Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 doesn't has Windows Driver option? - c++

I tried to write a Universal Windows driver (UMDF 2) based on a template follow the intrustions here
The problem is I can't see Windows Driver option in my VS 2015.

I tried to uninstall and re-install my WDK 10 then the problem is fixed.


How can I set up Visual Studio 2017 to develop drivers?

According to this forum,
Windows Driver Kit is not currently supported by visual studio 2017.
I tried installing the Windows Driver Kit, but the test driver projects, such as this one, fail to build
I get this error when building:
Error MSB8020 The build tools for WindowsUserModeDriver10.0 (Platform Toolset = 'WindowsUserModeDriver10.0') cannot be found. To build using the WindowsUserModeDriver10.0 build tools, please install WindowsUserModeDriver10.0 build tools. Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting "Retarget solution".
I already tried retargeting the Solution to the two options I have: 10.0.17134.0 and 8.1, but the same error keeps coming up.
What do I need to do to build this sample driver? Do I need to install VS2015? VS2017 community edition? Why isn't this WDK supported by the Visual Studio 2017 professional version?
Visual Studio 2017 definitely supports kernel-mode device driver development; there's no doubt about that because I've been using VS17 for it for many, many months.
Use the latest version of Windows Driver Kit (WDK) which can be downloaded and installed from MSDN:
Furthermore, you can always use the Enterprise WDK and then you can simply build using that if you wanted to from command-line. (Also can be found on page linked-to above)
Download the correct WDK installer for your edition of Visual Studio 2017:
WDK for Windows 10, version 1809 for Visual Studio Community 2017
WDK for Windows 10, version 1803 for Visual Studio Professional 2017
WDK for Windows 10, version 1709 for Visual Studio Enterprise 2017
Visit for more information.
Not exactly a solution, but Windows 8.1 WDK works with Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise,
Download it from here, just need to retarget the project to 8.1
In addition, I needed to get VS2015 C++ Build Tool to fix a missing Microsoft.cpp.props error
Developing drivers to windows is quite interesting one will be exposed to advanced Operating System Concepts.The set up for the environment will be IDE
IDE - Visual Studio (
Compilers (WDK)
Debugger (WDK)
WDK contains both( Latest Visual Studio(VS2019) will come along with the latest WDK(10, 1903 as of now).
Sometimes plugins might not work properly i.e integration issues between Visual Studio and WDk.
By going to the location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Vsix\VS2019" and run VSIX installer.
Now in a new project, driver related templates are available.

Where is WDF template after installing wdk?

visual studio community 2017 + wdk 10.0.15063.0 + sdk 10.0.15063.137
I installed vs2017 first,and then,the wdk.
However I cound't find the WDF template when I try to create a KMDF.
Appreciate for any help.
The WDK Build 15063 for Windows 10 v1703 only supports Visual Studio 2015. So for driver development you have to stay on the older VS2015 until a compatible version is available to be used in VS2017.
Starting with WDK Build 16299 for Windows 10 v1709 VS2017 is now the only supported option. So if you want to use only VS2017, install the WDK Build 16299/Win10 v1709.
If you still have issues, try to install the matching Windows 10 SDK (same Build number). This fixed the issue for an user.

Trying to build a Qt application with VC++ compiler: 'type_traits': No such file or directory

Why doesn't the compiler find the file? It exists in the VC include directory for VS 14.0.
I've read that in previous versions of Visual Studio, you have had to install a service pack or something, is this a similar case?
I'm using VS 2015 Community.
This seems to be resolved by running vcvarsall.bat and starting Qt Creator from the same command prompt window.
I had this same problem in Visual Studio 2019 Community with Qt 6.0.0
after, searching every forum etc.. and trying the install of Visual Studio 2015 build tools x64 and Visual Studio redistributable 2015 x64 (which didn't solve the problem too),
I tried updating Windows sdk version from 10.0.18362.0 to 10.0.19041.0 and the problem was SOLVED.
I'm currently using Visual Studio Community 4.8.03761 if that might help others
so just check that you have Window sdk version 10 updated and that your compiler is well chosen (I had mvsc2019_64 and work with LLVM etc.. version in build settings) .
hopefully this helps you guys.

WinUSB template is missing

I want to experiment with usb drivers on c++. I'm using visual studio express 2013 and I could not find WinUSB template. I have seen this guide. However it is for visual studio ultimate/pro 2012. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
According to this page
For building Windows 10 driver samples, Visual Studio Community 2015 works with WDK 10 to build samples from the samples gallery. Visual Studio Community 2015 is available free.
This contradicts some other pages (e.g. this one) which say you need Visual Studio Professional or Ultimate. But it is wrong - I just downloaded VS 2015 Community, and the Windows Driver Kit, and it installed fine and has a WinUSB sample.

Which XP version does Visual Studio 2012 supports [As Target OS]

Which version of windows XP does Visual Studio 2012 supports.
[Edit: Which version does VS12 supports compiling to]
I found this article:
That states that it supports XP SP3. But I didn't find any information for VS12 update 4.
Also, If the code I compile using VS12 doesn't crush on XP SP2 and seems to work.
Is it safe to use it? why not?
It's correct, Visual Studio 2012 can compile binaries compatible with Windows XP SP3.
You need to install the Platform Toolset v110_xp and select it in the general configuration properties of your project.
If "safe" means that it works the answere is yes. We have 12.000 installations of our software compiled with Visual Studio 2012 (and recently Visual Studio 2013) perfectly working on Windows XP SP3.
The only big problem is run time debugging: you can't install Visual Studio 2012 on Windows XP so it could be a problem to find bugs that accidentally happens only on Windows XP.