Check if element exist or not - c++

I have a multimap.
std::multimap<CString, CString> NameInsituteMap;
and I have to write function which return true if both name and institute matches otherwise false;
bool InsituteExist( const CString Name, const CString Insitute )
I can find the key and iterate all the value to compare if Institute exist or not.
I want to know if there is any direct way of doing that instead of looping through all the element and comparing.
I am open to use any other data structure than multimap if that makes things nicer.

Use equal_range from multimap.
Here you have a live example

You can find the sequence elements from the multimap for a given key efficiently. There is no better way to find a particular value from this sequence, than linear search.
std::map<CString, std::set<CString>> would be an alternative data structure, which is also efficient for finding whether a value exists in the set associated with the key. It has a bit different interface though. Instead of simply inserting a value to a key, you must "get" the value set of a key, insert into that set.
If the map aspect of your data structure isn't used otherwise, another simpler alternative is to use std::set<std::pair<CString, Cstring>>. This can be easily used to test if the key-value pair is in the set, but of course lacks other features that the multimap had.


How to access elements of a pair set in C++

I have a set. It is of the form set<pair<string,int> > stockSet
I want find if the above set has an entry for a given string that is first element.
Also to find the value of 2nd part of the pair, that is int given the first element of the pair which is string.
I know how to do it with map and also single element set. But I am unable to figure out how to do this, need help with syntax.
You can't figure it out because you can't do this.
The elements in a set are "complete" elements. Just because you see a std::pair in there, and you think that the set contains two elements, it doesn't mean that it is. The set contains a std::pair, a single, complete, element.
If you have another std::pair, somewhere, you can search the set to see if there's an equivalent pair in there. But if you only have half of the object that the set contains, you really can't do it.
The only options I see here are:
iterate over the set manually, until you do or do not find what you're looking for.
If there's a minimum int value you expect to be in there, you can use lower_bound(), passing a std::pair with the minimum value for the int portion, and the string you're search for, and see what lower_bound() digs up.
perhaps reconsider your decision to use a std::set for whatever purpose you're using. Perhaps a std::set, containing a std::pair, isn't really the appropriate container for your requirements.

Accessing adjacent elements of a map in c++

Suppose I have a float-integer map m:
m[1.23] = 3
m[1.25] = 34
m[2.65] = 54
m[3.12] = 51
Imagine that I know that there's a mapping between 2.65 and 54, but I don't know about any other mappings.
Is there any way to visit the adjacent mappings without iterating from the beginning or searching using the find function?
In other words: can I directly access the adjacent values by just knowing about a single mapping...such as m[2.65]=54?
UPDATE Perhaps a more important "point" than my answer, brought up by #MattMcNabb:
Floating point keys in std:map
Can I directly access the adjacent values by just knowing about a single mapping (m[2.65]=54)
Yes. std::map is an ordered collection; which is to say that if an operator< exists (more generally, std::less) for the key type you can expect it to have sorted access. In fact--you won't be able to make a map for a key type if it doesn't have this comparison operator available (unless you pass in a predicate function to perform this comparison in the template invocation)
Note there is also a std::unordered_map which is often preferable for cases where you don't need this property of being able to navigate quickly between "adjacent" map entries. However you will need to have std::hash defined in that case. You can still iterate it, but adjacency of items in the iteration won't have anything to do with the sort order of the keys.
UPDATE also due to #MattMcNabb
Is there any way to visit the adjacent mappings without iterating from the beginning or searching using the find function?
You allude to array notation, and the general answer here would be "not really". Which is to say there is no way of saying:
if (not m[2.65][-2]) {
std::cout << "no element 2 steps prior to m[2.65]";
} else {
std::cout << "the element 2 before m[2.65] is " << *m[2.65][-2];
While no such notational means exist, the beauty (and perhaps the horror) of C++ is that you could write an augmentation of map that did that. Though people would come after you with torches and pitchforks. Or maybe they'd give you cult status and put your book on the best seller list. It's a fine line--but before you even try, count the letters and sequential consonants in your last name and make sure it's a large number.
What you need to access the ordering is an iterator. And find will get you one; and all the flexibility that it affords.
If you only use the array notation to read or write from a std::map, it's essentially a less-capable convenience layer built above iterators. So unless you build your own class derived from map, you're going to be stuck with the limits of that layer. The notation provides no way to get information about adjacent values...nor does it let you test for whether a key is in the map or not. (With find you can do this by comparing the result of a lookup to end(m) if m is your map.)
Technically speaking, find gives you the same effect as you could get by walking through the iterators front-to-back or back-to-front and comparing, as they are sorted. But that would be slower if you're seeking arbitrary elements. All the containers have a kind of algorithmic complexity guarantee that you can read up on.
When dereferencing an iterator, you will receive a pair whose first element is the key and second element is the value. The value will be mutable, but the key is constant. So you cannot find an element, then navigate to an adjacent element, and alter its key directly...just its value.

