Visual Studio 2017 Debugger.Launch() - Source not available - visual-studio-2017

I am using ASP.Net Core 2 & EF Core 2. Trying to debug EF OnModelCreating(). I have following code:
if (!System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
Then in package manger I run the migration: Add-Migration V1, which breaks and ask which debugger to use and it ask whether i need to start a new VS 2017.
When it starts the new VS 2017, It says;
Source not available
- Source information is missing from the debug information for this module.
I have JIT enabled
Compiled as DEBUG
The same procedure I have followed previously in VS 2015 with an old .Net version and it works fine!
Has anyone experienced this before?

coudln't get this to work with any of the methods I tried. Finally, lot of console.write saved me. But it still seems an issue of VS2017.


Visual Studio Live Testing - Start failed because TestPlatform V2 can not be located

No matter what I do, I can't seem to get live testing to start in Visual studio 2017 (15.3.5)
I get this error:
Start failed because TestPlatform V2 can not be located. Please try to modify your Visual Studio installation through Microsoft Visual Studio Installer, and make sure Testing tools core features is selected under Individual components -> Debugging and testing
[13:23:22.396 Info] For more information, see
I have installed the required component and it still won't run. Although the tests will run if I manually run them.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi i also had the similar problem. After checking Extentions and Updates in Vs 2017, the extention Dotnet Extention for test explorer disabled. After enabling this its worked

TDS project not loading while migrating solution from VS 2013 to VS 2017

I am in the process of migrating my solution from VS 2013 to VS 2017. I installed correct version of TDS (TDS for VS 2017) and when trying to open the solution in VS 2017, TDS projects are not loading and throwing following error.
Tried an option in the error dialog box to convert TDS project to .net framework 4.6.1 but it does nothing and TDS projects are still not loading. Not sure how to fix it.
Do I really need .Net framework 4.0 installed on this machine?
Would appreciate if someone can chime in with solution for similar migration.
I would try and adjust your project target Framework to be the 4.6.1 FW manually. Then open TDS with the latest and greatest versions. Good luck, I just upgraded...You will like it.
I am able to resolve this by re-installing VS 2010. I had VS 2010 which I uninstalled as I am not using it anymore but after reinstalling it back, I am able to load TDS project correctly in VS 2017.
Someone mentioned here a repair option, which I didn't try but looks like it can resolve such issues. May be helpful.

IntelliSense and browsing information will not be available for C++ projects

In Visual Studio trying to create a blank C++ project Win32 Console Application my app Settings are
Console application
Check empty project
Precompiled headers is unchecked
Visual Studio tries to set it all up and then gives me the follow error:
Everything works except project has zero IntelliSense.
Here is what I tried so far:
I tried to install latest version of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 it keeps telling me the version you are trying to install is an older version and the one I have - is the latest.
There was something about Fallback Location setting it to true, tried that still the same.
Tried to run VS in admin mode, the same error.
Maybe someone had similar problem?
I have had the same problem too. I figured out my problem by install Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows Desktop. The link is
May it can help you with your problem. good luck
I just had the same problem and solved it by starting Visual Studio as administrator.
The problem appeared, because I had previously started Visual Studio as admin, and the Debug Folder it created wasn't writable then for the normal user.
Otherwise: deletion of the Debug folder would presumably also have fixed the problem.

Visual Studio 11 Ultimate Static Analysis Shows No Output

So Microsoft released a trial version of Visual Studio 11 Ultimate Developer Preview. I decided to try out the static code analysis feature.
I successfully updated my solution to 2011 and get my project file to build.
However when I try to run the 'Run Code Analysis For Solution' it then proceeds to simply build the solution/project but display no output in the code analysis window (even if I've hacked the code to make sure it should show some errors).
I did have Visual Studio 2010 previously installed and I wonder if that's affecting it?
Any help or anyone ran into similar issue?
I made a sample project and in it the code analysis works... I'm not sure what I'm missing from my old migrated project to enable it. (I've done the obvious and enabled Static Analysis in the configuration properties menu)
First check which build toolset do you use.
For upgraded project it is Visual Studio 2010 by default.
However when I did similar exercise with my project it didn't compile after switching to VC11 compiler - there were some issues with include paths I had to resolve.

Is the MSTestExtensions project compatible with VS2010?

We've been using VS2008 and soon will be upgrading to VS2010. I have been using MSTestExtensions for it's database rollback feature for integration tests via MSTest. It seems the open source project has not been having much contribution in the last 2-3 years. Thus, I was curious if anyone has tried to use it with VS2010. Does it still work?
Seeing that you can download the source code to the MSTestExtensions project, it might be worth getting the source and building it in VS 2010. Since the MSTest functionality in VS 2010 has not changed that much since VS 2008 (from what I've read), I would say you have a good possibility of getting the code to build. The resulting binaries could be used for your VS 2010 development (hopefully! :)
I can now verify that the 2008 MSTestExtensions dll does indeed work with Visual Studio 2010.
The only thing is it didn't show up in the list of .net references so I had to manually browse to where it was installed. In my case that was to C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\MSTestExtensions. Just add a reference to the version 2.0 dll (VS 2008 version) and it will work as expected.