Check if user has a permission with specific codename in django - django

I am trying to check if a user has a permission, which I have defined in the class Meta of the model, with a specific codename. At the moment I have:
if request.user.has_perm('app_label.code_name'):
do something
What I am trying to avoid is using the app_label, however using has_perm('code_name') does not seem to work.

The way this function works is that you need to pass the app_label, so not much you can do there.
One workaround can be to write your own wrapper function, something like:
def _has_perm(user, code_name, app_label="app_label"):
return user.has_perm(app_label + "." + code_name)

The reason you need to provide the app label is that permissions are application specific. That means if you have two apps, app_a and app_b, both with a model named Farm, they could both have a permission called can_create_new_chickens. It is very important to understand that there are two separate permissions here:
These are independent permissions, and a user can have neither, both or one or the other. This means it would be insecure to validate permissions without referring to the application name. Permissions given to a user in one application could affect their permissions in another application.
Back to your question, the answer is no, you cannot check permissions without the application name for the reasons given above.


AWS DocumentDB- How to restrict access to a collection from only one microservice?

I a newbie to AWS. My requirement is to add field-level, document-level, and collection-level permissions for reads and writes for AWS DocumentDB. One collection should accessible only from one microservice and the document should be modified only by the owner of the document(i,e user document can be modified only by that user)
I have done enough research and found, adding a restriction for accessing a DB can be done using Role-Based-Access-Control if we want to allow only for one tenant, but didn't get a clear idea of my problem statement i.e managing collection-level, document-level, and field-level permissions
Is there any other way to achieve this..?
Any help will be appreciated

LDAPAuthenticator for AD on JupyterHub

I'm attempting to use the LDAPAuthenticator class found here to configure JupyterHub on EMR.
I'm querying ActiveDirectory through LDAP to get the authorized users, which are members of a specific AD group.
Problem I'm running into is that with this specific implementation, it expects the user objects to have a few specific user attributes that the objects don't have as of now and I'm not allowed to change them.
The ideal workflow would be, LDAPSEARCH queries ActiveDirectory for a specific AD group, and on return it creates users for the members of that AD group, it should create linux users and directories for the users.
I'd like to know if anyone else has run into this sort of issue and overcome, thanks!
If you get stuck in the same place, I ended up using this:
and it work as expected.

Retrieve db records based on user role

I'm new in Laravel that's why I'm pretty sure that my ideas are wrong. To the point...
I'm building Laravel application.
What I have among other:
Users ( build in with Laravel auth with my custom fields )
Roles ( pivot, many to many )
Companies ( each user belongs to company ( many users can belong to one company ).
Locations ( each company has many Locations )
Now I'm in the middle of creating documents. For now it doesn't matter if user_id or company_id will be included in the document header.
What I need is to have ability to e.g.
Show documents - when I go to page with documents list with ADMIN role I will see all docs stored in db BUT when user with USER role goes to the same route ... he'll get the list of owned docs
location/edit/{id} - prevent going to url with not mine id - this is simpler and I guess can be dealed using middleware
I have 3 ideas:
Create somekind of FrontController and inside constructor run method that returns all users_ids ( or all companies_ids ) if user is ADMIN or when USER return only one id. All controller in the application then extends this FrontController
Create Service Class ( end up with many services depends on what model to retrieve ), method to get records from db calling repository with role parameter. Then in this method do the checks which ids should be used.
Maybe User somehow Laravel Policies and before() method. Nów I’m reading documentation but I really don't know how to use it in this case but I feel that this idea is also possible.
I feel that these ideas are "dirty". Can you, please, provide information how to implement this nicely with code snippet? I think this subject is very common and a lot of people will use this thred. I would be grateful for any tips.
One approach could be using local scopes.
On your Document model define two scopes:
public function scopeBelongingToUser($query)
return $query->where('user_id', auth()->user()->id);
// this is the same as doing on your User model
public function documents()
public function scopeBelongingToAdmin($query)
if (auth()->user()->roles->contains('admin') {
return $query->select('*');
abort(403, 'Unauthorized');
Then you can use it later with:

RallyDev - Requesting List of Iterations for a Users DefaultProject

Using the RallyDev Web Services API v2.0 I would like to request the iterations for a users default project.
I can do this now by first calling:
Parsing out Iteration->Project->Ref, and then calling calling:[ProjectID]/Iterations?pretty=true
Wondering if there is a better way?
I saw UserProfile had DefaultProject and DefaultWorkspace, but I couldn't figure out how to use them as fetching just returned 'null'.
Your queries on Iteration are spot on for looking up Iterations for a particular Project. Note that for UserProfile - the Default Workspace/Project settings are not required fields. They are empty unless the User has explicitly set these in his or her profile settings. Only the user him/herself can set these - a (Workspace/Subscription) Administrator cannot set them on behalf of the User. So if you're getting empty values back for these, it is likely because the User of concern does not have the Default Workspace/Project set.

django-webtest with multiple test client

In django-webtest, every test TestCase subclass comes with, which is an instance of webtest.TestApp, then I could make it login as user A by'/',user='A').
However, if I want to test the behavior if for both user A and user B in a test, how should I do it?
It seems that is just DjangoTestApp() with extra_environ passed in. Is it appropriate to just create another instance of it?
I haven't tried setting up another instance of DjangoTestApp as you suggest, but I have written complex tests where, after making requests as user A I have then switched to making requests as user B with no issue, in each case passing the user or username in when making the request, e.g.'/', user'A') as you have already written.
The only part which did not work as expected was when making unauthenticated requests, e.g.'/', user=None). This did not work as expected and instead continued to use the user from the request immediately prior to this one.
To reset the app state (which should allow you to emulate most workflows with several users in a sequential manner) you can run self.renew_app() which will refresh your app state, effectively logging the current user out.
To test simultaneous access by more than one user (your question does not specify exactly what you are trying to test) then setting up another instance of DjangoTestApp would seem to be worth exploring.