SAS: Naming a table based on a cell value - sas

I have an Excel file that always has the same name but the contents of the table changes. I am looking to write a code that names the table based on the value in one of the cells.
For example:
If cell A3 equals "Employment Information", I want the table to be named "Jobs".
If cell A3 equals "Inflation Information", I want the table to be named "Currency".
I want to define ONE macro (i.e. %table(filename,cell)), or ONE loop of if then else statements to achieve this. Unfortunately, I can't seem to wrap my head around this logically. If someone with experience in SAS could help me out that would be awesome. I will edit my question soon to include some codes that I have already tried but which have failed to get the job done.

You need to read the data to find the content. You could then create a macro variable to make it easy to rename the dataset using PROC DATASETS.
Let's assume you have converted the Excel sheet into a dataset named WORK.HAVE. Let's also assume that you know what variable contains the data from column A, let's call that variable A. Is there anything in the data that makes it possible to tell which observation is the one to use? For now let's just assume that by A3 you mean the second observation since the first row of the sheet should have the variable names.
So in that case you want something like this:
%let newname=have;
data _null_;
set have (firstobs=2);
if A="Employment Information" then call symputx('newname','Jobs');
else if A="Inflation Information" then call symputx('newname','Currency');
proc datasets nolist lib=work;
change have=&newname;


Variable has never been referenced [SAS]

I have a dataset containing information by an account number. I'm trying to add a new variable, called product_type, populated with the same value for every record. It is within a SAS macro.
data CC_database;
set cc_base_v2 (keep=accnum date product_type);
where date>=%sysevalf("&start_date."d) and file_date<=%sysevalf("&end_date."d);
However, I keep getting the error "The variable product_type has in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced" and the output dataset only shows a blank column called product_type. What is happening here?
You are using the KEEP= dataset option on the input dataset. So the error is saying PRODUCT_TYPE does not exist in the dataset CC_BASE_V2.
If you want to control what variables are written by the data step just use a KEEP statement.
keep accnum date product_type;
In your case you could use the KEEP= dataset option but only list the variables taht are coming from CC_BASE_V2.
data CC_database;
set cc_base_v2(keep=accnum date file_date);
where date>= "&start_date."d and file_date<="&end_date."d;
drop file_date;

How to use call symput on a specific observation in SAS

I'm trying to convert a SAS dataset column to a list of macro variables but am unsure of how indexing works in this language.
DATA _Null_;
do I = 1 to &num_or;
set CondensedOverrides4 nobs = num_or;
call symputx("Item" !! left(put(I,8.))
,"Rule", "G");
Right now this code creates a list of macro variables Item1,Item2,..ItemN etc. and assigns the entire column called "Rule" to each new variable. My goal is to put the first observation of "Rule" in Item1, the second observation in that column in Item2, etc.
I'm pretty new to SAS and understand you can't brute force logic in the same way as other languages but if there's a way to do this I would appreciate the guidance.
Much easier to create a series of macro variables using PROC SQL's INTO clause. You can save the number of items into a macro variable.
proc sql noprint;
select rule into :Item1-
from CondensedOverrides4
%let num_or=&sqlobs;
If you want to use a data step there is no need for a DO loop. The data step iterates over the inputs automatically. Put the code to save the number of observations into a macro variable BEFORE the set statement in case the input dataset is empty.
data _null_;
if eof then call symputx('num_or',_n_-1);
set CondensedOverrides4 end=eof ;
call symputx(cats('Item',_n_),rule,'g');
SAS does not need loops to access each row, it does it automatically. So your code is really close. Instead of I, use the automatic variable _n_ which can function as a row counter though it's actually a step counter.
DATA _Null_;
set CondensedOverrides4;
call symputx("Item" || put(_n_,8. -l) , Rule, "G");
To be honest though, if you're new to SAS using macro variables to start isn't recommended, there are usually multiple ways to avoid it anyways and I only use it if there's no other choice. It's incredibly powerful, but easy to get wrong and harder to debug.
EDIT: I modified the code to remove the LEFT() function since you can use the -l option on the PUT statement to left align the results directly.
EDIT2: Removing the quotes around RULE since I suspect it's a variable you want to store the value of, not the text string 'RULE'. If you want the macro variables to resolve to a string you would add back the quotes but that seems incorrect based on your question.

