Why does this recursive algorithm give the wrong answer on input 2,147,483,647? - c++

I'm working on the following question:
Given a positive integer n and you can do operations as follow:
If n is even, replace n with n/2.
If n is odd, you can replace n with either n + 1 or n - 1.
What is the minimum number of replacements needed for n to become 1?
Here's the code I've come up with:
class Solution {
unordered_map<int, long long> count_num;
int integerReplacement(int n) {
count_num[1] = 0;count_num[2] = 1;count_num[3] = 2;
count_num[n] = min( integerReplacement((n-1)/2), integerReplacement((n+1)/2) )+2;
count_num[n] = integerReplacement(n/2) +1;
When the input is 2147483647, my code incorrectly outputs 33 instead of the correct answer, 32. Why is my code giving the wrong answer here?

I suspect that this is integer overflow. The number you've listed (2,147,483,647) is the maximum possible value that can fit into an int, assuming you're using a signed 32-bit integer, so if you add one to it, you overflow to INT_MIN, which is −2,147,483,648. From there, it's not surprising that you'd get the wrong answer, since this value isn't what you expected to get.
The overflow specifically occurs when you compute
and so you'll need to fix that case to compute (n+1) / 2 without overflowing. This is a pretty extreme edge case, so I'm not surprised that the code tripped up on it.
One way to do this is to note that if n is odd, then (n + 1) / 2 is equal to (n / 2) + 1 (with integer division). So perhaps you could rewrite this as
integerReplacement((n / 2) + 1)
which computes the same value but doesn't have the overflow.


Traversing a binary tree to get from one number to another using only two operations

I'm doing a problem that says that we have to get from one number, n, to another, m, in as few steps as possible, where each "step" can be 1) doubling, or 2) subtracting one. The natural approach is two construct a binary tree and run BFS since we are given that n, m are bounded by 0 ≤ n, m ≤ 104 and so the tree doesn't get that big. However, I ran into a stunningly short solution, and have no idea why it works. It basically goes from m … n instead, halving or adding one as necessary to decrease m until it is less than n, and then just adding to get up to n. Here is the code:
if (m%2) m++;
else m /= 2;
count = count + n - m;
return count;
Is it obvious why this is necessarily the shortest path? I get that going from m … n is natural because n is lower bounded by zero and so the tree becomes more "finite" in some sense, but this method of modified halving until you get below the number, then adding up until you reach it, doesn't seem like it should necessarily always return the correct answer, yet it does. Why, and how might I have recognized this approach from the get-go?
You only have 2 available operations:
double n
subtract 1 from n
That means the only way to go up is to double and the only way to go down is to subtract 1.
If m is an even number, then you can land on it by doubling n when 2*n = m. Otherwise, you will have to subtract 1 as well (if 2*n = m + 1 then you will have to double n and then subtract 1).
If doubling n lands too far above m then you will have to subtract twice as many times than if you used the subtraction before doubling n.
n = 12 and m = 20.
You can either double n and then subtract 4 times as in 12*2 -4 = 20. - 5 steps
Or you can subtract twice and then double n as in (12-2)*2 = 20. - 3 steps
You might be wondering 'How should I pick between doubling or subtracting when n < m/2?'.
The idea is to use a reccurence-based approach. You know that you want n to reach a value of v such as v = m/2 or v = (m+1)/2. In other words you want n to reach v... and the shortest way to do that is to reach a value v' such as v' = v/2 or v' = (v+1)/2 and so on.
n = 2 and m = 21.
You want n to reach (21+1)/2 = 11 which means you want to reach (11+1)/2 = 6 and thus to reach 6/2=3 and thus to reach (3+1)/2 = 2.
Since n=2 you now know that the shortest path is: (((n*2-1)*2)*2-1)*2-1.
other example:
n = 14 and m = 22.
You want n to reach 22/2 = 11.
n is already above 11 so the shortest path is : (n-1-1-1)*2.
From here, you can see that the shortest path can be deduced without a binary tree.
On top of that, you have to think starting from m and going down to an obvious path for n. This implies that it will be easier to code an algorithm going from m to n than the opposite.
Using recurrence, this function achieves the same result:
function shortest(n, m) {
if (n >= m) return n-m; //only way to go down
if(m%2==0) return 1 + shortest(n, m/2); //if m is even => optimum goal is m/2
else return 2 + shortest(n, (m+1)/2);//else optimum goal is (m+1)/2 which necessitates 2 operations

