A really weired issue in (c++) code - c++

I have defined a variable in my code:
double R0;
When I set the variable less than 0.9, the code doesn’t run without no error! I have also written cout<<2; exactly after main(){ but the program doesn’t even show that! I am very confused :( what is the problem? When I change R0 to 0.9 or bigger than it, the code runs. This is the most minimal example I could provide:
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
vector<double> getBoxCoords(int boxID, double L, double R0, int nbox)
vector<double> coords(4);
int yID = ceil((double)(boxID+1)/nbox);
int xID = fmod((boxID+1-(yID-1)*nbox), nbox);
xID = nbox;
coords[0] = (xID-1) * R0; // minX
coords[1] = (yID-1) * R0; // minY
coords[2] = min(xID * R0, L); // maxX
coords[3] = min(yID * R0, L); // maxY
return coords;
double PBC(double pos, double L)
if(fabs(pos) > L / 2.0)
return L-fabs(pos);
return fabs(pos);
int main()
std::cout << 2;
int N=100;
double rho=4.0, v0=0.03, eta=0.2, R0=0.03;
double L = pow(N/rho,0.5);
int nbox = (int)ceil(L/R0);
vector<vector<int>> box_neighbors;
vector<int> indices;
for(int i = 0; i < nbox * nbox; i++) //NUMBER OF BOX
vector<double> ci = getBoxCoords(i, L, R0, nbox);
for(int j = 0; j < nbox * nbox; j++)
vector<double> cj = getBoxCoords(j, L, R0, nbox);
bool xflag=false,
if (PBC(ci[0]-cj[0],L)<R0 || PBC(ci[0]-cj[2],L)<R0 || PBC(ci[2]-cj[0],L)<R0 || PBC(ci[2]-cj[2],L)<R0)
if (PBC(ci[1]-cj[1],L)<R0 || PBC(ci[1]-cj[3],L)<R0 || PBC(ci[3]-cj[1],L)<R0 || PBC(ci[3]-cj[3],L)<R0)
if(xflag && yflag)
return 0;
How can I remove the problem? Could anyone provide a runnable answer?

First thing first, the debug std::cout << 2; is now shown because you do not end the stream, proper way of doing it is
std::cout << 2 << std::endl;
then you will be able to see the debugging message.
Secondly, Your program runs, but takes too much time to finish, when R0 is small. For the given value, that is, 0.03, both layers of the loop will execute nbox * nbox times which is 27889, thus, 777796321 in total.


How can I make my c++ code run faster with eigen library?

