Resharper 'Ctrl Click' isn't working with visual studio 2017 - visual-studio-2017

Because of a Computer Change I recently had to install a fresh Visual Studio 2017 and the Resharper Ultimate Edition. After that, Ctrl-Click suddenly does no longer work as expected. Although the editor switches to "some" target, this target appears to be a bit "random".
Sometimes, though, it helps to simply step back with Ctrl-Minus to get to the desired target.
Any ideas?

I found the solution here. This also solved my Problem with a normal Ctrl-Click :)


VS 2019 Ctrl + , is not behaving as VS 2017

I remember if I typed Ctrl + , in VS 2017 I could navigate to almost everything that had the typed characters, But in VS 2019 it searches only files.
Here is what 2019 looks like
But in 2017 it suggest the UserController file because it contains that method!
How can I have that feature back?
The new Visual Studio 2019 header search box, seen at the top of the screen, is designed to find anything in Visual Studio — including menu items, settings,tool windows and more. The tool uses fuzzy search that return the correct information even if you make a typo.
As stated in this blog post:
It turned out the issue was related to NuGet; what I needed to do was
delete the contents of the packages folder. For completeness's sake,
here's the steps to do what I did.
Close all instances of Visual Studio 2019. Delete the contents of the
packages folder at the root of your solution on your local machine.
Open Visual Studio 2019 again. This final solution worked for me. I
am including the potential solutions in this post in the hopes that
one of them (actual or potential) works for you, dear reader. Let me
know if you have any other solutions in the comments!
Deleting local nuget packages worked for me.

The setup for this installation of visual studio is not complete, really?

I have been using Vs 2017 for several months on dev machine. This fine morning says setup incomplete. Am I missing something?
In this case you need to go to Control Panel => Programs and Features and choose Visual Studio and update it.
VS 2017 (15.6.6) was fine for me on Friday 6/1/18 on Windows 10, but same issue as OP today after a restart.
As suggested by the dialog and Retired Ninja, I ran the Visual Studio Installer (to 15.7.3 after updating VS Installer) and that fixed it.
Note that the 15.7.3 update was a 7.73 GB download. Your download size may vary.
This has happened to me for the last 3 upgrades in Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 (now again on upgrade to 15.9.21).
The fastest fix (and I'm not sure why) is simple and doesn't bomb your settings or take for ever.
In the Visual Studio Installer, click on Modify.
Click "Modify" on the bottom right corner.
Yes it says "Total space required 0 KB".
Yes you didn't really change anything.
It will then act like it is downloading something. (not sure what)
It will then act like it is installing something. (again, not sure what)
Open Visual Studio 2017 and it works.
Hope this helps.
If you have an offline installation like me and can't simply re-run the Visual Studio Installer you can edit devenv.isolation.ini and change the last line to read SetupFinished=true. It will detect your trickery and complain, but at least it will launch again.
Edit: I ended up getting the Visual Studio Installer to fix the issue after choosing the "Download then Install" option. Maybe I was too impatient when I initially stopped the update? My above answer is useful when you need to get work done that isn't affected by the broken features, but you will likely encounter problems later on.
just had the same problem (without any reason with) vs 2019 prof, after googling and reading on that topic, just went to vsix, looked for some individual component to install/uninstall, randomly picked cloud explorer, uninstalled it and some dependent components and VS 2019 prof started normally
decided to leave this here. may be it helps somebody
Solved: I did following steps, run the visual studio and it works for me.
In my case visual studio was working fine , I just restarted the PC, this popup was keep coming when I try to open visual studio.(in my case I was using VS 2019)
Go to this path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE"
Open devenv.isolation.ini, set SetupFinished=true and save.
Now open visual studio.
In my case did following steps:
Clear temp files (you can %temp% in run command and Shift+Delete files)
Restart your computer
Open visual studio it will work properly.
Update: Faced problem again after couple of days, This time I go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.
Click on retry.
Select one more feature which I had already installed on my Visual Studio
Click on modified and after installation it worked again.
This happened to me after I canceled a plugin update.
I solved by going to this site that has the latest update of Visual Studio.
I downloaded and upgraded it.
After that, Visual Studio worked.
If your VS is already upgraded, there´s an option to "repair" on the installer.
For this problem, goto uninstall screen in control panel right-click visual studio and select option change, Installer page will open now, In that window without changing anything click modify. it will solve the problem. I'm using VS Professional 2017
I got the same error today morning. This is what I did:
I ran the visual studio installer then I clicked on Modify.
The installer was showing 0KB Required. I continued and then it downloaded and installed. (Not sure what).
After that installation, it was able to launch.
I hope it works for you as well.
I was using Vs 2019 professional 16.6 and happened to me this issue one morning. I modified the installation by adding Azure Development tools even though I was not using it. This fixed the issue.
I just updated to 15.9.24 and I got this yet again, as I have my resolution above, and Visual Studio 2019 seems to be a lot better with avoid this issue. The installer for 2019 you do have to change something and do the modification, 2017 you don't have to change anything.
I reported this issue through Developer Community:
Setup not complete since 15.9.21
I don't know why but sometimes its buggy
it's up to date but after launch visual studio this error prompted !
you have to click modify in vs installer and just modify it.
its not going to download anything.
after a moment launch vs and enjoy :)
For VS2022, WIN11:
Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Microsoft Visual Studio Installer
Then, click on Change and resume the previous process.

ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx is not working for Visual Studio 2017

I use ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx for generating ids. This was working till the time I used Visual Studio 2010 IDE but it is not working for Visual Studio 2017.
Please help for the same.
Extension for Visual Studio 2019 can be found here
Extension for Visual Studio 2017 can be found here
The deleted answer to this question pointed to the location of a newly built ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx but was deleted because it only contained a single link and no context. I'm not the original answerer, but figured that it may still be valuable to have this information:
It seems to have been renamed to ResXCodeFileGeneratorEx, and if you search through the menu in Visual Studio under Tools > Extension and Updates, you need to search for "Extended Strongly Typed Resource Generator".
However, the internal name is still the same, so the Custom Tool action should remain ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx.
I'm not aware whether or not it works on Visual Studio 2019, but since the original source is still around, it oughtn't be too hard to resolve that yourself if you need it.
To install it, simply doubleclick the VSIX file, it will popup with the VS Version Instance Selector, where you can select to which of your VS 2017 instances (pro, community, preview) you want to install the extension to.

Visual Studio 2015 (C++) : Stop compile on first build error (not first project)

How to stop the compilation of Visual Studio 2015 when it detects compile error?
I mean first build error (may be first .cpp), not first project because it takes too much time.
(I have only 1 project.)
An extension named "StopOnFirstBuildError" is not an answer,
because it stop on first project that has error.
(more elaborate)
When I pressed F5 or Ctrl+Shift+B, the compiler would compile all (or some) files.
In my case, it can detect some errors using only 5 seconds, so I want it to stop compiling NOW.
However, the VS 2015 become non-responsive.
It also has strong resistance against Ctrl+Break.
It takes about 30 seconds before I can navigate to the location of error.
How can I stop the compile-process on the first compile error automatically?
There is an old thread asked about this for Visual Studio 2008.
Its most accepted solution is to go to :-
Visual Studio -> Tools -> Macros -> Macro IDE... (or ALT+F11)
and paste a certain piece of code.
However, macro is not supported anymore in VS 2012.
(I tried to press Alt+F11 in VS 2015, no macro editor / menu appear.)
The claim is consistent with a question for VS 2010 stated that the above trick is not work.
The solution for the VS2010 question is to install an extension named "CancelFailedBuild".
Thus, I downloaded it.
When executed .vsix (the installer), it said
"This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.".
... it makes sense because the extension said "Works with : Visual Studio 2010, 2012".
Now I think I am left with a single choice :-
Use macro (the old VS 2008 way) by installing Macros extension.
(The extension is a result of users' complain about losing the old macro feature.)
Is downloading the extension a good idea?
If so, what is the step after that? Is there a code that I should copy-paste?
If not, what is the easier way?
Sorry for posting a lot of hyperlinks.
Below are the approaches that may alleviate some inconvenience, but do not answer the actual question at all.
Install a patch that make Visual Studio responsive, so Ctrl+Break works.
It requires me to press keyboard manually.
It seems to work only for Windows 7. (not tested)
Shorten compile time by creating a simple dummy .cpp, then compiling only that single file.
It is useful for some cases.
The solution for the VS2010 question is to install an extension named "CancelFailedBuild".
This extension is not installable on any currently installed products. makes sense because the extension said that "Works with: Visual Studio 2010, 2012."
Visual Studio 2012 extensions are frequently compatible with VS2013 and VS2015. You can update the extension yourself by unzipping the .vsix file (it's just a ZIP archive) and updating its manifest (which is an XML file).
This guide shows you the XML elements to change.

Visual Studio 2012 / 2013 Syntax Highlighting errors

I have a problem with syntax highlighting in visual studio 2012 and 2013 preview with C++. I've had this problem since I installed both a few days ago (tried 2013 after I saw the problem in 2012).
As you can see from below, the colours are completely messed up in the text; some keywords such as int aren't properly highlighted, the grey return value is completely broken on various texts, the class colours have merged with various texts etc.
I've done the usual stuff found from google but had zero success, such as:
Reset intellisence from %appdata%
Reset user settings via command prompt or from Tools -> Import & Export settings
Turned off hardware acceleration in Visual Studio options.
This does not happen at all in Visual Studio 2010 fortunately, so I've kept that on my machine in the mean time. I did install 2012 and 2013 while 2010 was still present on my machine, but during install, i did not select the options to import 2010 settings, so "technically" they should have been clean IDE installs. The only other thing I've noticed is; when you start a project in 2012 or 2013, all the code highlighting is completely correct, but as soon as you change or add any text, everything messes up (like in the above image). So it does seem that Intellisense or whatever controls the highlighting only functions once on start up, and suddenly stops working for the duration of the program.
Delete this key
and restart vs2013.
Found it in a discussion on codeplex. Although my problem was the lack of colors, you should try it
I can't offer a solution to this issue, but I can tell you that it's an issue that's plagued Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. In VS2010, the highlighting was fairly basic for C++, as you couldn't set the colouring on user types and loads of other things.
In VS2010, like you I had no problem with the syntax highlighting at all, but there was a lot less that you could actually highlight. Ever since they introduced this extra highlighting for C++ so you could colour a lot more items, it's been very buggy.
At the moment, I've got operators in all sorts of colours, matching brackets and braces in different colours and half-coloured qualifiers etc. I've just had to live with it... but if you're reading this MS, please... PLEASE... pretty please get it fixed.