EC2 cost after free tier ends - amazon-web-services

I'm using the AWS free tier to run my EC2 t2.micro instance with 30GB EBS storage.
My question is - when the Free Tier time will end, how much I will pay in total for running my EC2 instance?
I understand that the EC2 payment is ~$100/year, but what about the storage it's using? A huge part of the 30GB is AWS programs and the Windows OS, so I will pay this storage in addition to the EC2 payment?
So the actual total bill will be $100 (EC2) + $18 (30GB of EBS)?

Amazon has a pricing calculator to help you determine monthly costs. For you example in the us-east-1 without any data transfer costs, your monthly fee will be $15.45. This includes $12.45 for the T2.micro Windows instance and $3.00 for 30GB of EBS storage.
Amazon Pricing Calculator


AWS Deep Learning AMI volume size exceeds free usage tier

I was creating a Deep Learning AMI Amazon EC2 instance.
I have a free tier account. Under this I am eligible up to 30 GiB space. However, the new Deep Learning ubuntu AMI launched by Amazon has snapshot size of 50 GiB.
So, if I select this AMI, I will be charged. Is there any way or I have to choose Ubuntu Linux instance and manually install Libraries such as keras,tensorflow etc?
Yes, that disk volume requires 50 GB of storage. In US regions, storage is 10c/GB/month so it would cost $5/month. You can reduce costs by deleting the EC2 instance (and the EBS volume) when it is not required (but you will lose any information you saved on it).
Actually, the free tier would cover the first 30GB, so you'd probably pay only $2/month for the excess.
Also, please note that you do not have a "free tier account". The account is a normal AWS account. However, new AWS accounts qualify for free tiers of usage within their first 12 months. If you exceed the free amounts, then you will be charged normal prices for the extra services consumed.

Charges for "traffic" in EC2 instance?

Is there any changes for "traffic" when using basic version of EC2 instance, by basic I mean:
750 hours per month of Linux, RHEL, or SLES t2.micro instance usage
Traffic: If we setup a server and there are some hits on my server then is there any charge for this setup. I am not using ELB, just EC2 instance with a server on it.
The full pricing for On-Demand Amazon EC2 instances can be found at:
The AWS Free Usage Tier gives 750 hours per month of a t2.micro instance. This means you could run one instance for a full month, or two instances for half a month. Simply stop the instance(s) to stop the charges.
You can have this free usage tier for a Linux AND a Windows instance.
However, please note that there are additional charges that also apply:
Data Transfer: This is charged for data leaving the AWS Region going to the Internet. The free usage tier includes "15 GB of bandwidth out aggregated across all AWS services" in the first 12 months. The EC2 pricing page also says that the first 1 GB/month is free, but I'm not sure if they overlap.
EBS Volume storage: Elastic Block Store (EBS) runs the disks attached to your instance. The free usage tier includes "30 GB of Amazon Elastic Block Storage in any combination of General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic, plus 2 million I/Os (with EBS Magnetic) and 1 GB of snapshot storage", so you will be charged if your disk storage exceeds this (which is likely if you run both a Windows and a Linux instance). This storage charge continues to apply when an instance is Stopped, but not when an instance is Terminated.
Bottom line: Stop or turn off things when you don't need them. You can also activate a billing alert to warn you when you have been charged some actual money.
Yes, there are varying charges for traffic into and out of your EC2 instance.
in very rough numbers, if you budgeted $0.01 per GB of traffic, you would come in under that, but the complete breakdown is here:

AWS General Purpose SSD Charges after reservation of ec2 instances

Please let me aware about the charges of ssd while all ec2 instances is reserved, then why $0.10 per GB-month is deducting?
I have reserved c4.2xlarge and m4.xlarge instances but still charges are continuous deducted from bill the heavy charge only for this below:
$0.10 per GB-month of General Purpose SSD (gp2) provisioned storage - US East (Northern Virginia)
For the saving of cost what can i do more? like above things are not happening.
It appears that your situation is:
You have purchase Reserved Instances for a c4.2xlarge and a m4.xlarge instance
You are seeing charges for Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) SSD storage
This is normal behaviour.
A Reserved Instance is a pre-payment (either monthly or annual) for Amazon EC2 capacity. When running an EC2 instance that matches the Reserved Instances, there is no hourly charge because the Reserved Instance has pre-paid for that usage.
However, the cost of Amazon EBS is not included with a Reserved Instance. The cost of an EBS volume is additional to your Amazon EC2 costs. This applies for all types of EC2 instances, whether or not they are being charged as Reserved Instances and whether they are Running or Stopped.
Some options to further save money:
Only create EBS disk volumes as large as necessary. You always pay for the full size of the volume, so unused space still costs money. You can always modify the volume to make it bigger in future.
Turn off instances when they are not required, at least for any instances not covered by your Reserved Instance purchases
If you are running additional instances, consider using Spot Pricing (but instances might be terminated if the spot price rises higher than your bid price)

