Difference between "&&" and "and" operators [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
Is it okay to use "and", "or" etc. instead of "&&", "||"?
(9 answers)
Are "not, and, or, not_eq.." part of the C++ standard? (And why might they be used or avoided in code?)
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I saw alternative operators (like and, or, not etc.) when browsing cppreference.
They are alternatives to "normal" operators like &&, ||, ! etc.
I examined the assembly for code that uses && and and. Both versions generated the same assembly.
Code :
#include <iostream>
int n = 1;
int main()
// if(n > 0 && n < 5)
if(n > 0 and n < 5)
std::cout << "n is small and positive\n";
So my questions are:
What is the difference between the && and and operators?
Where and when do I use and over &&?
If there is no difference, then why does C++ introduce alternative operators (like and, or, not etc.)?

What is the difference between the && and and operators?
There is none1. The "alternative" aspect of these operators means that they can be used to construct the exact same expressions from a semantic perspective.
Where and when do I use and over &&?
This is largely a matter of preference. I'm too used to && to not use it, but can understand if someone finds and more readable.
why does C++ introduce alternative operators?
C++ was designed to be available on a variety of character sets and platforms. Trigraphs, like Bathsheba pointed out, are another example of such a feature. If a character set would not allow && to be written (say, because it simply didn't have the & character) then one can still get by with the alternative representation. Nowadays, it's largely moot.
1 Actually, upon further thinking, my answer to your first question can be refined. There is a slight lack of equivalence, pertaining to how tokens are parsed. && doesn't require a space to be parsed as a separate token, while and does. That means:
void foo(bool b1, bool b2) {
if(b1&&b2) { // Well formed
if(b1andb2) { // ill formed, needs spaces around `and`

and, or, not, &c. are examples of the alternative operators.
For the full list see http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_alternative; the opening paragraph is a raison d'etre:
C++ (and C) source code may be written in any non-ASCII 7-bit
character set that includes the ISO 646:1983 invariant character set.
However, several C++ operators and punctuators require characters that
are outside of the ISO 646 codeset: {, }, [, ], #, \, ^, |, ~. To be
able to use character encodings where some or all of these symbols do
not exist (such as the German DIN 66003), C++ defines the following
alternatives composed of ISO 646 compatible characters.
If I were you I'd shy away from using them, much in the same way as you ought to shy away from using digraphs and trigraphs, even if the latter make for interview fun.
Trigraphs for example are explicitly discontinued from C++17. You might see and &c. being dropped in future standards too.


why does C++ allow a declaration with no space between the type and a parenthesized variable name? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Is white space considered a token in C like languages?
(1 answer)
Closed 8 months ago.
A previous C++ question asked why int (x) = 0; is allowed. However, I noticed that even int(x) = 0; is allowed, i.e. without a space before the (x). I find the latter quite strange, because it causes things like this:
using Oit = std::ostream_iterator<int>;
Oit bar(std::cout);
*bar = 6; // * is optional
*Oit(bar) = 7; // * is NOT optional!
where the final line is because omitting the * makes the compiler think we are declaring bar again and initializing to 7.
Am I interpreting this correctly, that int(x) = 0; is indeed equivalent to int x = 0, and Oit(bar) = 7; is indeed equivalent to Oit bar = 7;? If yes, why specifically does C++ allow omitting the space before the parentheses in such a declaration + initialization?
(my guess is because the C++ compiler does not care about any space before a left paren, since it treats that parenthesized expression as it's own "token" [excuse me if I'm butchering the terminology], i.e. in all cases, qux(baz) is equivalent to qux (baz))
It is allowed in C++ because it is allowed in C and requiring the space would be an unnecessary C-compatibility breaking change. Even setting that aside, it would be surprising to have int (x) and int(x) behave differently, since generally (with few minor exceptions) C++ is agnostic to additional white-space as long as tokens are properly separated. And ( (outside a string/character literal) is always a token on its own. It can't be part of a token starting with int(.
In C int(x) has no other potential meaning for which it could be confused, so there is no reason to require white-space separation at all. C also is generally agnostic to white-space, so it would be surprising there as well to have different behavior with and without it.
One requirement when defining the syntax of a language is that elements of the language can be separated. According to the C++ syntax rules, a space separates things. But also according to the C++ syntax rules, parentheses also separate things.
When C++ is compiled, the first step is the parsing. And one of the first steps of the parsing is separating all the elements of the language. Often this step is called tokenizing or lexing. But this is just the technical background. The user does not have to know this. He or she only has to know that things in C++ must be clearly separted from each others, so that there is a sequence "*", "Oit", "(", "bar", ")", "=", "7", ";".
As explained, the rule that the parenthesis always separates is established on a very low level of the compiler. The compiler determines even before knowing what the purpose of the parenthesis is, that a parenthesis separates things. And therefore an extra space would be redundant.
When you ever use parser generators, you will see that most of them just ignore spaces. That means, when the lexer has produced the list of tokens, the spaces do not exist any more. See above in the list. There are no spaces any more. So you have no chance to specify something that explicitly requires a space.

