Spark DBSCAN implementations would either not work reliably (i.e. fail) or produce wrong results.


Slow Performance with Apache Spark Gradient Boosted Tree training runs

I'm experimenting with Gradient Boosted Trees learning algorithm from ML library of Spark 1.4. I'm solving a binary classification problem where my input is ~50,000 samples and ~500,000 features. My goal is to output the definition of the resulting GBT ensemble in human-readable format. My experience so far is that for my problem size adding more resources to the cluster seems to not have an effect on the length of the run. A 10-iteration training run seem to roughly take 13hrs. This isn't acceptable since I'm looking to do 100-300 iteration runs, and the execution time seems to explode with the number of iterations.
My Spark application
This isn't the exact code, but it can be reduced to:
SparkConf sc = new SparkConf().setAppName("GBT Trainer")
// unlimited max result size for intermediate Map-Reduce ops.
// Having no limit is probably bad, but I've not had time to find
// a tighter upper bound and the default value wasn't sufficient.
.set("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "0");
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(sc)
// The input file is encoded in plain-text LIBSVM format ~59GB in size
<LabeledPoint> data = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(, "s3://somebucket/somekey/plaintext_libsvm_file").toJavaRDD();
BoostingStrategy boostingStrategy = BoostingStrategy.defaultParams("Classification");
Map<Integer, Integer> categoricalFeaturesInfo = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
GradientBoostedTreesModel model = GradientBoostedTrees.train(data, boostingStrategy);
// Somewhat-convoluted code below reads in Parquete-formatted output
// of the GBT model and writes it back out as json.
// There might be cleaner ways of achieving the same, but since output
// size is only a few KB I feel little guilt leaving it as is.
// serialize and output the GBT classifier model the only way that the library allows
String outputPath = "s3://somebucket/somekeyprefex";, outputPath + "/parquet");
// read in the parquet-formatted classifier output as a generic DataFrame object
SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(jsc);
DataFrame outputDataFrame = + "/parquet"));
// output DataFrame-formatted classifier model as json
outputDataFrame.write().format("json").save(outputPath + "/json");
What is the performance bottleneck with my Spark application (or with GBT learning algorithm itself) on input of that size and how can I achieve greater execution parallelism?
I'm still a novice Spark dev, and I'd appreciate any tips on cluster configuration and execution profiling.
More details on the cluster setup
I'm running this app on a AWS EMR cluster (emr-4.0.0, YARN cluster mode) of r3.8xlarge instances (32 cores, 244GB RAM each). I'm using such large instances in order to maximize flexibility of resource allocation. So far I've tried using 1-3 r3.8xlarge instances with a variety of resource allocation schemes between the driver and workers. For example, for a cluster of 1 r3.8xlarge instances I submit the app as follows:
aws emr add-steps --cluster-id $1 --steps Name=$2,\
For a cluster of 3 r3.8xlarge instances I tweak resource allocation:
I don't have a clear idea of how much memory is useful to give to every executor, but I feel that I'm being generous in either case. Looking through Spark UI, I'm not seeing task with input size of more than a few GB. I'm steering on the side of caution when giving the driver process so much memory in order to ensure that it isn't memory starved for any intermediate result-aggregation operations.
I'm trying to keep the number of cores per executor down to 5 as per suggestions in Cloudera's How To Tune Your Spark Jobs series (according to them, more that 5 cores tends to introduce a HDFS IO bottleneck). I'm also making sure that there is enough of spare RAM and CPUs left over for the host OS and Hadoop services.
My findings thus far
My only clue is Spark UI showing very long Scheduling Delay for a number of tasks at the tail-end of execution. I also get the feeling that the stages/tasks timeline shown by Spark UI does not account for all of the time that the job takes to finish. I suspect that the driver application is stuck performing some kind of a lengthy operation either at the end of every training iteration, or at the end of the entire training run.
I've already done a fair bit of research on tuning Spark applications. Most articles will give great suggestions on using RDD operations which reduce intermediate input size or avoid shuffling of data between stages. In my case I'm basically using an "out-of-the-box" algorithm, which is written by ML experts and should already be well tuned in this regard. My own code that outputs GBT model to S3 should take a trivial amount of time to run.
I haven't used MLLibs GBT implemention, but I have used both
LightGBM and XGBoost successfully. I'd highly suggest taking a look at these other libraries.
In general, GBM implementations need to train models iteratively as they consider the loss of the entire ensemble when building the next tree. This makes GBM training inherently bottlenecked and not easily parallelizable (unlike random forests which are trivially parallelizable). I'd expect it to perform better with fewer tasks, but that might not be your whole issue. Since you have so many features 500K, you're going to have very high overhead when calculating the histograms and split points during training. You should reduce the number of features you have, especially since they're much larger than the number of samples which will cause it to overfit.
As for tuning your cluster:
You want to minimize data movement, so fewer executors with more memory. 1 executor per ec2 instance, with the number of cores set to whatever the instance provides.
Your data is small enough to fit into ~2 EC2s of that size. Assuming you are using doubles (8 bytes), it comes to 8 * 500000 * 50000 = 200 GB Try loading it all into ram by using .cache() on your dataframe. If you perform an operation over all the rows (like sum) you should force it to load and you can measure how long the IO takes. Once its in ram and cached any other operations over it will be faster.
With a dataset of that size, you may well be better off loading the full dataset into memory and using XGBoost directly rather than the Spark implementation.
If you want to stick with Spark to give greater scalability, I'd recommend taking a closer look at your partitioning strategy. If your data isn't effectively partitioned, adding machines won't improve your runtime, as you describe above, and the subset of overloaded workers will remain your bottleneck. Ensure you have an effective partition key, and repartition your RDD before you begin your training stage.

