C++ application: discover other IPs on LAN - c++

I want to create a C++ application that can be used (in part) to communicate between users on a local area network using UDP. Each instance of the application will have a thread dedicated to listening for other instances of the application and broadcasting its presence to other instances.
Is there a reliable way to perform this type of broadcast/listening on the LAN using pure C++ and POSIX system calls? I know there's no generally reliable way to find all IPs on a LAN, but I assume this is only because other devices are not willing to respond to pings.

Don't re-invent the wheel. There are two existing technologies, that, when combined, solve your problem in a standardized, well-designed, proven manner:
RFC6762 mDNS (Multicast DNS) is a protocol that works almost exactly like DNS, except it works using IP multicast. Instead of sending your DNS request to a unicast address, you send your DNS request to a multicast group, and any member of that group can answer your request (so you may get multiple answers).
RFC6763 DNS-SD (DNS-based Service Discovery) is a way to encode Services as DNS entries, which allows you then to retrieve Services from DNS using specially encoded hostnames. (For example, looking up the hostname _ipp._tcp.example.com would return a list of all printers that support the Internet Printing Protocol over TCP within the domain example.com)
So, we have one protocol that allows us to ask DNS about Services, and we have one protocol that allows us to ask a group of hosts to answer DNS queries … when we put the two together, we get a way of asking hosts for services! The combination of those two protocols is sometimes called Zeroconf networking, and is already implemented in macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS (where it is called Bonjour), Android, most Unices (via Avahi, a portable implementation of those two protocols), and many home devices such as TVs. E.g. Spotify Connect, ChromeCast, Philips Hue and many others are also based on it. It's how iTunes devices find each other on the local network, for example.
Unfortunately, support in Windows is still limited, at the moment it seems to only exist for Windows 10 apps implemented in ECMAScript. (However, nothing stops you from shipping your own implementation with your app, and AFAIK, both Avahi and Apple's mDNSResponder work on Windows.)
So, what you would basically do is to send an mDNS query to the mDNS multicast group and ask for _myprotocol._udp.local. Then, assuming that your application registers itself with the OS's mDNS service (i.e. Bonjour on macOS, Avahi on Unices, …), you would get back a list of all hosts on the local network that support your protocol.


Communication between Amazon Lambda and Windows Application

I am a newbie to AWS and cloud computing in general, so I apologize if this question is foolish.
I am currently working on developing an app for Amazon Echo that would allow it to remotely control a PC (i.e. change volume, pause a movie, etc.). My problem is that I do not know how to communicate between my Amazon Lambda service and my Windows Application.
Any ideas?
There are potentially some problems with the way you have posed the question -- how to communicate between a Lambda Function and a Windows machine could involve a number of different solutions, but what you are looking for (as far as I can tell) is a more specific -- yet simultaneously more generalizable -- solution.
Are you trying to actually make an Alexa skill that users could use, or just something for yourself? It makes a big difference, because for just yourself there are a number of hacky solutions you could implement, like port forwarding and dynamic DNS, which fail dramatically if you try to do them in the real world. You need another component -- some kind of real-time push messaging -- that bridges between an "agent" in your Windows app and requests emitted by your Lambda code.
Your actual problem to solve is not so much how to communicate between AWS Lambda and a Windows Application, but rather one of a need for understanding how a platform like Alexa needs to communicate with a "smart home" device, specifically an entertainment device.
It is a relatively complicated undertaking, because -- fundamentally -- there is no way of communicating directly between Lambda and an arbitrary device out on the Internet. Dynamic IP addresses, network address translation (NAT), firewalls, security considerations, and other factors make it impossible to reliably initiate a connection from a Lambda function (or indeed from any Internet connected device) to any other arbitrary destination device. Most devices (my phone, my Alexa-controlled light switch, my Windows laptop) are running behind a boundary that assumes requests are initiated behind the boundary. When I open web sites, stream video, etc., I initiate the request and the response returns on the channel (often a TCP connection) that I have created, from behind my boundary (e.g. the router in my cable modem) that doesn't allow external initiation of TCP connections. They are bidirectional once established, but must be initiated from inside.
Of course, you can statically "poke a hole" in your router configuration by forwarding a specific TCP port to a specific internal (usually private) IP address, which works as long as your Internet provider doesn't change your IP address, and your internal device doesn't get a new IP address... and there'a UPnP NAT Traversal, which seems like a good solution until you realize that it is also terrible (though for a "hobbyist" application, it could work).
While this is a long and complex topic, the short answer is that Alexa, via Lambda code, is only capable of initiating connections, and your device, wherever it may be, is only capable of initiating connections -- not receiving them... and thus you need some kind of "meet in the middle" solution: something that allows the device to maintain its "connection" to a central "service" that can coordinate the interactions on demand.
For example:
AWS IoT Core is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT Core can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints and to other devices reliably and securely. With AWS IoT Core, your applications can keep track of and communicate with all your devices, all the time, even when they aren’t connected.
The client initiates the connection (e.g. via a web socket) to the IoT platform, and maintains it, so that when a message arrives at IoT, the service knows how to deliver that message to the client when it's received. ("even when they aren't online" refers to the "device shadow" capability, which allows you to programmatically interact with a proxy for the device, e.g. knowing the last temperature setting of a thermostat, and asking the thermostat to change its set point when the connection is re-established at some future point).
Or, potentially something like this:
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages at no cost.
Using FCM, you can notify a client app that new email or other data is available to sync.
Both of these potential solutions solve the problem by "knowing how to contact" arbitrary devices, wherever they may be... and I would suggest that this is the core of your actual need.
There are a lot of alternatives for such a "service," including roll-your-own websocket or HTML EventSource implementations with servers... the purpose of this is not product recommendations but rather to give you an idea of what you would need for such a scenario -- an intermediate platform that can be interacted with by the Lambda code, which also knows how to communicate with "agent" code running on the device... because both Lambda and the agent need to initiate the communication channels and thus additional components are required to bridge them together.

