I'm a beginner with logic programming.
I'm trying to implement a sorting relation like this:
(sorto [3 2 1][1 2 3]) -> #s
I'am using clojure and core.logic:
I don't understand why this can not terminate in most cases.
Any idea would be helpful, thank you.
(require '[clojure.core.logic :refer :all]
'[clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd])
First I define several little helpers:
A simple count relation: (counto [a b] 2) -> #s
(defne counto [list n]
([() 0])
([[fl . rl] _]
(fresh [nnxt]
(fd/- n 1 nnxt)
(counto rl nnxt))))
reduce and every? relational equivalents:
(defne reduceo [rel acc x y]
([_ _ () _] (== acc y))
([_ _ [fx . rx] _]
(fresh [nacc]
(rel acc fx nacc)
(reduceo rel nacc rx y))))
(defne everyo [g list]
([_ ()])
([_ [fl . rl]]
(g fl)
(everyo g rl)))
min relation: (mino 1 2 1) -> #s
(defn mino [x y z]
[(fd/<= x y) (== x z)]
[(fd/> x y) (== y z)]))
relation between a list and its minimum element: (mino* [1 2 3 0] 0) -> #s
(defne mino* [xs y]
([[fxs . rxs] _]
(reduceo mino fxs rxs y)))
The main relation: (sorto [2 3 1 4] [1 2 3 4]) -> #s
(defne sorto [x y]
([() ()])
([[fx . rx] [fy . ry]]
(fresh [x* c]
(counto rx c)
(counto ry c)
(mino* x fy)
(rembero fy x x*)
(sorto x* ry))))
The below runs doesn't terminate, I would like to understand why.
(run* [q]
(sorto q [1 2]))
; does not terminate
(run* [q]
(sorto [2 1] q))
; does not terminate
(run* [a b]
(everyo #(fd/in % (fd/interval 10)) a)
(everyo #(fd/in % (fd/interval 10)) b)
(sorto a b))
The high level answer is because conjunction are tried in order. Reordering them may sometimes make a program to terminate -- however in the general case there may not exist a "good" order.
Have a look at Chapter 5 in https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/2022/8777/Byrd_indiana_0093A_10344.pdf
I'm trying to rewrite the below piece of core.logic code.
(run* [x y]
(fd/in x (fd/domain 1 2))
(fd/in y (fd/domain 1 2)))
([1 1] [2 1] [1 2] [2 2])
I tried the below versions but none of them works,
(run* [x y]
(fresh [dom (fd/domain 1 2)])
(fd/in x dom)
(fd/in y dom)))
;; Error Unsupported binding form: (fd/domain 1 2)
(run* [x y]
(fresh [dom]
(== dom (fd/domain 1 2))
(fd/in x dom)
(fd/in y dom)))
([1 1])
(run* [x y]
(let [dom (fd/domain 1 2)]
(fd/in x dom)
(fd/in y dom)))
([_0 1] [_0 2])
What's the rationale for the 3 versions that I tried? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
fd/domain returns a concrete value that can be used with other goals/relations in the fd namespace — you can define it once and use it inside run* more than once:
(let [dom (fd/domain 1 2)]
(run* [x y]
(fd/in x dom)
(fd/in y dom)))
=> ([1 1] [2 1] [1 2] [2 2])
What's the rationale for the 3 versions that I tried?
The first refactoring doesn't work because fresh is being used like let, but it doesn't work like that; fresh simply allows you to give names to some fresh logic variables.
The second refactoring doesn't work because the domain value is being bound to a logic variable, and fd/in wants a concrete domain value as its second argument — not a (fresh) logic variable.
The third refactoring doesn't work (I assume) because let bindings aren't going to work like that inside the run* macro, which only wants a sequence of goals in its body.
I'm toying around with core.logic and trying to translate some Prolog code and run into an endless recursion for the insert facts (taken from R.A.O'Keefe's "Craft of Prolog"):
insert(L, X, [X|L]).
insert([H|T], X, [H|L]) :-
This is what I've come up so far (please note that the first two arguments are exchanged to match up with conso parameter list):
(defn insert [x l nl]
[(conso x l nl)]
[(fresh [h t]
(conso h t l)
(insert x t l)
(conso h l nl))]))
The problem I have is that the last two facts from these midje tests will never return.
The first one works just fine as is expected since this only requires the first conso clause.
(fact "Inserting works"
(run* [q] (insert 1 [2] q)) => '((1 2)))
(run* [q] (insert 1 [2 3] q)) => '((1 2 3)))
(fact "We can retrieve the inserted data"
(run* [q] (insert q [2] '(1 2))) => '(1))
(fact "We can retrieve the list data, too"
(run* [q] (insert 1 q '(1 2))) => '((2))))
I guess I'm overlooking something obvious, but what?
Edit: The facts don't reflect the behavior of the Prolog code correctly. The right behavior is like this:
?- insert([2,3], 1, Q).
Q = [1, 2, 3] ;
Q = [2, 1, 3] ;
Q = [2, 3, 1].
So, the second checkable should actually be
(fact "Inserting works"
(run* [q] (insert 1 [2 3] q)) => '((1 2 3) (2 1 3) (2 3 1)))
The solution is to make the recursive insert clause last:
(defn insert [x l nl]
[(conso x l nl)]
[(fresh [h t]
(conso h t l)
(conso h l nl)
(insert x t l))]))
The Prolog code can be transcribed almost verbatim as core.logic also supports matching.