Literal "or" in c++ program? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
When were the 'and' and 'or' alternative tokens introduced in C++?
(8 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm translating a C++ function I wrote some time ago into python when I noticed that my C++ code contains the following lines:
if(MIsScaledOut()) {
if(DataType()==UnknownDataType or DataType()==h)
Descriptor = Descriptor + DataTypeString() + "OverM";
There's an or in there! This was probably because I previously translated from python, and forgot to switch to ||.
This code compiles in various OSes, with various compilers, and I've never seen a problem with it. Is this standard, or have I just gotten lucky so far, and this is something I should worry about?
After remembering the right word to google, I now see that it is listed as a C++ keyword, along with various similar keywords like and that I'd never seen (noticed?) before in C++. The reason these exist is because there are encodings that don't have some of the required punctuation characters used by the traditional operator spellings: {, }, [, ], #, \, ^, |, ~.
As #mafso points out, the alternative "spelled out" versions can be used in C by including the <iso646.h> header, which defines them as macros.
The question of which this has been marked duplicate also points out the existence of digraphs and trigraphs, which can be used to substitute for the missing characters. (That question also says "everybody knows about" them. Obviously, I did not...)

Why alternative keywords are not famous in place of in-built ascii operators? [duplicate]

Or are we all sticking to our taught "&&, ||, !" way?
Any thoughts in why we should use one or the other?
I'm just wondering because several answers state thate code should be as natural as possible, but I haven't seen a lot of code with "and, or, not" while this is more natural.
I like the idea of the not operator because it is more visible than the ! operator. For example:
if (!foo.bar()) { ... }
if (not foo.bar()) { ... }
I suggest that the second one is more visible and readable. I don't think the same argument necessarily applies to the and and or forms, though.
"What's in a name? That which we call &&, || or !
By any other name would smell as sweet."
In other words, natural depends on what you are used to.
Those were not supported in the old days. And even now you need to give a special switch to some compilers to enable these keywords. That's probably because old code base may have had some functions || variables named "and" "or" "not".
One problem with using them (for me anyway) is that in MSVC you have to include iso646.h or use the (mostly unusable) /Za switch.
The main problem I have with them is the Catch-22 that they're not commonly used, so they require my brain to actively process the meaning, where the old-fashioned operators are more or less ingrained (kind of like the difference between reading a learned language vs. your native language).
Though I'm sure I'd overcome that issue if their use became more universal. If that happened, then I'd have the problem that some boolean operators have keywords while others don't, so if alternate keywords were used, you might see expressions like:
if ((x not_eq y) and (y == z) or (z <= something)) {...}
when it seems to me they should have alternate tokens for all the (at least comparison) operators:
if ((x not_eq y) and (y eq z) or (z lt_eq something)) {...}
This is because the reason the alternate keywords (and digraphs and trigraphs) were provided was not to make the expressions more readable - it was because historically there have been (and maybe still are) keyboards and/or codepages in some localities that do not have certain punctuation characters. For example, the invariant part of the ISO 646 codepage (surprise) is missing the '|', '^' and '~' characters among others.
Although I've been programming C++ from quite some time, I did not know that the keywords "and" "or" and "not" were allowed, and I've never seen it used.
I searched through my C++ book, and I found a small section mentioning alternative representation for the normal operators "&&", "||" and "!", where it explains those are available for people with non-standard keyboards that do not have the "&!|" symbols.