aws ec2 instance volumes, does this charge even if the ec2 instance in shut down

I have two ec2 instances running in aws which are currently stopped (I am using the free tier just to experiment with Azure). I noticed that even though the instances are in the stopped state I seem to be incurring a charge for (this is all I have)
S3 - Puts (This contained the sample applications which I uploaded to test)
EBS - Volumes
Is this the case? or am I missing something here.
It depends on how big the EC2 instances and their storage are.
Stopped instances themselves don't cost any further money, but EBS storage, S3 and other moving parts like ELB's will still cause charges.
You get 30GB of EBS storage free per month in the free tier, so if the total of the EBS in use is more than that, you pay. nicely describes the limits of the free tier.
For further cost calculations, check out

Cost of storing AMI

I understand Amazon will charge per GB provisioned EBS storage. If I create AMI of my instance, does this mean my EBS volume will be duplicated, and hence incur additional cost?
Is there other cost charge in creating and storing an AMI (Amazon Machine Image)?
You are only charged for the storage of the bits that make up your AMI, there are no charges for creating an AMI.
EBS-backed AMIs are made up of snapshots of the EBS volumes that form the AMI. You will pay storage fees for those snapshots according to the rates listed here. Your EBS volumes are not "duplicated" until the instance is launched, at which point a volume is created from the stored snapshots and you'll pay regular EBS volume fees and EBS snapshot billing.
S3-backed AMIs have their information stored in S3 and you will pay storage fees for the data being stored in S3 according to the S3 pricing, whether the instance is running or not.
In this case, you will pay for the size of the storage used, instead of the storage provisioned. Snapshots will not store any empty blocks.
In short, yes, you will incur additional charges, but at a less rate, namely, EBS snapshot storage rate. Provisioned EBS is the 'live' HD that will be charged at $0.10 per GB per month if using standard SSD (gp2, USA east pricing for 2022 used throughout). And if you provisioned 50 GB, you will be fully charged for that 50 GB, even if you are only using 5% of it. The charges will incur even if you forget to attach to an EC2 instance. $5 per month in this case.
When you create an AMI, AWS will create a snapshot in the background. This snapshot is viewable under EBS Snapshots and will not be deletable as long as that AMI is in existence. You will get an error if you try to delete this snapshot. Snapshots cost less than 'provisioned' EBS at $0.05 per GB per month, and since snapshots ignore empty blocks, it will be shrunk to used size, so if you are only using 5% of 50GB, the snapshot should only be around 2.5 GB. $0.13 per month in this case. No other charges.
If you are creating a lot of these, it can get expensive very quickly, so some people save these AMIs into S3, which is cheaper than EBS snapshots. This is somewhat advanced and as far as I know, it can only be done via AWS CLI, and not in the console. You use a command called aws ec2 create-store-image-task and you have to specify the destination bucket name, and make sure permissions for S3, EBS and EC2 will all allow it. More detail at the official AWS documentation. This would reduce the cost to about $0.023 per GB per month. There are other changes relating to this method, i.e. EBS Direct API, but it is not much and you can look it up in the documentations.
Recently in November 2021, AWS released archived function for EBS snapshots, which allows you to archive your snapshots for a minimum of 90 days for $0.0125. You do have to pay $0.03 per GB for restoring the data. However, this is designed for EBS backups (e.g. daily backups using snapshots) and you cannot archive an EBS snapshot that is associated with an AMI. You will get an error: Failed to archive snapshot... snap-xyz is in use by ami-123.
Below is an excerpt of an actual AWS bill that will explain it in a visual sense.