How to make ACS variables display on terminal - c++

Is there any way to force displaying ACS variables from ncurses in terminal?
On urxvt and text-mode everything displays well, but on other terminals (i tested on xfce4-terminal, xterm, gnome-terminal)there is always is problem. I tought I can do nothing with this, but I saw that in alsamixer everything displays properly. I loop up for this in alsamixer code and saw they are using exacly same method to display this characters, for examle
is giving them this result while same command gives me this on same terminal.

On a terminal where your locale says to use UTF-8 (you can see this by the naming convention of values shown by the locale command), you must do this:
compile/link with ncursesw
initialize the locale before initscr, e.g.,
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
See the Initialization section of the ncurses manual, as well as the Line Graphics section of the addch manual page.


Clion's Debugger is running program, but the regular console is not.

When I compile and run in Clion 2018.1.3, it builds fine but nothing happens. No errors either. The console opens up, shows the path location of the project, lets me type, but it doesn't show any of my printf statements. When I run it in the debugger, everything shows up and it works fine. It wasn't like this before. I tried back tracking and no luck. Inserting a printf statement on the first line of main doesn't print on the console either.
I tried re-writing a huge chunk of the code again on a different project. No luck. Can I get some ideas on why there is this miscommunication? This is written in c++ but was translated from c using cstdio cstdlib libraries.
CLion captures the output of your program. That means output to standard output (use printf or similar) isn't line-buffered as is the default. Instead it is fully buffered. If you want output to happen you need to explicitly flush the standard output.
The reason it works with debugging might be (I'm speculating here) that CLion itself recognizes the newline and write the output then. Or that it modifies standard output to be unbuffered.

making sure program is in a terminal

I was trying to add colors to some strings that have to be displayed in a terminal using ansi escape code. So far I haven't grasped the whole ascii escapes code thing, just trying out by copy pasting some escape codes. Then saw this answer which asked to verify that program should check that its being executed in a terminal or else continue without polluting strings with escape codes?
Answer explains to use a *nix based function isatty() which I found out resides in unistd.h which in turn wasn't promoted to cunistd by cpp standard based on my understanding that it wasn't in c's standard at first place.I tried to search SO again but wasn't able to understand well. Now I have two questions regarding this :
In what environment(right word?) can a program - using ascii escape codes, be executed that it requires an initial check? since I'm bulding for cli only.
What would be a proper solution according to ISO cpp standards for handling this issue? using unistd.h? would this use confine to modern cpp practices?
Also is there anything I should read/understand before dealing with ansi/colors related thing?
On a POSIX system (like Linux or OSX) the isatty function is indeed the correct function to determine if you're outputting to a terminal or not.
Use it as this
if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))
// Output using VT100 control codes
// Output is not a TTY, could be a pipe or redirected to a file
// Use normal output without control codes

Change Console Code Page in Windows C++

I'm trying to output UTF8 characters in the Windows command line. I can't seem to get the function, setConsoleOutputCP to work. I also heard that you had to change the font to "Lucida Grande" for it to work but I can't get that working either. Can someone please provide me with a short example of how to use these functions to correctly output UTF-8 characters to the console?
Also I heard that those functions don't work in Windows XP, is there a better alternative to those functions which will work in Windows XP?
[I know this question is old and was about Windows XP, but it still seemed like a good place to drop this information so I (and maybe others) can find it again in the future.]
Support for Unicode in CMD windows has improved in newer versions of Windows. This program will work on Windows 10.
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
class UTF8CodePage {
UTF8CodePage() : m_old_code_page(::GetConsoleOutputCP()) {
~UTF8CodePage() { ::SetConsoleOutputCP(m_old_code_page); }
UINT m_old_code_page;
int main() {
UTF8CodePage use_utf8;
const char *text = u8"This text is in UTF-8. ¡Olé! 佻\n";
std::cout << text;
return 0;
I made an RAII class to ensure the code page is restored because it would be rude to leave the code page changed if the user had purposely selected a specific one. All the Windows-specific code (SetConsoleOutputCP) is contained within that class. The definition of the use_utf8 variable in main changes the code page to UTF-8, and that code page will stay in effect until the variable is destructed at the end of the scope.
Note that I used the u8 prefix on the string literal, which is a newer feature of C++ to ensure that the string is encoded using UTF-8 regardless of the encoding used for the source file. You don't have to use that feature if you have another way to make a string of valid UTF-8 text.
You still have to be sure that the CMD window is using a font that supports the glyphs you need. I don't think there's a way to get font linking automatically.
But this will at least show a the replacement character if the font is missing the glyph. For example, on my window, the ¡Olé! looks right but the CJK glyph is shown approximately like �. If the user copies that replacement character, the clipboard will receive the original glyph, so they can paste it into other programs without any loss of fidelity.
Note that command line parameters you get from main's argv will be in the original code page. One way to work around this is to get the unconverted "wide" command line with GetCommandLineW, convert it to UTF-8 with WideToMultibyte, and then parse it yourself. Alternatively, you can pass the result of GetCommandLineW to CommandLineToArgvW, which will parse it, and then you'd convert each argument to UTF-8.
Finally, note that changing the code page affects only the output. If you input text from the user, it arrives encoded using the original code page (often called the OEM code page).
TODO: Figure out input. SetConsoleCP isn't doing what I think the documentation says it should do.
Windows console doesn't play nice with UNICODE and particularly with UTF-8.
Setting a console code page to utf-8 won't work.
One approach is to use WideCharToMultiByte() (or something else) to convert the text to UTF-16, then MultiByteToWideChar() (or something else) to convert to a localised ISO encoding. The set the console code page to the ISO code page.
Its ugly, but it sort of works.
In short: SetConsoleOutputCP CP_UTF8 and cout/wcout dont work together by default.
Though windows CRT supports utf-8 output, a robust way to output to console utf-8 chars is to convert them into a console current codepage, especially if you want to use count/wcout.
Standard high level functions of basic_ostream does not work properly with utf-8 by default.
I've seen usage of MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte with CP_OEMCP and CP_UTF8 parameters.
You may setup your application environment, including console font via SetCurrentConsoleFontEx but it works only from Vista and Server 2008.
Also, check this about cout and console.
_setmode and wprintf works together as well, but this may lead to crash for non-wide char functions.
The problem occurs because there is a difference of codepage that uses windows in your console with the encoding of your source code text file.
Qt uses utf-8 by default, but another editor can use another one. So you must to verify which one you're using.
To change to utf-8 use:
#include <windows.h>