A bit like trigraphs in C.
Basically, I would be confused by their use, and I think I would not be the only one.
Using a representation which is non-standard, should really have a good reason to be used.
And if used, it should be used consistently in the code, and described in the coding standard.
The digraph and trigraph operators were actually designed more for systems that didn't carry the standard ASCII character set - such as IBM mainframes (which use EBCDIC). In the olden days of mechanical printers, there was this thing called a "48-character print chain" which, as its name implied, only carried 48 characters. A-Z (uppercase), 0-9 and a handful of symbols. Since one of the missing symbols was an underscore (which rendered as a space), this could make working with languages like C and PL/1 a real fun activity (is this 2 words or one word with an underscore???).
Conventional C/C++ is coded with the symbols and not the digraphs. Although I have been known to #define "NOT", since it makes the meaning of a boolean expression more obvious, and it's visually harder to miss than a skinny little "!".
I wish I could use || and && in normal speech. People try very hard to misunderstand when I say "and" or "or"...
I personally like operators to look like operators. It's all maths, and unless you start using "add" and "subtract" operators too it starts to look a little inconsistent.
I think some languages suit the word-style and some suit the symbols if only because it's what people are used to and it works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
There is also the question of precedence, which seems to be one of the reasons for introducing the new operators, but who can be bothered to learn more rules than they need to?
In cases where I program with names directly mapped to the real world, I tend to use 'and' and 'or', for example:
if(isMale or isBoy and age < 40){}
It's nice to use 'em in Eclipse+gcc, as they are highlighted. But then, the code doesn't compile with some compilers :-(
Using these operators is harmful. Notice that and and or are logical operators whereas the similar-looking xor is a bitwise operator. Thus, arguments to and and or are normalized to 0 and 1, whereas those to xor aren't.
Imagine something like
char *p, *q; // Set somehow
if(p and q) { ... } // Both non-NULL
if(p or q) { ... } // At least one non-NULL
if(p xor q) { ... } // Exactly one non-NULL
Bzzzt, you have a bug. In the last case you're testing whether at least one of the bits in the pointers is different, which probably isn't what you thought you were doing because then you would have written p != q.
This example is not hypothetical. I was working together with a student one time and he was fond of these literate operators. His code failed every now and then for reasons that he couldn't explain. When he asked me, I could zero in on the problem because I knew that C++ doesn't have a logical xor operator, and that line struck me as very odd.
BTW the way to write a logical xor in C++ is
!a != !b
I like the idea, but don't use them. I'm so used to the old way that it provides no advantage to me doing it either way. Same holds true for the rest of our group, however, I do have concerns that we might want to switch to help avoid future programmers from stumbling over the old symbols.
So to summarize: it's not used a lot because of following combination
old code where it was not used
habit (more standard)
taste (more math-like)
Thanks for your thoughts

C++ and,or,not,xor keywords [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
The written versions of the logical operators.
I notice that C++ define keyword and, or, not, xor, and_eq, or_eq, not_eq and xor_eq as an alternative to &&, ||, !, ^, &=, |=, != and |=. and they're rarely used! What's wrong? Are they not portable?
They come from C AFAIR from times when it was not known what special symbols are on the keyboard. So to have portable language they were defined so anyone can use C even if they used keyboard with no &, |, or ^ (etc.).
Nowadays when QWERTY is a standard (with AZWERTY & co. as variations) it is no longer an issue.
PS. And of course for obfuscation code competitions ;)

Is anybody using the named boolean operators?

