Qt::CustomizeWindowHint and Qt::Tool analogs for gtkmm [closed] - c++

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I try to find Qt::CustomizeWindowHint and Qt::Tool analogs for Gtkmm 3.0.
I want to design a simple program without system buttons like close, fullscreen mode etc.
In the official documentation I couldn't find it.
Please help me.

Use window->set_decorated(false), although it is only a hint to the window manager. Some window managers don't support windows without system buttons.


How to add a custom button in mac catalyst optimised for mac using swiftUI? [closed]

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Closed 9 days ago.
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When I try to change it to optimised for mac, I see all buttons change to default style (I mean macOS style). I just want to change the button style. Pls help!

How to get the second active window in z order? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to create an MFC application(hidden application) for tracking usage of other applications.
I am using GetForgroundWindow() for getting the current active window but sometimes I get my own hidden application window.
How I can get the current active windows in z-order
Call GetWindow passing GW_HWNDNEXT.

is there any function in wxwidgets to check pdf software is available or not [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am using wxwidgets 2.8.10 with c++ and I am using both windows xp and windows 7.
Is there any function to see if "pdf" software is available in my computer or not by using wxwidgets?
Presumably you want to know whether a PDF viewer is available in order to open a PDF document. And if this is the case, you should just try opening it and then handle the error.

Remote program control using winapi [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How I can remotely control a GUI program using winapi?
I need to open skype or icq and click on the right contact and then read the last message. There's a program in VS spy++, but if you want to trace window messages, you need to remotely control spy++. So the problem is how can you remotely control a program and the other thing, where can you find application codes.
The White framework hides a lot of the details of UI automation, and you may find it easier to use than raw UI Automation.

Display issue in QPrinter Report [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i am using QPrinter to create report and embed in the qt application. there is no issue in creating report, but display is the issue.
when i am scrolling the report the display problem is coming. please have look at the Image.
see the Notes Text.if i press CTRL and scroll then this is not coming. how to fix this.
i found the solution.
actually i used semi transparent color for the text.
after i removed and change into solid color, it's fixed