Open Remote Server Local URL on my own System (Dynamic Mode) - amazon-web-services

So I have access to a AWS server (let's say IP:
I am starting a job in this server remotely which creates a local URL ( on the SERVER. After starting the job, I should go to this local URL, import a model there and run the main job using the UI provided in that local URL.
Is there anyway that I can see this URL in my system and do what is
I did use WinSCP but when opening a file, it moves it to my temp folder so whatever I do there does not reflect the server in the real time.
Any idea how to fix this? is not a "local" address. This address is typically used to bind a service to all IPv4 interfaces. If you are accessing something locally you are probably using the "localhost" address.
If you have something running on an EC2 server, bound to all IPv4 interfaces, then you would access it like <ec2-public-address>:<port>. Given your example of address running on port 3000 you would access this service at Note that you would need to open port 3000 in the AWS Security Group assigned to the EC2 instance before you would be able to access that service.
Alternatively, a more secure method would be to use SSH tunneling (which you have tagged your question with, but not mentioned in your question at all). With SSH tunneling you could bind port 3000 on your local computer to port 3000 on the remote EC2 server. Then you could access the service from your local computer by loading http://localhost:3000/import. The SSH command to establish this tunnel would be something like:
ssh user#ec2-server-address -i ssh-key-location -L 3000:localhost:3000 -N


Accessing localhost of GCP instance from local machine

I am trying to run my flask app on GCP instance. However the app gets published at local host of that instance. I want to access that instances localhost.
I saw couple of videos and article but almost all were about deploying app on GCP. Is there no simple way to just forward whatever is published on localhost of VM instance to my PC browser and If I submit some information in the app then it goes to VM instance and gives back the result to my local machine's browser via VM instances localhost.
You can use Local Port Forwarding when you ssh into the target instance hosted in GCP.
Local port forwarding lets you connect from your local machine to another server. To use local port forwarding, you need to know your destination server, source port and target port.
You should already know your destination server. The target port must be the one on which your flask app is listening. The source port can be any port that is not in use on your local computer.
Assuming flask app is listening on port 8080 on the GCP instance and you want to make the app available in your local computer on port 9876, ssh into your GCP instance using the following command:
ssh -L 9876: <username>#<gcpInstanceIP>
Same result can be achieved using gcloud compute ssh if you don't have the ssh key on the target instance.
The -- argument must be specified between gcloud specific args on the left and SSH_ARGS on the right:
gcloud compute ssh <gcp-instance-name> --zone=<instance-zone> -- -L <source-port>:localhost:<target-port>
You can also use the Google Cloud Shell:
Activate Cloud Shell located at the top-right corner in the GCP Web Interface
ssh into your instance with Local Port Forwarding
gcloud compute ssh <gcp-instance-name> --zone=<instance-zone> -- -L 8080:localhost:<target-port>
Click the Web Preview in the Google Cloud Shell, the Preview on port 8080.

Deploying a Go app in AWS ec2 got connection refused

I have a compiled Go project that I want to deploy to an AWS EC2 instance. I just simply upload the application and run ./application on the remote server.
In the terminal, the application is running and says he's listening to localhost:3000.
I've already added the 3000 port to the security group.
However, when I tried to access it in my browser using <public-ip>:3000, it always shows connection refused, whether I've run the application or not.
I tried to run the app locally, it does work.
So is it because I deploy it incorrectly?
It is a bit difficult to help you because of no code being shared.
Some reasons why you got connection refused:
Your application is listening only localhost:3000
EC2 security group does not expose port 3000
How to fix:
Most applications are defining the host address on a config file or env variables. If you have access to change it, change it from localhost:3000 to to accepts connection from all IP or to your_ec2_public_ip:3000
If host address is hardcoded and you have access to code, change the code per above
If you don't have access to config or code to change the host address, then add a reverse proxy to route the incoming call to localhost:3000. This is a good link about using Nginx as reverse proxy
Ensure EC2 Security Group allowing inbound connection for the designated port, in this case, is 3000 if you manage to route the incoming to your_ip:3000