I have written a parallelized c++ code, which functions as follows :
There are 75 'w' points, and each of them is sent to one processor.
For each 'w' point, I am defining a matrix. Then I am diagonalizing it. I am using the eigenvectors to compute a particular quantity by summing over the fourth power of each of the matrix elements. And then I average this quantity over 300 iterations of the matrix.
So I am using Eigen package for this calculation, and I compile the code with mpiCC -I eigen -Ofast filename.cpp. For a 512 x 512 matrix, the whole procedure takes 2.5 hours. Currently I need to do the same for a 2748 x 2748 matrix, and it's still going on after approx. 12:30 hrs. Is there anyway I can make the code run faster?
The code is given here for reference :
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
#include "mpi.h"
#define pi 3.14159
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
#define no_of_processor 75 // no of processors used for computing
#define no_of_disorder_av 300 //300 iterations for each w
#define A_ratio 1 //aspect ratio Ly/Lx
#define Lx 8
#define w_init 0.1 // initial value of potential strength
#define del_w 0.036 // increment of w in each loop
#define w_loop 75 // no of different w
#define alpha (sqrt(5.0)-1.0)/(double)2.0
double onsite_pot(int x,int y, int z, double phi, double alpha_0){
double B11=alpha;
double B12=alpha;
double B13=alpha;
double b1= (double)B11*x+(double)B12*y+(double)B13*z;
double c11= 1.0-cos(2*M_PI*b1+phi); //printf("%f\n",c1);
double c12= 1.0+(alpha_0*cos(2*M_PI*b1+phi));
double c1=c11/c12;
return c1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
clock_t begin = clock();
/*golden ratio----------------------------*/
char filename[200];
double t=1.0;
int i,j,k,l,m;//for loops
double alpha_0=0;
int Ly=A_ratio*Lx;
int Lz= A_ratio*Lx;
int A=Lx*Ly;
int V=A*Lz; //size of the matrix
int numtasks,rank,RC;
if (RC != 0) {
printf ("Error starting MPI program. Terminating.\n");
ofstream myfile;
myfile.open(filename, ios::app); //preparing file to write in
int n = w_loop/no_of_processor;
double w=w_init+(double)(n*rank*del_w);
int var_w_loop = 0;
MatrixXcd H(V,V); // matrix getting defined here
MatrixXcd evec(V,V); // matrix for eigenvector
VectorXcd temp(V); // vector for a temporary space used later in calculation
double IPR[V], E_levels[V]; // for average value of the quantity and eigen values.
/*----loop for disorder average---------------------------*/
for (l=0;l<no_of_disorder_av;l++){
for (i=V; i<V; i++)
for (j=V; j<V; j++)
double phi=(2*M_PI*(double)l)/(double)no_of_disorder_av;
//matrix assignment starts
int z=0;
