How to get List<Object> with RestTemplate(SpringBoot) - list

I want to get: List<User>. I have endpoint(GET) for getting users. It gets:
"id": "d71dcbca-54f3-4b19-aec4-3776bfe34730",
"name": "test",
"surname": "test",
"login": "test",
"password": "-26104458",
"email": "test",
"role": "user"
I try get getting this list with using rest template:
ResponseEntity<User[]> responseEntity = rest.getForEntity(my-endpoint, User[].class);
return Arrays.asList(responseEntity.getBody());
But I get this errror:
org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException: Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type
Question: How to get List<User> with using rest template?

Maybe you want to try this approach:
ResponseEntity<List<User>> responseEntity =
new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<User>>() {
See also


Secondary Index not working for Database using #key

I should get the DynamoDb id for Justin. The call doesn't seem to fail. If i console.log(returned) i get an [object Object]. When i try to get to the or (anything else in the table) i get undefined. What am i missing?
Returned data:
"data": {
"getIdFromUserName": {
"items": [
"id": "3a5a2ks4-f137-41e2-a604-594e0c52a298",
"userName": "Justin",
"firstname": "null",
"weblink": "#JustinTimberlake",
"email": "",
"mobileNum": "+0123456789",
"profilePicURI": "null",
"listOfVideosSeen": null,
"userDescription": "I wanna rock your body, please stay",
"isBlocked": false,
"GridPairs": null
"nextToken": null
I'd suggest getting a better idea of what console.log(returned) is printing.
Try console.log(JSON.stringify(returned, null, 2)) to inspect what is being returned.
EDIT: The data you're working with looks like this:
"data": {
"getIdFromUserName": {
"items": [
"id": "3a5a2ks4-f137-41e2-a604-594e0c52a298",
"userName": "Justin",
"firstname": "null",
"weblink": "#JustinTimberlake",
"email": "",
"mobileNum": "+0123456789",
"profilePicURI": "null",
"listOfVideosSeen": null,
"userDescription": "I wanna rock your body, please stay",
"isBlocked": false,
"GridPairs": null
"nextToken": null
Pay close attention to the structure of that response. Both data and getIdFromUserName are maps. The content of data.getIdFromUserName is an array named items. Therefore, data.getIdFromUserName.items is an array containing the results of your query. You'll need to iterate over that array to get the data you are looking for.
For example, data.getIdFromUserName.items[0].id would be 3a5a2ks4-f137-41e2-a604-594e0c52a298
To access the email it would be data.getIdFromUserName.items[0].email.

How to add the multiple payment profiles while adding the single customer?

Using sandbox key and transaction id when I'm creating the user using json flavour. This api will response me the customerProfileId and customerPaymentProfileIdList in the list there is one id. Can we create it multiples? if yes, Then what is the json string I have to send to generate multiple customerPaymentProfileIds. If no, Then please expalin why I'm not sending the array to the api. Or how to create the multiple payment profiles using
Now I'm sending this json:-
"createCustomerProfileRequest": {
"merchantAuthentication": {
"name": "name",
"transactionKey": "transaction_key"
"profile": {
"merchantCustomerId": "This is a+fdstring",
"description": "This is a description.",
"email": "",
"paymentProfiles": {
"customerType": "individual",
"payment": {
"creditCard": {
"cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
"expirationDate": "2020-12",
"validationMode": "testMode"
Developer link
I also tried to do it like this

How to get JSONobject from JSONArray in postman

I am trying to automize a registration scenario in postman using test scripts
I have the following JsonArray as a response:
"id": 1,
"name": "user_A",
"cntkp": "martin",
"company": "kreativ",
"tel": "12345678",
"email": ""
"street": "str. 0001",
"city": "DEF",
"id": 4,
"name": "user_B",
"cntkp": "martin",
"company": "kreativ",
"tel": "12345678",
"email": ""
"street": "str. 0002",
"city": "NJ",
"id": 10,
"name": "User_C",
"cntkp": "martin",
"company": "kreativ",
"tel": "12345678",
"email": ""
"street": "str. 0003",
"city": "ABC",
the array length can be dynamic and changed (in this sample is 10) and want to find the object with special email (somewhere in the array) and then get the ID from that object and make the assertion based on JsonData from this object (catch elements e.g. check name).
how can I do that?
thanks for the support.
I send a GETrequest to get all Data from Registration DB.
as response I get a JsonArray
from Json Array I need the specific Object for the assertion (e.g. object with email user_B in sample) .
I know my Email address and base on it I have to findout the ID from Object .
I can do it when I know which ID is my ID but in case it is dynamic I don't know how to search an array for it in postman to get ID
For example, to assert the company name
but if I dont know the ID ( only know my email) I have first to find out the ID of Object then I can asser it.
in this case first, find the object with email ""
then from that object get ID element (in this case 4)
then I want to assert for all data from the object
Thanks Danny, I found the solution
var arr = pm.response.json()
for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].email == "") {
pm.environment.set("personID", arr[i].id)

"type mismatch error, expected type LIST" for querying a one-to-many relationship in AppSync

