How to check session expiration on close of browser in Django? - django

Here is the scenario I wish to handle in Django application
User logs in web application.
User closes the browser window.
Now how to know receive the session info that session has been killed/Destroyed?

Obviously, you can't know that in Django since it is up to the browser to remove the cookie when session ends (browser is closed). If SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE is set to True, cookie will not include Expire value, which specifies lifetime of the cookie, and will thus be removed by browser when session ends.


Session with Django

In a Home page, i have a form login. in the view.index of the app "Home", after authenticate, i create the ssesion. And after, i call the app "Places" if the authenticate is okey,
request.session['user'] = username
return HttpResponseRedirect('/places/')
in the settings of the project i configure the SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST = True.
How can i send the session to all others pages of the project, and log out the user when the session is expired ?
HTTP is a request response protocol.
This means that the server has no way to to communicate to the client without the client initiating the conversation. So the only way to do something like this is native Django, is to have the client periodically check to see if the session is still ok.
One way to achieve this is with a background ajax call (perhaps using setInterval in javascript) which checks the session, and if it's not any good anymore (either by expiration or the user has been disabled etc) then redirect them back to the login page.
Another approaches could involve sending the expiry time to the client so that it only checks the session when it would have expired (though this wouldn't pick up on users being disabled) or having a websocket server which pushes this information to the client.

jsessionid saved in cookies in wicket can they be used to login again be making them persistent cookies , if so how to do it?

Wicket saves jsessionid (actually tomcat does that) , now can I make those jsessionid cookies as persistent cookies and can I use them to make the user login next time he/she visits my page .
The idea behind 'JSESSIONID' cookie is to track a live user session.
Once this session is expired at the server side, i.e. inside Tomcat, the cookie becomes useless. The browser will send it to the web server and there it will be ignored.
What you ask for is "RememberMe" cookie. This cookie usually brings encrypted information about the user. If the user session is expired then the application will forward you to the login page. During this process the application may check for such RememberMe cookie and use it to auto-login this user without asking for her credentials.
Apache Wicket provides DefaultAuthenticationStrategy with support for RememberMe cookie. See wicket-auth-roles and the source code for to see how it works. You could also use Spring Security, Apache Shiro, Stormpath, etc. for the same functionality if you decide so!

Django execute code on session expire

I have implemented SESSION_EXPIRE_ON_BROWSER_CLOSE setting in my django application. I have a model A that is tied to the session key of current user session. So, when the user closes the browser session expires, how can I configure a Signal(or any other way) to update model A?
No. Session expiration is not an event, and the server knows nothing about when it happens.

Run method on session expire Django

I'm using session to store an object id and its description, this instance should be blocked to all other users while it is beign used in someone's session, and I would like to release the user object once he closes the browser, now I'm aware there is a configuration to expire sessions on browser close, I was just wandering if there is any entry point where I could add some custom code
What I'm trying to achieve is something like
def OnSessionExpire(???):
#release my objects
I've searched around but found no answer, can someone lay a help here? I'm using the backend session mode
Thank you !
Django doesn't do anything at all when the browser closes. Django doesn't even know - how can it: the only time Django knows anything about what you do in the browser is when you make a request to the server, but closing the browser is the opposite of making a request.
Session expiry on browser close is an attribute of the session cookie, not anything that Django does. It just means that the cookie is set with a flag that tells the browser not to persist it when it closes. The actual session data remains in Django's session store, and will do until you explicitly clear it, but is not accessible because the cookie has been removed.
So, the upshot of that is that there is no way to tell explicitly when a session ends. The only thing you can do is to send regular keepalive signals - eg via Ajax - while the session is open, and taken an action if you haven't seen any for a while.

Django session expires at browser close OR after time

The Django documentation states:
You can control whether the session framework uses browser-length
sessions vs. persistent sessions with the
If SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE is set to True, Django will use
browser-length cookies -- cookies that expire as soon as the user
closes his or her browser. Use this if you want people to have to log
in every time they open a browser.
This setting is a global default and can be overwritten at a
per-session level by explicitly calling the set_expiry() method of
request.session as described above in using sessions in views.
So when I set SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE to True in my settings file, this indeed is what it does. This is good because I want a user's session to expire upon browser close. However, I also want a user's session to expire after, say, 15 minutes of inactivity. If I use set_expiry() mentioned above, the SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE is overridden so if a user closes the browser and then re-opens the browser before the expiration, the session is still valid. Not what I want.
In addition, the documentation for set_expiry() says the sessions expires after the set amount of time of inactivity. That's actually not true. It expires no matter what, whether my user is clicking around on the site or not.
So to summarize, what I want to do is:
Have my sessions configured that if the user closes the browser, the session automatically expires.
Set a session expiration length that is updated with activity, i.e. if a user does something else on the site, the expiration is reset.
As Jiaaro suggested in this answer you can use SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE and set a timestamp on session at each request and add a custom Middleware to handle the inactivity.
From docs
Some browsers (Chrome, for example) provide settings that allow users to continue browsing sessions after closing and re-opening the browser. In some cases, this can interfere with the SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE setting and prevent sessions from expiring on browser close. Please be aware of this while testing Django applications which have the SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE setting enabled.
Sessions expire when the user closes the browser:
This requirement implemented by setting SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE to True.
Sessions expire after a period of inactivity:
SESSION_COOKIE_AGE is the age of session cookies, in seconds.
Default: 1209600 (2 weeks, in seconds)
You should set these option on your setting/
Search engine cache make sure then the session will be closed when TOGETHER with SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = TRUE
SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'
By default, SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE is set to False, which means session cookies will be stored in users’ browsers for as long as SESSION_COOKIE_AGE. Use this if you don’t want people to have to log in every time they open a browser.
If SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE is set to True, Django will use browser-length cookies – cookies that expire as soon as the user closes their browser. Use this if you want people to have to log in every time they open a browser.