for (int plane=0; plane<Lz; plane++)
z += 1 ;
int y=0;
int indx1= plane*A ; //initial index of each plane
int indx2= indx1+A-1; // last index of each plane
for (int linchain=0; linchain<Ly; linchain++){
y += 1;
int x=0;
int indx3= indx1 + linchain*Lx ; //initial index of each chain
int indx4= indx3 + Lx-1 ; //last index of each chain
for (int latpoint=0; latpoint<Lx; latpoint++){
x += 1;
int indx5= indx3 +latpoint; //index of each lattice point
H(indx5,indx5)= 2*w*onsite_pot(x,y,z,phi,alpha_0); //onsite potential
if (indx5<indx4){ //hopping inside a chain
H(indx5,(indx5+1))= t; //printf("%d %d\n",indx5,indx5+1);
H((indx5+1),indx5)= t;
if (indx5<=(indx2-Lx)){ //hopping between different chain
H(indx5,(indx5+Lx))= t; //printf("%d %d\n",indx5,indx5+Lx);
H((indx5+Lx),indx5)= t;
if (indx5<(V-A)){
H(indx5,(indx5+A))= t; //printf("%d %d\n",indx5,indx5+A);// hopping between different plane
H((indx5+A),indx5)= t;
} //latpoint loop
}//linchain loop
}//plane loop
for (int plane=0; plane<Lz; plane++){
int indx1= plane*A; //initial index of each plane
int indx2 = indx1+A-1 ;//last indx of each plane
//periodic boundary condition x
for (int linchain=0; linchain<Ly; linchain++){
int indx3 = indx1 + linchain*Lx; // initital index of each chain
int indx4=indx3+ Lx-1; //last index of each chain
H(indx3,indx4)= t; //printf("%d %d\n",indx3,indx4);
H(indx4,indx3)= t;
}//linchain loop
//periodic boundary condition y
for (int i=0; i<Lx; i++){
int indx5 = indx1+i;
int indx6 = indx5+(Ly-1)*Lx; //printf("%d %d\n",indx5,indx6);
}//plane loop
//periodic boundary condition in z
for (int i=0; i<A; i++){
int indx1=i ;
int indx2=(Lz-1)*A+i ;
H(indx1,indx2)= t; //printf("%d %d\n",indx1,indx2);
H(indx2,indx1)= t ;
//matrix assignment ends
double Tr = abs(H.trace());
H(i,j) = H(i,j)-(Tr/(double)V);
SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXcd> es(H); //defining the diagonalizing function
double *E = NULL;
E = new double[V]; // for the eigenvalues
//cout<<"original eigenvalues "<<E[i]<<"\n";
double bandwidth = E[V-1] - E[0];
E_levels[i] = E_levels[i]+E[i]; //summing over energies for each iteration
delete[] E;
//main calculation process
temp = evec.col(i);
double num=0.0,denom=0.0;
IPR[i] = IPR[i]+(num/(denom*denom));
} //calculation ends
}//no_of_disorder_av loop (l)
for(i=0; i<V; i++)
<<(IPR[i]/(double)no_of_disorder_av)<<"\n"; //taking output in file
var_w_loop++; // counts number of w loop
w+= del_w; // proceeds to next w
}while(var_w_loop<n) ; // w varying do while loop
clock_t end = clock();
double time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("time spent %f s\n\n",time_spent);
return 0;