The schema:
type User {
id: ID!
createdCurricula: [Curriculum]
type Curriculum {
id: ID!
title: String!
creator: User!
The resolver to query all curricula of a given user:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"query" : {
## Provide a query expression. **
"expression": "userId = :userId",
"expressionValues" : {
":userId" : {
"S" : "${}"
"index": "userIdIndex",
"limit": #if(${context.arguments.limit}) ${context.arguments.limit} #else 20 #end,
"nextToken": #if(${context.arguments.nextToken}) "${context.arguments.nextToken}" #else null #end
The response map:
"items": $util.toJson($context.result.items),
"nextToken": #if(${context.result.nextToken}) "${context.result.nextToken}" #else null #end
The query:
query {
getUser(id: "0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43") {
createdCurricula {
The error:
"data": {
"getUser": {
"id": "0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43",
"createdCurricula": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"locations": null,
"message": "Can't resolve value (/getUser/createdCurricula) : type mismatch error, expected type LIST"
The CurriculumTable has a global secondary index titled userIdIndex, which has userId as the partition key.
If I change the response map to this:
The output is the following:
"data": {
"getUser": {
"id": "0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43",
"createdCurricula": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"errorType": "MappingTemplate",
"locations": [
"line": 4,
"column": 5
"message": "Unable to convert \n{\n [{\"id\":\"87897987\",\"title\":\"Test Curriculum\",\"userId\":\"0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43\"}],\n} to class java.lang.Object."
If I take that string and run it through a console.log in my frontend app, I get:
That's clearly an object. How do I make it... not an object, so that AppSync properly reads it as a list?
My response map had a set of curly braces around it. I'm pretty sure that was placed there in the generator by Amazon. Removing them fixed it.
I think I'm not seeing the complete view of your schema, I was expecting something like:
schema {
query: Query
Where Query is RootQuery, in fact you didn't share us your Query definition. Assuming you have the right Query definition. The main problem is in your response template.
> "items": $util.toJson($context.result.items)
This means that you are passing a collection named: *"items"* to Graphql query engine. And you are referring this collection as "createdCurricula". So solve this issue your response-mapping-template is the right place to fix. How? just replace the above line with the following.
"createdCurricula": $util.toJson($context.result.items),
Please the main thing to note here is, the mapping template is a bridge between your datasources and qraphql, feel free to make any computation, or name mapping but don't forget that object names in that response json are the one should match in schema/query definition.
change to result type to $util.toJson($
The exception msg says that it expected a type list.
Looking at:
I don't see that createdCurricula is a LIST.
What is currently in DDB is:
"id": "0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43",
"createdCurricula": null

Alexa conversational skill Error

I'm creating a skill in Alexa that does the following.
User : Hi
Alexa, hello please give me your name
User : John
Alexa : Hi John, good to meet you. How old are you
User : 25
Below are my intents
"intents": [
"intent": "StartTheFlow",
"slots": [
"name": "custName",
"type": "list_of_userNames"
"name": "age",
"intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent"
"intent": "Welcome"
"intent": "AMAZON.StopIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.CancelIntent"
And below are my utterances
StartTheFlow Hi
StartTheFlow {custName}
StartTheFlow {age}
Below is my onIntent()
public SpeechletResponse onIntent(final IntentRequest request, final Session session) throws SpeechletException {"onIntent requestId={}, sessionId={}", request.getRequestId(), session.getSessionId());
Intent intent = request.getIntent();
String intentName = (intent != null) ? intent.getName() : null;
if ("StartTheFlow".equals(intentName)) {
return getTheFlow(intent, session);
} else if ("AMAZON.HelpIntent".equals(intentName)) {
return getHelpResponse();
} else if ("WelcomeChubb".equals(intentName)) {
return getWelcomeResponse();
} else {
throw new SpeechletException("Invalid Intent");
And I'm trying to handle this as below
private SpeechletResponse getTheFlow(Intent intent, Session session) {
boolean isAskResponse = true;
String responseText = "";
String nameFromSession = (String) session.getAttribute("name");
if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(nameFromSession)) {
responseText = "please give me your name";
getTheNameText(intent, session);
} else {
responseText = "please give me your date of birth";
return getSpeechletResponse(responseText, "", isAskResponse);
private String getTheNameText(Intent intent, Session session) {
String userNameFrmIntent = getNameFromSlot(intent).toString();
session.setAttribute("nameFromSession", userNameFrmIntent);
return getNameFromSlot(intent).toString();
private String getNameFromSlot(Intent intent) {
Slot userName = intent.getSlot(Slot_Name);
return userName.getValue();
Also, I've defined a slot in the top as below.
private static final String Slot_Name = "custName";
But here when I type Hi, Instead of asking me my name, it is giving me an error in logs it shows Java NullPointer Exception. the response that I get when I type Hi is as below.
"session": {
"sessionId": "SessionId.a2740ca4-73ff-4a15-856d-6461b3c7b2e1",
"application": {
"applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.e3dfb30e-0089-423c-a325-30ad28dd2e2b"
"attributes": {},
"user": {
"new": true
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "EdwRequestId.cf686fc0-cbfd-4496-bb09-c41714563507",
"locale": "en-US",
"timestamp": "2017-02-15T20:12:44Z",
"intent": {
"name": "StartTheFlow",
"slots": {
"custName": {
"name": "custName",
"value": "hi"
"version": "1.0"
Can someone please let me know where am I going wrong and how can I fix this, I've quite a number of questions to be linked, like 25, can Someone please let me know if there is a better way to do this in java.
I would recommend creating a separate intent for each thing that the user says. So for example, HelloIntent, NameIntent, and AgeIntent.
Then be sure to pass those bits of information forward to all following intents in the session. So each intent could use a common function at the beginning to read each string from the session (if exists), add the new slot data to it, and then write all the strings back to the response session before finishing.
Since you'll then have separate intents, and the user could conceivably say them out of order, you may want to check that all the needed strings have been entered, or else prompt the user for any missing strings.
The problem with saving data in the session is that the data will be gone the next time the user starts the skill. To resolve this, you could use a database to hold the users data, saving it keyed to the userId. There are lots of examples on how to do that. Be careful that some databases are essentially free, but others will charge you depending on how many times it is used each month.