When does shuffling occur in Apache Spark?

I am optimizing parameters in Spark, and would like to know exactly how Spark is shuffling data.
Precisely, I have a simple word count program, and would like to know how spark.shuffle.file.buffer.kb is affecting the run time. Right now, I only see slowdown when I make this parameter very high (I am guessing this prevents every task's buffer from fitting in memory simultaneously).
Could someone explain how Spark is performing reductions? For example, the data is read and partitioned in an RDD, and when an "action" function is called, Spark sends out tasks to the worker nodes. If the action is a reduction, how does Spark handle this, and how are shuffle files / buffers related to this process?
Question : As for your question concerning when shuffling is triggered on Spark?
Answer : Any join, cogroup, or ByKey operation involves holding objects in hashmaps or in-memory buffers to group or sort. join, cogroup, and groupByKey use these data structures in the tasks for the stages that are on the fetching side of the shuffles they trigger. reduceByKey and aggregateByKey use data structures in the tasks for the stages on both sides of the shuffles they trigger.
Explanation : How does shuffle operation work in Spark?
The shuffle operation is implemented differently in Spark compared to Hadoop. I don't know if you are familiar with how it works with Hadoop but let's focus on Spark for now.
On the map side, each map task in Spark writes out a shuffle file (os disk buffer) for every reducer – which corresponds to a logical block in Spark. These files are not intermediary in the sense that Spark does not merge them into larger partitioned ones. Since scheduling overhead in Spark is lesser, the number of mappers (M) and reducers(R) is far higher than in Hadoop. Thus, shipping M*R files to the respective reducers could result in significant overheads.
Similar to Hadoop, Spark also provide a parameter spark.shuffle.compress to specify compression libraries to compress map outputs. In this case, it could be Snappy (by default) or LZF. Snappy uses only 33KB of buffer for each opened file and significantly reduces risk of encountering out-of-memory errors.
On the reduce side, Spark requires all shuffled data to fit into memory of the corresponding reducer task, on the contrary of Hadoop that had an option to spill this over to disk. This would of course happen only in cases where the reducer task demands all shuffled data for a GroupByKey or a ReduceByKey operation, for instance. Spark throws an out-of-memory exception in this case, which has proved quite a challenge for developers so far.
Also with Spark there is no overlapping copy phase, unlike Hadoop that has an overlapping copy phase where mappers push data to the reducers even before map is complete. This means that the shuffle is a pull operation in Spark, compared to a push operation in Hadoop. Each reducer should also maintain a network buffer to fetch map outputs. Size of this buffer is specified through the parameter spark.reducer.maxMbInFlight (by default, it is 48MB).
For more information about shuffling in Apache Spark, I suggest the following readings :
Optimizing Shuffle Performance in Spark by Aaron Davidson and Andrew Or.
SPARK-751 JIRA issue and Consolidating Shuffle files by Jason Dai.
It occurs whenever data needs to moved between executors (worker nodes)

When to use use MapReduce in Hbase?