Rcpp loop update variable inside

I am a new user of Rcpp and I am writing an package.
I have defined two functions in one script and try to call one from another in the loop.
One of my function defined as below:
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace arma;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double timesTwo(colvec x, NumericVector group, double k,
NumericVector unique_group)
vec beta(x.begin(),x.size(),false);
vec Group(group.begin(),group.size(),false);
vec unigroup(unique_group.begin(),unique_group.size(),false);
beta = pow(beta,k);
int g = unigroup.size();
int j = 0;
uvec st ;
double b=0;
for(j = 0; j < g; j++)
st = find(Group == unigroup[j]);
b = b + abs(pow(sum(beta.elem(st)),1/k));
double s = b;
return s;
And the loop I use to to call this function is like below:
XtXi_beta_plus.col(i) = X_MAT * BETA_NEW.col(2*i);
XtXi_beta_minus.col(i) = X_MAT * BETA_NEW.col(2*i+1);
loss_new_1.col(i) = (Y - ited / (ited + exp( -XtXi_beta_plus.col(i))));
loss_new_2.col(i) = (Y - ited / (ited + exp( -XtXi_beta_minus.col(i))));
new_loss(2*i) = accu(loss_new_1.col(i) % loss_new_1.col(i));
new_loss(2*i+1) = accu(loss_new_2.col(i) % loss_new_2.col(i));
z = BETA_NEW.col(2*i);
w = BETA_NEW.col(2*i+1);
// when 88 line was change to BETA_NEW.col(2*i) there is an error
// if you keep use Z, there is no update
// best!
pen_new_positive(i) = as<double>(timesTwo(z,group,k,unique_group));
My question is just like the comment I said in the loop, since I want to update that pen_new_postive(i) based on the BETA_NEW.col(2*i) However when I directly put BETA_NEW.COL(2*i) inside the timesTwo function, no matter how I change input
type of function (colvec or mat or whatever) there is error like below:
cannot convert "const::arma::subview_col<double> to "SEXP" in
However when I directly use z in the timesTwo function, there is no update for my z in the loop.
Anyone could give me a hint about how to deal with this?
The full version of my code in second block as below:
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include <omp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace arma;
//// [[Rcpp::plugins(openmp)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List minghan21041(NumericMatrix beta_new, NumericVector diff_loss,
NumericVector beta, double step_size, NumericVector y,
double k,
NumericVector group,
NumericVector unique_group,
NumericMatrix X) {
int n = X.nrow(), p=X.ncol() , n1=beta_new.nrow(), p1=beta_new.ncol();
mat X_MAT(X.begin(),n,p,false), BETA_NEW(beta_new.begin(),n1,p1,false);
vec BETA(beta.begin(),beta.size(),false);
vec Y(y.begin(),y.size(),false),
Diff_Loss(diff_loss.begin(),diff_loss.size(),false), iter(p,fill::zeros);
mat XtXi_beta_plus(n,p,fill::zeros);
mat XtXi_beta_minus(n,p,fill::zeros);
vec ited(n,fill::ones);
mat loss_new_1(n,p, fill::zeros),loss_new_2(n,p, fill::zeros);
colvec loss_new_3(n,fill::zeros);
vec new_loss(p1,fill::zeros);
uword index;
vec beta_final(p,fill::zeros);
vec pen_new_positive(p,fill::zeros);
vec pen_new_negative(p,fill::zeros);
double pen_old = 0;
Function timesTwo( "timesTwo" );
double cs=0;
//Col dc(BETA.begin(),p,1);
//pen_old = as<double>(timesTwo(dc,group,k,unique_group));
vec z(p,fill::zeros);
vec w(p,fill::zeros);
int i = 0;
vec XtXi_beta_old = X_MAT*BETA;
loss_new_3= (Y - ited / (ited + exp(-XtXi_beta_old)));
double loss_old_one = accu(loss_new_3%loss_new_3);
//#pragma omp parallel private(i) num_threads(4)
//#pragma omp for ordered schedule(static,1)
for(i= 0; i<p; i++){
//#pragma omp ordered
iter(i) = step_size;
BETA_NEW.col(2*i) = BETA + iter;
BETA_NEW.col(2*i+1) = BETA - iter;
XtXi_beta_plus.col(i) = X_MAT * BETA_NEW.col(2*i);
XtXi_beta_minus.col(i) = X_MAT * BETA_NEW.col(2*i+1);
loss_new_1.col(i) = (Y - ited / (ited + exp( -XtXi_beta_plus.col(i))));
loss_new_2.col(i) = (Y - ited / (ited + exp( -XtXi_beta_minus.col(i))));
new_loss(2*i) = accu(loss_new_1.col(i) % loss_new_1.col(i));
new_loss(2*i+1) = accu(loss_new_2.col(i) % loss_new_2.col(i));
z = BETA_NEW.col(2*i);
w = BETA_NEW.col(2*i+1);
// when 88 line was change to BETA_NEW.col(2*i) there is an error
// if you keep use Z, there is no update, you can source this file and I
//believe there is no other error
// best!
pen_new_positive(i) = as<double>(timesTwo(BETA_NEW.col(2*i),group,k,unique_group));
cs = pen_new_positive(i);
//Rcout << "cs" << cs << std::endl;
Rcout << "cs" << z << std::endl;
//pen_new_negative = as< std::vector<double> >(time(w,group,k,unique_group));
Diff_Loss(2*i) = new_loss(2*i) - loss_old_one + cs;
Diff_Loss(2*i+1) = new_loss(2*i+1) - loss_old_one + cs;
iter(i) = 0;
index = Diff_Loss.index_min();
beta_final = BETA_NEW.col(index);
return List::create( _["index"] = wrap(index),
_["Diff_Loss"]= wrap(Diff_Loss[index]),
_["ste"] =wrap(Diff_Loss),
_["beta_new"] = wrap(beta_final),
_["New_LOSS"]= wrap(new_loss[index]),
_["t"] = wrap(pen_new_positive));

In CUDA / Thrust, how can I access a vector element's neighbor during a for-each operation?