Accessing a dev server when doing remote / cloud development

I'm attempting to find a completely remote / cloud-based development workflow.
I've created an aws free-tier ec2 instance and on that box I've been developing a gatsby site (the framework doesn't matter, the solution I'm looking for should be framework agnostic). Since the code is on another box, I can't run the dev server and then from the local computer hit localhost as I would normally.
What do I need to do so that I can run gatsby develop and hit my dev server that's hosted on the ec2 box?
How do I provide public access to that endpoint?
Is it possible to provide temporary access so that when I log off of the box, it's no longer accessible?
Is there some mechanism I can put into place so that I'm the only one that can hit that endpoint?
Are there other features that I should be taking advantage to secure that endpoint?
I can't run the dev server and then from the local computer hit localhost as I would normally
You can. You can use ssh to tunnel your remote port to your localhost, and access the server from your localhost.
What do I need to do so that I can run gatsby develop and hit my dev server that's hosted on the ec2 box?
ssh into the dev server, run gatsby develop and either access it on localhost through ssh tunnel or make it public to access through its public IP address.
Use sshfs to mount a development folder on the dev server onto your localhost.
Alternatively, you can setup vncserver on the dev server, tunnel vnc connection using ssh, and access the dev server using through a remove desktop. Something liteweight would be good, e.g. fluxbox as a desktop environment for vnc.
Is it possible to provide temporary access so that when I log off of the box, it's no longer accessible?
yes. through ssh tunnel. You close tunnel and the access is finished.
Is there some mechanism I can put into place so that I'm the only one that can hit that endpoint?
ssh tunnel along with security group to allow ssh for your IP address only.
Are there other features that I should be taking advantage to secure that endpoint?
Security groups and ssh tunneling would be primary choices to ensure secure access to the dev server.
You can also make the endpoint public, but set security group of your dev server to allow internet access only from your IP.
You could also put the dev server in a private subnet for full separation from the internet. Use bastion host to access it or setup double ssh tunnel to your localhost.
Other way is to do all development on localhost, push code to CodeCommit and have CodePipeline manage deployment of your code to your dev server using CodeDeploy.
You can also partially eliminate ssh by using SSM Session Manager.
Hope this helps.

Container instance network

I am having troubles to connect one ECS container instance(www, python) to another container instance (redis).
I am getting an "connecting to Connection refused" error from the www container.
Both instances are running on the same host and were created using two task definitions each containing one docker image.
Both use Bridge networking mode. Each task is executed by means of a service.
I also did setup service discovery for both services.
Things I did do and try:
Assure that Redis is bound to and not
Added port mappings for www (80) and redis container (6379)
ssh'ed into the ec2 instance to assure port mappings are ok. I can telnet to both port 80 and 6379
connected to the www instance and tested by means of the python console if was available.
It wasn't the case. I also tried with the docker(redis) IP address without luck. I also tried using the .local service discovery name of the redis container without luck. The service discovery name did not resolve
resolving the service discovery name from the ec2 container (using dig): that did work but returned a 10.0.* address
I am a bit out of option why this is the case. Obviously things do work on a local development machine.
Update 10/5: I changed container networking to type "host" which appears to be working. Still not understanding why "bridge" won't work.

unable to access localhost URL of AWS from local machine

I have a AWS EC2 instance running and I am supposed to access the localhost URL of the instance. Whenever I try the localhost:port/index.html URL I get a server not responding error. I tried using the public IP of the instance instead, but that failed. I configured AWS by exposing the particular port number for the inbound traffic (IP : that did not work either. How should I configure so that I can access the URL?
If a service is running at localhost:45984 on an EC2 instance, you cannot access that server from your browser on your local machine unless you employ port forwarding.
Here's a good article that explains the different concepts:
I believe what you want is local port forwarding, where you set up a tunnel so that you can access "localhost:45984" on your EC2 instance from some port you specify on your Mac.