I want to understand MapReduce of Hbase from application point of view, Need some real use cases of it to better understand the efficient use case of writing these jobs.
If there is any link to document or examples that explains the real use cases, Please share.
I can give some example based on my use cases. If you already store your data in hbase, you can write a java program, which scans a table and do something, then write the output to hbase or somewhere else. OR you can use mapreduce to do the same. The difference is, mapreduce will run where the data is and network traffic is used only for result data. We have hourly jobs to calculate sum and average of kpis and input data is huge but output data is tiny for this task. If i did not use mapreduce, i need to move one hour of data over network which is 18gb. But mapreduce output is only 1mb and i can write it to hbase or file or somewhere else.
Also mapreduce gives you parallel task execution ability, which you can have in java but why :)
Keep in mind that YARN creates map tasks according to your hbase table's split count. So if you need more map task, split your table.
If you already store your data in hadoop hdfs, you are lucky, a mapreduce reading from hdfs is much faster than reading from hbase. Also you can still write mapreduce output to hbase, if you want.
Please look into the usecases given
1. here.
2. And a small reference here - 30.Joins
3. May be an end to end example here
In the end, it all depends on your understanding of each concept Map reduce, Hbase and use it as per your need in your project. The same task can be done with or without map reduce. Happy coding

SGDClassifier with HashingVectorizer and TfidfTransformer

I would like to understand if it is possible to train an online SGDClassifier (with partial_fit) using HashingVectorizer and TfidfTransformer. Simply joining them in a Pipeline will not work as TfidfTransformer is stateful so that would break the online learning process. This post says it's not possible to use tf-idf in an online fashion but a comment on this post suggests that it may somehow be possible: "In particular if you use stateful transformers as TfidfTransformer you will need to do several passes on your data". Is that possible without loading the whole training set into memory? If so, how? If not, is there an alternative solution to combine HashingVectorizer with tf-idf on large datasets?
Is that possible without loading the whole training set into memory?
No. TfidfTransformer needs to have the entire X matrix in memory. You'll need to roll your own tf-idf estimator, use that to compute per-term document frequencies in one pass over the data, then do another pass to produce tf-idf features and fit a classifier to them.

Storm and stop words

I am new in storm framework(,
I test locally with my code and I think If I remove stop words, it will perform well, but i search on line and I can't see any example that removing stopwords in storm.
If the size of the stop words list is small enough to fit in memory, the most straighforward approach would be to simply filter the tuples with an implementation of storm Filter that knows that list. This Filter could possibly poll the DB every so often to get the latest list of stop words if this list evolves over time.
If the size of the stop words list is bigger, then you can use a QueryFunction, called from your topology with the stateQuery function, which would:
receive a batch of tuples to check (say 10000 at a time)
build a single query from their content and look up corresponding stop words in persistence
attach a boolean to each tuple specifying what to with each one
+ add a Filter right after that to filter based on that boolean.
And if you feel adventurous:
Another and faster approach would be to use a bloom filter approximation. I heard that Algebird is meant to provide this kind of functionality and targets both Scalding and Storm (how cool is that?), but I don't know how stable it is nor do I have any experience in practically plugging it into Storm (maybe Sunday if it's rainy...).
Also, Cascading (which is not directly related to Storm but has a very similar set of primitive abstractions on top of map reduce) suggests in this tutorial a method based on left joins. Such joins exist in Storm and the right branch could possibly be fed with a FixedBatchSpout emitting all stop words every time, or even a custom spout that reads the latest version of the list of stop words from persistence every time, so maybe that would work too? Maybe? This also assumes the size of the stop words list is relatively small though.