implementing server for licencing management

I would like to implement the server side of a licence management software. I use C++ in LINUX OS.
When the software starts it must connect to a server that checks privileges and allows/disallow running of some features.
My question is about the implementation of the communication between client and server across internet:
The server will have a static IP on internet so is it enough to use a simple TCP/IP socket client that will connect to a TCP/IP socket server ( providing IP/PORT) ?
I am familiar with socket communication , but less with communication across internet so my question is whether this is the right approach or do I need to use a different mechanism like a http client server or other.
Here are some benefits to using HTTP as a transport:
easier to get right, more likely to work in production: Yes, you will probably have to add additional dependencies to deal with HTTP (client and server side), but it's still preferable to yet another homegrown protocol, which you have to implement, maintain, care about backwards compatibility, deal with multiplatform issues (eg. endianness), etc. In terms of implementation ease, using an HTTP based solution should be far easier in the common case (especially true if you build a REST style service API for license checking).
More help available: HTTP as the foundation of the web is one of the most widely used technologies today. Most (all?) problems you will run into are probably publicly documented with solutions/workarounds.
Encryption 'for free': Encryption is already a solved problem (HTTPS/SSL), both with regard to transport as well as with regard to what you have to implement on your end, and it's just a matter of setting it up.
Server Authentication 'for free': HTTPS/SSL doesn't only solve encryption but also server authentication, so that the client can verify whether it's actually talking to the right service.
Guaranteed to work on the internet: HTTP/HTTPS traffic is common on the internet, so you won't run into routing problems or firewalls which are hard to traverse. This might be a problem when using your own protocol.
Flexibility out of the box: You also put less constraints on clients communicating with your server, as it's very simple to build a client in many different environments, as long as they can talk HTTP (and maybe SSL), and they know how to issue the request to your server (ie. what your service API looks like).
Easy to integrate with administrative webapp: If you want to allow users to manage their accounts associated with licenses in some way (update contact info etc.), then you might even combine the license server with that application. You can also build the license administration UI part into the same app if that's useful.
And as a last remark (this puts additional constraints on your client side HTTPS/SSL implementation): you can even use client side SSL certificates, which essentially allow authenticating the client to the server. Depending on how you use them, client side certificates are harder to manage, but they can be eg. expired, or revoked, so to some extent they actually are licenses (to connect to the server).
HTTP is not a different mechanism. It is a protocol operated over TCP/IP connections.
Internet uses IP transport exclusively. You can use UDP, TCP or SCTP session (well, UDP is not much of a session) layer on top of it. TCP is the general choice.
Sockets are operating system interface. They are the only interface to network in most systems, but some systems have different interface. Nothing to do with the transport itself.
IP addresses are in practice tied to network topology, so I strongly discourage hardcoding the IP address into the server. If you have to change network provider for any reason, you won't be getting the same IP address. Use DNS, it's just one gethostbyname call.
And don't forget to authenticate the server; even with hardcoded IP it's too easy to redirect it.

The most important basics of P2P

I've been reading around on the www but just can't get the most important basics of P2P.
The diagram is like this:
[peer1]<-->[dsl-router1]<-->[central server]<-->[dsl-router2]<-->[peer2]
I'm developing a chat software on the central server. Chat messages being transfered thru' the central server well by now, however, I need to make the p2p file sharing feature because the bandwidth (the cable bandwith, not the transfer limit) of the server supposed for transfering chat messages only.
The problem is that, my software on central server knows the IPs and ports of router1 and router2, but not the peer1 and peer2 as these peers are behind the routers and don't have IP addresses.
How to actually transfer some data from peer1 to peer2 and vice versa without having this data passing thru' central server?
(and the worst case is that there is a wireless router between peer and dsl-router)
There are two basic ways of doing this. The new way is to use IGDP (opening a port via uPnP). This is described quite well here:
If neither of the two nodes have a router supporting uPnP then another alternative is TCP hole punching, which is not perfect but works quite well in practice. This is described here:
During some situations, "routers" supplied by the ISP may run on bridge mode, which directly exposes the peer computer on the internet (the computer gets a public internet address). If at least one side has this configuration (or in a similar situation that the peer client is not behind another device), then things should be rather straight forward: simply assign the central server's job to whoever that have this privilege.
In the other case where both peers only have a local address (e.g. assigned to their computers, it would then be rather difficult to get through the routers; clients behind routers are for the most part unreachable from the outside unless they originated the request. Then, one solution to the problem is port forwarding. By doing port forwarding, either through explicitly written rules or UPnP, some ports on the peer computer is exposed to the public internet, as in the first situation where instead of only some ports the entire computer is exposed.
If you are without either of these, then there is no simple way to avoid sending through the central server. Though you could, potentially, find other peers who have the capability to transfer for others.