I am trying to do some scientific simulation using Thrust library in CUDA, but I got stuck in the following operation which is basically a for-each loop:
device_vector<float> In(N);
for-each In(x) in In
Out(x) = some_calculation(In(x-1),In(x),In(x+1));
I have already looked up stackoverflow.com and find some similar questions:
Similar questions 1
But it seems using a transform iterator is only possible when the some_calculation function is done between 2 parameters, for transform iterator passes two parameters at most.
Then, for question 2:
Similar questions 2
The discussion just ended without a conclusion.
I believe this is a simple problem because it's a natural requirements for parallel calculation. Anyone could tell me what to do?
Fancy iterators are the key to this sort of operation, which isn't all that intuitive in thrust. You can use the zip_iterator to create tuples of values which can then be iterated over, so for a typical f(x[i-1], x[i], x[i+1]) type function, you get something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <thrust/iterator/zip_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/tuple.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
struct divided_diff {
float dx;
divided_diff(float _dx) : dx(_dx) {};
float operator()(const thrust::tuple<float, float, float> &in) const {
float y0 = in.get<0>();
float y1 = in.get<1>();
float y2 = in.get<2>();
return (y0 - 2.f * y1 + y2) / (dx * dx);
int main() {
const int N = 10;
const float dx = 0.1f;
float x[N], y[N], dydx[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
x[i] = dx * float(i);
y[i] = std::sin(x[i]);
dydx[i] = 0.f;
auto begin = thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(&y[0], &y[1], &y[2]));
auto end = thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(&y[N-2], &y[N-1], &y[N]));
divided_diff f(dx);
thrust::transform(begin, end, &dydx[1], f);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
std::cout << i << " " << dydx[i] << std::endl;
return 0;
Here the functor processes one tuple at a time, where the tuple contains the three inputs from three different starting points in the same array or iterative sequence.
EDIT: Apparently converting a host version of this code to use device constructs was proving challenging for the originally poster, so here is a version which executes everything on the device using thrust::device_vector as the base container:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <thrust/tuple.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/zip_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/sequence.h>
struct divided_diff {
float dx;
divided_diff(float _dx) : dx(_dx) {};
float operator()(const thrust::tuple<float, float, float> &in) {
float y0 = in.get<0>();
float y1 = in.get<1>();
float y2 = in.get<2>();
return (y0 - 2.f*y1 + y2) / (dx * dx);
struct mysinf {
float operator()(const float &x) {
return __sinf(x);
int main()
const int N = 10;
const float dx = 0.1f;
thrust::device_vector<float> x(N), y(N), dydx(N-2);
thrust::sequence(x.begin(), x.end(), 0.f, dx);
thrust::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), mysinf());
auto start = thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(y.begin(), y.begin()+1, y.begin()+2));
auto finish = thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(y.end()-2, y.end()-1, y.end()));
divided_diff f(dx);
thrust::transform( start, finish, dydx.begin(), f);
thrust::device_vector<float>::iterator it = dydx.begin();
for(; it != dydx.end(); ++it) {
float val = *it;
std::cout << val << std::endl;
return 0;

'y' was not declared in this scope,

I had a lot of problems with this project, I figured out a lot. but this one I can't
Here I have some calculations, and then I need this "y" variable to pass to next .cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int Ing(int number, float y)
y = 0;
float Lngth = 0;
for(; number != 0; number /= 10, Lngth++);
float n = nearbyint(sqrt(Lngth));
y = Lngth * pow(10, n);
return (y);
here is the next .cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "InitialGuess.h"
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int SquareRoot(int number, int th)
float iGuess = Ing(y);
float x = iGuess;
for (int k=1; k< th; ++k)
x = (x + (number / x ))/2;
return (x);
But on compilation It gives me error that "y" was not declared in this scope.
Where I've made a mistake?
Thank you
On this line
float iGuess = Ing(y);
you don't have y declared, which causes the error. What value do you want to pass to Ing()?
You've got 2 parameters defined for Ing(int, float) but only calling it with one.
y = 0;
should be
int y = 0;
because y has not yet be declared at this point and you are defining a variable.

array "not used in this scope". Why?