Or are we all sticking to our taught "&&, ||, !" way?
Any thoughts in why we should use one or the other?
I'm just wondering because several answers state thate code should be as natural as possible, but I haven't seen a lot of code with "and, or, not" while this is more natural.
I like the idea of the not operator because it is more visible than the ! operator. For example:
if (!foo.bar()) { ... }
if (not foo.bar()) { ... }
I suggest that the second one is more visible and readable. I don't think the same argument necessarily applies to the and and or forms, though.
"What's in a name? That which we call &&, || or !
By any other name would smell as sweet."
In other words, natural depends on what you are used to.
Those were not supported in the old days. And even now you need to give a special switch to some compilers to enable these keywords. That's probably because old code base may have had some functions || variables named "and" "or" "not".
One problem with using them (for me anyway) is that in MSVC you have to include iso646.h or use the (mostly unusable) /Za switch.
The main problem I have with them is the Catch-22 that they're not commonly used, so they require my brain to actively process the meaning, where the old-fashioned operators are more or less ingrained (kind of like the difference between reading a learned language vs. your native language).
Though I'm sure I'd overcome that issue if their use became more universal. If that happened, then I'd have the problem that some boolean operators have keywords while others don't, so if alternate keywords were used, you might see expressions like:
if ((x not_eq y) and (y == z) or (z <= something)) {...}
when it seems to me they should have alternate tokens for all the (at least comparison) operators:
if ((x not_eq y) and (y eq z) or (z lt_eq something)) {...}
This is because the reason the alternate keywords (and digraphs and trigraphs) were provided was not to make the expressions more readable - it was because historically there have been (and maybe still are) keyboards and/or codepages in some localities that do not have certain punctuation characters. For example, the invariant part of the ISO 646 codepage (surprise) is missing the '|', '^' and '~' characters among others.
Although I've been programming C++ from quite some time, I did not know that the keywords "and" "or" and "not" were allowed, and I've never seen it used.
I searched through my C++ book, and I found a small section mentioning alternative representation for the normal operators "&&", "||" and "!", where it explains those are available for people with non-standard keyboards that do not have the "&!|" symbols.
A bit like trigraphs in C.
Basically, I would be confused by their use, and I think I would not be the only one.
Using a representation which is non-standard, should really have a good reason to be used.
And if used, it should be used consistently in the code, and described in the coding standard.
The digraph and trigraph operators were actually designed more for systems that didn't carry the standard ASCII character set - such as IBM mainframes (which use EBCDIC). In the olden days of mechanical printers, there was this thing called a "48-character print chain" which, as its name implied, only carried 48 characters. A-Z (uppercase), 0-9 and a handful of symbols. Since one of the missing symbols was an underscore (which rendered as a space), this could make working with languages like C and PL/1 a real fun activity (is this 2 words or one word with an underscore???).
Conventional C/C++ is coded with the symbols and not the digraphs. Although I have been known to #define "NOT", since it makes the meaning of a boolean expression more obvious, and it's visually harder to miss than a skinny little "!".
I wish I could use || and && in normal speech. People try very hard to misunderstand when I say "and" or "or"...
I personally like operators to look like operators. It's all maths, and unless you start using "add" and "subtract" operators too it starts to look a little inconsistent.
I think some languages suit the word-style and some suit the symbols if only because it's what people are used to and it works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
There is also the question of precedence, which seems to be one of the reasons for introducing the new operators, but who can be bothered to learn more rules than they need to?
In cases where I program with names directly mapped to the real world, I tend to use 'and' and 'or', for example:
if(isMale or isBoy and age < 40){}
It's nice to use 'em in Eclipse+gcc, as they are highlighted. But then, the code doesn't compile with some compilers :-(
Using these operators is harmful. Notice that and and or are logical operators whereas the similar-looking xor is a bitwise operator. Thus, arguments to and and or are normalized to 0 and 1, whereas those to xor aren't.
Imagine something like
char *p, *q; // Set somehow
if(p and q) { ... } // Both non-NULL
if(p or q) { ... } // At least one non-NULL
if(p xor q) { ... } // Exactly one non-NULL
Bzzzt, you have a bug. In the last case you're testing whether at least one of the bits in the pointers is different, which probably isn't what you thought you were doing because then you would have written p != q.
This example is not hypothetical. I was working together with a student one time and he was fond of these literate operators. His code failed every now and then for reasons that he couldn't explain. When he asked me, I could zero in on the problem because I knew that C++ doesn't have a logical xor operator, and that line struck me as very odd.
BTW the way to write a logical xor in C++ is
!a != !b
I like the idea, but don't use them. I'm so used to the old way that it provides no advantage to me doing it either way. Same holds true for the rest of our group, however, I do have concerns that we might want to switch to help avoid future programmers from stumbling over the old symbols.
So to summarize: it's not used a lot because of following combination
old code where it was not used
habit (more standard)
taste (more math-like)
Thanks for your thoughts