Clearing Screen in C++/XCode

I am trying to write up a C++ program for a class using XCode. One of the things I wish to do, is to simply clear the screen. I've looked into how to do this, however the catch is that the code needs to run on both a Windows and Macintosh computer. I've looked at some other similar questions, but none of the answers help me. I know there is no "screen" but I want the system to clear the output window. I know that the command system("clear"); does what I want it to, but when XCode tests the program, instead of clearing the screen it prints TERM Variable not set
I've tried opening up the terminal and typing clear and it does in fact respond the way I want it to, so why doesn't the 'terminal' inside of XCode do the same? I just want to get the output window in XCode to respond to clear the same way that the terminal already does.
Here is something I have already tried;
I went to the terminal and ran echo $TERM, to which the terminal responded xterm-256color. I then went over to XCode and opened the "Scheme" settings, and found an Environment Variables setting under "Arguments". I added a variable (to the blank list) called TERM and gave it value xterm-256color. Upon running the program again, the output displays ¿[H¿[2J in the output window, positioned where the TERM Variable not set used to be printed.
Last thing, as a reminder, I cannot change the source code from the way it is now, or it could cause errors when the program is run on a Windows machine.
It does not work because you are "lying": The terminal in Xcode is not a xterm-256color, but it is dumb terminal. More precise, the display represents a NSTextStorage that collects stdout and/or (depending on target switch) stderr.
A dumb terminal is not able to clean the display. If you want to change this, you can write a plug-in similar to Xcode-Colors what adds the ability to understand ansi color codes.
However, if your requirement that the code simply run at Windows and OSX, you may stick with your solution system("clear"), since it works prefectly in the "normal" OSX terminal.

Linux keyboard scancode issues: For example, UP ARROW gives ^[[A

We've been struggling for a while now to understand the keyboard scancode behavior in Linux.
When we open a normal bash shell, the arrow keys works as expected: UP shows the previous item in the history etc. However when you spawn a process, arrows does not work as expected anymore. For example, UP prints ^[[A instead of the previous command.
To demonstrate this, do something like:
bash$ ping
Now, press UP or DOWN etc. and you will see the wrongly mapped key codes while the process is running. However, when you terminate the process the arrow keys will work again.
We've tested it on CentOs, Ubuntu, Mac and even in different shells (bash, sh, zsh) and the same happens everywhere. I've also tried different keyboard modes using kbd_mode where we tested with RAW and XLATE modes.
The closest thing I could see while searching for answers were IPython users have experienced the same behavior when IPython was not build against readline. However, this is not related to our case as far as I can see.
We are developing a C++ Tcl based console application which uses cin and cout to communicate with, and get input from the user. We are having issues with the arrow keys when we try to access the history of previously entered commands. This is a major issue for us as 99% of people expects the arrow characters to just work.
Any ideas on how we could overcome this would be much appreciated.
You must set the terminal into raw mode to get the scan codes and handle them (that is: disable ICANON, you want the non-canonical mode). You probably also want to disable ECHO (so that it doesn't print your input on the terminal).
That is what readline or linenoise are doing. See here for some code. Esp. see the function linenoiseEnableRawMode. Some other simple sample Python code is here where I have written a simple console media player which checks for the keypresses left ("\x1b[D") and right ("\x1b[C").
The relevant calls are to tcgetattr (to get the current terminal state and modify that state struct to get into raw mode and enable some other useful behavior stuff) and tcsetattr (to set the state).
readline, libedit or linenoise are some libraries which do all that work for you and provide you with history, autocompletion, etc.
At the end, you must restore back the old state, otherwise you get the behavior you are describing in your shell.