Export/Import Attributes of a SAS dataset

I am working with multiple waves of survey data. I have finished defining formats and labels for the first wave of data.
The second wave of data will be different, but the codes, labels, formats, and variable names will all be the same. I do not want to define all these attributes seems like there should be a way to export the PROC CONTENTS information for one dataset and import it into another dataset. Is there a way to do this?
The closest thing I've found is PROC CPORT but I am totally confused by it and cannot get it to run.
(Just to be clear I'll ask the question another way as well...)
When you run PROC CONTENTS, SAS tells you what format, labels, etc. it is using for each variable in the dataset.
I have a second dataset with the exact same variable names. I would like to use the variable attributes from the first dataset on the variables in the second dataset. Is there any way to do this?
So you have a MODEL dataset and a HAVE dataset, both with data in them. You want to create WANT dataset which has data from HAVE, with attributes of MODEL (formats, labels, and variable lengths). You can do this like:
data WANT ;
if 0 then set MODEL ;
set HAVE ;
run ;
This works because when the DATA step compiles, SAS builds the Program Data Vector (PDV) which defines variable attributes. Even though the SET MODEL never executes (because 0 is not true), all of the variables in MODEL are created in the PDV when the step compiles.
Importantly, note that if there are corresponding variables with different lengths, the length from MODEL will determine the length of the variable in WANT. So if HAVE has a variable that is longer than the same-named variable in MODEL, it may be truncated. Options VARLENCHK determines whether or not SAS throws a warning/error if this happens.
That assumes there are no formats/labels on the HAVE dataset. If there is a variable in HAVE that has a format/label, and the corresponding variable in MODEL does not have a format/label, the format/label from HAVE will be applied to WANT.
Sample code below.
data model;
set sashelp.class;
length FavoriteColor $3;
dob mmddyy10.
data have;
set sashelp.class;
length FavoriteColor $10;
Name $1.
dob comma.
options varlenchk=warn;
data want;
if 0 then set model;
set have;
I'd create an empty dataset based on the existing one, and then use proc append to append the contents to it.
Create some sample data for the second round of data:
data new_data;
age = 10;
Create an empty dataset based on the original data:
proc sql noprint;
create table want like sashelp.class;
Append the data into the empty dataset, retaining the details from the original:
proc append base=want data=new_data force nowarn;
Note that I've used the force and nowarn options on proc append. This will ensure the data is appended even if differences are found between the two datasets being used. This is expected if you have, for example, format differences. It will also hide things like if columns exist in the new table that aren't in the old table etc. So be careful that this is doing what you want it to. If the behaviour is undesirable, consider using a datastep to append instead (and list the want dataset first).
Welcome to the stack.
If you want to copy the properties of the table without the data within it, you could use PROC SQL or data step with zero rows read in.
This examples copies all information about the SASHELP.CLASS dataset into a brand new dataset. All formats, attributes, labels, the whole thing is copies over. If you want to only copy some of the columns, specify them in select clause instead of asterix.
PROC SQL outobs=0;

Probt in sas for column of values

Im looking do a probt for a column of values in sas not just one and to give two tailed p values.
I have the following code Id like to amend
data all_ssr;
put p=;
however I would like x to be a column of values within another file. I have tried work.ttest which is just a file of ttest values.
Many thanks
You need to use a set statement to access data from another SAS dataset.
data all_ssr;
set work.ttest; /*Dataset containing column of values*/
Removing the put statement avoids clogging up the log.

Dynamically create define in a PROC REPORT

I have a dataset(liste_institution) that contain all the name of the variable that I want to "define" in my proc report statement. Here is my code that work when I call my macro not dynamically(%create_institution(815);). If I use the data statement with the call execute(in comment in my code) it not working. The reason seem to be that when I use the call execute the code is not interpreted in a PROC REPORT that is why it give me error.
proc report data = ventes_all_inst4
missing split = "*" nowd
style(header)=[font_weight=bold background = #339966 foreground = white]
%macro create_institution(institution);
define TOTAL_&institution. / display "TOTAL*($)" style(column)=[cellwidth=4cm];
/* Give error when I use this data step */
/*data _null_;
set liste_institution;
call execute('%create_institution(' || INS || ');');
Is there an easy way to create dynamically define statement in a PROC REPORT from a dataset that contain the column name.
Basically, you have a misunderstanding of how macros work and timing. You need to compile the macro list previous to the proc report, but you can't use call execute because that actually executes code. You need to create a macro variable.
Easiest way to do it is like so:
proc sql;
select cats('%create_institution(',ins,')')
into :inslist separated by ' '
from liste_institution
which makes &inslist which is now the list of institutions (with the macro call).
You also may be able to use across variables to allow this to be easier; what you'd have is one row per ins, with a single variable with that value (which defines the column name) and another single variable with the value that goes in the data table portion. Then SAS will automatically create columns for each across value. Across variables are one of the things that makes proc report extremely powerful.