(defne inserto [L, X, L*]
([L, X, (X . L)])
([(H . T), X, (H . L)] (inserto T, X, L)))
Note that I've kept the order of the Prolog version, rather than the inverted order of the first two logical variables in your version.
user=> (run* [q] (inserto [2] 1 q))
((1 2))
user=> (run* [q] (inserto [2 3] 1 q))
((1 2 3))
user=> (run* [q] (inserto [2] q [1 2]))
user=> (run* [q] (inserto q 1 [1 2]))
I'm trying to implement the opposite of membero in clojure.core.logic, but it's returning two values instead of one. Otherwise, it works fine (returns nothing when the value is in the list, and something when it is not).
(defne nonmembero
"A relation where l is a collection, such that l does not contain x"
[x l]
([_ ()])
([_ [head]]
(!= x head))
([_ [head . tail]]
(!= x head)
(nonmembero x tail)))
Example runs:
user> (run* [x] (nonmembero 1 [2 3 4 5]))
(_0 _0)
user> (run* [x] (nonmembero 1 [2 3 1 4 5]))
You don't need the second pattern i.e the [_ [head]. This is causing a new branch in search space of core.logic engine and hence leads to the 2 output. The last pattern i.e [head . tail] is enough to handle the case where you have only one element in the list. Now your solution becomes:
(defne nonmembero
"A relation where l is a collection, such that l does not contain x"
[x l]
([_ ()])
([_ [head . tail]]
(!= x head)
(nonmembero x tail)))
Something is wrong with the code above. It finds a solution for the following
(run* [q](== q 1)(nonmembero q [1 2 3])) => (1)
The following gives the expected result
(run* [q](== q 1)(nonmembero2 q [1 2 3])) => ()
where nonmembero2 is
(defn nonmembero2
[x l]
(fresh [h t]
[(== l ())]
[(conso h t l)
(!= x h)
(nonmembero2 x t)])))
What is the advantage of using fd/distinct in cases where the elements will be in a finite domain instead of distincto?
The following all return ([0 1] [1 0]).
;;; With distincto
(run* [q]
(fresh [x y]
(fd/in x y (fd/interval 1))
(distincto [x y])
(== q [x y])))
;;; With fd/distinct
(run* [q]
(fresh [x y]
(fd/in x y (fd/interval 1))
(fd/distinct [x y])
(== q [x y])))
;;; Without fd at all.
(let [interval [0 1]]
(run* [q]
(fresh [x y]
(membero x interval)
(membero y interval)
(distincto [x y])
(== q [x y]))))
Notably, although it appears you may use distincto in any place where you may use fd/distinct (but not the other way around), the same cannot be said for membero and fd/in.
fd/distinct is much more highly optimized than distincto which must receive any kind of value. fd/distinct under the hood deals with efficient representations of constrained variables all at once using sets, distincto uses the disequality operator != in a pretty simple manner.
I've used clojure for a while but just starting out with core.logic.
Given a domain like 1 2 3 4 I want to get a vector of two vectors back like ([[1 2] [3 4]]).
Note: This is just a simplified version of what I'm really trying to do. :) See: https://github.com/adamhoward/lineup
I found this definition for not-membero on the web:
(defne not-membero [x l]
([_ []])
([_ [?y . ?r]]
(!= x ?y)
(not-membero x ?r)))
And I'm trying to use it like this:
(run 1 [q]
(fresh [w x
y z]
(== q [[w x]
[y z]])
(infd w x y z (domain 1 2 3 4))
(everyg distinctfd [[w x] [y z]])
(everyg #(not-membero % [y z]) [w x])))
Running this in Emacs gives me an Evaluation aborted. message.
When I try switching out membero for not-membero I get back ([[1 2] [1 2]]) which makes sense to me. Every element in the first vector [w x] is a member of the second vector [y z].
But, when I call run 2 I get back ([[1 2] [1 2]] [[1 2] [1 3]]). I don't understand how [[1 2] [1 3]] can be correct for the rules above. Am I not understanding everyg correctly? Any guidance (including rtfmanual, rtfbook, rtfdissertation) will be appreciated.
Edit: May have solved this.
Still not sure about the strange results from membero but instead of the not-membero goal I found that I could do this:
(everyg #(distinctfd (conj [y z] %)) [w x])
Each element of [w x] conj'd to [y z] contains all distinct values. This may be less efficient than not-membero so I'm still open to any help.
Your example seems to be doing the same as this:
(run* [q]
(fresh [w x y z]
(fd/in w x y z (fd/domain 1 2 3 4))
(== q [[w x] [y z]])
(fd/distinct [w x y z])))
But seeing the soccer problem...
(ns test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use clojure.core.logic)
(require [clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd]))
(defn game [g] (fresh [a b c d e] (== g [a b c d e])))
(def players (range 1 11))
(defne not-membero [x l]
([_ []])
([_ [?y . ?r]]
(!= x ?y)
(not-membero x ?r)))
(defne plays [player games]
([_ []])
([_ [?f ?s . ?r]]
(membero player ?f) ; if you play this game
(not-membero player ?s) ; do not play next game
(plays player ?r))
([_ [?f ?s . ?r]]
(membero player ?s)
(not-membero player ?f)
(plays player ?r)))
(defne goalies [games]
([[[_ _ _ _ ?a]
[_ _ _ _ ?b]
[_ _ _ _ ?c]
[_ _ _ _ ?d]]]
(fd/in ?a ?b ?c ?d (apply fd/domain players))
(not-membero 1 [?a ?b ?c ?d]) ; star player != goalie
(fd/distinct [?a ?b ?c ?d]))) ; not goalie twice
(defn -main [& args]
(run 1 [q]
(fresh [a b c d]
(game a)
(game b)
(game c)
(game d)
(== q [a b c d])
(goalies q)
(everyg #(plays % q) players))))