Special routing for application via WinSocks or any another API?

I want to route packets sended from my application to another gateway but i don't know what options i must change via setsockopt.
I can't just add entries to routing table for specific hosts because second application also must connect to these hosts but via default gateway. Gateways have different public IPs.
I found topic about set "source routing" options via IP_OPTIONS socket option (though without format), but as i understand this option only for routers not for my network adapter.
Also i cannot add second adapter and connect it to same LAN.
Any suggestions how i can send packets on per application basis? May be routing API
P.S.: Windows versions are 32-bit XP SP3, 32- and 64 bit Windows 7 and one 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2.
Short answer : this is really hard, are you sure you want to do it ? It is not possible directly via set sock opt. Most probably there are easier choices by adding routes manually with the command line utility "route". That will the best choice if your final destination is a known IP or network and that normal traffic can be routed through the other gateway as well.
Longer answer : if you are a code ninja, you have the following two options, good luck, I have no idea whether that will work in practice:
use raw sockets and IP_HDRINCL to do source routing by hand (ie add an option in the IP header with the address of your proxy). See here for an intro.
you may be able to code a Winsock LSP (introduction here) that you can use to intercept some packets and re route them.

C/C++ detect network type

I need to write a win32 c/c++ application which will be able to determine whether the PC it's running on is connected to one of 2 networks. The first network is the company LAN (which has no internet connection) and the second network is a standalone switch with a single PC connected to it (the PC that the program is running on).
I'm pretty new to network programming but so far I have tried testing to see if a network drive which is held on our LAN can be mapped. This works fine if the PC is connected to the LAN, the drive mapping succeeds so so LAN detection is successful. However, if the PC is connected to the switch, this results in a VERY long timeout which is not a suitable as it will delay the program so much as to make it unusable.
Does anyone have any alternative suggestions?
I'm using c/c++ in VS 6.0
Whilst trying a few different ideas and looking at some of the suggestions below I thought I should update with some additional information as many (if not all) of the suggestions I don't think will work.
(1) The aforementioned LAN has no external connections at all, it is completely isolated so no resolving of external DNS or pinging websites is possible.
(2) Hostname, MAC address, IP, Default Gateway, Subnet etc etc (basically everything you see in ipconfig -all) are all manually configured (not dynamic from the router) so checking any of these settings will return the same whether connected to the LAN or the switch.
(3) Due to point (2), any attempts to communicate with the switch seem to be unsuccessful, in fact almost all networking commands (ping, arp etc) seem to fail - I think due to the machine trying to connect to the LAN when it isn't there :-(
One thing I have found which works is pinging the default gateway IP which times out when connected to the switch. This is sort of ok as I can reduce the timeout of ping so it doesn't just hang for ages but it feels like a bit of a hack and I would certainly appreciate any better solutions.
As far as TCP/IP is concerned there is no such thing as a LAN on WAN. There are a set of non-internet routable addresses like 192.168.x.x and 10.x.x.x but these are sometimes used by ISP short of IP addresses.
You best bet is to use Asynchronous APIs when making TCP/IP connections. WIN32 defines a whole buch of OVERLAPPED APIs for this purpose. This will prevent your application from grinding to a halt while waiting for a remote connection.
Alternatively put the socket stuff into another thread and then only notify the UI when the operation is done.
I would first try to differentiate between the two using information available locally--that is, from your computer. Does the output of ipconfig /all differ depending on which network you're connected to? If so, exploit that difference if you can.
Is it possible to get the MAC address of the standalone switch? Of the switch that controls the company LAN? That would be a sure way to tell. Unless somebody cloned the MAC address.
If you try using the existence or non-existence of some network service to determine which network you're connected to, you can never be sure. For example, if you failed to map that network drive, all you know is that the network drive isn't available. You can't say for certain that you're not connected to the company LAN. Same is true if you use ping. Lack of response from a particular machine means only that the machine didn't respond.
Various things you can look at for differentiation:
DNS domain name (GetComputerNameEx)
MAC address of gateway (ping it, then GetIpNetTable)
Routing table(do you have a gateway and default route on the company LAN)
WNet discovered network resources (WNetOpenEnum, WNetEnumResource)
Ability to resolve external hostnames (try a 5-10 names like www.google.com, www.microsoft.com and so on, if one resolves you should have internet)
You'll have to decide how many indicators are "enough" to decide you're on one or the other LAN though if tests fail. Then keep retrying until you have a definite result.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366071%28v=VS.85%29.aspx has a lot of network related functions that you can experiment with to create further indicators.