std::map<int, int> vs. vector of vector

I need a container to store a value (int) according to two attributes, source (int) and destination (int) i.e. when a source sends something to a destination, I need to store it as an element in a container. The source is identified by a unique int ID (an integer from 0-M), where M is in the tens to hundreds, and so is the destination (0-N). The container will be updated by iterations of another function.
I have been using a vector(vector(int)) which means goes in the order of source(destination(value)). A subsequent process needs to check this container, to see if an element exists in for a particular source, and a particular destination - it will need to differentiate between an empty 'space' and a filled one. The container has the possibility of being very sparse.
The value to be stored CAN be 0 so I haven't had success trying to find out if the space is empty, since I can't seem to do something like container[M][N].empty().
I have no experience with maps, but I have seen another post that suggests a map might be useful, and an std::map<int, int> seems to be similar to a vector<vector<int>>.
To summarise:
Is there a way to check if a specific vector of vector 'space' is empty (since I can't compare it to 0)
Is a std::map<int, int> better for this purpose, and how do I use one?
I need a container to store a value (int) according to two attributes,
source (int) and destination (int)
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int>
A subsequent process needs to check this container, to see if an
element exists in for a particular source, and a particular
destination - it will need to differentiate between an empty 'space'
and a filled one.
The container has the possibility of being very sparse.
Use a std::map. The "correct" choice of a container is based on how you need to find things and how you need to insert/delete things. If you want to find things fast, use a map.
First of all, assuming you want an equivalent structure of
you would want
because for each key in a map, there is one unique value only.
If your sources are indexed very closely sequentially as 0...N, will be doing a lot of look-ups, and few deletions, you should use a vector of vectors.
If your sources have arbitrary IDs that do not closely follow a sequential order or if you are going to do a lot of insertions/deletions, you should use a map<int,vector<int>> - usually implemented by a binary tree.
To check the size of a vector, you use
To check whether a key exists in a map, you use
mymap.count(ID) //this will return 0 or 1 (we cannot have more than 1 value to a key)
I have used maps for a while and even though I'm nowhere close to an expert, they've been very convenient for me to use for storing and modifying connections between data.
P.S. If there's only up to one destination matching a source, you can proceed with
Just use the count() method to see whether a key exists before reading it
If you want to keep using a vector but want to add a check for whether the item contains a valid value, look at boost::optional. The type would now be std::vector<std::vector<boost::optional<int>>>.
You can also use a map, but the key into the map needs to be both IDs not just one.
Edit: std::pair implements a comparison operator operator< that should be sufficient for use in a map, see

C++: insert into std::map without knowing a key

I need to insert values into std::map (or it's equivalent) to any free position and then get it's key (to remove/modify later). Something like:
std::map<int, std::string> myMap;
const int key = myMap.insert("hello");
Is it possibly to do so with std::map or is there some appropriate container for that?
Thank you.
In addition to using a set, you can keep a list of allocated (or free)
keys, and find a new key before inserting. For a map indexed by
int, you can simply take the last element, and increment its key. But
I rather think I'd go with a simple std::vector; if deletion isn't
supported, you can do something simple like:
int key = myVector.size();
myVector.push_back( newEntry );
If you need to support deletions, then using a vector of some sort of
"maybe" type (boost::optional, etc.—you probably already have
one in your toolbox, maybe under the name of Fallible or Maybe) might be
appropriate. Depending on use patterns (number of deletions compared to
total entries, etc.), you may want to search the vector in order to
reuse entries. If your really ambitious, you could keep a bitmap of the
free entries, setting a bit each time you delete and entry, and
resetting it whenever you reuse the space.
You can add object to an std::set, and then later put the whole set into a map. But no, you can't put a value into a map without a key.
The closest thing to what you're trying to do is probably
myMap[myMap.size()] = "some string";
The only advantage this has over std::set is that you can pass the integer indexes around to other modules without them needing to know the type of std::set<Foo>::iterator or similar.
It is impossible. Such an operation would require intricate knowledge of the key type to know which keys are available. For example, std::map would have to increment int values for int maps or append to strings for string maps.
You could use a std::set and drop keying altogether.
If you want to achieve something similar to automatically generated primary keys in SQL databases than you can maintain a counter and use it to generate a unique key. But perhaps std::set is what you really need.

set map implementation in C++

I find that both set and map are implemented as a tree. set is a binary search tree, map is a self-balancing binary search tree, such as red-black tree? I am confused about the difference about the implementation. The difference I can image are as follow
1) element in set has only one value(key), element in map has two values.
2) set is used to store and fetch elements by itself. map is used to store and fetch elements via key.
What else are important?
Maps and sets have almost identical behavior and it's common for the implementation to use the exact same underlying technique.
The only important difference is map doesn't use the whole value_type to compare, just the key part of it.
Usually you'll know right away which you need: if you just have a bool for the "value" argument to the map, you probably want a set instead.
Set is a discrete mathematics concept that, in my experience, pops up again and again in programming. The stl set class is a relatively efficient way to keep track of sets where the most common opertions are insert/remove/find.
Maps are used where objects have a unique identity that is small compared to their entire set of attributes. For example, a web page can be defined as a URL and a byte stream of contents. You could put that byte stream in a set, but the binary search process would be extremely slow (since the contents are much bigger than the URL) and you wouldn't be able to look up a web page if its contents change. The URL is the identity of the web page, so it is the key of the map.
A map is usually implemented as a set< std::pair<> >.
The set is used when you want an ordered list to quickly search for an item, basically, while a map is used when you want to retrieve a value given its key.
In both cases, the key (for map) or value (for set) must be unique. If you want to store multiple values that are the same, you would use multimap or multiset.