Finding the fibonacci number of large number

I wrote the following program for finding the modulus of large Fibonacci's number. This can solve large numbers but fails to compute in cases like fibo_dynamic(509618737,460201239,229176339) where a = 509618737, b = 460201239 and N = 229176339. Please help me to make this work.
long long fibo_dynamic(long long x,long long y,long long n, long long a[]){
return a[n];
return x;
}else if(n==1){
return y;
}else {
return a[n];
The values will overflow because Fibonacci numbers increase very rapidly. Even for the original fibonacci series (where f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1), the value of f(90) is more than 20 digits long which cannot be stored in any primitive data type in C++. You should probably use modulus operator (since you mentioned it in your question) to keep values within range like this:
a[n] = (fibo_dynamic(x,y,n-1,a) + fibo_dynamic(x,y,n-2,a)) % MOD;
It is safe to mod the value at every stage because mod operator has the following rule:
if a = b + c, then:
a % n = ((b % n) + (c % n)) % n
Also, you have employed the recursive version to calculate fibonacci numbers (though you have memoized the results of smaller sub-problems). This means there will be lots of recursive calls which adds extra overhead. Better to employ an iterative version if possible.
Next, you are indexing the array with variable n. So, I am assuming that the size of array a is atleast n. The value of n that is mentioned in the question is very large. You probably cannot declare an array of such large size in a local machine (considering an integer to be of size 4 bytes, the size of array a will be approximately 874 MB).
Finally, the complexity of your program is O(n). There is a technique to calculate n_th fibonacci number in O(log(n)) time. It is "Solving Recurrence relations using Matrix Exponentiation." Fibonacci numbers follow the following linear recurrence relation:
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) for n >= 2
Read this to understand the technique.

How do I add the all digit of an integer until its a single digit number?

If my question was not clear. Here's the whole description:
Consider, n = 653; so I would like to add all the three digit like 6+5+3 = 14.
But it still not an one digit number so I'll again do 1+4 = 5. Now it is as expected how can I do it? The 'n' can hold any integer.
I've searched and found how to separate the digits. Than I started to write the code. But I got stuck. I also found something similar to my question but that wasn't clear to me. I'm not sharing my unsolved code because I want to complete it by myself. But also I am helpless. So It'll will be very helpful if you tell me how can I do that. Sorry, if the question doesn't comfort you.
Do you need the result or the process. If all you care is result, then sum of sum of sum ... of digits can be found as:
int num = 653
int sum = num % 9;
if (sum == 0)
sum = 9;
Okay, strategy is to apply here. How many numbers you need to sum up? In your case 3. Let's see for any number:
int sum = 0;
while( (n / 10) != 0 ) // break if the divsion is zero, meaning number go too small
sum += (n%10); // tell me about the rest and sum it
n = n / 10; // reduce n by dividing by ten
Now set n = sum and repeat. Yes, with a recursion it would be possible or just add another while loop outside.
If the number is smaller than the divisor itself, in case of integers, you obtain 0. With the modulo operation you get the rest of the division.
sum = num % 9;
Seems to be a faster way to do so.