I'm getting an error saying that "adjacencymatrix' was not used in this scope" right at the end of main (before the function makebond at the end) (the commented line 112 "BROKEN LINE"). Why? Sorry about this being simple. I'm compiling with g++ ($ g++ a.c -o f).
Heres the code:
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
#define count 500
double density;
double volume;
int N;
double beta = 0.1;
double R = 5;
double rob = 1;
int dimension = 2;
double eps=0.1; // Increase in density
double mindensity = 0; // Minimum density
double maxdensity = 8; // max.dens (scaled for the sake of ensuring int()
int makebond(double x);
int main(){
for (int rho=mindensity;rho<=(maxdensity/eps);density++){
N = floor(density*volume);
double nodepositions[N][dimension];
// Place nodes in volume (square side L, circle volume *R and obstacle *rob)
for (int i=0;i<N;i++){
int L = 5;
double distancefromorigin;
double x = (L*(rand()/RAND_MAX))-(L/2);
double y = (L*(rand()/RAND_MAX))-(L/2);
distancefromorigin = sqrt((x*x)+(y*y));
nodepositions[i][0] = x;
nodepositions[i][1] = y;
double adjacencymatrix [N][N];
double itzhak; //distance of node 1 from the centre
double isaac; //distance of node 2 from the centre
double vivaldi; //distance between node 1 and node 2
double phi; // a function of the above 3 doubles (see later usage)
double rubicon; // maximum distance nodes within the icecream can be apart before becoming visually indepdendent
double maxtheta; // "in the icecream" means theta < maxtheta
double theta; // angular displacement of inner point from the line bisecting the icecream
// Create adjacency matrix (note alternative implementation using incidence lists)
for (int i=0;i<N;i++){
for (int j=0;j<N;j++){
double x0 = nodepositions[i][0];
double y0 = nodepositions[i][1];
double x1 = nodepositions[j][0];
double y1 = nodepositions[j][1];
itzhak = sqrt(sqr(x0) + sqr(y0));
isaac = sqrt(sqr(x1) + sqr(y1));
vivaldi = sqrt(sqr(x0-x1) + sqr(y0-y1));
phi = ((sqr(vivaldi)+sqr(itzhak)-sqr(isaac))/(2*vivaldi*itzhak));
rubicon = ((itzhak*phi) - sqrt((sqr(rob)) - ((sqr(itzhak))*(1-sqr(phi)))));
maxtheta = asin(rob/itzhak);
theta = acos(phi);
if (x0==x1 && y0==y1){
adjacencymatrix[i][j] = 0;
if (isaac<itzhak && theta<maxtheta) {
if (vivaldi>rubicon){
adjacencymatrix[i][j] = 0;}
else {
adjacencymatrix[i][j] = makebond(vivaldi);}
else{adjacencymatrix[i][j] = makebond(vivaldi);}
FILE *datafc1;
datafc1 = fopen("matrix.dat", "w");
for (int ii = 0; ii<N; ii++){
for (int jj = 0; jj<N; jj++){
int aaa;
aaa = adjacencymatrix[ii][jj];///////////////*******BROKEN LINE******
fprintf(datafc1,"%i", aaa);
return 0;
/////// --End Main--
int makebond(double x){
// This function takes in the euc. dist. between two nodes and draws a link with prob. H(r)
double randomnumber = (rand()/RAND_MAX); // Random number between 0 and 1
double hr = exp(-beta*sqr(x));// ***Connection function***
int a = 1; // Number to be put into adjacency matrix
if (randomnumber > hr){
a = 0;
return a; //Returns 0 or 1 depending on prob. dist.
adjacencymatrix is declared in your first for loop, so it's out of scope before the last spot you're using it, in the print-out loop at the bottom.
In addition, you have a useless using namespace std; line. Your code doesn't include any headers that contain std namespace symbols.
Your code in line 57:
double adjacencymatrix [N][N];
is inside a for loop, outside that loop, adjacencymatrix is undefined.
You matrix is defined in the for loop on line 11. Therefore it is out of scope on line 112.
FILE *datafc1;
datafc1 = fopen("matrix.dat", "w");
for (int ii = 0; ii<N; ii++){
for (int jj = 0; jj<N; jj++){
int aaa;
//error adjacencymatrix is declared in your first for loop
aaa = adjacencymatrix[ii][jj];///////////////*******BROKEN LINE******
fprintf(datafc1,"%i", aaa);