set proxy configuration in c++ code - c++

I have a raspberry running Yocto.
I'm making a code to setup de proxy configuration of the OS connection.
An example of the conde that I'm using is the following
int main(void)
system("unset http_proxy");
command = "export http_proxy=\"\"";
The solution on code is not working, however, if I input in a terminal the same command, it works.
What can be the problem?

What can be the problem?
system() creates a sub-process. So changing the http_proxyenvironment variable with a system call doesn't affect the calling process.
You may try to change the environment variable using setenv(), and then fork() and continue in the child process to do whatever you need with the new proxy settings.


ssh remote login to server using system(char * command), and excute commands?

Someone familiar with SSH and System(const char * command) to execute shell command!??
Am trying to remotely login to multiple servers/machines from my C++ code, and i have to execute some commands remotely. To the best of my experience, i decided to use ssh. But, now i want to load and send all my commands through the System(const char * command). pls see my code below..
#include "all my headers"
int main()
system("ssh");//login to server_one, password=123
system("ssh");//login to server_two, password=1234
system("ssh");//login to server_three,password=12345
system("ssh");//login to server_four, password=123456
return 0;
Now,my Question is:
can i load and send the remote_ip of the servers and password at the
same time, something like: system("ssh ,123456")
password=123456? if yes, how?
if am done with (1) above, i will have another question. thanks.
Calling system("ssh ...") will ONLY work if you have set up public keys for the machine you want to log in on.
The reason is that the system() does not allow you to interact with the process you started, it will just spawn a new shell and pass the relevant string to the shell for execution, and ssh does not itself have a way to pass the password to the application, you have to actually type it in (or send it to the stdin side of ssh if you use popen - but I would really suggest that public keys are the right way to go in an automated system).
If you still need to interact with the created process, you will need to use something like popen, which will allow you to read stdout or write to stdin on the - or even pipe() and fork() if you need the ability to do stuff to both stdin and stdout.

ImageMagick - Eclipse

I am writing a small program using ImageMagick in Eclipse IDE.
My program compiles and runs fine but every call of display() (method which saws an image in a pop up window) has no effect. Through command line the same calls work fine so I assume that something is going wrong with Eclipse. I appreciate any help in advance.
The Magick::Image::display method is expecting DISPLAY variable to be defined in the run-time environment. In Eclipse, under run/debug configuration, you should be able to set the environment value to whatever your X11 window manager's hostname. You can discover this value by echo-ing it out in command line.
For your application, it may be wise to add error handling, or a user configuration option.
#include <cstdlib>
// ...
const char * env_display = getenv("DISPLAY");
if ( env_display == NULL ) {
// Error, or attempt to recover
You can also set the X11's hostname within the image object with Magick::Image::x11Display.

How to stop a process running in a shell in a different system?

Ok, so I am executing a program ./ present in my SBC6845, from my host system using a qt-C++ program. This program basically connects my SBC to my host system. It is the equivalent of "hyperterminal" or "Minicom". I obtained this program (the example code) "uartassistant" inside "" from .
I came across this link: Running shell command in QT c++ in ubuntu , while searching how to execute a shell command from inside the qt program. I tried and succeeded in executing ./ Thanks to the link.
I declared
void someaction(); // in the dialog.h
then in dialog.cpp I add this
connect(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(someaction()));
and this
void Dialog::someaction()
QString command = "sh ./\r\n"; const char* command2;
command2 = command.toLocal8Bit().data();
I was able to do the ledflash in my SBC.
But the problem occurs when I try to stop ./, I am unable to do so in the uartassistant (bugs, need modification, still working).
But for the time being I am trying to make another pushbutton_1 and put something like "Ctrl+Z" inside and ask ./ to stop.
I came across some other links which I am unable to put due to low reputation points.
I have no idea how to use SIGTERM / kill option[from other links] inside qt app and execute on pushbutton click.
Say if I used kill how would I determine the pidof of multiple such pushbutton actions and assign whom to kill.
Also I would like to add that my SBC has ash [Almquist shell]. So it being low memory clone of Bourne shell, I don't know if it would support normal commands for exiting
I have no idea how to use SIGTERM / kill option[from other links]
inside qt app and execute on pushbutton click.
As with so much, Qt gives you an intuitive abstraction that allows you to not have to worry about any of this, namely QProcess. In your case you'd want something like this:
QProcess proc;
//handle Ctrl-Z event
The first answer here has several other techniques for executing more complicated shell commands.
I have found a temporary solution for my problem. I am yet to try the qprocess action.
In dialog.h I added another function:
void someotheraction();
then in dialog.cpp I did this:
connect(ui->pushButton_2,SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(someotheraction()));
and this:
void Dialog::someotheraction()
QString command = "\x001a \r\n"; const char* command2; // Ctrl-Z = \x001a
command2 = command.toLocal8Bit().data();
The fifth reply here gave me the idea. I don't know how, but it did the job maybe some one can explain it better.

How to start a Shell Script with QProcess?

How can I start a Shell Script using QProcess?
The Shell Script has eight different commands in it, some with arguments others without.
I tried to start the Shell Script with (using Ubuntu 11.10):
QProcess *Prozess = new QProcess();
Prozess->start("/bin/sh", QStringList() << "");
But this doesn't work, that means nothing happens. How to make it work?
Code is fine. Problem is at run-time.
Either your program can't run /bin/sh for some reason (test if you can run gedit instead?), or the MainDirectory variable has wrong directory path (debug it), or the does not exist in that directory (capitalization mistakes? What about "./"?), or you don't have enough privileges to run or modify target directory/files (are they owned by you?).
The process you have started is running in background. if you want to see any explicit output from the running script you have to connect to void readyReadStandardOutput() or/and void readyReadStandardError() and read from the process explicitly. For example:
void onReadyRead() {
QByteArray processOutput = Prozess->readAllStandardOutput();
This should work:
QProcess::ProcessError Error = myProcess->readAllStandardError();
return Error;
QProcess ().execute ("/bin/sh " + MainDirectory + "/");
will do the job.

Using getenv function in Linux

I have this following simple program:
int main()
char* v = getenv("TEST_VAR");
cout << "v = " << (v==NULL ? "NULL" : v) << endl;
return 0;
These lines are added to .bashrc file:
export TEST_VAR
Now, when I run this program from the terminal window (Ubuntu 10.04), it prints v = 2. If I run the program by another way: using launcher or from Eclipse, it prints NULL. I think this is because TEST_VAR is defined only inside bash shell. How can I create persistent Linux environment variable, which is accessible in any case?
On my system (Fedora 13) you can make system wide environment variables by adding them under /etc/profile.d/.
So for example if you add this to a file in /etc/profile.d/
SYSTEM_WIDE="system wide"
and then open a another terminal it should source it regardless of who the user is opening the terminal
Add that to .bash_profile (found in your home directory). You will need to log out and log back in for it to take effect.
Also, since you are using bash, you can combine the export and set in a single statement:
export TEST_VAR="2"
Sorry if I'm being naive but isn't .bash_profile useful only if you are running bash as your default shell ?
I 'sometimes' use Linux and mostly use ksh. I have .profile so may be you should check for .*profile and export the variable there.
Good luck :)
There is no such thing as a system-wide environment variable on Linux. Every process has its own environment. Now by default, every process inherits its environment from its parent, so you can get something like a system-wide environment by ensuring that a var is set in an ancestor of every process of interest. Then, as long as no other process changes that var, every process of interest will have it set.
The other answers here give various methods of setting variables early. For example, .bash_profile sets it in every login process a user runs, which is the ultimate parent of every process they run after login.
/etc/profile is read by every bash login by every user.