Calculate this factorial term in C++ with basic datatypes

I am solving a programming problem, and in the end the problem boils down to calculating following term:
I am given that the final answer will fit in 8 byte. I am using C++. How should I calculate this. I am able to come up with some tricks but nothing concrete and generalized.
I would not like to use external libraries.
Added conditions and result will be definitely 64 bit int.
If the result is guaranteed to be an integer, work with the factored representation.
By the theorem of Legendre, you can express all these factorials by the sequence of exponents of the primes in the range (2,n).
By deducting the exponents of the factorials in the denominator from those in the numerator, you will obtain exponents for the whole quotient. The computation will then reduce to a product of primes that will never overflow the 8 bytes.
For example,
25! = 2^22.3^10.5^6.7^3.11^
15! = 2^11.3^6.5^3.7^2.11.13
10! = 2^8.3^4.5^2.7
25!/(15!.10!) = 2^ = 3268760
The exponents of, say, 3 are found by
25/3 + 25/9 = 10
15/3 + 15/9 = 6
10/3 + 10/9 = 4
If all the input (not necessarily the output) is made of integers, you could try to count prime factors. You create an array of size sqrt(n) and fill it with the counts of each prime factor in n :
vector <int> v = vector <int> (sqrt(n)+1,0);
int m = 2;
while (m <=n) {
int i = 2;
int a = m;
while (a >1) {
while (a%i ==0) {
v[i] ++;
Then you iterate over the n_k (1 <= k <= m) and you decrease the count for each prime factor. This is pretty much the same code as above except that you replace the v[i]++ by v[i] --. Of course you need to call it with vector v previously obtained.
After that the vector v contains the list of count of prime factors in your expression and you just need to reconstruct the result as
int result = 1;
for (int i = 2; i < v.size(); v++) {
result *= pow(i,v[i]);
return result;
Note : you should use long long int instead of int above but I stick to int for simplicity
Edit : As mentioned in another answer, it would be better to use Legendre theorem to fill / unfill the vector v faster.
What you can do is to use the properties of the logarithm:
log(AB) = log(A) + log(B)
log(A/B) = log(A) - log(B)
X = e^(log(X))
So you can first compute the logarithm of your quantity, then exponentiate back:
log(N!/(n1!n2!...nk!)) = log(1) + ... + log(N) - [log(n1!) - ... log(nk!)]
then expand log(n1!) etc. so you end up writing everything in terms of logarithm of single numbers. Then take the exponential of your result to obtain the initial value of the factorial.
As #T.C. mentioned, this method may not be to accurate, although in typical scenarios you'll have many terms reduced. Alternatively, you expand each factorial into a list that stores the terms in its product, e.g. 6! will be stored in a list {1,2,3,4,5,6}. You do the same for the denominator terms. Then you start removing common elements. Finally, you can take gcd's and reduce everything to coprime factors, then compute the result.

Finding optimal substructure

I'm looking for some pointers about a dynamic programming problem. I cannot find any relevant information about how to solve this kind of problem.
A number is called a special number if it doesn't contain 3 consecutive
zeroes. i have to calculate the number of positive integers of exactly d digits
that are special answer should be modulo 1000000007(just for overflow in c++).
Problem can easily solved by permutation and combination but i want it with dynamic programming.
I am unable to find its optimal substructure or bottom to top approach.
Let f(d,x) be the amount of most significant d digits whose last x digits are zeros, where 0 ≤ x ≤ 2. For d > 1, We have the recurrence:
f(d,0) = (f(d-1,0) + f(d-1,1) + f(d-1,2)) * 9 // f(d,0) comes from any d-1 digits patterns appended a non-zero digit
f(d,1) = f(d-1,0) // f(d,1) comes from the d-1 digits patterns without tailing zeros appended by a zero
f(d,2) = f(d-1,1) // f(d,2) comes from the d-1 digits patterns with one tailing zero appended by a zero
And for d = 1, we have f(1,0) = 9, f(1,1) = 0, f(1,2) = 0.
The final answer for the original problem is f(d,0) + f(d,1) + f(d,2).
Here is a simple C program for demo:
#include <cstdio>
const int MOD = 1000000007;
long long f[128][3];
int main() {
int n;
f[1][0] = 9;
for (int i = 2 ; i <= n ; ++i) {
f[i][0] = (f[i-1][0] + f[i-1][1] + f[i-1][2]) * 9 % MOD;
f[i][1] = f[i-1][0];
f[i][2] = f[i-1][1];
printf("%lld\n", (f[n][0] + f[n][1] + f[n][2]) % MOD);
return 0;
NOTE: i haven't tested out my logic thoroughly, so please point out where i might be wrong.
The recurrence for the problem can be
f(d)=f(d/2)*f(d-d/2)-( f(d/2-1)*f(d-d/2-2) + f(d/2-2)*f(d-d/2-1) )
here, f(i) is the total number special digits that can be formed considering that '0' can occur as the first digit. So, the actual answer for a 'd' digit number would be 9*f(d-1).
You can easily memoize the recurrence solution to make a DP solution.
I haven't tried out the validity of this solution, so it might be wrong.
Here is my logic:
for f(d), divide/partition the number into d/2 and (d-d/2) digit numbers, add the product of f(d)*f(d-d/2). Now, to remove the invalid cases which may occur across the partition we made, subtract f(d/2-1)*f(d-d/2-2) + f(d/2-2)*f(d-d/2-1) from the answer (assume that three zero occur across the partition we made). Try it with paper and pen and you will get it.